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(340.50 KB 565x555 WAR IS A RACKET.png)
Apparently Kamala Harris as VP told Ukrainian officials..... Reader 11/02/2024 (Sat) 11:58 Id: ed337b [Preview] No. 23089
Wow. This is BIG if true. Apparently Kamala Harris as VP told Ukrainian officials back in 2022 to "prepare to become a government in exile" meaning THEY KNEW the whole time Ukraine would eventually lose the war regardless how much money and arms they were providing them! She also told their government to prepare their military for a "guerilla war" which would mean having to wage acts of terrorism and sabotage against Russia in the aftermath to keep the fight going.

One question is why would any government, in this case the Ukrainian government, accept such an outcome? Wouldn't simply negotiating a peace deal with Russia be a much better outcome for everyone!? Why allow this to happen to your own country and people when you can simply negotiate and come to some kind of peaceful compromise? What is the point trying to join NATO when NATO doesn't really care about the Ukrainian government having to go into exile after losing the war?

This tells us all we need to know about our current governments today! In fact, there is a quote being circulated on social media recently: β€œIt may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.” ― Henry Kissinger


Reader 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:09 Id: bbaf73 [Preview] No.23091 del
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Ah, I enjoy so much every time Kissinger is brought up like he's some kind of fountain of wisdom or something. The kike ate his own nose goblins. Anyway, Kamala's campaign also raised funds to create a Fortnite map named Freedom Town where players are not allowed to have guns, which leaves only destroying buildings and looting.

1 billion dollars. People are struggling to make ends meet in this shit economy with the inflation of utility bills and food. This cunt raises 1 billion for a shitty Fortnite map. And yes, I know Trump's a deceiving kike. I'm one of those who frequently informs people here whether they want to know or not. Still. I hope someone Fortnites that silly bitch. Fuck both parties. I hope they all rot in hell.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qxsQ7jJJcEA [Embed]

Reader 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:20 Id: ed337b [Preview] No.23093 del
Not saying Henry Kissinger was not a dirty rat, he himself was a big part of the problems we still have today. Although to be fair, he was right about the US Empire. I would not trust this government to protect the interests of ANYONE but themselves and (((special interests))).

Reader 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:23 Id: bbaf73 [Preview] No.23094 del

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