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(280.27 KB 1217x989 FF7.png)
ancient games anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 15:52 [Preview] No. 41793
anyone else playing very old games?
pic related, Final Fantasy 7 in Windows 98 VM.

anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 15:58 [Preview] No.41794 del
(39.58 KB 1040x784 Windows3.11)
I even have Windows 3.11

anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 16:08 [Preview] No.41795 del
this is one of them muliboots innit

njoy ur crash

anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 02:40 [Preview] No.41815 del
(78.36 KB 683x1024 bal039d Netscape.jpg)
The best

anonymous 12/18/2024 (Wed) 04:57 [Preview] No.41835 del
(170.23 KB 1080x1065 Macker OS.jpg)
(178.24 KB 1080x1065 Macker OS 02.jpg)
The Best of the Rest

anonymous 12/21/2024 (Sat) 07:47 [Preview] No.41975 del
Parece que dicho software es falso e incompleto, lo que provoca fallos masivos y pérdidas de datos.

anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:10 [Preview] No.41995 del
The "software" is a fanproject, and it is not "fake" in the sense of no-image-to-be-found. It's genuine enough to be a functional fictional operating system.

anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:31 [Preview] No.42004 del
(615.26 KB 3021x2184 Insanity Pure.jpg)

anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 01:32 [Preview] No.42005 del
(811.09 KB 220x220 wat 04.gif)
(168.81 KB 966x667 Nigger Wat.jpg)
>functional fictional operating system

anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 02:21 [Preview] No.42010 del
incorrect. calling you out for being a shitty liar isn't insanity, it's the fucking truth.
Because fake OSes don't "crash" all the time unlike Windows

anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 02:41 [Preview] No.42017 del
(188.32 KB 336x336 261j.mp4)
You are an awesome comedian, anon

anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 11:15 [Preview] No.42643 del
(752.56 KB 787x1318 EFS.png)
(413.89 KB 749x685 EFS2.png)
Emperor of the Fading Suns is a pretty good turn-based RPG.
I made it far enough to elect myself regent and have the possibility to declare myself emperor, thought I'd expand more, now I ended up at war with nearly everyone.

anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 11:43 [Preview] No.42644 del
(318.35 KB 711x615 archives.png)
there's a lot of reading material, nice storyline.

anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 16:46 [Preview] No.42645 del
looks kind of interesting

anonymous 01/03/2025 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.42683 del
Thanks bro.
Needs more diapers tbh

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