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post some fucking video games this time

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3DS said to keep going, again Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 12:20:13 [Preview] No. 11397
Well, that's that. I'm not sure how long until this too becomes obsolete information, but for now there's going to be some more support for the 3DS, at least breaking the pattern of pushing a neat leftover hardware out (GBA Micro, Wii Mini, 2DS XL) just before the console's official death.

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 12:21:30 [Preview] No.11398 del

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 12:27:38 [Preview] No.11399 del
If they'd release one, I'd still use a joycon with 3DS hardware in it to play chibi-robo like tamgotchi-type games alongside the Switch. It would be fucking tits to have a JRPG battle preparation app on 3DS for a Switch game.

And maybe throw in a fucking Splatoon SIM card holder if that's not too much to ask.

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 12:30:09 [Preview] No.11400 del
>a JRPG battle preparation app
By which I of course mean 90% of the gameplay time.

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 13:11:39 [Preview] No.11401 del
Although to be honest, this turns out to be pretty damn unviable. Okay I'd do this: add an option to flip the bottom screen from double resolution to normal, and make a virtual console for button controls so it's still passable with regular 3DS games. Make it thick like a WiiU handle. The super tiny screen is quaint, like GBA Micro, but it's workable for normal human eyes since 240p is still 240p in any pixel size, I should know because I hated 3DS XL for that.
If there's any hope left for even more features, I'd add hardware for improved download play options that can be worked to stream into Switch and also do something compeltely new with Monster Hunter or something.
Then this could still be entirely impossible if Nintendo has no system to differentiate firmware updates to correct line of consoles without breaking their OS.

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 13:48:12 [Preview] No.11402 del
Super high definition (by millimeter) tiny screen would be great for AR. I'd play Pokemon GO on this thing, maybe. Probably not that exact game, but in theory I mean.

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 13:55:40 [Preview] No.11403 del
(25.20 KB 425x274 le_wider.jpg)
> improved download play options that can be worked to stream into Switch

A 3DS that's half a portable console and half a slightly less portable console.

Anonymous 02/06/2018 (Tue) 03:47:57 [Preview] No.11404 del
When is Microsoft going to get into the handheld console market? Sony needs to get back into it too.

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 18:08:07 [Preview] No.11417 del
>When is Microsoft going to get into the handheld console market? Sony needs to get back into it too.
Nintendo's motivation is to make the tech anyway, so they're satisfied with returns enough to cover the fact that they're able to make their platform exist. In the grand scheme handheld gaming is not lucrative compared to international corporate interest like movies and OS. Microsofts and Sony's game R&D sections are also relatively small and they tend to treat it some kind of a given, like they're still forcing themselves into the market without the will being there just because the demand is there. My guess is that nobody really knows how to make the hardware manufacturing sector grow, despite the software being a massive market.

That's what I see in the background, different reasons may mold how the companies react to this. I think microsoft is about to grab towards gaming through windows 10 ubiquity attempts so that would mean MS handheld is just a matter of time. Probably in the form of Games for Windows mobile for android devices, to compete with Steam.

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 18:10:06 [Preview] No.11418 del
also I made another autistic muck

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 20:05:56 [Preview] No.11419 del

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 16:21:39 [Preview] No.11447 del
DO IT, based banker



>These processing apparatuses are located inside stand-alone screens, and by touching two or more of them together, information can be relayed between them in order to produce new game experiences. Examples in the patent application show a finger being dragged from one screen to another without the system losing track of it, as well as a ball that seamless moves across the connection between the two. The screens don’t need to be necessarily making physical contact either, as one of the images shows a gap between the two with the ball still able to move from one to the next — perhaps more impressive is the ability to “bank” a ball off of the air so it approaches the second screen from a different angle

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