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Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation Reader 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:25 Id: 7ab8d5 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No. 22926 [Hide User] [X]
Kim Jong Un Vows To Exponentially Boost Nuclear Arsenal In Response To US Escalation

While on Tuesday VP Harris, the State-run media and former president Trump were squaring off in a debate which only touched on bad foreign policy a couple of times, only briefly related to Ukraine and Gaza, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un issued statements vowing to exponentially boost the nation's nuclear arsenal.

Kim gave a speech marking the 76th founding anniversary of his government at the start of this week. He said that a nuclear overhaul is needed to defend the country from "hostile" forces and that North Korea faces a grave threat as a result of the reckless expansion the United States-led military bloc in the region.

North Korea will "redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state, including the nuclear force, fully ready for combat," he sated.

In particular Kim was reacting to a new US-South Korean defense agreement signed in July. The new agreement allows for the integration of US nuclear weapons and South Korean conventional weapons to defend the peninsula from the nuclear-armed north if need be.

Regional analysts have pointed out that these warnings of 'exponential' increases in nukes began in 2022. Yang Uk, a research fellow at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, has been cited in international reports as saying, "From the end of the following year, they started to mention 'exponential increases'," - he said in reference to the 8th Party Congress held in 2021.

"We believe that by 2027 North Korea can secure enough nuclear material for about 200 warheads and by 2030, this can reach 300," Yang added.


Reader 09/12/2024 (Thu) 23:54 Id: 3e762b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.22929 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22932
You know what ChatGPT said when I asked it if learning A.I. was put in charge of any military installation and it's ethical considerations were removed? That nuclear armageddon would happen in the next 10 to 20 years. I think every one of us outside of the cities need to start learning how to make these.

Reader 09/13/2024 (Fri) 13:10 Id: 7ab8d5 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.22932 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22933
Yah, I have thought of many doomsday scenarios and none of them turn out good for anyone. Ironically the rich privileged classes would be hit the hardest because they live in their own bubbles and while they are busy destroying society around them they actually depend on society to keep them living in their own bubbles. Kinda like constantly biting the hand that feeds them, or beating up the horses they ride and rely on. Once that fiat debt bubble finally pops and everything goes bankrupt? No more shopping centers. No more food markets. No high class restaurants. No more clothing or jewelry stores. No more banks. No more credit cards. No more checks. No more nothing. The world they relies on, and plundered, will be over and out.

While the (((bastards))) at the very top of society, and that certainly includes assholes in our governments, deserve it and deserve it thoroughly, this will also make everyone elses' lives far more miserable too. When humans begin to starve they become killers, simple as that. Civilized society would break down and become brutal. No way around it, and everyone on their own at that point.

I have thought this whole thing out before numerous times. What to do, what not to do. Who can I trust locally when this all comes falling down, yada yada. I'm stuck honestly. Part of me wants to try to survive this any means necessary.... but on the other hand I have also been accustomed to living in a civilized society and safe in my rural homestead (which would not be the case after a hard collapse!) Part of me thinks that, if it gets too ugly life might not even be worth living at that point and humans probably deserve to be annihilated because of the arrogance and corruption that would lead us to this kind of despair.

Time will tell but I am not afraid of death as much I am the horrors that might be waiting for those that actually survive something like this.

Reader 09/14/2024 (Sat) 03:31 Id: 3e762b (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.22933 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>22934
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Fire, water and wild rats will always exist in the cities, anon. Plus underground metros to be used as bunkers. That's all they'll have when SHTF. The countryside will be much better off.

Reader 09/15/2024 (Sun) 09:17 Id: ecd7d0 (1) [Preview] No.22934 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>The countryside will be much better off.

I would hope so but there would still be the potential for roaming gangs and marauders. It's not like we won't have poor desperate people living in nearby towns that won't be prepared after all and when people start to starve they get brutal. One of my preps has been planting apple trees from a distance from my homestead, I figure if SHTF and people are hungry nearby there will be apples they can eat so they won't bother me. I only hope it pays off is all, I rather not have to shoot anyone if I can help it.

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