/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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(40.42 KB 676x1021 IMG_0343.png)
Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 18:05 [Preview] No. 22225
marge, what is this page about?

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 19:42 [Preview] No.22234 del
it's about a mentally challenged elderly man being insufferable to a smart 19 year old who isnt a paraphile like mr. chomo elderly freak

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 19:59 [Preview] No.22241 del
also the 19 year old is smart enough to eat poo and whack it to pedozoo material
he so smart that they diagnosed him with pdd

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 22:46 [Preview] No.22244 del
no, and kill yourself. pedozoo material merely does not exist, it is not defined as looking at cartoons

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 23:03 [Preview] No.22245 del
lol if it dont exist then how did you collect so much of it
this your opposite talk
pzds exists and talking cats dont

dysnomia##+NV8ER 02/04/2024 (Sun) 08:56 [Preview] No.22253 del
It sounds like Yonkers is 100% correct this time. We must all confess our deepest sorrow and repent for our crimes against him, repent and tuern a new more postive and encouraging leaf with him from now on.

Anyways... I thought you were not going to dwell on the past any more, anon? Were we all somehow mistaken about that? At least I don't copy/paste and repeat myself all the time.

It sounds like Yonkers is 100% correct this time. We must all confess our deepest sorrow and repent for our crimes against him, repent and tuern a new more postive and encouraging leaf with him from now on.

Anyways... I thought you were not going to dwell on the past any more, anon? Were we all somehow mistaken about that? At least I don't copy/paste and repeat myself all the time.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 09:06 [Preview] No.22260 del
>if it dont exist the-
Because I'm not on the dark web.
Looking for cartoon porn isn't dark web shit.
Because there's no irl children harmed in it..
We've been over this multtiple times, it isn't opposite talk.
It's me giving you the reality of you being a stinky little puritan and how it affects your pathetic life.
>I-I thought you weren't gonna dwe-
You're the one dwelling on MY past, idiot.
You're the one desperately convincing others that I'm this "so called bad person" when I'm not.
All I've done was tell YOU TO STOP SAVING MY ART.
That is LITERALLY all I did! I did not try to even set you off as to continually stalk me by going on every day and night to the fucking draw threads! I did NOT once ask you or any creepy guy to fucking archive my stuff without explicit fucking permission!
You are so naive of fucking copyright, istg. Also, another note, no one in their right mind puts "(c)(r)tm" in their logo, that's basically killing off the purpose of a "trade mark".
Fuck off you don't forgive at all. You keep stalking me until you probably die, which, maybe you won't. I really wish you did though, because again you're a pedophile. And you steal my art. And you're just really horrible, klim.
Maybe the whole board can die with you

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 09:06 [Preview] No.22261 del
>at least i don't copy/aste and repeat myself all the time
even if you "don't", in which you STILL do, you posted the same thing twice if not 5 times.
you're a huge liar

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 09:41 [Preview] No.22264 del
(970.61 KB 777x983 No Dont Stop.png)

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 09:51 [Preview] No.22266 del
this entire board is a fat autistic mexican men's delusion that somehow manifested into reality. everyone on here was once confined to the dark place that is his mind, but we escaped, and now we make threads where we analyze his love for poop, which he says tastes like a pill

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 10:02 [Preview] No.22269 del
i've never had any delusions
no i am not a fat autistic mexican man, i am an american artist that does character design and logos and font stuff.
no i do not have a love for poop you fucking gross creep

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 10:08 [Preview] No.22271 del
We. Must. Obey. Him. Faithfully.
Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself. Please stop repeating yourself.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 11:32 [Preview] No.22277 del
>i've never had any delusions
>no i am not a fat autistic mexican man
>no i do not have a love for poop

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 13:26 [Preview] No.22289 del
He smokes too much weed, it causes psychosis.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZBRiacjeEpo [Embed]

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 13:29 [Preview] No.22291 del
(98.83 KB 768x960 1691856843925927.jpg)
(24.29 KB 460x357 panseuxal.jpg)
Weed combined with his PDD Autism meds, crack, alcohol and jenkem has destroyed him.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 18:39 [Preview] No.22309 del
Literally NOT what happened.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 18:40 [Preview] No.22310 del
...That is not a delusion?
I've never once jacked off to scat, and I've never ever in my life been born in FUCKING MEXICO?!

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 03:31 [Preview] No.22340 del
(76.03 KB 543x489 1641212953-2.jpg)
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Delusion 100% complete

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 03:32 [Preview] No.22341 del
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Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 04:51 [Preview] No.22346 del
see klim, he's not brown, he's roman coffee

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 07:31 [Preview] No.22350 del
no, i'm actually telling the truth more than you could ever "do", aka you're just lying..

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 07:56 [Preview] No.22355 del
(64.26 KB 974x1461 retard03.png)

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 07:57 [Preview] No.22356 del
We are sorry, anon, but we do not entertain heretics here.

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 09:42 [Preview] No.22394 del
>this entire board is a fat autistic mexican men's delusion that somehow manifested into reality. everyone on here was once confined to the dark place that is his mind, but we escaped, and now we make threads where we analyze his love for poop, which he says tastes like a pill
We are the living opposite to picrel. A nightmare come true.

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 11:28 [Preview] No.22410 del
No, but with your constant replies, you are retarded.
literally not true

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 12:09 [Preview] No.22416 del
Explain the cleaning hazmat crew that showed up for your piss closet.

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 14:04 [Preview] No.22422 del
No one like that showed up. Plus there wasn't any piss in any closet.
Pulling up a fake screenshot by renaming yourself to my old stream name isn't proof either

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 14:25 [Preview] No.22431 del
This is what happens to Jordan when he doesn't take his prescribed medication as directed.

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 22:34 [Preview] No.22450 del
Then why were you sleeping in Carmen's room?

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 00:35 [Preview] No.22461 del
(281.58 KB 480x264 crybaby-gif.gif)
Klim drank your piss, so it's alright

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 03:41 [Preview] No.22471 del
It smells better than mine.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 09:27 [Preview] No.22479 del
i've took plenty of meds, it's you that forgot YOUR medicine.
because im not making creepy comments about irl children unlike you are.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:08 [Preview] No.22499 del
Klim's piss is good medicine for you, especially when it's war.
Let's lick our own poop
Let's post ourselves in the nude and wearing just underwear
Let's role-play wearing diapers
Let's live in an imaginary city
Let's play 'Movie Producer'
Let's seek acceptance from strangers on the internet


Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 17:22 [Preview] No.22503 del
>i've took plenty of meds,
geordie knows all about the taste of pills lol

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 19:21 [Preview] No.22508 del
klim no one wants to fuck your elderly ass just cause you said sick shit to me at 16 years old, give it up now
>duhhh i got called creepy, let me deflect myself by using that word on NON-CREEPY things and unrelated stuff
I hit a nerve. You really are dumb

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 05:20 [Preview] No.22530 del
Wow... Jordan STILL has a hard-on for a 90-yo wheelchair-bound Australian. Why else would he keep coming here and wanting to talk to him?

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 05:40 [Preview] No.22534 del

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 22:39 [Preview] No.22577 del
I'm not hard for you, I literally hate you and want you dead.

Anonymous 02/09/2024 (Fri) 23:23 [Preview] No.22578 del
lol its not hard full stop
mushrooms are soft

Anonymous 02/10/2024 (Sat) 09:10 [Preview] No.22598 del
(196.27 KB 1000x1000 Guru Klim 03.jpg)
>Want you dead
Yonkers the Great Diaper Disciple wants his b/f to be "Dead from Sin", just like him.

He is not hard for his Klimmy, because he will always have a soft spot deep inside him for Klimmy.

So. Much. Love.

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 01:26 [Preview] No.22634 del
Uh? No.
I'm not a "disciple", I'm a man telling you to fuck off and stay away from this website, AND children.
No one fucking loves you, at all.
I mean this full stop

Anonymous 02/13/2024 (Tue) 17:20 [Preview] No.22714 del
(1.25 MB 270x180 264-laugh-GIF.gif)
Why so serious?

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