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Your ears are not made of platinum, you are a fool for believing so

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Rock/Metal thread Anonymous 06/27/2016 (Mon) 14:28:12 [Preview] No. 1052 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post anything that falls into the description, regardless of subgenre.
56 posts and 199 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/17/2016 (Sat) 01:43:17 [Preview] No. 1558 del

Anonymous 10/01/2017 (Sun) 18:32:20 [Preview] No. 1733 del
uncle ACID and the Deadbeats

Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 22:02:56 [Preview] No.1845 del

Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 22:04:49 [Preview] No.1846 del

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Accordion Anonymous 10/31/2020 (Sat) 21:46:23 [Preview] No. 1823 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey lads, I've been wanting to learn how to play the accordion for a long time, and now I have money and I'm going to buy one, the thing is that I have no criterion about it and idk what to buy, I would appreciate some info about it.

Anonymous 11/01/2020 (Sun) 07:57:10 [Preview] No.1824 del
Buy a cheap one. You can learn to play it on that. And if you realize its not for you, or just you are lazy and don't do it, or forget about it, it won't be money thrown out.

Anonymous 11/01/2020 (Sun) 13:10:40 [Preview] No.1825 del
I was obviously going to do that, I was asking for advices to check if the used accordion is good

Anonymous 11/09/2020 (Mon) 06:53:54 [Preview] No.1826 del
(23.62 KB 500x262 accordion-diagram.jpg)
Well, I guess check the integrity of the straps so make sure you can hold it properly. Then if the bellows aren't torn, so you can pump it (tho the one time I used an accordion it was torn a bit, air came out, but still was playable). Then if every key gives you a note. I dunno the rest.

Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 04:37:52 [Preview] No.1831 del
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Anonymous 03/13/2021 (Sat) 00:31:32 [Preview] No.1835 del
>4chan tier post

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The Prodigy Anonymous 04/24/2020 (Fri) 16:11:01 [Preview] No. 1808 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Best song: Invaders Must Die

Prove me wrong.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=EiqFcc_l_Kk [Embed]

Anonymous 11/18/2020 (Wed) 02:11:16 [Preview] No.1827 del
Breathe is the best song for me

Anonymous 03/03/2021 (Wed) 11:54:38 [Preview] No.1833 del
That's not Firestarter.

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Anonymous 11/30/2019 (Sat) 02:57:27 [Preview] No. 1800 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Recc me IDM or anything that sounds like Gridlock - Formless

shits so good

Anonymous 03/01/2021 (Mon) 14:20:25 [Preview] No.1832 del
Skee Mask
https://youtube.com/watch?v=PXFdwsvhg4Q [Embed]

The Flashbulb
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_mEnl2LJFHw [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=frDPk1HcCJ4 [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wAynKGUkNvA [Embed]

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covering a song Anonymous 02/11/2021 (Thu) 09:42:33 [Preview] No. 1830 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=fbMEbZjN0ME [Embed]
help anyone pls cover this song if anyone knows

i mean, if you are the pianist how do you go about covering this song? what do you decidedly do to follow the music and create elements of it to make it as vibrant

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How to get into Car Seat Headrest Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 12:43:42 [Preview] No. 1797 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Simple request, I have trouble comprehending the aesthetic.

Anonymous 01/27/2021 (Wed) 04:38:19 [Preview] No.1829 del
1. be sad
2. listen to DrunkDrivers/KillerWhales
3. listen to Destroyed by Hippie Powers
4. listen to Something Soon
5. listen to Fill in the Blank
6. stop listening to Car Seat Headrest.
7. be happy

Die Musik Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 23:47:37 [Preview] No. 1811 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anons Im collecting German music.