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The US & Israel Governments Are Using Diplomacy To LIE, Stir More Wars Reader 10/03/2024 (Thu) 14:54 Id: d00aef [Preview] No. 22978
The US & Israel Governments Are Using Diplomacy To LIE, Stir More Wars

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib has said that Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a US and French-proposed 21-day ceasefire with Israel right before Israel killed him.

Habib said the US and France told Lebanon that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also agreed to the ceasefire proposal.

“They told us that Mr. Netanyahu agreed on this, and so we also got the agreement of Hezbollah on that. And, you know what happened since then,” Habib told CNN host Christiane Amanpour.

“Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib says Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a ceasefire right before Israel killed him.”

— Dave DeCamp (@DecampDave) October 2, 2024

On September 25, the US, France, and several other nations released a joint statement calling for an immediate 21-day ceasefire in Lebanon to give time to reach a diplomatic solution to the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border and reach a ceasefire in Gaza. The following day, Netanyahu arrived in New York for the UN General Assembly and rejected rumors that Israel agreed to the truce.

US officials told the media that they coordinated the ceasefire proposal with Israel and were “frustrated” with Netanyahu for rejecting it. But the US put no real pressure on Israel to agree to the ceasefire. The same day Netanyahu rejected it, Israel announced it secured another $8.7 billion in military aid from Washington.

On Friday, September 27, Netanyahu ordered the massive airstrike that killed Nasrallah from a hotel in New York, following his address to the UN. Israeli officials told ABC News they decided to kill Nasrallah because he wouldn’t negotiate a diplomatic solution without a ceasefire in Gaza.


Reader 10/03/2024 (Thu) 14:55 Id: d00aef [Preview] No.22979 del
According to an insider, recent events in the Middle East, including the Israel-Hamas war and now the conflict with Iran have been planned by the global despots and are now playing out to the letter – with the ultimate goal of shaping the world in their own image.

But there is just one problem for the globalists and their plans to spark World War 3 and enslave the human race. Their plans rely on the people of the world remaining ignorant – and we are not going to let that happen.

Israel’s famous Iron Dome missile defense system was turned off to allow Iranian missiles to rain down on Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and surrounding parts of Israel, according to a World Economic Forum insider who warns the Israelis and their globalist allies are hell bent on igniting a full-scale Third World War involving Iran, Russia and China.

People in the region were shocked because the Iron Dome has been operating successfully for 13 years, shooting down missiles by their thousands.

So why did the Iron Dome fail exactly when the Netanyahu government was looking for an excuse to expand the Gaza war into the rest of the Middle East, bring major powers into the conflict, and spark World War 3?

I appear to have answered my own question there.

Netanyahu is channeling his inner George Bush Jr., vowing to “liberate” the people of Iran and bring them freedom and democracy — just as Bush promised Iraq before the neocons opened the gates of hell, leading to 4.5 million deaths and leaving the region worse off than ever before.

Netanyahu is cut from the same cloth. Listen as he ominously warns Iran will be overthrown “sooner than people think.”

If Israel switching off the Iron Dome to allow an attack sounds familiar, it should. It echoes the events of October 7 last year, when Israel’s cutting-edge intelligence at the Gaza border failed to detect the Hamas assault.

It doesn’t take a genius to detect a pattern here.

Whistleblowers have revealed that Israel allowed the October 7 attack, permitting civilian casualties and even taking part in the slaughter of their own people with helicopter gunships.

All of this was done to justify the brutal war in Gaza, which is still raging and now spreading to Lebanon and Iran — exactly as the global despots planned.


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