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Hostile Leadership And Bad Policies Are Behind Europe's Woes Reader 12/10/2024 (Tue) 10:50 Id: 32813e [Preview] No. 23277
Hostile Leadership And Bad Policies Are Behind Europe's Woes

Europe is falling apart at the seams and sowing the seeds of its own implosion. From the very start of the Ukraine-Russia war, it has always been clear that, absent direct NATO involvement in the fight, Ukraine could never win. Setting aside the immense human cost in lives lost, injuries suffered, and cities destroyed since the war started in 2022, Ukraine’s economy has suffered immense damage as the US and Europeans 'leaders' none-the-less encouraged Zelensky to fight to the last Ukrainian. Past his constitutionally allotted time as President, Zelensky clings to power, lauded a hero by his many admiring, so-called democratic fans in the west.

In Georgia, the Americans and Europeans are actively sponsoring an attempt to unseat the democratically elected Georgia Dream government, in circumstances that are genuinely baffling. Having frozen indefinitely the EU accession process for Georgia in July of this year, Europeans are up in arms at the Georgian government’s decision to confirm a freezing of talks until 2028 (which is much sooner than indefinite). Georgia’s ruling President, in fact a French Diplomat, seems determined to stay in office to see through the regime change, despite her constitutionally allotted term coming to an end. She is roundly applauded in EU capitals and in Washington as a modern-day Joan of Arc.

In France, the government of Prime Minister Michel Barnier is falling apart because he is trying to steer a deeply unpopular budget, that would require a painful mix of tax increases and spending cuts, through parliament without a vote. In one of the great ironies, his imminent failure is rooted in the anti-democratic tendencies of his previous employer, the European Commission. Macron's calls for France to become directly involved in the war in Ukraine is also deeply unpopular among non-establishment parties as well the French people.

In Germany, the Rainbow Coalition of Olaf Scholz has turned a dirty brown, as irreconcilable tensions about spending and huge financial and military support for Ukraine have erupted. The tough fiscal backdrop that Germany faces is linked to its underperforming economy, which is less competitive than the U.S. and the Eurozone average. A huge increase in energy prices in Germany hasn’t helped. Car giant Volkswagen has announced plans to close at least three factories in Germany and lay off ten thousand staff.


Reader 12/10/2024 (Tue) 10:50 Id: 32813e [Preview] No.23278 del
In Britain, there is no right wing party to represent public interests. The current progressive/globalist regime has violated the spirit of the Brexit vote and has opened the borders of the country wide to third-world immigration. The results have been disastrous. The government and the British media now spend most of their time trying to hide the spike in violent crime committed by migrants across Europe and the UK. Without representation the British public has taken to the streets to protest.

In Romania, the Constitutional Court has for the first time canceled the results of a presidential election because a "right wing" (actually, an Independent!) candidate unexpectedly won the first round. The government claims Calin Georgescu received an online boost on his campaign TikTok account from Russian sources and this represented a "distortion of the vote". The court has produced no concrete evidence to support this claim, nor have they explained how artificial Russian traffic on Georgescu's TikTok account translates to Romanian votes. The courts are now determining if they will bring criminal charges against Georgescu after canceling an election. Again, this is the complete death of Democracy as the political left promotes it. They have decided to do anything and everything to keep power, even if it means abandoning the very democratic processes they claim to defend.

Inevitably, Russia is the common denominator in all of these situations. A relentless avalanche of state propaganda casts President Putin as the baddest baddies of all time. Even President Yoon Suk Yeol’s bizarre failed attempt to impose martial law on an open, democratic and modern South Korea was blamed tangentially on Russia. And yet, Europe feels less safe now than it has since the Cold War, not because of what is happening in Russia, but because of what is happening in Europe itself.

Ever since 2014, hostile European bureaucrats have tethered themselves inescapably to a US democratic party obsession with defeating Russia because they don’t like dealing with Putin. That has led to an almost complete, and self-destructive severing of economic ties between Europe and Russia. That split in economic relations has undoubtedly contributed to the rise in nationalism and political tension across Europe as citizens struggle to pay their bills and ask why they are being sucked into an unnecessary war.


Reader 12/10/2024 (Tue) 12:59 Id: 4ca935 [Preview] No.23279 del
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>Hostile Leadership
Ever since 1945
Total ZOGmerican death

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