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(539.76 KB 1600x900 1570108632347.jpg)
Dear Russians banned from Linux: Plz help ChaosEsque instead. lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:53 [Preview] No. 581
Dear Russkies. Of the Nizy Novogrod region and all other regions.
You have been maliciously kicked out of Linux Kernel by a faggot.

Please instead help Chaos Esque Anthology 3d project know more map formats.
It is in C. Quake based.
We have coded Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory BSP support into it, and 4 million entity networking.

It can also generate cities, which you can fight in, we did much 3d modeling and coding. You can enter the buildings.

We know you won't help. No one does.
But it is true opensource, before the women joined, before the trans-gays, before all of that. Just programmers.

We dream of having Unreal and Unreal Tournament 1997/1999 map support (bsp), and valve BSP support.

The game allready has been edited to allow obj-as-map support (see the on-disc (ISO) git repos that come with the game: all the code is there, as are some binaries in the other GIT folder on the disc with the newer builds.), so the modern way of LIDAR scan for a map is supported allready. As are exports of obj from minetest and mine*raft and obj exports from bzflag as maps.

We know you won't help us.
But we figured we would ask.
Russians look good and are pretty.

This is just a hobby game. Has 200+ weapons, 30 (or really 65) vehicles, 100+ maps, magic, etc etc. If you would help us... well no one helps us.

Everyone is a feminist woman worshiping faggot piece of fucking shit. We have to do everything ourselves. Faggots became trannies. Trannies banned you Russians. Trannies did this. They did this to you. Do not forget that.

Anyway I will put this through translator. It will probably be unreadable.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:53 [Preview] No.582 del
(338.45 KB 891x902 jhgfdxsz.jpg)
(maschine translated)
Дорогие русские. Из региона Нижний Новгород и всех других регионов.
Вас злонамеренно выгнал из ядра Linux какой-то педик.

Вместо этого помогите проекту Chaos Esque Anthology 3D узнать больше форматов карт.
Он на C. На основе Quake.

Мы закодировали в нем поддержку BSP Wolfenstine:Enemy Territory и 4 миллиона сетевых сущностей.

Он также может генерировать города, в которых вы можете сражаться, мы много занимались 3D-моделированием и кодированием. Вы можете заходить в здания.

Мы знаем, что вы не поможете. Никто не поможет.
Но это настоящий opensource, до того, как присоединились женщины, до транс-геев, до всего этого. Просто программисты.

Мы мечтаем о поддержке карт Unreal и Unreal Tournament 1997/1999 (bsp) и поддержке Valve BSP.

Игра уже отредактирована для поддержки obj-as-map (см. репозитории git на диске (ISO), которые поставляются с игрой: весь код там, как и некоторые двоичные файлы в другой папке GIT на диске с новыми сборками.), поэтому современный способ сканирования LIDAR для карты уже поддерживается. Как и экспорт obj из minetest и mine*raft и экспорт obj из bzflag в виде карт.

Мы знаем, что вы нам не поможете.
Но мы решили спросить.
Русские выглядят хорошо и симпатично.

Это просто игра-любительство. Имеет 200+ видов оружия, 30 (или на самом деле 65) транспортных средств, 100+ карт, магию и т. д. и т. п. Если бы вы нам помогли... ну, никто нам не поможет.

Все — феминистки, поклоняющиеся педикам, кускам дерьма. Мы должны все делать сами. Педики стали трансами. Трансы забанили вас, русских. Трансы сделали это. Они сделали это с вами. Не забывайте об этом.

В любом случае, я пропущу это через переводчик. Это, вероятно, будет нечитаемо.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:54 [Preview] No.583 del
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде?

I wrote this post for opennet.ru, but they delete it in 2 seconds.

They also delete any criticism of Linus.

There is nowhere to communicate with russians other than here. Everything else is censored. Especially email which is just decided to be spam or never delivered.

2chan does not allow non-japanese IPs so I cannot speak with russians there either.

Thirdly: you are a russian: by being russian, especially russkie, you have the power of C programming within you. You might know other Russians. Perhaps you would spread the word and ask them.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:56 [Preview] No.584 del
(maschine translated)
Я написал этот пост для opennet.ru, но они удаляют его за 2 секунды.

Они также удаляют любую критику Линуса.

Некуда общаться с русскими, кроме здесь. Все остальное подвергается цензуре. Особенно электронное письмо, которое только что решило быть спамом или никогда не доставляется.

2chan не разрешает не японские IPS, поэтому я не могу говорить там с русскими.

В -третьих: вы русские: будучи русскими, особенно Русски, у вас есть сила программирования C. Вы можете знать других русских. Возможно, вы бы распространили бы слово и спросили их.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:57 [Preview] No.585 del
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
>С чего ты взял что те кого исключили из разработки ядра сидят на этой борде?

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 18:16 [Preview] No.587 del
>2chan does not allow non-japanese IPs so I cannot speak with russians there either.

there's two '2chans'. the japanese 2chan ('futaba channel') on 2chan.net and the russian 2ch ('dvach) on 2ch.hk (formerly 2ch.ru).

russkies post on the latter. it may restrict access from certain countries but not all foreign ips in blacklist unlike futaba. however it doesn't allow vpns or tor.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:00 [Preview] No.588 del
Thank you.
Could you help spread the question to the russian 2chan?

I will try from here but I don't know if I'll get through.

The JP 2chan banning my USA IP makes me hate them and want to torture and kill them all. It makes me wish my ancestors didn't stop at 2 nuclear bombs but instead kept dropping them as the US POWs wanted. It makes me wish that there wasn't a 5 year pause in nuclear weapons research before the classic Super was tested with the George shot. It makes me wish that they instead tested it on the living bodies of those who ban my ip.

That is how I feel about the 2ch japanese now.

Does being banned make you feel that way?

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:08 [Preview] No.589 del
The russian one won't let me post either:

Error! Code -4, Posting prohibited.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:11 [Preview] No.590 del
didn't allow posting

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:13 [Preview] No.591 del
Ошибка! Код -4, Постинг запрещён.

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 22:14 [Preview] No.592 del
I don't feel this way about the russians though. They tend to look very good and cute sometimes (grls)

lamer 10/26/2024 (Sat) 23:22 [Preview] No.593 del
Do you like boats?

It's been many years since anyone talked to me on these ChaosEsque /lv/ threads. Thanks for saying something.

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 09:13 [Preview] No.594 del
>Could you help spread the question to the russian 2chan?

no. being honest the russian 2ch glows in the dark in the same manner as murican 4chan does. this site is OK for cooming (the majority of the userbase porn addicted) or for trivial conversation (yet you need to ignore bots/retards/minors or shills as they make the majority of the userbase as well). you can visit the local /pol and all you'll see is the pictures of swines heavily used in discussions to dismiss opponents point by portraying them as a swine. it makes around 1/10 of all posts on pol and likely made by a bot which triggers on certain keywords.

there's much better russian-speaking imageboards without bots, paid shills or less censorship (sort of, if the chans server based in russia the admin is coerced to comply with the local censorship laws) unfortunately they all kind of dead

it's aint a big story that 2ch users being swatted after posting content considered illegal in russia. and what's defined 'illegal' here is really vast. lately they outlawed childfree movement (so posting on 2ch that you don't want/h8 children can land you in jail), lgbt (for some reason trannie porn still stays on that site) soon they'll probably outlaw furries cuz they're overlapped with glbt movement.

it's a misconception to think that this makes russia le based, this country has one of the most severe anti-semitism laws in world & run by the jews as well. and native russians head to sort of extinction due to wars, poor health, aging and low fertility and being replaced by migrants (mainly of asian origin) at a rate of 1 million per year.

you can get here a longer or the same jailtime as for murder for displaying swawstikas publicly.

>Does being banned make you feel that way?

dont' care much. i prefer to just lurk in places where i can get banned otherwise i'll try to evade ban.

>I don't feel this way about the russians though. They tend to look very good and cute sometimes (grls)

to be honest they'll become more dysgenic & muttized as time passes.

for example the eggheads of their best ally (chinks) suggested to marry up russian women with chinese men to solve chinas demographic crisis. https://finance.rambler.ru/economics/53609444-kitayskie-uchenye-posovetovali-prismotretsya-k-rossiyskim-zhenschinam/. considering that russia is a well known prostitute exporter their gubmint may enforce laws to racemixing in exchange for cheap chinese shit. combine this with a million yearly migrant influx and hilariously high death rates and it'll eventually become another one brazil tier shithole where all population looks like shitmonkeys

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 21:39 [Preview] No.595 del
>swines, minors etc
I noticed on 4chan the Zoomer/Alpha demographic is insufferable. They just make up things and decide they are right: you can post citations and they will say you are lying. You can post photocopies of scholarly works you have from decades past and they will say that that learned treatise is wrong.

They claim "paida does no mean child" and then that the oxford-english-greek lexicon is wrong when you take it to your scanner and upload the page. They then claim "na'ar does not mean child" and then claim you are lying when you post the scholarly works showing it does mean that in ancient hebrew. They then claim puella doesn't mean young girl: and then claim the Oxford Latin dictionary is wrong and there is new research to show all those old books are wrong.

Then they just ban your ISP when. Zoomers are in moderation on 4chan.

Then they claim you don't program anything even though you link to your code, then they claim you stole it all and it doesn't exist.

I'm glad Nicolae Miu killed some of them dead. I hope nuclear war finishes the job. I very much dislike the Zoomer and Alpha cunts.

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 21:41 [Preview] No.596 del
>it's aint a big story that 2ch users being swatted after posting content considered illegal in russia.
Why not torture and then kill the police officers?

I notice all european countries also ban talking about anything they don't like. The only response is murder and torture.

It's the only language they understand. Do worse to them than they can do to you. Then go and murder their parents aswell.

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 21:47 [Preview] No.597 del
If you're in a situation where your fellow ethnic countrymen refuse to marry their young virgin daughters to you: then you've allready lost.

It is not recoverable.
They _are_ your enemy./
The only option is to cruelly kill them.
Because they allready have written you off.

All t*ewhite loooser mmmaallless (aka: lawyers, programmers, anyone who lifts) need to push for nuclear war. All our "white" "fellows" are our enemy: the white fathers will call the police on any white mmmaaalallleee who might want a cute young virgin girl: they see this as the sin of sodom (wanting an angel).

They won't step to a black, or any other as the black will kill them.

These fathers need to be tortured while alive and killed: since they constructivly adhere to others not their own kind. Their own kind should thusly saw their limbs off infront of their families and then kill them. They should then kill the cunt woman who will be screaming about it (even though she was previously contemplating using her "right" to divorce): and then rape and keep as a slave any young girls.

IE: the old testament thing.
White MMMAAALLLESSS need to kill the white race that hates them.

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 21:56 [Preview] No.598 del
(3.41 MB 1280x720 1726628740883796.webm)
Nuclear war will be difficult to achive as Russia did not respond to the nuclear detonation in Tver oblast, toropets.

If you watch this video you will see a nuclear double flash (it gets bright, levels out, gets bright again) that everyone says doesn't exist because it isn't a blinding white light (they don't know what double flash actually refers too), and isn't as "slow" as a 15 megaton reference video shot through a black filter.

Also note the cameramen didn't post the initial detonation (where the initial fission EM-sweep white flash would have been). Also note that modern weapons use much smaller fission pits and instead use fusion boosting (tritium gas in the centre, plus lots of fast neutrons) and are thus able to ignite a fusion secondary of whatever size and yeild is desired. This makes them somewhat different than 1950s nuclear weapons as they don't need a "full" fission bomb to ignite the seondary: what would have been a fizzle in the 1950s due to lack of supercriticality turns into a fast-neutron fission + li6+tritium fusion burn: sufficent to ignite the secondary through radiation pressure and heat.

And thus it won't be so easy to escape this world that is against us while causing harm to those who have rejected 60 or more percent of their m mamamaalllesss.

lamer 10/27/2024 (Sun) 22:00 [Preview] No.599 del
Also note: the pressure wave moves faster than the speed of sound initially, so the Zoomer fucks who say its "only X big because speed of sound is Xkm/s": are lying sacks of fucking shit.

They just lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie.
The pressure wave doesn't slow down to the speed of sound until it has lost most of it's destructive potential.

That is why you cannot measure the yeild of a nuclear blast simply by how "far" away it is counting by the speed of sound: it's actually furthur away that that.

Zoomers claim otherwise.
Also in the audio of this video from Tver, toropets, it's like a gunshot and then a whoosh: same sound as in the actual nuclear blast recordings from the nevada test site in the 1950s.

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 01:13 [Preview] No.600 del

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 01:18 [Preview] No.602 del
The solution is to marry very young girls, like in the original languages of the old religions.

No white country will allow that as once a man has a nice girl he needs nothing more.

Instead they string him along forever.
Till his death.
A life of servitude for nothing.

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 09:24 [Preview] No.603 del
>Why not torture and then kill the police officers?

well it did happened recently. a group of radical muzzies gunned around 20 police officers with assault rifles somewhere in chechnya or dagestan. but no one apart of muzies doing something in this regard or cares. everybody's fine with the situation or don't care.

>The only response is murder and torture

they know it. everybody who tries to do something i mean really something not 'peaceful protests' or other ineffective crap promptly gets into gulag or psikhushka (slang for punitive psychiatry) where it's very possible to be tortured, crippled, sexually assaulted or murdered if it's a high profile case (navalny and maxim marcinkeevich for example). for the most it just doesn't worth it.

>If you're in a situation where your fellow ethnic countrymen refuse to marry their young virgin daughters to you: then you've allready lost.

it' not possible. the locals rather keep living in a pseudo-puritanical one man one woman judeochristian fairy tale reality than enforce something effective to slow down or reverse or even acknowledge the extinction. the population been set up against eugenics so bad by the media, school and fellow churches (all funded by taxpayers) that their womyn even knowing that their offspring might be retarded still decide to shit malformed children out with FAS or other congenital disorders because it gives them maternity capital which doubles if the offspring is retarded while smarter people tend to hesitate with reproduction cuz they dislike the country they live in. young females who get pregnant often resort to abortion (1 mill dead fetuses per year lmao) even though contraception isnt banned and it's possible to exercise 'safe sex' practices at least.

alas a hag who decide to get pregnant after being 'accomplished' in life has the same chances to produce a retard as responsible parents mentioned earlier. DNA gets damaged as people age you know

also there's a parroting in the media that russia is being true to 'traditional christian values'. despite that there's more and more laws to 'protect' women and more asian muslims with a pinch of imported niggers gets into country to seal the gaps in the workforce which is thinned out due to war

>Nuclear war will be difficult to achive as Russia did not respond to the nuclear detonation in Tver oblast, toropets.

putin might get ill in a really tight for his country moment. they only scenario where the nuclear liberation is possible is the one where a leader of a nukuler country has nothing to lose. putin still has a lot of tasks and plans as it seems otherwise he wouldn't bother with geopolitics and this brics shit. he may pull a eltsyn who just drank vodka and let his cuntry go in whatever direction or gets fucked up and decide to take down the whole world with him in a tantrum. SMO might be a prelude to WWIII and a conflict of such scale have a real nuclear holocaust potential.

nothing ever happens in this shit probably something de-escalatory will ruin the happening

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:13 [Preview] No.604 del
Laurent: can you get the banned and fired Russians to help the ChaosEsqueAnthology opensource game on sourceforge? It uses C just like the linux kernel. We would be glad to have any help. Especially Russian. I don’t understand what has gotten into opensouce people now? 20 years ago Linus would have been elated to have Russkie programmer help. Now he kicks them in the face.

Linus: 1) Pays 0 dollars to his employees.
2) Kicks them in the face

His parents were KGB funded communists too, in the 70s and 80s.
Will Russia just accept this backstab?

Linux would not exist if Russia didn’t get the parents of Linus fucking, and funded them: because Linus would exist.
He owes the Russians.

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:17 [Preview] No.605 del
>t their womyn even knowing that their offspring might be retarded still decide to shit malformed children out with FAS or other congenital disorders because it gives them maternity capital which doubles if the offspring is retarded while smarter people tend to hesitate with reproduction cuz they dislike the country they live in.

The overseers might want more dumb men born so they can be used in the military. Smart men don't want their limbs blown off. Dumb men just want the chance to blow other people's limbs off.

Test it yourself: Drink alot if you're older than 35: you'll start thinking dumb things like how great it would be to fight xyz and how you're tough.

Then when you sober up: those thought go away.

Dumb men always have those thoughts. Because they are dumb.
Even a little cat is smarter than them it seems.

If something is being done it's because it works.
They're getting what they want: cannon fodder.

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:29 [Preview] No.606 del
(1.93 MB 3597x5005 1661619641546498.jpg)
>also there's a parroting in the media that russia is being true to 'traditional christian values'. despite that there's more and more laws to 'protect' women and more asian muslims with a pinch of imported niggers gets into country to seal the gaps in the workforce which is thinned out due to wa

Traditional christian (new testament) values are:
1) Slice your genitals off (Matthew 19, in greek) for heaven
2) Women may fuck whomever they wish ("No stone")
3) Men are to be killed for adultery for looking at a woman ("if you look at a woman you have committed adultery in your heart")
4) Do not resist evil
5) There is no male nor female, no jew nor greek (gallations)
6) Obey all earthly rulers (Romans)
7) Disinherit your sons (sell all your things and follow me)
8) Kill all paedophiles who would marry young virgin girls (BETTER A MILLSTONE).

It's the opposite of the original Old Testament (first 5 books) values:
1) No eunich in the assembly of the Ruler (5th book: Devarim)
2) Kill woman caught in adultery
3) Man may have as many wives as he wishes
4) Rapist keeps raped girl as bride (Devarim chapter 22 verse 28)
5) and yes it means female child (greek: paida, ancient hebrew: na'ar, latin: puella)

The New Testament is for the slaves who were castrated and ruled by women: white people. Domesticated people.
The Old Testament was for the rulers. First 5 books only

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:36 [Preview] No.607 del
>nothing ever happens in this shit probably something de-escalatory will ruin the happening
If that happens, then that makes me wonder if the quantum immortality thing is true?:
None of us can survive after nuclear liberation: so all of our souls have to live in a reality where it doesn't happen.

>putin might get ill in a really tight for his country moment. they only scenario where the nuclear liberation is possible is the one where a leader of a nukuler country has nothing to lose. putin still has a lot of tasks and plans as it seems otherwise he wouldn't bother with geopolitics and this brics shit. he may pull a eltsyn who just drank vodka and let his cuntry go in whatever direction or gets fucked up and decide to take down the whole world with him in a tantrum. SMO might be a prelude to WWIII and a conflict of such scale have a real nuclear holocaust potential.

Toropets, Tver allready experienced some nuclear liberation.
That was a nuclear bomb.

We saw the midnight sun again
After 50 years of it's setting.


lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:39 [Preview] No.608 del
What if, wherever you went, in person
Whenever you talked to someone

They simply said:
"Russia was banned from Linux".

And wherever you went on the internet (if visiting a site can be called going there): you tried to talk but then, at some point, the persons said to you
"Yea but.."
"Russia was banned from Linux"

And this went on for as long as the time we had left?

lamer 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:43 [Preview] No.609 del
(401.36 KB 982x674 afg14.jpg)
(160.43 KB 1000x658 afg.jpg)
Little girls are so cute.
Even foreign.

We can only have garbage.

lamer 10/29/2024 (Tue) 02:02 [Preview] No.610 del
Are there other russian websites where they are talking about Linus' stab in the back of Russkies? (he specifically seems to hate ethnic russians, he cites he is finnish as the reason).

opennet.ru deletes any criticism of russians vs linux I noticed.
2ch.hk is not discussing much: just how to use porn on linux, as you said, and swines and more swines and endless swines.

lamer 10/29/2024 (Tue) 02:03 [Preview] No.611 del
opennet.ru: any russians who have talked against linus have their comments deleted I noticed.

Some were getting mad at linus: but the mods at opennet.ru keep deleting all their opinions.

Why is this?
Does opennet.ru hate russians too?

lamer 10/29/2024 (Tue) 02:32 [Preview] No.612 del
Would you say that this: https://2ch.hk/gd/src/980263/17291831996200.webm
Is what Russkies are all about? Yes/No? Why or why not

lamer 10/29/2024 (Tue) 23:07 [Preview] No.613 del
You left :(
No one to talk to anymore

lamer 10/30/2024 (Wed) 04:59 [Preview] No.616 del
(16.44 KB 191x255 4199.jpg)

lamer 10/30/2024 (Wed) 05:10 [Preview] No.624 del
15 KT, like in Tver, Toropets.

lamer 10/30/2024 (Wed) 05:11 [Preview] No.625 del

lamer 11/06/2024 (Wed) 03:44 [Preview] No.640 del
>you can visit the local /pol and all you'll see is the pictures of swines heavily used in discussions to dismiss opponents point by portraying them as a swine

I notice some swine pictures on /polru/ here too lol. It's comical: just show person as pig lol win!

lamer 11/06/2024 (Wed) 03:48 [Preview] No.641 del
(154.28 KB 750x751 swines.png)
>you can visit the local /pol and all you'll see is the pictures of swines heavily used in discussions to dismiss opponents point by portraying them as a swine


lamer 11/10/2024 (Sun) 00:30 [Preview] No.642 del

lamer 11/11/2024 (Mon) 08:40 [Preview] No.643 del

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 04:46 [Preview] No.645 del
Suggestions when playing maps.

Increase server and client FPS to 90 or so. Settings-->Misc---(lower right)

Consider using alt physics to get better use of smaller maps Settings--->AltForETMaps + CHeck box next to it (use for all maps) [middle left area]

Consider using Arena preset (Multiplayer--->Create--->Presets--->Arena)

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:17 [Preview] No.646 del
>Are you reporting again,
I am going to kill you
I am going to kill you
>Most of the Russians don't give a fuck about your retarted Linux and its soy cuckold developers.
I am going to kill you
> Get lost.
I am going to kill you
>Also, you'll never get a young girl as a wife.
I am going to kill you
>Even if it was legal,
I am going to kill you
> the youngest girl still would have enough mind to understand,
I am going to kill you
>that you are nothing more than a pathetic wanker.
I am going to kill you
>Get married to your right hand
I am going to kill you
> and never come back to /rus/.
I am going to kill you

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:17 [Preview] No.647 del
> >>>/rus/63808
> Brother, we Russians also hate women, gays, trans people, and Muslims.
> I hope the day will come when we unite and exterminate all this shit. Goyda.
I'm glad there are real Russians on this thread.

Unlike: >>67257 >>67328 (a faggot from /g/ (jannie))

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:19 [Preview] No.648 del
>Are you reporting again,
I am going to torture you and then end your life.

I am a licensed attorney, yet you call me a loser.

I am also a programmer as a hobby.
Yet you do not show your programming.

I am going to kill you dead.

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:44 [Preview] No.649 del
In the file model_brush.c, within this opensource source code, is where new map formats are parsed. We did some ourselves: Wolfenstine:EnemyTerritory, and obj exports from minetest and bzflag.

The source code can be found in this zip:


Or in this git repo:

The specific file is this:

The desire is for the Unreal 1997 / Unreal Tournament 1999 map format. It has the triangle data already compiled so no tricky math is needed.

Already in the project we have implemented many or most or all of the Unreal 1997 weapons.

Some code has been found in C++ that loads these map formats, but our engine is in C, and we would like more help since it's only us. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

We have posted various things we have found here: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaosesqueanthology/tickets/2/

We know it is unlikely anyone will help us. We would appreciate any help. This is an opensource project in C. Usually opensource projects have many people. We have 1. Has been this way for decades.

lamer 11/20/2024 (Wed) 05:46 [Preview] No.650 del
>> 67320
(maschine translated)
В файле model_brush.c, в этом исходном коде OpenSource, где новые форматы карт анализируются. Мы сами сделали себя: Wolfenstine: Eberterritority и OBJ экспортируются из Minetest и Bzflag.

Исходный код можно найти в этом Zip:


Или в этом git Repo:

Конкретный файл таково:

Желание в нереальном формате карты 1997 года / Unreal 1999 года. У него уже есть уже скомпилированные данные треугольника, поэтому не требуется сложная математика.

Уже в проекте мы внедрили многие или большинство или все нереальное оружие 1997 года.

Некоторый код был найден в C ++, который загружает эти форматы карт, но наш двигатель находится в C, и мы хотели бы больше помощи, так как это только мы. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ushock/

Мы опубликовали различные вещи, которые мы нашли здесь: https://sourceforge.net/p/chaoessqueanthology/tickets/2/

Мы знаем, что вряд ли кто -нибудь поможет нам. Мы будем признателен за любую помощь. Это проект OpenSource в C. Обычно в проектах OpenSource много людей. У нас есть 1. Было таким образом на протяжении десятилетий.

lamer 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:57 [Preview] No.652 del

lamer 11/26/2024 (Tue) 12:16 [Preview] No.653 del
Some of the unreal style weapons in deathmatch: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44364757 [Embed]

lamer 11/30/2024 (Sat) 21:31 [Preview] No.655 del
...well I just figured something out

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:41 [Preview] No.665 del

> SpecialBomb
> Wrote:
10-12-2017, 06:48 PM
So, apparently, I was playing the mod after all.

Alright, so whatever I played wasn't very fun. It was a campaign botmatch where you had to pick up weapons using f, and the gatling or machine gun or whatever seemed to kill the bots instantly, while the starting pistol was too awkward to use since you had to reload it after 8 shots, and that's with bots moving around really damn fast. In my opinion, it's no better than my own deathmatch mod, maybe even worse since balance didn't seem to be top priority. I never saw any of these 160 weapons of yours, and honestly, from my first impressions, it's not exactly worth my time to try every single one out. The music was also not very impressive.

Try starting a new project and think of a new idea. This 10 year old mod of yours is definitely not worth playing for the messiness of it all, and it's definitely not worth developing anymore either. I'm assuming that there is a lot more to this, but that is mainly your fault for not explaining how to access all of these features. There is singleplayer, multiplayer, and settings. There was nothing else, and the singleplayer was just a bot campaign. The settings were standard xonotic settings, and weren't special either. The help section didn't help, as it didn't explain how to access these great features of yours. I know there is more to this mod, as I have seen your showcase videos. But, I simply don't think it's worth it, because I know its going to be an un-entertaining mess of stuff that shouldn't be there.

One of the biggest things you need to learn is that having too many features is a bad thing. You could argue that garrys mod does this, but the main thing is that the extensiveness of it is controllable by the player. The player makes their game their own by installing mods at their own accord, therefore making the game exactly to their liking. Your mod, in this case, is a jumbled mess of features that aren't very appealing, and is anything but user friendly. From what I saw, there was a plethora of features, including body temperature, vehicles, jail mode, and a bunch of other unneeded stuff.

To have a completely honest summary from what I am to expect when I get this working, this is simply going to be like someones copy of garry's mod with all of their stupid mods added in, but instead of it being on the source engine, its on top of darkplaces. And they are all mods no one wants to play.

I hope you found my posts useful, and I seriously hope you get your life together. You are a fucked up person with no other purpose other than to piss people off.

And, since I know you are going to ask me what I've done, I will say that I have done a little. What I have done I feel isn't that special, but I do care when someone else cares about what I do. What you think is that your mod is special. It isn't special.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.674 del
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Haha, I love reading these.

lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.676 del

> not the author, but can't consideration also be immaterial?

No. Go FUCK yourself.

> the publisher of GPL software is giving you software (material good)

No they are not. They are granting permission to use and distribute their Copyrighted Work. They are not giving you anything.

> and the consumer of the GPL software is given the publisher the promise of following the GPL

No: you do not have an independent right to use or distribute the Work.
You have a pre-existing duty to follow US Copyright law.
You are granted permission by the Copyright holder to distribute the work and use the work

Ofcourse not.

Now this permission is limited. The limits on that permission are stated in the memorandum (GPL): that it is not to be distributed if one is preventing others from doing so down the line etc. You DO NOT have a prior right to distribute or use AT ALL.

So: for these LIMITED permissions (up from _NO___ PERMISSION AT FUCKING ALL) you have given:

1) Nothing
And according to you
2) A Promise to follow Copyright Law.
Which fails because that is a pre-existing duty.


lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.678 del
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lamer 01/15/2025 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.681 del
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