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Full Societal Collapse: San Francisco Overrun With 20 Pound Diseased Rats Reader 10/06/2024 (Sun) 11:44 Id: e6618f [Preview] No. 22997
Full Societal Collapse: San Francisco Overrun With 20 Pound Diseased Rats

First comes the tech boom, then comes leftist politicians increasingly radical policies. Then comes the theft, looting and massive homeless drug problem which the city is incapable of fixing, and that ultimately destroys the city.

Then comes the massive, invasive 20 pound rodents.

This is the stage San Francisco sees itself at now: dealing with a massive rodent problem.

Nearly a thousand nutria have been hunted in the Bay Area this year, but sightings show the invasive 2.5-foot-long rodents have now spread to Contra Costa County, threatening a key watershed, according to a new report from SF Gate. Wildlife officials are urging the public to report any sightings.

The rodents pose a serious threat as they burrow through wetland habitats, damage crops, and can weaken levees, risking failure in a region that supplies water to cities and farms statewide.

The SF Gate report says that nutria can produce up to 200 offspring annually and consume up to 25% of their body weight daily, but destroy up to 10 times more, threatening endangered species and native plants. They also carry diseases like tuberculosis, septicemia, and parasites that can infect humans, pets, and livestock.

Since their first sighting in Merced County in 2017, over 5,000 nutria have been killed in California. Their spread into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta prompted officials to ramp up control efforts to protect the ecosystem.

The obvious fact is, without any delusional doubt, the United States is being destroyed by it's own corrupt insane politicians and horrible, destabilizing policies. One wonders how long it will be before America completely falls into a depopulation death wave of disease, poverty, crime, violence, starvation, civil unrest and economic collapse. Time will tell.


Reader 10/06/2024 (Sun) 12:13 Id: fca215 [Preview] No.22998 del
arent those beavers

Reader 10/06/2024 (Sun) 21:03 Id: 98a97e [Preview] No.23001 del
What drives a man to go to the most isolated corners of the Internet and post nonsense sensationalized headlines?

Reader 10/07/2024 (Mon) 02:44 Id: 2d4691 [Preview] No.23005 del
I think they are. Yeah

Zero hedge sometimes does that. Make things a little too overdramatic. I don't think those beavers will even survive since it probably never snows in San Francisco. Right?

Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 00:31 Id: 8d721d [Preview] No.23006 del
that looks like a capybara lol

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