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post some fucking video games this time

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Extendo not super extendo 09/01/2021 (Wed) 02:23:11 [Preview] No. 12307
Dear Nintendo
It is your fearless underboss, extendo not yet super extendo.

In good faith I request an actually very and extremely fun ge, beyond the ordinary moderately fun game.

I suggest: a Mario tennis game where you get to your ball like a super Mario 64 star to hit it. Besides that your character runs and jumps with the same or greater powers than super Mario 64 Mario. A super smash bros aspect added would be a good thing. Then after we all tee off we can chase each others characters down and squash their heads and punch them and stuff, it would be cool. I know some cohesion of dynamics would make the game playable in multiplayer. I like making Mario run and jump around in super Mario 64.

I think this requires about ten dark years in the think tank to brainstorm.

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