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(155.63 KB 900x889 Th16front.jpg)
what are you playing Anonymous 09/15/2017 (Fri) 13:37:23 [Preview] No. 11202
Touhou 16 hidden star in four seasons

never played a touhou before. It's pretty fun but easy mode is pretty deceptive. It's funny, I've seen fan art for touhous forever and it's almost always been really high quality, great drawings, then I'm playing this and the girls pictures pop up and they're retarded looking in comparison.

Anonymous 09/16/2017 (Sat) 04:21:17 [Preview] No. 11207 del
Best Touhou was that 2 player multiplayer competition one about 8 years ago.

Anonymous 09/16/2017 (Sat) 07:44:48 [Preview] No. 11208 del

not kidding aside: >>11176 >>11190
My opinion for Sonic Mania is that's it's too easy, live friendly and beautiful. Cooplay best.

AM2R, haven't gotten to NG+ yet, will tell what's good or not. The game is amazing regardless, true homage to series. Must play inho.

Anonymous 03/20/2021 (Sat) 23:43:53 [Preview] No.12269 del

Anonymous 04/20/2021 (Tue) 23:38:49 [Preview] No.12273 del
(190.16 KB 1190x1200 wtms.jpg)
baldur's gate, Pokemon X, alpha saphire

Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 06:16:46 [Preview] No.12274 del
The review said this interface is 90% of the game.

That convinced me to buy it.
It'd be cool to compare my initial reactions to some other people's, and to the more refined answers out there.

Anonymous 04/21/2021 (Wed) 06:19:27 [Preview] No.12275 del
You have pictures turned off? Is this how you want your dead board to finish dying?

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