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Trump Launches Fundraising Campaign To Aid Americans Devastated by HAARP Helene Reader 10/01/2024 (Tue) 23:51 Id: 3cc6ff [Preview] No. 22967
Trump Launches Fundraising Campaign To Aid Americans Devastated by HAARP Helene

In the wake of the recent HAARP attack’s devastating impact against three States, former President Donald Trump is once again stepping up to do what the current regime won’t.

As the Category Four HAARP storm leaves a path of destruction over 500 miles wide across several Southeastern states, more than 140 Americans have reportedly lost their lives, and millions are left without power.

While the Biden regime deliberately stalls needed aid to victimized battered Americans, and according to some reports threatening to arrest civil servants for trying to rescue Americans, President Trump is taking swift action to provide relief where it’s needed most.

Harris, who claimed on social media to be “in constant contact with state and local officials to ensure communities have the support and resources they need,” was caught in yet another embarrassing gaffe.

In a photo she posted on X, she is shown wearing earphones, supposedly on a call with FEMA and local governors. But sharp-eyed observers immediately pointed out that her earphones weren’t even plugged into her phone.

It’s no wonder Trump isn’t waiting around for the Biden-Harris regime to come to aid the American victims of this globalist HAARP attack.

In a statement to the press on Monday morning, Trump blasted the White House’s unresponsiveness, saying: “They’re having a very hard time getting the President on the phone; he won’t get on, and of course, the Vice President, she’s out someplace campaigning, looking for money.”

Trump confirmed he would be traveling to North Carolina next, one of the hardest-hit states by Hurricane Helene, to provide direct support and meet with officials. “North Carolina has really been hit hard, really, really bad, the hardest. You can’t even get in there right now, and a lot of people have been injured or worse,” Trump said. “The federal government is not being responsive.”

The Wall Street Apes account on Twitter X shared the following video footage of a young man explaining the horrors taking place in Asheville as most roads in and out of the area of blocked off or destroyed. Looters and vandals are also ransacking the city, the young man explains.

"There were some truckers coming in with supplies and medical stuff trying to help us," the man says, adding that people were slashing the tires of these supply trucks at rest stops.

"The roads are completely blocked off. You're not getting out. If you have a weapon, keep it on you because there are people intentionally sabotaging stuff."

"I can't help but feel there is something more sinister going on with the response to Hurricane Helene," tweeted The Greenback (@GreenbackNote) on X. "Chaos is breaking out with seemingly no federal aid. Whole communities wiped out and it's barely on the news." "Doesn't this feel like it's part of their plan to disrupt the election?" asked another.

Others expressed shock and horror that not even the National Guard is on site to help remediate the disaster, especially after the Biden regime just sent more American service members to the Middle East to help Israel.


Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 02:49 Id: 01d81a [Preview] No.22971 del
not only that, but I've seen news reports that "officials" threaten to arrest some citizens attempting to provide help. this is truly disgusting what our nation has come to.

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