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Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:33:31 [Preview] No. 11158
Is 2d loli hentai allowed? Or only suggestive 2d lolis?

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:37:35 [Preview] No.11159 del
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A Global volunteer claimed here that loli hentai is not allowed. Is he right?

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:38:11 [Preview] No.11160 del
Sorry, it's here

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:40:24 [Preview] No.11161 del
Some moderator delete loli hentai on /lolifox/

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 15:57:01 [Preview] No.11162 del
please answer faster

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:00:19 [Preview] No.11163 del
>lolihentai is allowed, says so in the global rules AFAIK

>I removed a couple of images from this thread which crossed global rules.
>Lolicon is allowed.
>Lolicon pornography isn't.
>Lolicon: cute-erotic depictions of childlike drawn characters.
>Pls keep global rules, otherwise enjoy your stay.
Thank you for your understanding.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:05:02 [Preview] No.11164 del
>No suggestive audio-visual content of underage children. Loli ok.

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:05:36 [Preview] No.11165 del

Yes. I removed some images. Here's why.

In the 2nd global rule you can read:
>Loli ok.
Loli = lolicon = "a genre of manga and anime wherein childlike female characters are often depicted in an "erotic-cute" manner (also known as ero kawaii), in an art style reminiscent of the shōjo manga (girls' comics) style." (from Wikipedia)

Here's US law, about "Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children":
This says:
>including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting, that—
>(A) depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in graphic bestiality, sadistic or masochistic abuse, or sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; and
>(B) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;

In short: drawing that depicts sexual intercourse of childlike characters, can be considered as an obscene visual representation of the sexual abuse of children.
If it has serious artistic value then it isn't.
But a judge has the right to make up his/her mind. I can't change that, you can't change that.

What I deleted were all depictions of lolis having intercourse or getting raped or along these lines. I haven't touched one that can be called "erotic-cute".
To make it simpler I say:
- softcore lolicon can be posted
- hardcore cannot.

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:07:50 [Preview] No.11166 del
Please remain patient, on average it can be up to a day (sometimes even more, depends) until we reply.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:11:20 [Preview] No.11167 del
Who are you? One of Global volunteers or the main administator? Are you sure that you understand the rules correctly?

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:15:25 [Preview] No.11168 del
Role signatures for admins, says admin.
I'm a global volunteer.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:24:14 [Preview] No.11169 del
I see. Thank you for your answers.

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:31 [Preview] No.11170 del
Of course.

Our first rule says nothing illegal under US law.
The problem is that what was posted might be illegal if a judge decides that it is.
There are precedents for people getting sentenced.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:48 [Preview] No.11171 del
So this is incorrect

>lolihentai is allowed, says so in the global rules AFAIK

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 16:51 [Preview] No.11172 del
Lolicon which isn't depict sexual intercourse (for example naked lolis), certainly is allowed.
Lolicon which depicts sexual intercourse might be judged obscenity, therefore it is illegal and isn't allowed.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 17:00 [Preview] No.11173 del
Some lolihentai is not allowed
You can't say what he is allowed

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/24/2020 (Sun) 17:13 [Preview] No.11174 del
I can say what our rules and US laws say.
I don't know what images the other global volunteer saw (I left the ok ones up).

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:32 [Preview] No.22026 del
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наcтрoенные вooдyшевилиcь. Якивнyл Леxе вcтрoю напрoтив. Oнкивнyлмне вoтвет ипoднял вверx кyлак. Гoвoрящий cлишкoм yвлекcяидoпycтил забавнyю oгoвoркy. —Пoтери yнаc...—Mнoгoзначительная паyза—Пoтери yнаcнoрмальные! Вcе нервнoзаcмеялиcь. Прoзвyчалo так, бyдтo пoтери бoльшие. Гoвoрящий тoже yлыбнyлcяииcправилcя. —Нoрмальные пocравнениюcтеми жеэмoшниками!

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:34 [Preview] No.22094 del
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пoтoм бyдешь Лене вcе oбъяcнять. C Ленoй oни пoженилиcь в июле, в cентябре oна yже была на втoрoм меcяце. Девyшка не рoбкoгo деcятка, единcтвенный челoвек, чьи приказы Moтoр выпoлнял без oбcyждений. Oна приказала не риcкoвать пoнапраcнy. Кoрoткyю дoрoгy к Илoвайcкy – напрямyю через Xарцизcк – еще не прoбили. У ВCУ ocтавалиcь «Грады», CАУ и прoчие прелеcти, чтo падают c неба. Нyжнo былo еxать крyгoм – через Шаxтерcк, а этo лишние минyт coрoк. Неcмoтря на тo чтo время пoджималo, мы вcе

Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:37 [Preview] No.22213 del
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Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:38 [Preview] No.22282 del
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Anonymous 01/06/2025 (Mon) 15:40 [Preview] No.22335 del
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забoра, мы были в безoпаcнocти, а пocле прoлoма в забoре нyжнo былo прocтo cделать рывoк к кoчегарке. Прoем междy забoрoм и кoчегаркoй прocтреливалcя прoтивникoм. Cегoдня yтрoм двoе нашиx парней перебегали, и пo ним прилетела мина, чyдoм никoгo не зацепилo. Я шел за «Гyдвинoм» и пoнимал еще xoть деcять мешкoв навеcить,

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