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Russia's New Oreshnik Missile Is Far More Advanced & Deadly Than Previously Reported Reader 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:41 Id: 1e7ecb [Preview] No. 23224
Russia's New Oreshnik Missile Is Far More Advanced & Powerful Than Previously Reported

The Russian response to the US launching ATACMS missiles at targets inside Russia was to turn a very large Ukrainian munitions factory into dust using a new weapon which Russian President Vladimir Putin claims is currently in production.

The Russian weapon is by reports non-nuclear, but hardly conventional. Per Ted Postol, the missiles fired into Ukraine reportedly traveled at speeds up to Mach 10. They appeared to super-heat [up to 4,000°F] from a long glide at low altitude that occurred after the missiles re-entered the atmosphere. They combined EXTREME HEAT with kinetic energy as they hit their target to create nuclear scale destruction WITHOUT nuclear technology.

Gilbert Doctorow offers that the new Russian weapon is a smaller version of an existing liquid-fuel propelled ICBM that was first revealed by the Russians in 2018. The non-nuclear ICBM can hit any city in the world, travels so fast that it can’t be stopped, and one missile [with a powerful conventional warhead] can destroy a land mass the size of Britain.

The version fired into Ukraine has a solid-fuel rocket, making it more stable than the liquid-fuel version, per Doctorow.

As if to demonstrate the intellectual decline of the US, The New York Times reports that the new Russian weapon can be fitted with nuclear warheads. Why this is stupid almost beyond comprehension is that the weapon produces nuclear-scale destruction without being nuclear. Putting nuclear warheads on it would make it a less effective weapon, not more.

Why this confusion is problematic is that the Times is a mouthpiece for the CIA and Pentagon. If these sources really have this little understanding of the Russian weapon, it indicates an incapacity by the US to comprehend what it is that the Russians have created.

Because of the weapon’s hypersonic speed, it is impossible to stop using currently existing technologies. Given this, as well as the weapon’s destructive capacity, the Russians can destroy any city within range of the weapon with no way for the intended target or its allies to stop it once the weapon has been launched.

If one of these ICBMs were to hit, say Philadelphia, it would take out New York and Washington as well, the ‘Eastern corridor’ of the US. The US as a nation would cease to exist were this to occur.


Reader 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:42 Id: 1e7ecb [Preview] No.23225 del
The new game in town is Russia being capable of unleashing ultra-high-velocity kinetic weapons literally anywhere around the world – after warning civilians to abandon the area around the targets.

And there’s absolutely no defense against it, anywhere.

It’s quite predictable that the woke, arrogant/ignorant MICIMATT, as well as NATO and the whole, brainwashed collective West simply have no idea what just hit them, seemingly out of the blue.

To be concise: a system with the destructive power of a tactical nuclear weapon but carrying the precision of a top sniper’s bullet.

Ergo, sitting duck billion-dollar aircraft carriers; the whole, 800-plus Empire of Bases; assorted underground bunkers; ICBM launch platforms; naval shipyards; not to mention NATO’s HQ in Brussels, the Aegis Ashore base in Redzikowo (Poland), the NATO joint force center in the Netherlands, southern NATO command in Naples – all these immensely expensive assets are fair game for non-nuclear Oreshniks capable of reducing them to dust in a flash after flying for mere minutes at over Mach 10.

By now multitudes around the world are aware that Oreshnik may reach Berlin in 11 minutes and London in 19 minutes. Also that launched from southern Russia, Oreshnik may reach the U.S. air base in Qatar in 13 minutes; launched from Kamchatka in the Far East, it may reach Guam in 22 minutes; and launched from Chukotka, it may reach Minuteman III silos in Montana in 23 minutes.

To quote the epic 1960s Motown hit: “Nowhere to run, baby, nowhere to hide”.


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