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Foreign Countries Begin Gold Withdrawals From The Corrupted & Insolvent USSA Reader 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:40 Id: 3ef888 [Preview] No. 22510
Foreign Countries Begin Gold Withdrawals From The Corrupted & Insolvent USSA

A number of countries around the world have begun withdrawing their Gold Bullion from storage in the United States over fears about the US Financial System! It's not only our Financial System, it was the FORCIBLE SEIZURE of Russia's Sovereign Wealth Funds; the world now sees the USA as nothing more than a Den of Thieves!

Over the past ten days, at least FOUR (4) countries have decided to pull their Gold reserves from the United States: Cameroun, Ghana, Nigeria, and a fourth country (named below) whose decision is tightly concealed to prevent PANIC. That nation is named below in COVERT INTEL for Subscribers Only.

In a significant development reflecting changing economic dynamics, Cameroon has begun the repatriation of its gold reserves from the United States. The move, driven by growing concerns about the deteriorating state of the U.S. economy, marks a pivotal moment in global finance.

The withdrawal of gold reserves from US custody highlights countries' proactive approach to protecting their financial assets amid growing economic uncertainties. With indicators including rising national debt, weak economic growth and geopolitical tensions, the decision reflects a broader trend among nations to reassess their reliance on the United States as a safe haven for financial assets.

Ghana’s recent decision to repatriate its gold reserves from the United States signals a significant shift in the nation’s economic strategy. Beyond the symbolic gesture of reclaiming control over its precious metal assets, Ghana’s move is underscored by a pragmatic desire to shield itself from the uncertainties of a destabilized US economy.

According to economic experts, Ghana’s decision comes at a crucial juncture amidst escalating global economic uncertainties and mounting concerns about the stability of the US financial system. Dr. Joseph Mensah, an economist specializing in international finance, asserts, “Ghana’s move to withdraw its gold reserves from American vaults is a prudent measure to mitigate risks and safeguard against potential economic volatility.” By bringing its gold reserves back within its borders, Ghana aims to insulate itself from the repercussions of any downturns in the US economy, thereby reducing exposure to external shocks and vulnerabilities.

Nigeria has also begun withdrawing gold due to out-of-control governmental spending in the US, debt insolvency and increasing instability from one bad policy after another bad policy infinite.


Reader 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:40 Id: 3ef888 [Preview] No.22511 del
>That nation is named below in COVERT INTEL for Subscribers Only.

MY COMMENT: My guess is GERMANY or FRANCE. Some nation in Europe that has been economically screwed over by the failed Ukraine war fiasco that the US got them into! Big blowback.

Reader 04/28/2024 (Sun) 21:41 Id: 3ef888 [Preview] No.22512 del
Or.... possibly.... Israel. Maybe? That is one other possibility.

Reader 04/29/2024 (Mon) 03:55 Id: de7baa [Preview] No.22513 del
He'll never expose them. He's a known Fed informant.
>So there's no reason to give the general public free news anymore; they don't pull their own weight.
And clearly an ass.

Reader 04/29/2024 (Mon) 13:55 Id: 115bdf [Preview] No.22514 del
I don't know about that, Hal Turner has criticized Israel numerous times before and clearly is not a big fan of Zionism, he remains vocally against the genocide in Gaza btw.

As for his donation requests. I kinda get it honestly, it does take money to broadcast a radio show and run a website (plus imagine the time to do all that). All that comes with expenses and if he doesn't have any ad revenue then he relies on public funding. Unless he has a lot of extra cash and is wealthy, it's a financial strain for him. If he were to shut down there would be another source of information gone (last one being Jim Stone who was likely killed, last I heard Jim was deliberately run over while riding his motorcycle and suffered extensive injuries).

Reader 04/30/2024 (Tue) 03:53 Id: de7baa [Preview] No.22515 del
(123.82 KB 937x357 FBI informant.jpg)
Ah, then I retract what I said about him not exposing Israel. About being a rat though.

Reader 05/01/2024 (Wed) 00:31 Id: 962a2c [Preview] No.22519 del
I'm not saying you got to like the guy or that he's trustworthy IRL, he just puts out pretty good intel (most of the time). Kinda like Jim Stone used to do before he got killed.

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