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Shocking Poll Exposes How Much Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks Hate Americans Reader 01/22/2024 (Mon) 19:05 Id: e43bf7 [Preview] No. 21966
Shocking Poll Exposes How Much Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks Hate Americans

A shocking poll exposes the utter contempt the 'elite' holds the general public in, with more than three quarters wanting to ration food and energy to combat ‘climate change’ and a majority wanting air travel for holidays banned.

The survey was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), a Maryland-based non-profit advocacy group.

The organization polled members of America’s 1 per cent – defined as people who have a postgraduate degree and an annual income of more than $150,000.

77 per cent of Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

That figure rises even higher to 89 per cent amongst Ivy League graduates.

Presumably, their wealth will ensure they are exempt from such rationing while poor people can go whistle.

In addition, 69 per cent of elitists want an immediate ban on gas stoves, while 81 per cent want gas powered vehicles outlawed.

A majority also want the government to forbid the use of air conditioning and non-essential air travel, effectively outlawing vacations, rules that presumably won’t apply to their private jets and luxury compounds.

67 per cent of Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks also believe that teachers should decide what children are taught compared to 26 per cent who think parents should decide.

The poll also reveals how the Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks are totally at odds with the general public in both lifestyle and beliefs.

When canvassed on how much freedom the United States should bestow on its citizens, 47 per cent said people had too much freedom compared to 21 per cent who said there was too much control.

In comparison, 57 per cent of voters said there was too much control compared to 16 per cent who said there was too much freedom.

74 per cent say their finances are getting better, while just 20 per cent of the general public say the same.

“The people who run America, or at least think they do, live in a bubble of their own construction,” write the poll’s authors.

“They’ve isolated themselves from everyday America’s realities to such a degree their views about what is and what should be happening in this country differ widely from the average America.”


Reader 01/23/2024 (Tue) 09:33 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21967 del
Well, these "Rich Spoiled Privileged Control Freaks" need to face a reckoning. Don't buy into the bullshit by Chris Morrison at the end of the linked article, by the way. Quarter jew Orange didn't fuck up the United States as bad as Biden (no one ever has) but he didn't fulfill his bullshit promises either.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TMHCw3RqulY [Embed]

Reader 01/23/2024 (Tue) 16:44 Id: 2203fe [Preview] No.21970 del
>Quarter jew Orange didn't fuck up the United States as bad as Biden (no one ever has) but he didn't fulfill his bullshit promises either.

True, Trump is very likely to be controlled opposition to keep America from being too angry and taking needed action after being screwed so badly. On the other hand, no one else that is running would fix our country either. So electing Trump is saving America a little more time to prepare before an inevitable demise, at least that is the way I see it.

Reader 01/24/2024 (Wed) 07:18 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21971 del
He is controlled. We (at least myself and G_C the former /pol/ BO) experienced the ban waves of 8chan in 2017 for exposing all his Zionist bullshit. I'll never vote for a jew. Thus I never vote.

Reader 01/26/2024 (Fri) 15:28 [Preview] No.21977 del
>ban waves of 8chan in 2017 for exposing all his Zionist bullshit
Wait a minute, I thought 8chan back then was a-okay and didn't censor things, which is why they were shoa'd. So they were protecting trump, or was that just a rogue BO somewhere?

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 01:50 Id: 5897be [Preview] No.21986 del
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He didn't do anything the last time. Why give him a second chance?

Isn't it easier just working on improving things in your life on your own accord than just what amounts to wishing someone, one person with their own set of problems in their life, would change things around?

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 04:40 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21988 del
No, it was frequently imkampfy of /pol/ banning us and then faggots pretending to be Natsoc as Volunteer mods (such as "HEIL") getting orders from part jew Codemonkey to keep banning us (Jim the kike's son).
>He didn't do anything the last time. Why give him a second chance?
Bingo. All he's ever going to do is promise bullshit that won't happen and then take office to cater to Israel.

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 04:47 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21989 del
I have a lot of these about the compromised old days of 8chan. Going to keep posting.

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 04:53 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21991 del

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 05:03 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21992 del
Eventually, they became "polvol1", "polvol2" and "polvol3" because the pieces of shit were tired of being named for being sell-out faggots.

Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 05:09 Id: b527ac [Preview] No.21993 del
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Elle Reeve the jew broke into Jim's house. Jim blamed "the Nazis".

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