/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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We need a game with new age themes Anonymous 09/14/2017 (Thu) 22:23:21 [Preview] No. 11194
So the new age people who collect healing stones (just rocks and gems).....do they think they're playing a RPG? I mean they seem to think certain stones will protect them from debuffs like cancer, poison, or bad energies that would power down their attack points.

Sounds like a great idea for a video game...picture yourself walking around Portland, Oregon fighting antifa, angry heavy metal fans, anarchist punks, Wiccans, and methheads on skateboards. Later you must collect the special rings from conservative sororities to unlock the seal on the dean's heart and free Evergreen University from liberal tyranny.

There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkley. In his radiant presence all of the magical rings lose their effect.

Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 16:50:48 [Preview] No.12282 del
>There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkeley.
berkeley isn't actually that crazy ngl
t. resident

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