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Welcome to hate jews /news/
Post quality threads only (more than two sentences), and it's voluntary to crosspost to /pol/
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Thief hit in head with propane cylinder inn Spragge Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:53 Id: c35268 [Preview] No. 22868
On Aug. 29, 2024, at approximately 5 p.m., the East Algoma Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a break and enter at a rail scrap yard on Highway 17 in the village of Spragge.

The suspect had loaded scrap metal in a trailer from the rail yard and a struggle ensued between the complainant and the suspect. While waiting for police the complainant then tried to box in the suspect vehicle and was unsuccessful as the suspect vehicle drove through a fence and fled the scene eastbound on Highway 17.

Later that evening, police received another call for service reporting that the suspect from earlier was hit in the head with a small green propane cylinder during a physical altercation in Spragge and was now parked at a parking lot at the west end of the Town of Spanish. Upon police arrival the accused was arrested at 10 p.m., and the galvanized trailer was located on Waterfalls Road and towed to Blind River.

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 03:16 Id: 6c755d [Preview] No.22869 del
Ah, now again the influx of Indian shit threads and boring ones on the subject of propane.
Where the fuck have you been the past few years?

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 03:23 Id: 6cb7c9 [Preview] No.22870 del
I only just discovered endchan had a newsboard today, seemed to lack the hard hitting stories that the users of 8chan craved.

Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 04:39 Id: 6c755d [Preview] No.22871 del
Right. So /news/ used to have rules against "Indian poo in the loo" and propane threads by the previous management. They were jews. Those rules are gone.

Reader 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:39 Id: 3083db [Preview] No.22874 del
Bullshit. You know damn well what you are trying to do.

The Indian and propane threads were weaponized to drown out actual news, it is a form of intentional spam to slide other news. Obviously, easily deniable considering it too is technically classified as "news" aka plausible deniability. Just know that. And others do know that too. If this board gets flooded by it, I might decide to leave altogether. I did not put up with it on 8chan. I won't put up with it elsewhere.

Reader Board owner 09/02/2024 (Mon) 23:23 Id: 6c755d [Preview] No.22876 del
This board used to have the same ones spammed relentlessly. Propane, Indians shitting and crab fishing. I dropped the rules then brought them back for a short period when they were being obnoxious. I'll re-instate the rules again if it becomes a major nuisance.

Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 08:26 Id: 3083db [Preview] No.22877 del
Thank you. Perhaps, it is alright if the board is not flooded with these kinds of articles but remains a seldom occurrence. I would even say maybe allowing two propane threads per day would be reasonable, any more would be considered spamming the board and intentionally sliding other news down the catalog.

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