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Radical Leftists Have Destroyed The UK, Riots Spread Over Deliberate Destabilization Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 06:57 Id: f3d433 [Preview] No. 22774
Radical Leftists Have Destroyed The UK, Riots Spread Over Deliberate Destabilization

European countries on the front lines, such as Greece and Italy, have been overwhelmed with illegal third world immigrants over the years due to failed open-border policies facilitated by radical leftist politicians. These unaccountable leaders (elected & unelected) have created the perfect storm of violent crime and chaos across the continent.

For readers, who are not caught up with the news cycle, anti-immigration demonstrations have erupted across the UK following the horrific stabbing of three children in Southport by the 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants.

Now weekend of demonstrations were seen in Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester, Hull, Belfast, Stoke, and other cities. Some turned violent while others did not.

Citizens are enraged with so-called "progressive" officials who have promoted open borders, leading to an influx of illegal immigrants. This has resulted in increased crime and chaos and has adversely affected working-class families by pushing down wages for low-skilled jobs.

The Guardian quoted protesters on Saturday as chanting, "Get them out" and "Yorkshire." In the southwest city of Bristol, folks shouted, "We want our country back," while others yelled, "England 'til I die."

On Sunday, Policing and Crime Minister Diana Johnson told Sky News that unrest is viewed as "criminal disorder" and that people participating were "thugs." She said some protesters may face imprisonment.

Citizens are not happy about the evil two-tier judicial system. Where have we seen this before?

On Saturday evening, Musk weighed in on the unrest, warning: "Civil war is inevitable."

Musk's assumption might not be too far off from what could be coming to Europe. In fact, far-left EU despots who have pushed years of open borders, flooding countries across the bloc with hundreds of thousands of migrants, if not millions, have intentionally stoked incredibly high divisions among the population over migration. Meanwhile, failed open-border policies have supercharged nationalist movements.

Europe's slow-motion crisis has undoubtedly gained momentum as social unrest ignites. This couldn't have come at the worst possible timing as Russia and Ukraine are locked in a multi-year war in Eastern Europe with elevated risks of broadening conflict. Furthermore, risks of broadening conflict are also seen in the Middle East between Iran and Israel. Do not be surprised if nations like Russia win, and become the new superpowers of the world over the decline of suicidal Western leadership.

The West is in chaos, thanks to radical-left lawmakers from the US to Europe who have promoted failed open-border policies - destroyed meritocracy - and still can't describe what a woman is.


Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:27 Id: 7c3469 [Preview] No.22775 del

Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 09:29 Id: 7c3469 [Preview] No.22776 del
Those britcucks better start killing dem sandniggers. Yes. Indeed.

Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 12:19 Id: f3d433 [Preview] No.22778 del
Nothing really good comes out of this. The UK is looking like a war zone. More victims, white citizens, will end up getting killed, injured, maybe some arrested for protesting their own murderers. Their economy has gone to shit, and will continue to. All while their so-called "leaders" make vile threats at their own victimized citizens who's children are being stabbed and brutalized.

And once whites start killing illegals? That's when the illegals will also riot and cause mass destruction and murder too. It will become a war zone over genocide and replacement, with that nation turning third world.

Here is a tiny glimpse of the future for the UK (and probably most of Europe):

Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 16:45 Id: eff665 [Preview] No.22779 del
(2.34 MB 480x848 1722708037676450.webm)
More images and videos of the anti-migrants protests in UK

Reader 08/05/2024 (Mon) 19:23 Id: 37baf9 [Preview] No.22781 del
Wow. Too bad England sided with the wrong people during World War 2. The Churchill obsessed who thought they were above everyone else. They brought this on themselves. Reality is a harsh mistress. Know what? Speaking like this, you would think I hate the English. I grew up preferring to watch their comedies and sitcoms over American television. I respected their humor and less degenerate bullshit than American channels. But truth is truth.

Reader 08/13/2024 (Tue) 02:54 Id: 37baf9 [Preview] No.22795 del
You realize we can't hear .gif files, right?
The fuck was the point of that?

Reader 08/13/2024 (Tue) 13:25 Id: e16394 [Preview] No.22797 del
UK has always had pretty bad leadership. The only good thing that came from them was some of their old golden aged TV sitcoms, the Magna Carta and America's Founding Fathers. As for American TV it started to decline by the late 1980s in my opinion. 50s, 60s and 70s eras were the best for television shows. I wouldn't watch modern television today, not from the US or the UK.

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