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NMAiE General Bridgefag 12/04/2023 (Mon) 11:09 [Preview] No. 8912
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Still moving along edition.

Let's see what happens as we truly entered into the G5 era since last /NMAiE/. Will it be as chaotic as Pony Life era was or will it be mundane? Even if G5 can't quite capture the lightning in the bottle we still can continue on and be comfy respite at the very least.

Note: Slight change in format as a lot of the activity has concentrated on a handful of important threads, so a mix of new threads and threads that are old but are seeing the most "action" right now/important in some way or have news. A lot of new threads have been from random anons just curious about the place, those have not been furthered for obvious reasons .

-FRESH MATERIAL/important threads

Synchronized Rewatch Thread: >>6985
Now formally launched:>>8889

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users): >>5562 Now a cyclical thread.

The /Seapone/ thread: >>6625

The Webm thread: >>7485

The Image Dump thread: >>7734

The Writefag general: >>4724

Golden Oaks general (still trudging along, with random high quality contributions outside of large gaps of inactivity): >>3148

The Royal Pony Sisters:
Celestia's: >>1857 and Luna's /Night/ thread: >>4924 (which doubles as a discussion for many night related things and dreams).

Generation 5's general: >>7886

The /endpone/ sticky, with slightly updated rules: >>5559


Comic Thread (For both fan made and offical): >>1627

Pony Life thread: >>6253

Post Gen 4 Discussion Thread (including several episode spotlights): >>5314 (highly recommended spotlight:>>6755)

The NSFW thread: >>5560

The Mascot General, Dolores Umbridge (needs more love, considering she is one of our main mascots): >>2992

The /fileshare/ thread: >>6627

Games thread: >>6921

The 2nd edit thread (including a compilation of edits from the 1st thread): >>3779

/endpone/'s recommended fics:
The Revolution fic (Bridgefag): >>2747
The Mare in the Mountain (Bridgefag): >>3835
The Second Chance (L23): >>5417
The Mirror of Fire (L23, Unfinished): >>2131
The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape (Bridgefag): >>5108
Roboticized/Slipped Through the Cracks (CB Anon, Unfinished): >>5897
CB Anon's NaNoWriMo2014 Fallout Equestria Project (CB Anon): >>6817
CB Anon's First Fic (CB Anon): >>6540
Quadruped/Quadrupedal(CB Anon, Unfinished WIP taking place in its own original pony themed setting): >>8869, >>8880

Previous thread:>>6987
4th thread:>>4969
3rd thread: >>3485
2nd thread :>>2168
First thread: >>233

/endpone/ 1.5 Update and News Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 11:19 [Preview] No.8914 del
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Minor changes and a few other things.

The update I have long teased is finally here, naturally, not much to hype about but it does warrant a announcement sticky.

Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889

Bunker: In the event of Endchan being wiped off the face of the earth, flee to here for now: https://8chan.moe/pone It is not a continuation of /endpone/ but a general bunker/secondary pony board held under friendly hooves. A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).

The /chat/ thread is now cyclic: >>5562 The idea behind it to encourage more short form and casual discussion and a place to dump off topic posts nopony cares about too much. In reality, I am not sure much will change, but a worthy experiment. Higher effort random posts can still be posted to /NMAiE/, and to be honest, the board always can meander a bit in conversation.

The old NSFW no spoilers required on our NSFW thread: >>5560 has been revised. We have always been in practice more SFW than some boards around these parts and no one ever took advantage of the special exception for that thread. Plus, certain more extreme fetish content was not except from that anyway. TD;LR: normal chan spoiler rules now in place.

New banner has been added to the board, which wouldn't be worth mentioning if not for the fact that we haven't added one since 2019! I don't mind our banners being of a smaller number and a lot of them feel more special and carry a certain context, but, certain things, like Seaponies, /go/, or the writefag thread probably warrant some representation. Here is my partial attempt to remedy one of those.

/endpone/ Status and Update Anon Board owner 12/04/2023 (Mon) 12:11 [Preview] No.8915 del
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Howdy all, this is bridgefag, current BO (technically, BO pro-tempore, BO is still enteral board owner.) Remember my promised update from like... what? Three years ago? It is here! A form of it anyway. /endpone/ hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind since early 2020 and each time I have tried to work my way back to it stuff happened. Now I finally had the chance to devote some time to here and seized it while I could.

This is a incremental 1.5 update. The update I promised from back then when I decided my more ambitious 2.0 planned from way back when wasn’t doable. This is the best I can do right now as well. Life gave me a pause from all the crises and I have gotten somewhat better at managing my time. Still I am uncertain how much time I have to really work on this board overall. Parts of this year were extremely chaotic and disruptive. My life has always sort of been that way, but now, this year, several different things happened at once that were uniquely bad and knocked me off of my feet. I have lived for a good while with the feeling that the rug could be pulled out from under and have to often tend to IRL matters, leaving little time for pony. On the bright side, I think I have a shot of getting it pulled together some, still, that leaves a impact on time for here in the medium term.

This update and posting spree feels like a minor miracle that is flying in under the radar between different crises. I had time to think about things and think about the board going forward. It might be a handful of minor changes, and one medium sized project that could’ve been better spaced out. My posting opportunities (due to my old friend, unstable and shaky internet and random schedule) means that I feel more comfortable doing this at a time when I have access to a more stable connection.

What are my plans going forward anyway? I don’t 100% know but I am not done with this place yet. I might not be able to do a lot but I am going to hold course. If my life is super chaotic and crazy, /endpone/ being this sort of comfy pup sounds pretty nice, as some anons have characterized the atmosphere here. Even if /endpone/'s take on that is a bit of a weird space that doesn’t fit into /mlp/'s or the old ponychan’s family boards conceptions of things. /endpone/ model hasn't failed so far.

I want to take a moment to thank all the anons here, from major players to lurkers who have never made themselves known. The cultural connections with the old /flutter/ and 8/pone/ and some immigration from the latter as well have also played a roll in this board (with /endpone/ being a sort of vague place where these old communities sometimes bump into each other.) I have always wanted to honor both better but uncertain of where to proceed on that. It is weird, but, many of the anons here who I have even distantly interacted with have I have felt a certain, IDK, a understanding that I haven’t felt in other chans, irc, comment section of blogs, forms, etc. My only theory on it is that /endpone/ draws out certain types of posters.

I part with the wise words of a friend: places matter less than the people who are make them up and that is what you should really invest in for the future. (That was at least a paraphrasing of it). So, that is something I have taken into my perspective of this place as well. If /endpone/ ever disappears (hence why bunker talk and having a personal contact point:https://twibooru.org/profiles/BridgesAndLadders albeit, WIP) tomorrow, I know that a lot of the anons in orbit here who I would certainly like to keep in touch in some form or at least hope to see again. Though I know for anons far out here a lot of us sometimes lack normal points of contact we feel comfortable sharing with the Internet and want to keep some distance (the whole point of being a anon on a normal chan and still ceremonially halfway enforced here yet not but not ponychan style... whatever we call it). I know that feeling well also. (Plus, if /endpone/ were to disappear one night and we all just had twitter contacts, th

Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 12:40 [Preview] No.8917 del
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And now I conclude my posting spree. Been fun, haven't posted like that in a long time. I know I'll read this all again in a couple of days and might find a host of spelling and other mistakes but from what I can tell now I did pretty good for rushing it.

Albeit, I did take time to compose most of the post here before today. Even if I did do some editing and adjustments.

Anyway, I guess goodnight, /endpone/. For now at least. This turned out way longer than I thought it would too and I am pretty tired.

Anon 12/06/2023 (Wed) 10:15 [Preview] No.8936 del
Yeah, you should get some rest after a posting spree like that. Especially with your 3rd world internet connection that it seems like you have.

These two posts alone seems like a tiring thing to have done and dug around.

Anon 12/07/2023 (Thu) 09:37 [Preview] No.8961 del
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Have a couple more things to say, actually.
>Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889
5050 will be happy about that.

>A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).
Probably should, (depending on what... yeah, I think that is CB's right?) plans are. I could see him wanting to maintain it as a continuation of 8chan's /pone/. Though frankly, any stranglers of /pone/ and /endpone/ should probably try to stcik a little closer together, in spite of differences in posting culture, /pone/ and /endpone/ do share some blood and /endpone/ is sort of the last focal point that still is fully "alive" in this region of imageboards, even if I hold out hope that /pone/ can come back with CB's determination in holding down the fort.

Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 08:30 [Preview] No.8994 del
>5050 will be happy about that.
He doesn't have to post (cool if he does)t, but, it'd be neat if he sees it for sure. I kind of feel it was a debt owed to him in a way. I ought to at least try it.

>Probably should, (depending on what... yeah, I think that is CB's right?) plans are. I could see him wanting to maintain it as a continuation of 8chan's /pone/.
Yes, it is CB's and, yes, that is something I've thought. Still, right now with IRL, it is a place to flea and regroup at least.

>These two posts alone seems like a tiring thing to have done and dug around.
Though I don't consider it the most impressive. One being just something I wasted time on and the OC and videos on the other being sloppy, thanks.

>r 3rd world internet connection
Yeah, it is just, mobile and WISPs and such right now can suck where I live. I'll leave it at that.

Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 10:47 [Preview] No.9000 del

Seapony Cadance is shocked because because /endpone/ now has reached 9000 posts. Even if she knew it was coming from last time, it still caught her very off guard.

Was about to let this tradition die even if came a little quicker than expected: >>8000

May the bridges continue to be crossed!

Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 10:48 [Preview] No.9001 del
*Wasn't about to let this tradition die even if came a little quicker than expected: >>8000

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 02:54 [Preview] No.9009 del
(847.11 KB 1024x1024 9000.png)
>bridgefag makes largest posting spree in years
>/pag/ splinters off into /go/
I know why this happened now. Pic related.

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 16:52 [Preview] No.9020 del

> Don't read this line if you don't wanna read drama-related crap.

is talking about yourself a kind of drama? So, does this mean that it is cool to avoid any kind of venting? Do you get anything in return by doing this?

> I think someone called me a script kiddie in the past. I'll call him an idiot outsider or someone who wasn't paying attention.

so I see that both of you ended up with derogatory terms. I see...

> I was never arrogant/showy/trying-to-look-cool about my endeavors.

it´s cool not to have an egocentric behaviour. On the other hand, you seem to downplay your personal thoughts by calling them crap. It raises a few doubts here.

> I was just imparting the information related to what I was doing, for various reasons, such as trying to work through a problem. I use other people's scripts if I needed to, but I think I mainly made my own code and stuff to do what I wanted to do.

so, you work on your own by approaching the issues in the most effective manner. Either you make it on your own but you also resort to using other scripts for shortening the time so that you can solve such problem.

> Another reason that that someone got the impression of "script kiddie" from me: the code I posted is fairly simple, and sometimes it is obviously in an unfinished state. Code that's simple is great, especially if it works well. Simple code means that basically anyone can understand what's happening (including myself in the future) even without comments.

so, such simplicity would induce misunderstandings because anyone could assume that it wasn´t yours.

> I did progressively make some of my code more complex, but that was only on the basis that it had to be more complex to do all that I wanted it to do. Oh, and complex code is not necessarily better. Unfinished code that "just works" is fine, updates to it might break it: same idea of version control systems like git. VCSes can also simply record what the code looked like at one point.

I may be an ignorant on the tech field when it comes to programming/coding but, as far I know, the most desirable methods that one needs to carry out are the most efficient ones. The reasons behind such selective methods are due to factors such as money and time. Considering that one only needs a PC for this (and other complementary devices), I guess that time is the defining variable that comes into play for choosing which script comes off as the most adequate for each case.

> One of the reasons I shared code is because it was useful to me (e.g., referring back to it), and it could possibly be useful to others though that wasn't my direct intention usually.

You shared it because it turned out to be successful for you. By spreading it out to other users, your idea consisted of reducing time with the help of others instead of running into troubles, right?

> It wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone with whatever I coded/programmed; I did make one or more things which I think could be useful to others and that anyone could easily use and that could be considered good/great code.

Then, you were definitely looking forward to getting more support from others in order to increase the productivity.

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 17:06 [Preview] No.9021 del

> Why am I even posting this? If you feel like reading this is a waste of time, blame whoever insulted me a bit in that post in /pag/; I kinda felt like defending myself.

Eeeerm, what´s wrong exactly with sharing your viewpoint? In fact, I think that they expect you to keep doing what you are doing: getting angry after such argument and achieving some kind of revenge by proving your skills at becoming more efficient that said anon.


Are you really sure that what you have expressed here is crap and a waste of time?
Sure, you may be defending yourself by carrying out what you have been doing for the past few days.

However, let´s assume that you manage to meet your intended objectives, what´s left for you after pulling it off?

Honestly, I think that you are acting in the way that they expect you to do it and such philosophy might reveal that the user in this screencap would be proven right: meandering about personal stuff isn´t exactly frowned upon because it has allowed the board to move forward.

You assume that that this is a carbon copy of /mlp/ when in reality, many boards have failed for trying to imitate it over and over again.

I don´t get what´s so cool about playing the macho man. I don´t see how such route will entail any kind of satisfying outcome for you.

Just saying...

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 17:15 [Preview] No.9022 del
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yeah, I forgot about including this one >>9021

It seems that they are tracking you for what you are doing around here, by the way.

> Posters there don't seem like the type who would understand this guy's posts either.

I may not understand code nor many tech concepts (except for the basic stuff) but I do know how these social situations play out. I am leaving some food for thought that maybe should be taken into account before you get to dismiss your own standpoint entirely.

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 18:05 [Preview] No.9023 del
>Are you really sure that what you have expressed here is crap and a waste of time?
What I posted isn't crap per se. I was thinking it was crap because the OP of /go/ said to not make drama posts, which can also be off topic or not getting any work done.

>However, let´s assume that you manage to meet your intended objectives, what´s left for you after pulling it off?
Takes a while for me to complete some things, sometimes due to reasons outside of my control. If I do finish current objectives, there's still lots of things to do.

>don´t get what´s so cool about playing the macho man
How am I doing that? I disliked recent changes to 4chan or /mlp/, so I left. Also left due to disliking how ephemeral threads are. I said why I left in the other thread.

Anon 12/10/2023 (Sun) 19:43 [Preview] No.9026 del
> I was thinking it was crap because the OP of /go/ said to not make drama posts, which can also be off topic or not getting any work done

hence why I would relocate such topic over here.

However, the thread would itself not to become as strict as it was announced back then. Mostly because we had no idea how it was going to pan out.

Ironically enough, users and OP himself have already made posts over there that tackle said matters if they happen to be related to them. Given the recent changes for that thread and the unexpected relevance that it has gained, especially due to the recent events, I don´t blame such sudden shift in the philosophy. Nobody had a clear idea how to approach it.

> Takes a while for me to complete some things, sometimes due to reasons outside of my control.

well, they do indeed take some time. Actually, everything does. Who´s telling you to put the blame on you whenever outside factors come into play? Those are expected to happen at some point.

> If I do finish current objectives, there's still lots of things to do.

you sound like me. If you hold on to such philosophy, you may not get such awaited sense of fulfilment.
If productivity is all you care about, results may be found. Heart-warming ones may not be included among them.

> How am I doing that?

by presenting your thoughts as if they were crap, there lies the problem.

> I disliked recent changes to 4chan or /mlp/, so I left.

and what are you planning to do here, by the way? What drove you to take such decision besides your own objectives?

> Also left due to disliking how ephemeral threads are. I said why I left in the other thread.


we wouldn´t have expected this board to last for so long. You complain about threads that are fleeting in nature, this board exists due to the expectation of being ephemeral in its entirety, not ever-lasting.

I guess that you have traded those ephemeral threads for a more ephemeral experience in general, heh...

Anon 12/11/2023 (Mon) 03:53 [Preview] No.9029 del
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>reasons outside of my control.
Story of my life.

>meandering about personal stuff isn´t exactly frowned upon because it has allowed the board to move forward.
Correct, it is not always the prime subject but it is something that comes up quite naturally in this place when there are too few anons to hind behind a true vail of anonymity. Hence why a lot of our discussions are a bit all over the place and such.

>However, the thread would itself not to become as strict as it was announced back then. Mostly because we had no idea how it was going to pan out.
>Ironically enough, users and OP himself have already made posts over there that tackle said matters if they happen to be related to them. Given the recent changes for that thread and the unexpected relevance that it has gained, especially due to the recent events, I don´t blame such sudden shift in the philosophy. Nobody had a clear idea how to approach it.
Not to contradict you here,
>Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.
The debate that has happened in the past is when/what crosses that threshold and you are right that I had to be a bit less restrictive than what I thought it was going to be when I went in but I still consider it in force. For example, in my attempts to chronological any timeline for Ponychan (lol) I couldn't cleanly ignore it. As for that thread, yeah, still good to err a bit on the side of caution but that warning was in place to prevent it from becoming just simply another place on the internet to air out dirty laundry and fighting over subjects covered or lolcows. When in doubt, it would be fine to post such a observations in here or >>5562

>we wouldn´t have expected this board to last for so long. You complain about threads that are fleeting in nature, this board exists due to the expectation of being ephemeral in its entirety, not ever-lasting.
Philosophically ephemeral is different than the function of threads being that way though. Functionally, /endpone/ threads are very long lasting. We, especially in our earlier days, knew the plug might be pulled it'd be game over and adapted a why worry attitude As for philosophically, would I still describe /endpone/ as ephemeral? I have no idea. Taking some small steps to stay around and archiving things certainly is a bit in contrast I admit. Just mentioning this because I think his complaint is separate from your observation.

Anon 12/12/2023 (Tue) 03:04 [Preview] No.9035 del
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>, as far I know, the most desirable methods that one needs to carry out are the most efficient ones
Define efficiency. There is a bunch of people being led with a carrot and a stick running through whatever trendy new thing and trying to puff up and attack anything else in order to feel important and cutting edge and oldschool pros that hate everything outside of Unix, C, and simple tools. Both are wrong by the way.

Anon 12/16/2023 (Sat) 04:04 [Preview] No.9059 del
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You forget the contrarians and perfectionist of certain niche ideas various other things that are " this is real programing". Some of which go mainstream and new and some of which stay forever cool but never 100% mainstream.

Still, not a bad oversimplification.

Anon 12/16/2023 (Sat) 04:09 [Preview] No.9060 del
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Just putting this out there. I have hardly watched any of the secondary G4 stuff that has been put out. Impressions have been a little mixed from what I have seen but I probably ought to dig into it sometime.

Anon 12/19/2023 (Tue) 11:54 [Preview] No.9078 del
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It ranges from just "okay" to slightly good tier. It is nothing spectacular and sometimes a bit off putting too. Like that 3D experimental Pinkie short from a few years back.

Well, I could go all the way back to the Unix Haters Handbook and be a true OG and contrarian.
>he uses C
Though considering the push against C from Rust, maybe that just makes me half way towards doing what the industry wants?

Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 00:53 [Preview] No.9092 del
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>industry wants.
There is another path forth.
Or you could use raw JS without frameworks. That would piss off "real programers" and perhaps some of those who build their careers on stuff like react.

Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 07:24 [Preview] No.9098 del
Endchan briefly went out for some reason this morning (or whenever it was, was morning for me in my timezone). I have only gotten this error once before, lol, and it has been awhile.

I guess, PoLS for now. Still lots I have to reply to but I am out of steam. Goodnight /endpone/!

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 05:40 [Preview] No.9104 del
The site still goes off fairly regularly, doesn't it? I am not even the most regular visitor here and I see several at a times at the wrongthink bunker or whatever it's called. At least these have often been hours, or half a day, as opposed to the horror of several days a time and sometimes losing the images like in the not so good old days.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 21:34 [Preview] No.9121 del
The reason not much appears to be happening, is that the End is letting posts fall off the cliff.

Finally got three files to upload. Post disappeared, which usually means on the next update it will show as a post in the thread.

Two minutes later, no post. Although, in attempting to stick a 2MB .flv file to this post, I was told that filetype isn't allowed. Which is closer to success than I've been since starting this...

Guess I need to get these old .flv files and FFmpeg together before I can share them here.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 22:25 [Preview] No.9124 del
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We are having our yearly Endchan Christmas Special Marathon on the 26th. You guys are invited as well. Here's the feature list: >>>/operate/18938

>fairly regularly
Depends on your definition. 2-3 times yearly for sure. Such cases.

>End is letting posts fall off the cliff.
I'm not sure what you mean. It works for me (tm).
Some upload movs but that doesn't play in browsers. Better stick to .webm and .mp4 (h264 codec).

Hearth's Warming! Anon Board owner 12/25/2023 (Mon) 10:46 [Preview] No.9134 del
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A PoLS of sorts. Happy Hearth's Warming and Merry Christmas! Let's hope this year is safe and fun with a nice gift or two! and not Rarity crying in eating loads of ice cream while Last Christmas plays on loop... the Jimmy Eats World cover... IDK, for some reason the local radio station has been playing it a lot. Yes, really, I still listen to radio sometimes.

Endchan has always been a bit persnickety, but I would say it has been a slow upward climb in both usability and stability. I know the feeling of Endchan eating my posts too, though.

>I'm not sure what you mean. It works for me (tm).
It hasn't happened to me in awhile but sometimes the site does "eat" posts.

Merry Christmas to y'all!

Anon 12/26/2023 (Tue) 04:44 [Preview] No.9138 del
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Twibooru is down.

8chan.moe is down.

LOL, bunker and emergency contact point both down at the same time. Both were temp/whatever right now measures but I probably should be looking at other options for one at least one of those.

Hope everypony had a happy heartswarming!

Anon 12/26/2023 (Tue) 06:55 [Preview] No.9139 del
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>8chan.moe is down.

It actually goes down pretty often, but usually only for 5-10 minutes.

Not as common an occurrence, but I was able to log in and see my holiday message just now, so it too came back.

Remember too, 8kun still exists, as well. Or for a small bunker, VPSses are all the rage nowadays - seven percent of a penny for every hour up, running whatever software you slap together on it!

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.9147 del
Happy Hearth's Warming.

>Yes, really, I still listen to radio sometimes.

>Down sites and bunkers
From my experience as well, booth those places are down sporadically but not horribly. I don't visit 8chan[dot moe]that often though.

Wow, I forget that the last son of /pone/ is still there doggedly holding that place and keeping it alive. Kudos to him. It'd posting there horrible though? I know I have had trouble pposting even in plain old vanilla internet.

>self hosting
Cheap VPS often suck, but are aplenty and for a place as small as this, might be feasible for use, I say might because of the old rule of lurkers to posters, 1:10 ratio. if there 10 regular anons (say, anons who at least post a few times a year) there still could be is at least 100 lurkers--more realistically, no more than 10 or 20. I do see this board mentioned sometimes elsewhere and noted as being weird, but not quite in a negative way so you do need to take that into account.

My main concern on hosting something like that would be clop, If bridgefag was actually mad enough to try that I would recommend being at least a little bit on the restrictive side just from potential legal and political reasons you never know whom might wish to hurt you one day /endpone/ is a bit more SFW in practice anyway so it isn't like it would be that different.

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.9148 del
>Happy Hearthswarming.

>May this actual update put joy in your stocking. And some warmth, because your toes are getting pretty cold out there.

>May your road lead you to warm sands. No, wait wrong universe.

<VPN blocked
<Tor not working
Happy Hearth's Warming to you anon. I am not sure you'll see it here, but I know some of /pone/ does loosely hang in orbit around here.

Happy New Years!!! (eve) Anon 12/31/2023 (Sun) 08:46 [Preview] No.9179 del
(1.82 MB 1200x1102 1864.png)
I hope to do my normal postings around here but some stuff that has come up that might need my attention and still want to acknowledge New Years at least. This marks /endpone/ 6 years into its current incarnation and I am certainly in disbelief at it. Think, there are places, sites with their own cultures and customs that exist that are younger than here. /endpone/ ain't ancient but it feels it is like from some odd twilight point in the fandom when a sense of death was sweeping everything and things were contracting more heavily with the fears of FiM's oncoming end.

>holiday message.
Good, /)

As for cheap VPS', yeah, that has been a consideration that I have weighed the pros and cons of. (Paranoia over my name being ever tied and the possible issues if it actually had to serve as more then just a bunker being the main negatives).

>last son of /pone/
I wouldn't say he is the only one. I think there are a few who sort of hang around... and you just replied to said anon just now.

Yeah, mad respect to CB for holding out there. He stayed far past the point when I would've. Now, while the experience isn't quit buttery smooth I can say the site has improved. even if it still has it's issues with VPNs and Tor at times.

Anon 12/31/2023 (Sun) 17:42 [Preview] No.9182 del
6 years and it seems that the board is entering into a new phase. We take all these years for granted but it´s ironic that the bloom of this board happened at an unusual time in the fanbase´s history.

Perhaps other users have more to deliver at this point by either archiving material, by discussing a bit the 5th generation, longposts related to specific matters, discussion about the fanfics that are presented over here, sharing videos/webm, adding a new banner or just posting whatever image anyone feels like doing at the time.

I hope that all of you are having fun with the experience around here. Who knows how long it might last? Never take this ride for granted, otherwise regrets can be felt in hindsight.

As for me, I don´t believe that I can contribute all that much to the board. I have been taking a break from this project in the meantime. However, even if I stick around behind the scenes, I am still doing my part but said actions are much subtler in practice.

Another chapter /ends/ and a new one is around the corner.

I guess that it´s up to all of you to get the spotlight around here.
I am just posting this reply for delivering some evidence of my existence around this board.

See you in 2024, /endpone/.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 01:04 [Preview] No.9183 del
As per tradition, here is, New Year's Day by U2. First thing I ever posted here on that fateful meeting with two other anons. Didn't realize I'd be here 6 years later...

>6 years and it seems that the board is entering into a new phase. We take all these years for granted but it´s ironic that the bloom of this board happened at an unusual time in the fanbase´s history.
Yes, we have taken the years for granted, haven't we? And... where are we now?

>I hope that all of you are having fun with the experience around here. Who knows how long it might last? Never take this ride for granted, otherwise regrets can be felt in hindsight.
I think I haven't. I still got some enjoyment out of the ride in a time when everyone was either wearing down and a sense of fear had taken the fandom (at least those of us who weren't wearing rose tinted glasses of everything being 100% fine in some of the more mainstream circles). So, while maybe the years have been for granted, or at least caught me of guard, I think I have been cherishing this period more then some. and even then, the ride isn't as important as the souls we meet along the way.

A certain anon once told me that once the show was over, the ride was formally done, and anything else was just a pleasant surprise/bonus. So, whatever is around the corner, maybe it has been already done in a sense?

Though... I do not know what going past the 9000 post has done, maybe /endpone/ will continue 10 more years for all I know? Regardless, I will be holding onto the board and keeping things with some semblance of functionality even if my contributions might not be the most either.

>As for me, I don´t believe that I can contribute all that much to the board.
You already have done a lot. Numerous long posts, heck, how many of our generals and threads you founded and shaped. I say a break is well deserved.

>I am just posting this reply for delivering some evidence of my existence around this board.
And feel free to do whenever you wish. Always welcome here whenever you feel like popping up.

>See you in 2024, /endpone/.
It isn't 2024 for me, but this for the board, and some of those anons out there and so, happy 2024 /endpone/!

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 01:16 [Preview] No.9184 del
(212.55 KB 600x600 Seaponelestia.jpeg)
Fireworks is already shooting off some where I live, New Year's is still a ways away in Texas. It is something that is haunting all the same. 2023... well, I'll admit it was kind of slow and not the best year ever, but, I can't say it was the worst.

I hope all of you anons out there, L23, CB, Archiver, YT, 5050, BO, the various /flutter/ and 8/pone/ anons who sometimes peak in here, among other lurkers and posters, have a happy and 2024. Hopefully the illegal fireworks don't do as much damage as pic related!

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 05:19 [Preview] No.9186 del
>As per tradition

I actually had several neurons bump into each other as I napped, that I should come by and write a verse in rhyme, as if I was rapping about the new year rolling over,
one verse for each time zone, once per hour on the hour starting about ... 20 minutes ago?

But now that I've finished waking up, I realize there are several problems with that: I won't be able to just disappear to my computer for long enough, often enough, to look for vaguely suitable images, plus the rhymes floating through my sleep-addled brain were nonsense.

So, anyway. Goodbye to '23 if you're in NY. Shipping that off to the east, float by a layer of yeast we defeat the beast on the far coast, and toast to the rest'o'th' land at hand, or to hoof.
Stay under a roof / explosions coming, catch y'all humming
in about an hour or two.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 06:17 [Preview] No.9187 del
Now this problem is central: how a ponyfish's fins are ventral.
How your rapper wrappers half an hour late; rhymes about snapper and images abate.
Let the year roll over, steam roll Stover cookin' up adventure in picture.
Oh, right; pictures are missing, you'll have to just imagine Rainbow Dash & Rudolph kissin'

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 07:07 [Preview] No.9188 del
Writing this haiku,
I felt: my words, a mountain.
'Twenty three, a stream.

We watch the stream go.
Mountain Time has seen the /End/
Wash away, foul stream.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 08:22 [Preview] No.9189 del
twenty minutes late, for twenty four don't feel no hate.
Pacific coast, gonna roast
Near coast.

Why y'all still up? Oh I see just the barking pup. Sleep well Easterners gone, remember last year fond

Done, see? Unless I'm not, Alaska is opposite of hot. Snow pone goin' roan
under stress of the new year, now as it appear.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 11:36 [Preview] No.9191 del
>But now that I've finished waking up, I realize there are several problems with that: I won't be able to just disappear to my computer for long enough, often enough, to look for vaguely suitable images, plus the rhymes floating through my sleep-addled brain were nonsense.
Hey, I get it, lacking time and others drawning your attention, you couldn't give these verses a refined demention, but what you got and what you did, not gonna lie, you are gonna go far kid.

I know it may not seem like much, but I really appreciate the touch. It is past 5 AM and way late for me, and so the stream flows, aren't you happy?

Stream of thought, let it flow, make it go, something, something store branded jello!

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 11:48 [Preview] No.9192 del
This entire thing amuses me too much. Makes me want to go back to stream of consciousnesses stuff I was trying a few years ago.

As for what I am doing up
>Why y'all still up? Oh I see just the barking pup
Weirdly, kind of yes, though not barking so much as utterly horrified. The "no fire works inside city limits " isn't well enforced and let's just say there is a beautiful but sometimes chaotic fireworks show (sometimes with gun fire).

And now I think I have a different song to sing...

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 12:17 [Preview] No.9193 del







It was a perfect start to the new year. I cannot believe how well this sinks up. Almost anyway. The movement is probably just generic enough to work or there is a video out there somewhere and I am retarded.

>>9135 Still intend to try this out, seem to recall using... gnash for this type of conversion? Hmmm. Oh, whatever, now I am just happy with how this turned out.


Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 00:25 [Preview] No.9197 del
>Still intend to try this out

I acquired a swif decompiler. That file is wack, man.
There are sprites of each of the three characters, and the background, plus something else to hold the audio behind the background.
I have no idea what 'defineshapes' is for, but it seems to be the result of those sprites put to use? Not whole screenshots just a sprite in context of the resultant frame.

Oh, and the frames are a separate thing, too. There's enough to put this back together ... 163 frames, 24 pfs, and sound that is 6.74 seconds long.

Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 07:11 [Preview] No.9198 del

Please tell me it wasn't one of those intel atom ones. That is insane.

Okay, drunk/insane

Not drunk but could use one,


How do you intend to do that? It seems like decompiling flash would only reassemble a whole flash file. Unless the individual elements are more easily convertable but that sounds tedious.

Anyway, belately Happy New Year!

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 12:43 [Preview] No.9284 del
(125.62 KB 386x403 1566758878457.png)
How has that conversion attempt gone, CB, I just found a working Debian USB from 10 years ago with gnash installed and I am going to see if I can convert it with that (if it'll even... play!).

Nope, I am sober as the Red October A statement that makes no sense. It is nearly 6 AM and I am starting to let my mind ramble.

Oh, yes, one of those, N450 Intel Atom CPU, good for nothing except for avoiding all the horrible architecture and hardware level security flaws over the years.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:49 [Preview] No.9430 del
I am curious how yours with gnash has gone, did it work, how far did you get?

I'd be surprised if gnash could do it, considering how old and limited it is, but, if it did, that would be hilarious.

Anon Board owner 01/27/2024 (Sat) 03:52 [Preview] No.9458 del
PoLS. Have a lot going on rn, might have some IRL trouble and such depending on cards fail. This certainly applies for the moment:
<Parts of this year were extremely chaotic and disruptive.

The old debian install had issues and I switched to trying to compile it from source. Been running into some issue with gif libraries and with recent stuff I haven't gotten back to it.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 02:56 [Preview] No.9486 del
(98.92 KB 1098x1080 3292515.jpg)
One of you anons linked an odd comic or two somewhere on this board awhile ago. I remember skimming through it, finding it bizarre and somewhat interesting, but I never picked it up and I can't for the life of me find it or recall its name. Frustration that I can't.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 04:10 [Preview] No.9489 del
What was odd about it?
I mentioned MetalKitty's "MLP project" in which Twi dies on page 80 or so, only to be proven alive around page 135.
Actual Really-Bad Behind-the-Scenes badguy dies around page 600 or so? And ends ("or does it?" - but most comments seem to imply that while the comic project continues, yes the bad guy is in hell now, which is drawn as distinct from Tartarus where only sort-of-dead badguys go)

There was also the day the magic died, which I posted the whole of as a .zip file in an old chat or nmaie thread.

There was also an inverted 'friendship is betrayal' comic that ended about a dozen comics in, roughly the beginning/early-middle of season 2

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 08:17 [Preview] No.9509 del
Maybe this one?
>I came across an interesting comic uploaded to Twibooru -- "amulet of shades" -- that petered out about the time the story was really ready to begin.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 21:13 [Preview] No.9514 del
(54.57 KB 835x1152 MemeFace.jpg)

Youtuber DWK explains as how the game Ponyquidditch is primarily won by excellent deployment of meme faces.

This meme was brought to you by the artist Tillie-TMB, who has a deviantart page where the comic Amulet of Shades is published, though a brief search on my favorite search-engine shows Canterlot Comics also has it, here:

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 03:59 [Preview] No.9534 del
Thanks! That was it.Something about it... just feels different.

>Youtuber DWK explains as how the game Ponyquidditch is primarily won by excellent deployment of meme faces.
9/10 memeface right there.

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 23:44 [Preview] No.9539 del
What is your favorite search engine? Seems like even the uncensored and privacy respecting ones have gone downhill. Unironically, Derpi or Twibooru can even beat google when I am finding something pony related.

Anon Board owner 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:52 [Preview] No.9569 del
(612.66 KB 360x269 diesfromcringe.gif)
Finally deleted horribly out of date Hearts Warming Message and my under construction warnings. Feb 2nd, technically longest justified time for Christmas/Holiday messages (though, how closely should I count pony holidays to their human counterparts?). Anyway, now updated and normal.

>Unironically, Derpi or Twibooru can even beat google when I am finding something pony related.
There are still somethings, but we have gone backwards. Used to be able to half way remember something and find it from a jumbled mess of text, now I can't.

That'd be a interesting post, search engine strategies in a declining age of useful technology...

Anon Board owner 02/29/2024 (Thu) 08:43 [Preview] No.9681 del
It's a LEAP DAY! on a LEAP YEA!

Need to celebrate by posting everypony's favorite bunny, Angel. He maybe horrible but so was the rabbit in my familythat I once knew and we still loved him.

Anon Board owner 02/29/2024 (Thu) 08:58 [Preview] No.9682 del
(145.22 KB 1127x723 5137.png)
(39.74 KB 554x567 8360.jpg)
Posting some alirocn OC's just because it is LEAP DAY!

One memed, one forgotten, and the only one that is probably near universally accepted by every faction of the fandom (at least, they don't have a issue with the general idea of her being portrayed this way). I am actually completely okay with alicorn OCs, though I suppose these three cases here are more of fandom OCs as opposed to the hated personal red and black self insert OC.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 00:56 [Preview] No.9694 del
(354.10 KB 577x600 medium.png)
Belated LEAP YEA!

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.9876 del
(112.42 KB 531x556 3183118.png)
Belated leap yea(to mock my typo) back to you!

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 07:48 [Preview] No.9887 del
(487.96 KB 536x576 00082-216782963.png)
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(283.94 KB 504x504 00066-3887673097.png)
(335.19 KB 536x576 00092-1228600604.png)
(418.65 KB 536x576 00091-1228600603.png)
Just a reminder, in case it was somehow unclear, that AI doesn't, and cannot understand.

I asked for a bat-pony. The first two are from an E621-trained checkpoint, so okay, fair point. I also tried, since Equestria-at-war calls them thestrals, for a thestral equine - 3rd image.

Switched to the v6 pony-trained (derpi? I forget now) checkpoint, using the term bat-pony again, same everything else and get this 4th image ... along with several brightly colored but recognizable bat ponies

Fun if I have time, but it's not really even nightmare fuel, just bad copy-pasta.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 02:51 [Preview] No.9920 del
(87.23 KB 580x600 spooky.jpeg)
More of mid-tier weird than a nightmare to fear.

I wonder if some "prompt engineering" could improve upon these? At least with the results that were gotten here: >>8663, >>8865

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 02:22 [Preview] No.9936 del
>The first two are from an E621-trained checkpoint, so okay, fair point.
To be fair, E621 looked like it was trying to give it, just too weird and anthro for your request. Not that I hate anthro, RIP twentypercentcooler.

>I also tried, since Equestria-at-war calls them thestrals, for a thestral equine - 3rd image.
Silhouette horse.

> Switched to the v6 pony-trained (derpi? I forget now) checkpoint, using the term bat-pony again, same everything else and get this 4th image ... along with several brightly colored but recognizable bat ponies
I am curious on what short of quirk would cause bat ponies to be associated with sunsets and vivid colors.

>More of mid-tier weird than a nightmare to fear.
Only the second one looks off to me. The others just are not what he requested and have typical slight AI strangeness but aren't creepy.

> "prompt engineering"
That is some impressive Seapony results, though.

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 18:51 [Preview] No.10010 del
So it seems...that the board has been facing some """issues""" for the 10k GET.

If someone provided us some assistance for moderating this mess, it would be greatly appreciated.

L23 03/24/2024 (Sun) 19:09 [Preview] No.10011 del
Thanks for cleaning it up.

Feel welcome to post here at anytime if both you and Odilitime want to join us at some point.

No one should mess up with the dedication and love that other users have provided over here for years...

...CB, Bridgefag...

...it seems that we will have to watch out whatever stragglers decide to pop up for random reasons...

...for now...

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 19:17 [Preview] No.10012 del
(76.04 KB 640x426 duterte-thumbsup.jpg)

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 01:11 [Preview] No.10014 del
(19.35 KB 720x521 file.jpg)
>So it seems the board has been facing some issues

You guys I take a nap for the afternoon and all tartarus comes out to barf on the board? What kind of botched spell did you do?

Anon Board owner 03/25/2024 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.10015 del
(724.60 KB 890x890 ConfusedSunny.png)
I just got here and am still trying to access things myself. I am as lost as you.

>So it seems...that the board has been facing some """issues""" for the 10k GET.
Apparently stolen! No matter, a 10K Scarred Cadance post will still come, even if not at 10K.

>Thanks for cleaning it up.

>...CB, Bridgefag...
>...it seems that we will have to watch out whatever stragglers decide to pop up for random reasons...
I already have some defenses in place for years. No more than 2 new threads can be posted per hour for example so nothing gets bumped to oblivion. Not that I won't take a look over the settings again.

Anon Board owner 03/25/2024 (Mon) 05:36 [Preview] No.10016 del
Okay, the threads that were bumped seem completely random. From moderately inactive generals to VERY old pages like these, >>36, >>94 Now sitting in the middle of page 2. I assume some of the recent threads have also been "bumped" by whoever this was because they are mixed inbetween these older threads with /go/ the way down on page 3 now.

The only posts from these posting spree that might remain from this spam at this moment are:
>It's 0 posts exepct for me
>i mean, were all posting ponies here, but ok
Now, these post might not be from said spammer, but I assume they are. From what I can glean, IDK. I just wanted to point it out for the record.

Thanks /)

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 06:29 [Preview] No.10021 del
(995.56 KB 307x387 3189696.gif)
(685.16 KB 3277x4096 3189959.jpeg)
(425.11 KB 510x600 Cadance.png)
I'll work on a better 10K celebration post later. For now, happy 10K /endpone/! Certainly far beyond the initial modest goal of 300 when this place first became re-occupied.

>I just got here and am still trying to access things myself.
*assess, not access.

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 07:10 [Preview] No.10022 del
(556.71 KB 616x696 CreepyMap3.png)
(615.05 KB 616x696 CreepCity.png)
>Now, these post might not be from said spammer
Sometimes what I see happen is a range-ban-unposting will happen, and what's left is what wasn't rangebanned, IE someone else at exactly that time.
But the End doesn't quite work the way 8ch / 8kun do so maybe that never happens here. Too, maybe they posted, thought "no that's not right" and un-posted.

Might too be some sort of awkward raid, where everypony is too shy to leave their mark where we can laugh at it.

Anon Admin 03/25/2024 (Mon) 08:46 [Preview] No.10023 del
Anons from soyjak.party were accelerating post generation to get the 10K GET.
They have a getwatcher and do this across boards and chans, like sportschan did, well still do occasionally. It could be annoying but they are harmless.

Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 02:01 [Preview] No.10044 del
(43.35 KB 609x500 rabbit.jpeg)
Thanks for the information. Simple GET shenanigans I see!

>Might too be some sort of awkward raid, where everypony is too shy to leave their mark where we can laugh at it.
I have also seen the inverse too. A site or chan with raids with a lot of incomprehensible memes and injokes that are lost on everyone and it fails to leave a mark a certain sports themed chan comes to mind.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 03:50 [Preview] No.10095 del
> /pone/ - Cadance's Domain

> A board for discussing all things animated horse. Especially Cadance!

I guess that we will have to invite her for a special visit. The Royal Sisters have already visited the place several times so maybe it's time to give her a pleasant time around here.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 08:46 [Preview] No.10096 del
(445.01 KB 800x825 2395605.png)
I think Cadance would love it! She might take her daughter along as well.

It would be a good place to hide should Sombra show his ugly face again.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.10097 del
(53.47 KB 800x565 GothCadance.jpeg)
Not that Cadnace couldn't kill him, or if captured, go into a gothic moody teenager phase and drive him mad, of course, BUT it is always good to have Seaquestria as backup option, and otherwise, a nice place to visit (and maybe stay, I'm looking at you Scootaloo!)

Anon Board owner 04/04/2024 (Thu) 06:11 [Preview] No.10127 del
Hope everypony enjoyed April Fools! I did. Decided to give people a break from the pink (but can bring that back anytime by popular demand). Sidenote: missed opportunity with spoilers with pic related.

Speaking of April Fools: seems like a lot of places don't do April Fools jokes anymore. I see some grumbling and backlash to them in certain conorns (both Twitter style, UR NOT TAKING EVERy mOMEmnt SeriousLY and cyclical wojacs). I can understand backlash at times or not caring for the crescendo of sites bending or breaking functionality for a day all for a joke, but I still overall am I fan of them.

Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 08:34 [Preview] No.10137 del
(776.59 KB 800x800 00000-2928409894.png)
well, this will either prove fun or boring.
Someone on 8ch either doesn't like ponies or is just trolling for giggles.

Have tried space-marining me off the board. An open board is like a fortress...with its gates unbarred, and unguarded.

Or something. Finally seeing a tiny use for the horrible abominations Stable Diffusion creates.

Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 04:54 [Preview] No.10140 del
(617.50 KB 1050x1361 3154255.jpeg)
>Have tried space-marining me off the board. An open board is like a fortress...with its gates unbarred, and unguarded.
Hopefully will be a one and done deal. If he hates ponies enough,he might be driven mad if he interacts too long!

>Or something. Finally seeing a tiny use for the horrible abominations Stable Diffusion creates.
That is the spirit!

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 02:13 [Preview] No.10148 del
You mean, just spaming right, and not some stupid coup again?

The sad thing is it can be worse than comedy, some people seem truly unhinged at us, even now

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 04:43 [Preview] No.10150 del
As of today it was one post, to start one thread.
So, bored troll.

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:35 [Preview] No.10170 del
(282.75 KB 1420x1496 2969216.png)
>one post
The horror, the horror! The end is in near!

>stupid coup
That incident was misguided ambition. This one was simple laziness. You are right in your assessment of some trolls personalities and motivations though.

Anon 05/01/2024 (Wed) 03:11 [Preview] No.10301 del
If anypony saw a thread be deleted twice, I was testing something. In the meantime, PoLS.

Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 03:14 [Preview] No.10332 del
(519.69 KB 800x600 minibot-1GO.png)

Had a lot of stuff going on, some crazy, but am alive.

Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 07:18 [Preview] No.10334 del
(56.38 KB 269x269 GlimGlams.png)
(157.99 KB 720x576 SemiAnthroGood.png)
(633.44 KB 435x773 ThatsThatsTheJoke.gif)
>some crazy, but am alive

It is MUCH harder to post or administrate when you're dead.


Of course, picking on you for posting after you died would constitute beating a dead horse, wouldn't it?

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.10355 del
>It is MUCH harder to post or administrate when you're dead.
Or easier, depending on your view of said obligations!

>picking on you for posting after you died would constitute beating a dead horse, wouldn't it?
Unironically lol'd.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 05:53 [Preview] No.10363 del
(500.35 KB 1431x2048 SeenRecently.jpg)
>Unironically lol'd.

TBH I was reminded recently of the joke as somewhere I came across "DnD Dad" who re-did this scene.
The earlier one, the drow wizard, Red, said to the rest 'yeah whatever I'm going to bed'
>Oh, you're pretty tired?
"By the Spider I just said as much!"
>So ... you're feeling

Which is almost as funny but not as equine related.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:45 [Preview] No.10371 del
(558.97 KB 741x600 Imtired.png)
>beating a dead horse
Slightly clever punny humor I am a sucker for.Equine related or not, I can appreciate!

Speaking of drowsy, I am pretty drowsy myself. Hopefully I'll get back here soon as I have a lot of things to post and comment on I also need to touch base with you again. In the meantime. Goodnight /endpone/.

Anon 05/25/2024 (Sat) 23:54 [Preview] No.10396 del
(597.53 KB 683x1024 LilPip_looks.jpeg)
(1.35 MB 1280x899 crayons.jpg)
>also I need to touch base

I keep logging in, but not seeing a message.

Anon 05/28/2024 (Tue) 09:49 [Preview] No.10405 del
Message now sent.

Anon 06/09/2024 (Sun) 18:11 [Preview] No.10437 del
Couldn't decide which thread to bump to share my wholesome amusement in.
...can this thread be trusted, though?

Anon 06/10/2024 (Mon) 01:39 [Preview] No.10438 del
(3.29 MB 3630x3818 3187735.jpeg)
/NMAiE/is as good a place as any.

...I get chuckles from stuff like this too.

Anon 06/23/2024 (Sun) 04:04 [Preview] No.10531 del
(405.18 KB 1675x2092 3255459.png)

CB, have a message for ya on twi. Been having some medical stuff going on. Doing okay. More of a mystery than a imminent concern (mostly).

Anon 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:55 [Preview] No.10600 del
(82.51 KB 648x486 3007577.gif)
Happy 4th of July to all anons who celebrate!

Random unpony related video, both patriotic and slightly comical depending on how far you go with the US invading everywhere meme.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 05:59 [Preview] No.10609 del
(351.18 KB 1420x1411 2996635.png)
Neighbors still think it is the Fourth of July... I don't mind the noise other than trying to find a certain family member's cat. Still, overall, my 4th was happy, if quieter and less celebratory than normal personally, due to a mix of things including partly:>>10531 the medical thing.

Hmmmmmm... stuck staying up, and actually here. Can I do anything with this combination?

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:20 [Preview] No.10611 del
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Drove down to the edge of town which, despite the lack of elevation, offered a view of several near-professional displays, you could just see the professional ones behind some trees, and the locals were gathered at the same wide spot setting off all their stuff.

I don't actually like the noise but the lights, enthusiasm, it's come be a major encouragement as the woke-crowd fights against everything American, and we Americans politely proceed to ignore the everloving crap out of them.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:28 [Preview] No.10612 del
(532.92 KB 960x1024 large.png)
Also I can't remember how the tune to Yankie Doodle went, thought now is the time to remind you he rode to town on a little pony

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:47 [Preview] No.10613 del
(322.06 KB 999x999 47840.jpeg)
>offered a view of several near-professional displays, you could just see the professional ones behind some trees, and the locals were gathered at the same wide spot setting off all their stuff.
Neat! Sometimes growing up we'd luck out and see stuff at the military base right near where I lived, albeit this no longer happens now.

>we Americans politely proceed to ignore the everloving crap out of them.
I'd make an argument that the woke have somewhat fractured and some people with those traits weirdly take up some of this, but that is probably too political for right now. At least too long winded for my mind, lol

>but the lights, enthusiasm
Same, I think, noise is a bit much but I do dig the spirit of it all.

..and stuck a feather in his cap and called macaroni!

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 08:22 [Preview] No.10614 del
(987.58 KB 1300x1000 46705.png)
Cranky Doodle Donkey... feel like he is one of the somewhat more forgotten characters.

Maybe there might be some tag I am not thinking of but I am surprised to not find that Cranky Doodle Donkey hasn't been memed with Yankee Doodle.
I can't even find anything under Yankee Doodle!

Maybe I can fix that... lol. Got caught up looking at older stuff here (>>3853) I need to dig out that old somewhat crappy drawing tablet. It may have been somewhat unstable and I am not much of an artist but I'll at least say that this old fic illustrations I did do creep me out a bit. Better than feeling nothing I suppose!

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 08:41 [Preview] No.10615 del
(174.51 KB 1072x873 46681.jpeg)
Cat has been found!

Goodnight, /endpone/!

10.000 Posts! Anon 08/08/2024 (Thu) 02:10 [Preview] No.10793 del
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Yep, as I said... somewhere. I was still going to make a 10.000 post celebration post and figured I'd better get to that. Scardy Cadence is back, annoyed and in an unfamiliar form. Wonder what has gotten into everybody? As for a certain bridge, doing okay, left a minor update in the form of PMs. The TDLR is not perfect but stuff has lessened.

As for now, goodnight and God bless, /endpone/.

Keep those bridges crossed everypony.

Anon 09/16/2024 (Mon) 06:38 [Preview] No.11120 del
(155.80 KB 1310x1080 6972002.jpg)

I am doing erm... alright overall. More strange symptoms have sometimes handicapped my ability to post here weirdly for two days had nearly debilitating pain in right hand (maybe COVID/Unrelated?) but I am still watching as best as I can, just dealing with stuff.

I hope all you 5050, Archivist, CB, a few others more infrequent. are doing well, /)

Anon 09/19/2024 (Thu) 00:48 [Preview] No.11130 del
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(391.92 KB 512x512 00002-1335031285.png)
result of "unicorn littlepip reloading her revolver in the desert"


In the second image I didn't specify she was supposed to be a unicorn, and was a tad closer.

...Why is it we think AI is neat, again?

Hi! Glad you could make it.
Heck I'm glad I could make it.

Anon 09/22/2024 (Sun) 05:55 [Preview] No.11136 del
(1006.75 KB 1298x1657 3328700.png)
>Hi! Glad you could make it.
Yeah, I'll take minor abnormality to... well, all the horrible things people were worried about this could be. Still aren't a 100% sure but the way it has presented has lowered the risk of it being scariest stuff.

>Heck I'm glad I could make it.
Indeed, you have... some war stories to tell your self, to put it lightly.

>result of "unicorn littlepip reloading her revolver in the desert"
It could be Lyra with a really human hand attachment.

>In the second image I didn't specify she was supposed to be a unicorn, and was a tad closer.
Humanized Littlepip who was a grandchild of Scootaloo?

>...Why is it we think AI is neat, again?
Because... reasons?

Anon 10/06/2024 (Sun) 06:29 [Preview] No.11186 del
(77.12 KB 733x600 BC2.jpeg)

To any certain contacts whom I have communications elsewhere, I bridgefag am fine, just a minor tech mishap.

Anon 10/14/2024 (Mon) 16:00 [Preview] No.11214 del
Days ago I watched some mostly biographical video about the life of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It said that he yearned to be loved and desired love from women but never really got any. That part of his story is sad or unfortunate for him. Do you desire to be in a loving relationship? Can't say that's been a priority or focus in my life. I was going to tie this Nietzsche detail into the below text (contrast it with a priority/desire of mine), but this post is long enough already.

I kinda don't remember if I replied to this post in another thread or not, but I was thinking about this situation recently so I'll reply (maybe again).

> >>9014
Post >>9014 is about programming, posts, and self knowledge.

>> Don't read this line if you don't wanna read drama-related crap.
> is talking about yourself a kind of drama?
!wt: drama, n. 5. "(slang, uncountable) Rumor, lying or exaggerated reaction to life or online events; melodrama; an angry dispute or scene; a situation made more complicated or worse than it should be; intrigue or spiteful interpersonal maneuvering." It was drama-related. Talking about oneself can be a moment in a larger drama.

> So, does this mean that it is cool to avoid any kind of venting? Do you get anything in return by doing this?
I guess you get even more bottled up or pent up anger. https://anonfilly.horse/ = "Likes: [...] Videogames", "Dislikes: [...] Videogames". I can understand that. I play a video game called tint-tetris and it makes me pissed off, but I also kinda like it (Tetris). It makes me have such angry thoughts and also destructive thoughts. Makes me think about shit which made me angry and I become full of hate. That I sometimes or often think back to that event or similar events makes me think I have unresolved issues that I perhaps have to address or talk about one or multiple times.

>> I think someone called me a script kiddie in the past. I'll call him an idiot outsider or someone who wasn't paying attention.
> so I see that both of you ended up with derogatory terms. I see...
What you must understand is that I suspected that guy of being this one guy whom I fucking despise. He had no good faith and was a complete cunt. He continually insulted me beyond what was "necessary". I don't feel bad of treating someone on par with how they treated me. I tried to be accommodating and kind and understanding, but got not a shred of understanding or kindness from him. After a point there is no getting along or any mutual understanding. Fuck him and everyone he cares about. Hope he gets raped by a pack of wild niggers, lulz. Even knowing that I once moreso shared a website with him was somewhat sickening.

>more text
Maybe I'll address this later.

Anon 10/14/2024 (Mon) 16:23 [Preview] No.11215 del
Woah, I was looking for that seapony Celestia image. Did you repost that image from Golden Oaks general where I think I first posted it? Seems to be a scaled-down version compared to what I remember.

So I guess you live in Texas. If you look at some things, you can probably find out the area in which I live.

>was going to tie this philosopher detail into the below text
Will do that in this post. So it seems what I desire out of life is at least a minimal level of respect or acceptance and maybe also recognition for my work. Not looking to be showered in praise. I have had users appreciate my work in the past (as they communicated with me). Would be nice for users to participate moreso in the stuff I care about or data I have shared. Also not looking to be rejected or insulted. Reminds me of some things that I heard from a specific piece of media, also something this one 4chan anon said (IIRC). That anon said something like "if you keep participating in something which makes you sad then maybe the real faggot is you." In that specific media, this was said: [insert here].

I think this falls under the umbrella category of "being recognized by your peers" maybe also "leaving a legacy" or "changing the world for the better". Does admitting this about myself make open up a vulnerability? Does it make me more easily manipulated or trolled? Probably yes to both questions. I remember opening up about something in the past, and I basically regretted that move.

Anon 10/20/2024 (Sun) 13:05 [Preview] No.11230 del
>Hopefully the illegal fireworks don't do as much damage as pic related!
See >>11229 (cross-thread)
>Holy fuck, what I would do to have seapony Celestia in my fishtank.


Some nerd said "some things should not have been lost, or forgotten." I agree. The quote (he referenced this):
>And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge. Until, when chance came, it ensnared another bearer. --https://edgestudio.com/script/lord-of-the-rings-opening-monologue/

This Imgur image was captured in archive.today; some time after and before 2024 it was deleted:
Wayback Machine only has the deleted copy, so here's another copy (picrel DK): https://files.catbox.moe/i5dfnf.png

Anon 10/21/2024 (Mon) 06:17 [Preview] No.11238 del
(1.12 MB 1440x2560 1995624.png)
(264.88 KB 2920x3176 2456540.jpeg)
>Woah, I was looking for that seapony Celestia image. Did you repost that image from Golden Oaks general where I think I first posted it? Seems to be a scaled-down version compared to what I remember.
No, I had this on hoof for awhile. I often used lower res images due to bad/shaky internet (and at one point I had all my pony stuff on 16 to 32 GB USB drives). I am a Seapony enthusiast and think the princesses standout often as Seaponies and save pictures of those options. These two higher res from Twibooru I have on me right at the moment as some of my faves.

>Not looking to be showered in praise. I have had users appreciate my work in the past (as they communicated with me). Would be nice for users to participate moreso in the stuff I care about or data I have shared.
More on this later, I think I have something to add to discussion but my go a bit deep, if you don't mind.

How long can we have the subject up here huh? How long, how long how long? Anon Board owner 11/18/2024 (Mon) 01:23 [Preview] No.11323 del
(131.28 KB 250x645 3220581.png)
Just a stupid test for something later, carry on anons.

My name is pinkie pie (hello!) And I here to say (how ya doing?) I'm gonna make you smile And I will brighten up your day It do Anon 11/18/2024 (Mon) 03:33 [Preview] No.11324 del
(933.85 KB 1161x1654 7107597.png)
Let's see if it can handle the smile song.

My name is pinkie pie (hello!) A 11/18/2024 (Mon) 03:50 [Preview] No.11325 del
So, there you have it (and if you humor me, I am seeing if namefagging works).

Anon 11/21/2024 (Thu) 05:41 [Preview] No.11339 del
What are you planning anyway? Is it something we mortals will ever be privy too?

Anon Board owner 11/22/2024 (Fri) 05:50 [Preview] No.11345 del
(328.75 KB 400x298 3227911.gif)
It was just a minor idea involving writing/greens. Might use it for a small fic I have partly written later. Having the story start in the subject header.

Smart idea to test it with that.

That is perfectly fine for a test, and yeah, the limit is sorter...
>My name is pinkie pie (hello!) A
MNiPP(H)A anon.

Happy Thanksgiving 2024 Anon 12/08/2024 (Sun) 22:08 [Preview] No.11407 del
(50.89 KB 550x550 belated.jpeg)

I don't usually put much emphasis on Thanksgiving since it is just an American holiday and not as many excuses to be nationalist like the 4th of July, lol but usually I'd still note it's passing somewhere on the board but forgot to this year.

Hope y'all had a good one!

Anon 12/09/2024 (Mon) 17:45 [Preview] No.11417 del
Belated happy thanksgiving to you too!

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