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Xonotic lamer 03/11/2021 (Thu) 13:27:37 [Preview] No. 521
>08:03 < attributes> Juhu: any thoughts on the fork? Parts of it are older than Xonotic.
>08:04 < attributes> (Ex: the first weapon I added: the pistol, and some of my maps, etc)
>08:04 < attributes> div0 used to help me with things
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I convinced divVerent to implement crypto in the engine, and also to implement warpzones (like in unreal and UT99), and fakelight shading, and showsurfaces 3
>08:05 < attributes> Juhu: I paid him too. My whole paycheque many times back then.
>08:06 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they pretend I contributed nothing: when I actually both inspired development and paid for it
>08:06 < attributes> /before/ I even got good at it myself
>08:07 < attributes> Juhu: so these fucking people they laugh at me, they spit at me: while they use features I paid to have written

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