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Loss of account and new board moderator rights Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 14:34 [Preview] No. 19266
About 3-4 days before May 20, I created a new account but lost it because I apparently wrote down the wrong password. I contacted the endchan telegram chat and one of the regular chat users, probably a moderator advised me to create a new account since I didn't have my own board yet.

I did so, I created a new account and used the same email at proton.me and the same password I had originally intended to use.

On May 20, I created a new board and made a single thread and a few posts on it.

On May 21 I tried to log in. And I saved passwords in the password manager and logged in on May 20 at least twice. But I got a server error like in the first image.

On endchan.net +.org I requested recovery on my E-mail, but it didn't arrive and it's not in spam either. I just made a request a minute ago, so I'll wait a little longer. I still can't get in with the password, still the same error.

The following error appears when requesting recovery again: "Internal server error. Pending request to be expired at Thu May 23 2024 10:25:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)."

22 I tried to do it again but got the same error. The same user on telegram advised me to create a new account and try to log in. Again same email and same password and in the login I just swapped the words around (I hope this helps in identifying me). I successfully logged in, but obviously without moderator rights to that very board.

Now on the advice of the same user from telegram I'm creating a new thread here in the hope that I'll get some help.

I'm sure the board is very useful, so I'll be sorry if I can't regain moderator rights.There are already people coming in there who are insulting discussion members.

Please help restore access. As I said, I always used one password and one email and in the login I changed only two words in places so that the administrator realized that it was me and not a person who wants to steal the account.

Anonymous Admin 05/22/2024 (Wed) 14:46 [Preview] No.19267 del
Thanks for making this thread, perhaps others came across the same problem.
I was the one suggesting to open it, and I asked to open a new acc.

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 14:51 [Preview] No.19268 del
Thank you first and foremost for your work!

Can you please tell me if it's realistic to restore my account or do I have to start from scratch? I understand that technically it might be possible, but in terms of the board rules it might not.

Anonymous Admin 05/22/2024 (Wed) 14:58 [Preview] No.19269 del
>if it's realistic to restore my account
I've no idea. But it could happen again with new account and could effect others. So have to look around.
Don't worry about the board now it can wait a few days.
But I suggest to save all the content worth saving, in case have to repost it later.

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 15:03 [Preview] No.19270 del
> But I suggest to save all the content worth saving, in case have to repost it later.
I didn't even think of that, come to think of it I heard of one moderator who did that to his boards from another server. Thanks for the advice!

Anonymous Admin 05/31/2024 (Fri) 17:19 [Preview] No.19280 del
Problem should be resolved now. Try the new account.

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