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NYPD Finds Illegal Tunnels Under Jew Organization Building Reader 01/09/2024 (Tue) 08:07 Id: 826feb [Preview] No. 21905
The New York Police Department found illegal tunnels that were dug under a Jewish organization building in New York City and the Jews started rioting. Many Jews were arrested and some mattresses with weird stains on them were being thrown around. All sorts of insane footage was recorded. Chabad, the Hasidic Jewish sect, has secret tunnels that were discovered under their headquarters in NYC, and are now being shut down by the NYPD. Arrests are being made. Riot broke out as NYPD attempted to fill tunnels with cement. Why would Jews would have numerous stained mattresses contained within a series of tunnels under Chabad World Headquarters in the Brooklyn, New York Synagogue? Those mattresses should be forensically analyzed for sure. WHAT were the Jews doing in those tunnels?

Reader 01/09/2024 (Tue) 08:08 Id: 826feb [Preview] No.21906 del
The synagogue w/the tunnels & dirty mattress hidden in the wall was headed by Menachem Mendel Schneerson--the Rabbi who blessed Netanyahu back in the 1990s, & asked him to hasten the process for the Messiah to arrive faster.

Knowing the Jews, we have to assume that whatever was happening down there wasn’t good. Why else would they react this way? If they did nothing wrong, there would be no reason to get so mad about it. Some speculated that these tunnels were built so they could secretly gather during the virus hoax. If we were dealing with normal people, I guess I could maybe buy that, but we are not dealing with normal people here, we are dealing with Jews. For all we know, the Jews could have built some sort of rape or blood sacrifice dungeon underneath their building. They might even have used the tunnels to secretly sex traffic children. It is not unreasonable to speculate about these things considering what we know about the Jews. Judaism is interchangeable with Satanism. I also still can’t get over the stained mattress situation. That alone raises all sorts of questions. I guess we’ll know more in the days to come, but I’d say this is certainly the most bizarre and crazy story of 2024 so far.


Reader 01/09/2024 (Tue) 11:17 Id: 826feb [Preview] No.21907 del
RAPE definitely seems to be involved. The tunnel was burrowed under the women’s section of 770.

Reader 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:02 Id: f973f8 [Preview] No.21911 del
>Those mattresses should be forensically analyzed for sure.

They should, as they have all the resources to do that. Sounds like a human trafficking network to me, maybe involving illicit drug use too.

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