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Chaosesque anthology deleted from moddb lamer 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:38:06 [Preview] No. 527

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lamer 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:39:42 [Preview] No.529 del
>what in sam hill is going on in this thread
a woman in /g/ is telling me that she is going to get me disbarred:

Because I am infavor of men marrying young girls, as they do in Afghanistan, and in the Hebrew, Vedic, and Islamic religions.

She's a white woman.
She got the website for my opensource project: ChaosEsque Anthology on moddb deleted by showing them a screenshot of my opinions on 4chan. Now she's trying to increase her success.

My game is a 6GB fork of Xonotic, to which I extended the maximum entities in the C code of the Engine from 32k to 4 million. It also has procedural city generation (using models I made, including LOD) with interiors, as I coded that in using QuakeC. it also has over 200 weapons. Xonotic has about 18. I've dedicated my free time to this game and the source code is included in the ISOs. The source to the 100s of models I've made is also included in the media source distribution archives.

Everything is OpenSource and I've been working on this project for a decade, who's website has been taken down by the anti-child-bride /g/ woman.

She also reported me to the FBI for my pro-child bride views.

lamer 05/04/2021 (Tue) 19:59:16 [Preview] No.531 del
> >>81453790
>wasn't me who begged for anything. If i knew about you earlier i would have taken you down earlier.
>You pissed off the wrong guy (or girl :))

lamer 05/24/2021 (Mon) 06:50:55 [Preview] No.533 del
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A tor dev attacked the opensource game

lamer 06/29/2021 (Tue) 23:22:03 [Preview] No.534 del

>Not really in context, he is “married in according to the law”, and while he is not allowed to live with his “new wife”, he is now banned from marrying anyone else. And that only if her father consent to it, which is to be supposed out of Exodus 22:16, it being not likely that the father should lose his paternal right of disposing his child when she was in some sort forced, rather than when she was enticed.

Wrong, Dipshit. Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 is NOT Exodus 22:16. Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 is about raping female children. And yes the man DOES keep the girl: she is now a woman of his. And, NO, dipshit: he is not "barred from "marrying" anyone else". There is NO limit to the number of female a man may be the ba'al (master) of in YHWH's law.

Notice how the white faggot fucking chirstians always corrupt YHWH's law to be pro-woman and anti-man.
Notice it?


No. It makes NO mention of "wives" "marraige" and other concepts white PIECES OF SHIT believe in. It says if a man rapes (tahpahs (as in to take: to take a city)) a little girl who is still in her fathers house; and they are discovered; and the little girl was not promised to someone else; then the man pays the father 50 pieces of silver, and she is his female; and he shall not send her away from himself all of his days because he has humiliated her.

So yes: He has forcibly raped a small female child (this is what humiliates (humbles)) in her fathers house. He does not send her away.

Tell me: white fucking pieces of shit: How can one "not send her away" if one doesn't come into posession of the girl. DipSHIT FUCK.
How does a girl become one's female (posessive) if one cannot possess her? HMMM WHITE FUCK. Going to tell us you PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT?

lamer 06/30/2021 (Wed) 00:45:19 [Preview] No.535 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PK7P7uZFf5o [Embed]

>t. white people.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:40 [Preview] No.660 del
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If you're in a situation where your fellow ethnic countrymen refuse to marry their young virgin daughters to you: then you've allready lost.

It is not recoverable.
They _are_ your enemy./
The only option is to cruelly kill them.
Because they allready have written you off.

All t*ewhite loooser mmmaallless (aka: lawyers, programmers, anyone who lifts) need to push for nuclear war. All our "white" "fellows" are our enemy: the white fathers will call the police on any white mmmaaalallleee who might want a cute young virgin girl: they see this as the sin of sodom (wanting an angel).

They won't step to a black, or any other as the black will kill them.

These fathers need to be tortured while alive and killed: since they constructivly adhere to others not their own kind. Their own kind should thusly saw their limbs off infront of their families and then kill them. They should then kill the cunt woman who will be screaming about it (even though she was previously contemplating using her "right" to divorce): and then rape and keep as a slave any young girls.

IE: the old testament thing.
White MMMAAALLLESSS need to kill the white race that hates them.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.663 del
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> AssaultCube
Easy to get into, in my opinion the closest you can get to a FPS+MOBAs while still making a good game.
Past its golden age apparently, some speedbots here and there.

> Xonotic
Fun as all hell with people, bots are good for getting a hang of it.
Mods expand on it with vehicles. Bring your friends.

> ChaosEsque Anthology
A fork of Xonotic.
Haven't actually played it, just putting it out there without the devs' pasta

Completely free rendition of the GZDoom engine.
First project is Nocturne in Yellow, by the guy who made DemonSteele. Albeit with an underwhelming start, great gameplay and neat design ideas hooked me in full. png(s) related.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.669 del
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OP where did you go?

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:42 [Preview] No.671 del
OP where did you go?

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.675 del
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OP where did you go?

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