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US Military is looking for Dirty Bombs Reader 12/15/2024 (Sun) 13:48 Id: b070b9 [Preview] No. 23293
This is the largest US GOV psyop coverup in the history of the United States of America. The following two posts include both the 9 minute video link and the archived news article.


Reader 12/15/2024 (Sun) 13:49 Id: b070b9 [Preview] No.23294 del
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These drones over NJ, DC, NY are not aliens, they are US Military drones sniffing out radiation from nuclear warheads. The included video link is of the CEO of defense contractor Saxon Aerospace, John Ferguson, on the current drone situation in the New England region of the United States. The military contractor drones are combinations of HPG drones, XP4 drones, VTOL drones, executed by both the NAWCAD and USSF central commands of the United States Military. This is the largest US GOV psyop coverup in the history of the United States of America.



Reader 12/15/2024 (Sun) 13:51 Id: f42bef [Preview] No.23295 del
If NYC and New Jersey residents die from radiation, it would be a tragedy to lose all those Italians.

Good riddance to the kikes.

Reader 12/15/2024 (Sun) 13:53 Id: b070b9 [Preview] No.23296 del
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This is the largest US GOV psyop coverup in the history of the United States of America, and the entire New England region will suffer immensly if the glowniggers do not find the nuclear warhead before it detonates. The included article link is of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) published in September 1997 that quoted former Russian national security advisor Alexander Lebed, who stated that the Russian military lost track of upwards of 100 nuclear suitcase bombs. Each of the weapons is as powerful as a one kiloton warhead capable of killing as many as 100,000 people and could be detonated by a single person.



Reader 12/15/2024 (Sun) 13:59 Id: b070b9 [Preview] No.23297 del
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it will wipe out 80% of the muslim population in America, 50% of the democrat population in America, and 30% of the nigger population in America with just NJ, DC, NY being taken out


US Biological-Military Activities in Ukraine and Africa Reader 12/25/2024 (Wed) 02:06 Id: 2a9ed1 [Preview] No.23321 del
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The Jewnited States of Kikestan already developes biological dirty bombs on the African Continent.


Biological-Military activities of the United States of America in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world. Africa is now the zone of heightened interest.


Research of the U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) actively work in the region. Branches of the National Naval Military Medical Center are stationed in Ghana and Djibouti, where active work is carried out in natural disease foci, isolation, and sequencing of pathogens.

The U.S. Army Military Medical Center in Kenya has deployed a network of field stations to monitor the spread of infectious diseases in Equatorial Africa.

In Nigeria, a joint medical research centre and a military medical laboratory of the armed forces of the republic have been established in 2024, with 10 U.S. DoD specialists permanently on staff.

A new $35 million laboratory facility is being completed in Senegal. The project involves the same Pentagon contractors as in the former Soviet Union – in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Among them are CH2M HILL, Black & Veatch, and Metabiota.

The Pentagon uses the relevant infrastructure and potential of African countries to conduct military-biological research. The U.S. Government customers are the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the National Security Agency, and the U.S. State Department. The main consumers of the research results are the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

American-funded biological projects in Nigeria are aimed at combating HIV/AIDS. As volunteers, Nigerian nationals are participating in a clinical evaluation of antiviral drugs from the Pentagon-affiliated company Gilead. I would like to remind you that this pharmaceutical company conducted trials of its drugs on Ukrainian citizens.

This year, the Pentagon started active research of highly dangerous infectious agents in Zambia. At the same time, funding was directed at improving the capacity of military medical facilities and retraining medical personnel.

The United States is working with South Africa to establish a collaborative study of the monkeypox virus at the South African Institute for Vector-borne Diseases.


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