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Silver ends the US$ Dollar Reader 10/20/2024 (Sun) 17:53 Id: db3380 [Preview] No. 23030
Silver ends the US$ Dollar… period

At today’s artificially suppressed prices of silver by the US Federal Reserve, eastern-alligned nations such as Russia, China, India, BRICS, and other Eastern-alligned nations following their lead, will buy up all remaining silver excess supply within months. Leaving the Western-world with a major deficit that can’t be prevented or corrected. This is a game over move. Silver ends the US$ Dollar… period. This is how the globohomo collapse of 2025 is about. BRICS just introduced the "BRICS Pay Card" on October 17, 2024. The Eastern-alligned nations will prosper, while the globohomo Western-block nations will collapse. The Deagel report on the 2025 collapse is correct: https://archive.ph/HWMxO

You faggots wanted the collapse, and now its less than two and a half months before 2025... Good luck to you! HEIL HITLER !!!!!


Reader 10/21/2024 (Mon) 00:05 Id: 770126 [Preview] No.23031 del
>jews wanted the collapse

Reader 10/24/2024 (Thu) 07:28 Id: ea396c [Preview] No.23034 del
Anon, there is a very bid difference from those who want a collapse, and those who warn about a collapse! I myself have been warning of a collapse, because every serious economists knows the obvious: you cannot go into endless debt forever, at some point no one will trust those IOUs. That is what has been happening to the US, and then followed by massive sanctions and economic warfare on behalf of the US govt. No nation in their right mind wants the US govt to have that kind of control or power over them. Thus BRICS+ and de-dollarization!!

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