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Can't Hide It Anymore: US PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYMENT IS IN RECESSION Reader 12/27/2024 (Fri) 17:59 Id: 597ab4 [Preview] No. 23338

US private sector full-time jobs have DROPPED by nearly 2 MILLION over the past year. Such a drop has never happened outside of recessions.

The only gain in full-time jobs has been in the government sector. The Job market is not only weak, it is collapsing.

THIS.... this right here.... is exactly, precisely the second largest reason that the Democrats lost the Presidential election. While they were stuck in their echo chamber of lies, repeating the falsehood that "the economy is terrific" the rest of the real world knew otherwise.

The first big reason they lost, of course, was inflation: specifically, the price of FOOD.

But to this very day, the radical left-wing cult remain in their echo chamber of lies, only now, they're trying to find a way to block Trump from being inaugurated.

It seems as though the radical left is oblivious to the reality that what they're doing WOULD LIKELY cause an ACTUAL, SHOOTING, Civil War, and that people die in Civil Wars, particularly the people that start them.

As always, the Demoncrats & their RINO neo-con puppets are still desperate to destroy America from within, trying to undermine our democratic elections and subvert the will of The American People.... even though the majority of the country has told them to FUCK OFF already!


Reader 12/28/2024 (Sat) 07:14 Id: 00ecb1 [Preview] No.23339 del
Great opportunity to go long now. Buy private jobs, sell them when they go back up to 3500-4000.

Reader 12/28/2024 (Sat) 14:48 Id: 597ab4 [Preview] No.23341 del
We need more jobs to be created for the real economy (whatever is left of it), not relying on some govt data and stock market grift scheme and more debt being thrown into an insolvent failed system all over again, that does absolutely nothing to solve the core problem. How about we fucking incentivize production in this country once again? Reduce all the tax burdens, reduce the bureaucracy and their fiat carte blanch regulation, reduce government spending and give incentives by lowering interest for loans and credit card debts for start-up businesses. Make Americans say "hey, it's actually worth starting up a business in this country, they won't chop my fucking balls off!!"

Reader 12/31/2024 (Tue) 13:12 Id: 2cc36f [Preview] No.23344 del
>How about we fucking incentivize production in this country once again?
Hey, cool it with the antisemitic remarks

The Truth Hurts Because Lying Jews Create False OSS/CIA Planet of Sleeping Dummies! Tardus 12/31/2024 (Tue) 17:34 Id: 965d42 [Preview] No.23345 del
Ha ha good one.Antisemitism is not a real word, not a real thing.But in the way jews use it, it is a good thing, because to them it means the hatred of those who are race destroying usurist (usurist isnt even in any spellcheck how is that lol) scum, and so yes, although antisemite is a false term and has no true etymology outside being a jewish slur word for goyim, it is useful to us because its a target they paint on their own heads while shrieking. Even Donaldberg Jamie Trumpenstein himself as their greatest knight, is drawing them up for excision and removal. All his bluster is due to orders from them, it is they who make him sound stupid...Well his inner circle of young bankmen fraud type jews like stephen miller and jared saudi-arms dealer kuschner. They themselves are drawing up their own people (a tiny meaningless fraction of the human race) and is painting them into a corner by never discussing either usury or the word antisemite. They can't ever discuss these two terms simultaneously as normal people would easily do, because they hate the truth because THE TRUTH HURTS, and once you understand that you can get on the HERTZ OF TRUTH aka the frequency of the truth. There is only one truth when it comes to debt and antisemitism as a false term. There is no middle ground. I am correct here and not one jews will ever challenge me due to their fear.

The Pen is Frightier Than the Sw Tardus 12/31/2024 (Tue) 17:47 Id: 965d42 [Preview] No.23346 del

T Shirts Are Free Speech Tardus 12/31/2024 (Tue) 18:01 Id: 965d42 [Preview] No.23347 del

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