09/13/2024 (Fri) 13:10
Id: 7ab8d5 (2) Prev Next
No. 22932 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>22929 Yah, I have thought of many doomsday scenarios and none of them turn out good for anyone. Ironically the rich privileged classes would be hit the hardest because they live in their own bubbles and while they are busy destroying society around them they actually depend on society to keep them living in their own bubbles. Kinda like constantly biting the hand that feeds them, or beating up the horses they ride and rely on. Once that fiat debt bubble finally pops and everything goes bankrupt? No more shopping centers. No more food markets. No high class restaurants. No more clothing or jewelry stores. No more banks. No more credit cards. No more checks. No more nothing. The world they relies on, and plundered, will be over and out.
While the (((bastards))) at the very top of society, and that certainly includes assholes in our governments, deserve it and deserve it thoroughly, this will also make everyone elses' lives far more miserable too. When humans begin to starve they become killers, simple as that. Civilized society would break down and become brutal. No way around it, and everyone on their own at that point.
I have thought this whole thing out before numerous times. What to do, what not to do. Who can I trust locally when this all comes falling down, yada yada. I'm stuck honestly. Part of me wants to try to survive this any means necessary.... but on the other hand I have also been accustomed to living in a civilized society and safe in my rural homestead (
which would not be the case after a hard collapse! ) Part of me thinks that, if it gets too ugly life might not even be worth living at that point and humans probably deserve to be annihilated because of the arrogance and corruption that would lead us to this kind of despair.
Time will tell but I am not afraid of death as much I am the horrors that might be waiting for those that actually survive something like this.