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We now have our own site! https://christchannel.xyz

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Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 03:36:33 [Preview] No. 3
So 8chan will come back, but we have now established a board on Endchan. Post info, christpills, etc.

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 04:21:22 [Preview] No.4 del
A lot of people object to the historicity of the Bible by saying that the ancient Israelites worshipped Asherah and other gods, but that's because they adopted several practices from the Phoenicians (which is why the northern kingdom was expelled and sent to Media). It's claimed that the Exodus never happened, but we have archaeological evidence for now. And David's historicity is already set in stone, the post-Babylonian history is already set in stone.
The Bible was written after the captivity, but it was based off oral tradition.
>the founding fathers were Christian
Untrue, they were freemasons. Please don't promote disinfo.

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 05:31:19 [Preview] No.5 del

>they were freemasons
Untrue, they were both. Please don't promote disinfo just as op did, faggot.

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 09:26:32 [Preview] No.6 del
>Untrue, they were freemasons
Papist spotted

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 16:56:56 [Preview] No.7 del
(167.73 KB 724x1024 Aquinas 5 ways.jpeg)
(275.62 KB 1700x1353 cathofags.png)
(1.15 MB 3220x2210 Denominations3.png)

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 16:59:41 [Preview] No.8 del
(1.26 MB 1845x1080 Luther meme.png)
(4.30 MB 2381x1250 maze meme.png)
(858.74 KB 1211x1100 poker face.png)

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 17:02:14 [Preview] No.9 del
(195.44 KB 1024x1024 talmud.jpg)
(1.51 MB 2304x6218 US Christian Tiers.png)
(59.08 KB 781x444 versions.jpeg)

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 18:59:09 [Preview] No.10 del
No, they weren't. Washington went to Sunday church, but always left after communion. Jefferson literally had a book where he ripped out parts of the Bible that he didn't like and called it "the life of Jesus".
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LEe3-qEnqWU [Embed]
>everybody who attacks freemasons is a papist
You do realise that the Jesuits created freemasonry? You're promoting a false dialectic JUST LIKE how papists do.

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:00:21 [Preview] No.11 del
There's a concerted effort to shut down 8chan and clearly, to establish a precedent for suppressing similar "hate sites". Didn't I tell you (((this shooting))) was to further marginalize the far-right?

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:03:33 [Preview] No.12 del
>left after communion
The unforgivable sin

Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 23:55:16 [Preview] No.13 del
Yes, we went to Sunday church (which isn't Biblical, Saturday is based on the lunar calendar), left before communion, never displayed himself as a Christian, was a freemason and fought for anti-Biblical ideals and people, his fellow founding fathers like Franklin, Thomas Paine and Jefferson. That's enough evidence for him not being a Christian.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 00:32:15 [Preview] No.14 del
>seventh day adventist
opinion discarded

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 00:42:35 [Preview] No.16 del
I literally said Saturday isn't either, because of the lunar calendar. This is a fact, a historical fact based on the original ancient Israelite calendar. So no, I'm not a 7DA either, and those folks are incredible heretics.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 01:42:04 [Preview] No.21 del
(435.35 KB 454x449 Screenshot_6.png)
this whole situation is ridiculous and the cucks at reddit think they banned what they think are "nazis" from the internet but all they did was scatter social rejects like myself. Now the 8ch /christian/ fellowship is weakened.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 05:45:35 [Preview] No.24 del
What kind of freaky heresy are you into?

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 09:29:21 [Preview] No.25 del
>What kind of freaky heresy are you into?
What heresy? This is literally what the Israelites observed, the lunar calendar. Our modern calendar is the Latin calendar, adopted by the Roman church.
You're no better than the papists at 8/christian/ who say "everything outside of the ecumenical councils is heresy".

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 09:45:36 [Preview] No.26 del
I think I'm being b8ed

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 10:50:12 [Preview] No.27 del
I'm serious here. Your papistry is showing.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 13:08:10 [Preview] No.28 del
another (dusty) christian community here

don't smoke that. CFL 08/07/2019 (Wed) 06:31:19 [Preview] No.29 del
Papist? Who was called the synogogue of Satan? The pope? No it was the Jews. The Catholic Church may very well be part of the church of the Anti-Christ. It's weird how often Protestants simply invert everything the Orthodox have said about the Jews and applied it to Romanism. I'm NOT for Romanists, I'm not for the Orthodox but they have some very compelling ideas sometimes. But Papists are puppets in the same way Protestants are to REACTIONAL INTERPRETATION. Freemasons are often cited as secular Judaism. Romanism isn't a synogogue. Are you high or something?

Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 07:50:17 [Preview] No.32 del
Let's not encourage fragmentation if we can avoid it. /christian/ was never big to begin with and the only hope of continuing it if 8chan doesn't come back is to consolidate as many people as possible into one place.

Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 14:06:15 [Preview] No.34 del

And besides, judging from the dates of the vast majority of the posts, /hope/ (the board, not hope itself), pretty much died around 2016.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 00:43:15 [Preview] No.36 del
I only used 8ch to talk with other people about relgion, and am happy to find people from the /christian/ board here.
However, is there any other place where you people went to?
It's pretty dead here.

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 04:02:01 [Preview] No.40 del
>divergent traditions
That's a strange way to say heresy

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 08:31:18 [Preview] No.42 del
The Targums prove that ancient Jews believed the plurality of the Godhead, and textuploader dot com/dlrfw

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 08:44:19 [Preview] No.43 del
(36.67 KB 699x637 download.jpg)
posts hard facts about jews but just colorful info graphics about Christianity

Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 18:20:36 [Preview] No.47 del

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 02:59:54 [Preview] No.69 del
"Muh targum" is also used to prove Gnostic ideas.

Anonymous 08/17/2019 (Sat) 08:12:36 [Preview] No.95 del
Gnostics used the beginning of Genesis for their heresy, should we ignore that book too?

Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 02:57:04 [Preview] No.107 del
(590.81 KB 2048x1804 1558481676925.jpg)

Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 13:39:31 [Preview] No.108 del

Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 21:11:44 [Preview] No.116 del
(58.35 KB 756x960 steetch bible.jpeg)

Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 20:43:37 [Preview] No.208 del

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 19:40:10 [Preview] No.239 del
Works are the product of faith. Without works you have no faith.
Faith without works is dead and dead faith will not save you.

Anonymous 09/18/2019 (Wed) 19:49:30 [Preview] No.240 del
That is the classical protestant interpretation

Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 22:22:12 [Preview] No.280 del
James 2:20 is basically the bread and butter of christendom.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 21:15:09 [Preview] No.298 del
So for the 1st pic, does the text at the end say the 5 ways aren't necessary or that they are wrong?

Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 09:55:13 [Preview] No.351 del

Anonymous 12/08/2019 (Sun) 09:59:05 [Preview] No.352 del

Anonymous 04/27/2020 (Mon) 05:24:25 [Preview] No.358 del
What I'm curious about are how Muslim scholars like Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi able to be scholars.

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