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How Russia Survived 16,000 Sanctions (Genius Strategy) Reader 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:46 Id: ce3acc [Preview] No. 22433
Someone told me I should look up this video online, so I did and watched it in full. This is extremely informative! America and it's allies could really learn something from this short video! Did you ever wonder how the most sanctioned country in the world... a country that had been cut off a global financial transaction system (SWIFT)... not only managed to survive but actually thrive economically? This Youtube video explains it all:

How Russia Survived 16,000 Sanctions (Genius Strategy)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=okYw7Mb3WK0 [Embed]

Hint: Putin used an old long-forgotten American strategy that made us the most powerful country in world many decades ago!

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 12:06 Id: bbb4fc [Preview] No.22435 del
>have no economy to begin with
>sanctions don't affect you
Truly genius

Reader 04/08/2024 (Mon) 15:41 Id: ce3acc [Preview] No.22436 del
Russia has far more manufacturing and industry than most Western nations today. This was not the case 20+ years ago, but that is a fact today. If it were not true Russia would have already collapsed again. The only thing saving Russia is them abandoning the failed concept of Keynesian economics (a false theory which you can empower an economy just on monetization of governmental debt without taking into consideration the importance of domestic production and industry). Let me ask you this.... how is Keynesian economics working out over here in the West so far for average citizens? Do you enjoy the massive increases to the cost of living so far? This is the fault of Keynesian economics: the more national debt we depend on the more we devalue our currency thus the less purchasing power we have over time as cost of living inflates. Economics 101 my friend.

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