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just finished ac origins Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 18:13:53 [Preview] No. 12075
tbh I used to hate the franchise as a whole, I just didn't like the concept. boring tail missions and being forced to play stealth all the time was something that I really loathed.
But then I played ass origins and my view has completely changed. No more tailing missions, the game gives you the complete freedom to play it however you like and want (different ways to approach enemies and situations, you're not forced to do stealth any more), and the combat has been reworked to the hit-box system instead of the lame ass boring paired animations system that has been used in the previous asscreed games.

Also not to mention the skill tree and the fuck ton of different weapons that have been added to the game, pic related.

Assassin's Creed Origins is a masterpiece, let me elaborate:

>RPG elements
>Sandbox system
>Improved AI
>Great details (the attention to complexity in this game is just so damn good)
>Gigantic world with tons of interesting things to discover (The map is as big as GTA V's map + there's an additional downloadable map i.e DLC)
>Great environment
>Every city feels alive
>You can literally climb anything
>Challenging combat system (especially if you play it on the max difficulty, you die from two hits), no more paired animation system, it's now a hit-box system
>Great story, Great Protagonist
>Interesting easter eggs, mysteries, and very fun side quests (The only problem I have with the side quests is the cutscenes, 80% of the side quests cutscenes are the robotic type where two characters just stand still in front of each others and talk, tbh the robotic cutscenes are not that much of a problem for me as long as the side quests are fun and memorable. I prefer quantity over quality)
yes, this game has plenty of mysteries to solve that don't have anything to do with the main story. Kinda cool r8?

In conclusion: 8/10
The game is really fun and doesn't feel empty even after you finish the story, there's always a shit ton of things to do and discover, it's almost endless.
Can't give it a 10/10 tho since side quests can sometimes get repetitive (Quantity over quality), the story pacing is kinda awkward, it takes you a couple of hours to get right into the action and start experiencing the fun this game has to offer, and last but not least the optimization in this game is shit, get ready to experience a fuck ton of framedrops (Talking about PC).

Basically it's The Witcher 3, Dark Souls, Thief, and Tomb Raider mixed

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 00:17:58 [Preview] No.12076 del
Shame it's a DRM-crippled piece of shit.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:36:31 [Preview] No.12078 del
I don't think cracks count or really address the societal problem. Origins was crippled with some pretty heinous DRM and I hope Ubisoft chokes on shit for it.

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