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US Military Aircraft Swarm Over America As Russian Nuclear Subs Surround UK Reader 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:05 Id: 2c8ea6 [Preview] No. 22936
US Military Aircraft Swarm Over America As Russian Nuclear Subs Surround UK

On September 12, 2024, at least three submarines known as Project 885 "Yasen" Class, of the Russian Northern Fleet, armed with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles left, their home base at Severomorsk and headed toward the Atlantic Ocean.

This was the same day that British Prime Minister Kier Starmer departed the UK for a meeting with Joe Biden in Washington, DC, to discuss granting permission to Ukraine, to attack Russia with west-supplied, long-range missiles.

According to the authoritative military expert Mikhail Khodarnock, these submarines left their home port and headed to the Atlantic Ocean for a reason, especially considering the fact this happened at the very moment the West began to declare it would allow Ukraine to use western-supplied , long-range, weapons against military installations inside Russia.

Khodarnock expressed confidence that these nuclear submarines are already off the coasts of Britain - waiting for the order to attack.

According to him, if British "Storm Shadow" cruise missiles fly toward Russia, these submarines will destroy the facilities of the British Division of the pan European Missile Systems company, MBDA." Specifically, the company facilities in Stevanage, Bristol, and Bolton, UK.

Citing his own sources in the Russian Defense Ministry, Khodarenock also confirmed the Russians have a clear plan to deter NATO from retaliatory actions.

According to him, immediately after the destruction of facilities of the MDBA Company, inside the United Kingdom, Russia will launch a DEMONSTRATION NUCLEAR STRIKE on one of the areas of the Atlantic Ocean or the North Sea, near the coast of Britain.

Khodarenock expressed confidence that only after this, will British Authorities finally understand it is time for them to stop escalating the situation over Ukraine, since the next time, a nuclear strike can already be inflicted on London, Brussels (Belgium - NATO HQ) and Washington, DC.

In related news, this morning, September 16, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an INCREASE in the size of the Russian Army by 180,000 new troops, to a size of 1.5 Million.


Reader 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:06 Id: 2c8ea6 [Preview] No.22937 del
As of 2:57 PM eastern US time on September 16, 2024 there are literally HUNDREDS of military aircraft flying over the continental United States.

The image above from Ads-B Exchange shows *ONLY* Military Aircraft!!!!! I am 62 years old and I have never seen this many military in the air in my entire life.

Those of you who think the likelihood of World War 3 is a "nothing burger" or that folks like me who point out where we are heading - right into World War 3 -- somehow makes me "Chicken Little, The Sky is Falling," would do well to wake up and see what is actually taking place.

The US, EU, NATO continue escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict to the point where Russia has the United Kingdom surrounded by nuclear submarines (Story Here), awaiting orders to attack specific sites in the UK.

At least eleven Russian submarines are off the US East coast (Story Here), as many as nine nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines and 21 diesel-electric attack submarines. off our West Coast from Alaska down to San Diego, CA (Story Here). Several more subs are near the Gulf of Mexico.

Anyone who thinks this is a joke, or just "posturing" is either in emotional "denial" or is simply a fool.

Our meddling in Ukraine has cost the Russians over half a million men. Our intention to allow Ukraine to attack Russia with OUR long-range missiles (which need OUR satellites to operate) has gotten us to the point where the Russians openly warned last week, they will consider such an attack by Ukraine, to be an attack BY NATO.

Then there's the whole Israel-Iran debacle. The Israelis went and murdered a Palestinian guy named Ismail Henniyeh while the guy was in Tehran, by blowing up an apartment he was staying in about 750 meters from Iran's Presidential Palace! That murder was an "attack" upon Iran. The Iranians say they are going to retaliate. Israel says if they retaliate, it is all-out war. Russia, China, and North Korea announced they will not allow their ally, Iran, to be attacked and destroyed; they will step-in.

Meanwhile, we keep doing things with Taiwan, which are akin to sticking our finger in the eye of China. China told US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan last week, that China IS GOING TO take Taiwan! That's yet another major hot spot the US would be involved in.

Russia-Ukraine, Iran-Israel, China-Taiwan. Then what? North Korea-South Korea?

Reader 09/16/2024 (Mon) 21:06 Id: 2c8ea6 [Preview] No.22938 del
Put bluntly, the Biden/Harris regime have gotten Americans in a world of SHIT by meddling around with countries all over the world, and now, payback may be coming.

If you have not yet prepared with Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on, a generator to keep your refrigerator/freezers running when the electric grid goes down, fuel for that generator, a First-Aid kit for cuts, bruises, or catastrophic war wounds, Communications gear like a CB or HAM radio (for when comms go down), Flashlights for each room in the house or for each family member, a portable radio for news and information -- and SPARE BATTERIES for those flashlights and radio . . . then you will not have any chance at all of surviving when TSHTF.

You should also make it a point to keep some CASH MONEY stashed somewhere in the house. Because once things go bad, and networks get knocked offline, your credit and debit cards WON'T WORK and no one in their right mind is going to be accepting checks.

Get right with God. At least TRY!

If you're like me, you have not been a "religious" person much, if at all, for most of your life. You can take a few minutes, lock yourself in a bathroom if you have to so as to have privacy, get down on your knees and pray. Whisper the words, don't just think them. He's got to HEAR you. And you... you have to hear you too.

It doesn't have to be some formal prayer... tell Him what's going on with you, with your life. Mistakes you've made. Bad decisions you made. Tell Him you're sorry and you're going to do better. Ask His forgiveness and ask Him to guide you.

But if you do nothing, if you leave Him out of your life.... then what do you think He's gonna do when it comes time to decide who He saves? If you do nothing toward Him, can you really expect Him to do anything toward you?

Do yourself a favor, pray.


Reader 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:01 Id: 275ad7 [Preview] No.22940 del
UPDATE: Britain will not agree to give Ukraine permission for long-range strikes deep into Russia with its weapons, without the US doing the same.

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg caused cases of Whiplash by announcing today "NATO countries do not yet have a consensus on inviting Ukraine to the alliance."

Looks to me like the US and NATO finally started to realize the Russians aren't kidding, or posturing, or bluffing (when it comes to defending their nation with nuclear force!).

FINALLY a brief pause in the madness driving the US and EU into a war that no one wants, and that no one will win. A war we would would all LOSE.

Let's see if this brief bout of rational thinking, holds. IT MAY NOT.... there's already talk of allowing this after an upcoming United Nations meeting.

Britain will not allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles against targets in Russia without the agreement of the United States. AKA the UK has told the USSA they will not become nuclear cannon fodder over the proxy war in Ukraine!

For citizens around the world, this is very good news. It is a sigh of relief to see some common sense prevail for once!

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