Catalog of /christianity/


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Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special!

Discussion thread:


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Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared!

Oh Orlando! City Of Sin, Forever Disappeared!

“My son, I hate this place. Walt Disney World is an abomination, My son. Mickey Mouse and all related characters is what people worship in their hearts, especially the children. They crave idolatry and all related wickedness; vanity is deep within their hearts; it must be craved; they must have it; they lust after it. That’s why they come to places like this: Orlando is an abomination in My sight; it is pure vanity, wickedness that will vanish in the night under My wrath. Oh, how its days are numbered; it will be but a memory in the night, My son, vanished under My wrath and stern displeasure. A flash shall make it disappear— a nuclear flash, and it shall be gone instantly, as a vision in the night, and all its vanities shall disappear forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R: 7 / I: 3 / P: 1

My Christianity Will Be Outlawed, To Force My People To Obey Me, My Son

My Christianity Will Be Outlawed, To Force My People To Obey Me, My Son

“My Church will go underground. The enemy will try to stamp it out, only resulting in driving it underground, in peoples’ houses. My Church will not be what it is presently, for I shall drive it underground to purify it, to test and try My servants and saints, for many are full of sin and wickedness and need to be cleaned out and purified. My son, all I do always works out for the redemption of My people, for their eventual salvation. That is what I came for and still do. Many resist Me, and refuse to do My will. Those I will punish in prison camps of man’s making. They will be tried and purified, but the stubborn ones among My people sent to Hell there. They will not make it—they resist Me. I Am very patient, but I have had enough of My peoples’ wickedness and disobedience. Many I want to send out into the mission fields of the world, but they resist Me to the Nth degree, having loved this present world of sin and will not go of their own accord. Those I will punish with the government outlawing Christianity. It will come, and My people will be sent to the camps for resisting Me all their lives. Some will survive incarceration as by coming through fire of man’s testing. Those I will use, My son. Many of My people will be executed by the sword because they are too stubborn to use. You see, I want to save the world, to use My people to spread My Gospel all over, but they just will not go. The world and its things has captured their attention, not Me, My son. Did I not say set your affection on things above, not on those things on the Earth? Why then do My people disobey Me? I said go out into all the world to spread My Gospel, but so far, they have refused. Only small numbers have gone out to obey Me all over the world. Therefore, they shall be severely punished. They will be rounded up and put into prison camps. Churches will be closed and outlawed, and My people shall fear for their lives for so far, they have refused to obey Me en-masse. So therefore, I still call you to go out into all the world and preach My Gospel, My son. Go into all the world where few have ventured, and make disciples of all nations. Your LORD has spoken, My son. Amen and amen forever!”

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Come preach or discuss

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Join Our Christian Discord Server!

Our Discord is for Christians who want free speech, so you wanna join then JOIN!

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 1

r/christianity is disgusting

It's filled with Self-Proclaimed Christians who have the Wildest Beliefs. I found one Who literally claimed to be The Mother of God, like no joke

>Are You The Mother of God [OP]
>YeAh, AcCoRdInG To Jesus [User]

The Mods are worse, They ban Christians for "HoMoPhObIa" but let Atheist trolls who Blaspheme. Also the Replies to this post are even worse.

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Liars In Ministry

The Destruction Of My Liars In Ministry

“My people are liars, My son. That goes for My Church where My ministers lie all the time. They shall be judged for that. Does not My Word say that all liars shall endure the Lake of Fire forever? Yes, they shall go there. All who preach the Prosperity Gospel are liars. They do it so they will get rich. It does not work in reverse, My son. I Am not a God of Greed, you see. I richly supply My peoples’ needs, but not through greed, My son. They shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire who propagate the gospel of greed. I provide for My peoples’ need, not their greed, My son. I shall punish all who deceive My people with their lies of greed, both in this life, and in the one to come. In the afterlife they shall regret their decision to deceive My people with their lies of falsehood. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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What does /christianity/ think of The American Solidarity Party?

As a Monarchist,

Although they believe in Democracy,

I rather have them than GOP politicians most of whom are evil traitors looking for money and power rather than the well-being of The US of America.

The most evil GOP Politician is non other than nikki haley, She used be anti-trump and now suddenly she turns into trump's biggest supporter.

What an asshole.

I don't know why the hell trump support her.

unrelated but, for some reason every US Politician seems to be Zionist, IDK if this is to prevent the Samson plan or something but it's weird.

I personally would vote for the ASP, they are better than any other US party rn.

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how do I solve this Captcha from ZzzChan? I can't go to /christian/ because of this.

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Becoming Better Followers of Jesus

This board needs more traffic, let's start a conversation about bettering our lives as believers in Christ.

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The Global Persecution Of My People

The Global Persecution Of My People

"My son, it will happen. It is the persecution of My people on a global scale. They will be marginalized, locked out of employment, and forced to live off the land to survive. It will come, My son, prepare! The global persecution of My people will come by the hands of Satanists who have taken over the governments of the land. They want them dead! Already prison camps have been built to incarcerate My people and to eliminate many of them from the land. Satan wants no hindrance to his planned New World Order, and his One World Government- the appearance of his Antichrist. Prepare! You haven't got much time left. Ask what you can do for Me, your LORD, before time is up, and it is too dark in the world to do anything for Me, your Savior. Prepare! Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

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For some reason I can't go into the site can someone help me? (Image unrelated btw)

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Is this Channel dead?


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Can Big Chungus be Christian?

Hello /christianity/,

Many Ideologies kinda have their own mascot now, Pepe is for 4chan users, Nick Fuentes's fans like to use Groyper the Frog and so on, So why don't us Christians use Big Chungus? it's funny and he could be the Perfect mascot for Christian Internet Users. So What do you guys think of this?

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 2

Troll these Zionists

>Be Me
>Finds a Christian Discord Server
>A Christian myself
>Joins it
>Gets banned due to an argument with an Zionist
>Finds out other users also got banned for being Anti-Zionist

Let's spam the server with some Naked Mole Rats.

R: 2 / I: 2 / P: 2

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

PROPHECY- The End Of The Trump Administration

“I must punish Trump. He must die, My son! Trump must be eliminated. I have decided that the CIA will carry out its operations against him shortly. I have decreed his death, it will be carried out shortly by CIA operatives. I have the final say, I AM The Living God. Trump must be eliminated to carry out the New World Agenda in the Earth. Many will die. He is an offense in My sight, molesting little children, committing all kinds of perversions before My sight. I must eliminate him from before public consciousness by eliminating his presidency. He is a wicked man, doing what others tell him to do. He has no consciousness to stand on his own against imperial world power. Israel’s expansion will continue, they will exceed their borders and absorb the enemy nations around them. I have decreed it. I will deal with him and Israel, both wicked nations refusing to repent and come before Me, both must be eliminated if they refuse Me. I have decreed it, the end of the Trump Administration and Netanyahu's, both wicked men, both will eliminated by armed men, I have decreed it. Trump must be eliminated, Israel’s whore, and spend eternity boiling in the Lake of Fire. I have called an end to both persons, to be replaced by powerful public movements of mine. The pedophile network must be stopped, it is an offense in My sight. Pedophiles will be eliminated from the land, for I have called an end to that wickedness. Both parties will be mine and no longer will the wicked rule the land. My people must be awakened to do My will. Thus says the Living God, Amen!”

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Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

Prophetic Word To My Wicked Elites Of Sin

"Say to the Elite who control the world of My enemy Satan, and do what he says, who are you to lord over My people the Elite of all eternity? For I shall surely put you in Hell for serving My enemy the Antichrist, and attempting to set him up on his throne on the Earth. For I know all things, and your puny lives are as nothing before Me, made up of material things, not spiritual. For you serve Satan before Me, and I know all you have done to try to subvert Me with your wickedness and evil. For Satan is as nothing before Me, a created being and doomed forever in the Lake of Fire. For I have created him to work his evil in the Earth for a limited time, then he shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever. And you shall too find your place in the flames of the burning Lake of Fire forever, unless you repent and serve Me. For you Elites are as nothing before Me the Eternal God, as dust on the scales, accounted for as nothing. For you think of yourselves as great, having wealth and power of Satan, which is for a limited time, which shall be taken away, and you enter the Lake of Fire forever! For in Hell where you are going there is no relief or relent for all eternity, where the flame always burns, and the worm never dies. For I have put you there to serve Satan in all of your ways, O wicked people, accounted as nothing before Me. For you do not compare against Me, the Eternal Living God, though you think of yourselves as great, you shall enter Hell as the common man, and endure suffering in there forever, unless you repent and come to Me, your LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I have spoken, wicked Elites forever!"

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

The Punishment Of My People Who Reject My Spirit

“To My people who resist Me—why do you quench My Spirit? Why do you not want Him around? You are of the Pharisaical religion of the Word, destined for Hell, dead forever, because you do not want Me around. You want religion, not the truth of the Word which you despise. You do not want My prophecies around, because they convict you of your dead religion with no power, no eternal life, and no Me around. You actively reject Me when I show up, so I Am devoid in the churches who don’t want Me. I Am active in the world with the sinners, but the Church does not want Me around for the most part. They reject My Spirit because they do not want Me around. I reject them forever because they do not want Me moving and working in the Church. Therefore, I reject them forever, wicked servants, Pharisees with dead religion destined for Hell forever. There are many of them around—the Church is full of them. They will not make it in to My Kingdom because they do not want My Spirit working in their lives. They will be destroyed in the Second Death because they do not want Me around. I Am the Source of eternal life—how dare they not want Me around and reject Me through My Spirit Who Is rejected by them. Therefore, their churches and lives are empty and dead because they want Me not. They will not let Me in to their presence because they reject Me through My Spirit. They are dead forever. I reject them, My wicked people. I stand at the door and knock, but few will let Me in. They will be saved, the rest damned. Few will make it in. I have spoken. Amen.”

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The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

The Prophetic Judgment Of Michael Leroy Bickle And IHOPKC

“I say to Mike Bickle, why do you resist Me and the move I have planned? For I see you are full of sin, and have been for years. For you abuse Me for sex, and My Anointing has been misused to satisfy your sexual desire with women galore. For My Anointing is not to be misused to get women into bed to satisfy your sexual desires, and similar prophets have done the same thing. For I will place you in Hell, for your heart still desires sin, and you have not cleansed it from your life, but are controlled by adultery and sexual sin galore. For you have let the demons in through your rock music which you practice, and they control your lives. Rock music is detestable in My sight, worship that I do not accept, but is repulsive in My ears. For you will not repent, because you cannot, for I have destined you unto the Lake of Fire for your many sins that you have deliberately committed before Me, and will burn forever, O Mike Bickle! For you cannot repent, for I have taken it from you, O damned man, for both you and your congregation of sin will go there for eternity. Prepare to burn, for there is no more sacrifice for you, O wicked man, for eternity you will be burning in the Lake of Fire, both you and your wicked congregation of sin. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

PROPHECY- The Punishment Forever Of My Wicked Benny Hinn!

"My wicked man, Benny Hinn. Oh how I will punish you for all eternity in deepest fiery Hell, says the Living God of Israel. Oh how I will punish you forever for your wickedness, O wicked man of sin and selfishness. For what you call a ministry of Mine is just a moneymaking empire of selfishness and greed. Oh how I will punish you, O wicked man of sin and selfishness! For you refuse to help My disabled whom you seem to be unhelpable, and refuse to minister to My disabled, but send them away through your network of screeners. Oh how I will punish you, even in the Lake of Fire, for you will go there, O greedy man. And your sexual sins have not gone unnoticed by Me, for they were deliberately committed in far-off places of sin, islands of sin offshore. I will punish you forever, for you lead millions astray for money, and call that 'ministry!' Oh you greedy man, Benny Hinn, oh how I will punish you forever in the eternal burning Lake of Fire, for you refuse to serve Me, but serve self. You will not do it My way among the masses, but fly through the air to stages galore. For you will not humble yourself to serve Me, but prefer the high life among the masses: jet planes, expensive hotels, and perks galore. For you will not do anything without money, but demand big sums for your work. Abusing the Anointing for My money, which you abuse for self, not Me. For I will punish all your sins which you commit behind the scenes, and I know them all, says the Living God. Prepare to spend eternity in Hell, for I will put you there to be punished forever, O wicked man of sin and damnation. For I know all your sins, O wicked Benny Hinn, which you deliberately committed before Me, and you shall burn forever, says the Living God of Israel."

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PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

PROPHECY- I Am A God Of Justice, And Vengeance Is Mine

"I see what is done in the Earth, and I will repay, for vengeance is Mine, says the LORD of Hosts. Avenge I will, for I Am God of Vengeance! People of the Earth beware, for I will fully repay all wicked deeds. Vengeance is Mine, and I will repay, for I hear My peoples' cries night and day. A vengeful God I Am, for I call all people to repent of their sins, but few will, My son. So avenge I will, putting millions in Hell every year to suffer in flame forever. Even the Lake of Fire is waiting for them for a future time after the Great Day of Judgment, where I will put all not written in My Book of Life. Even My people who refuse to obey Me shall go there. I give sinners a long time to repent, for I Am slow to anger, but eventually justice must be served, for I Am A God of Justice. Your LORD has spoken, amen."

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My City Of Sin, Las Vegas

"I will destroy it all. Nothing will be left but dust and ashes. The city of sin will be gone. Test they will their particle beam weapons going way beyond nuclear weapons. All will be gone in a flash! The U.S. Army are traitors galore. They have eyes on the city. All will be dissolved away. Remember Maui? They have weapons way more powerful, particle beams from space. Satellites will test them on you, Las Vegas, from command centers deep underground. You evil city of sin have no chance of surviving this evil attack. City of sin must go, detestable in my sight. My judgment is arrayed against it through traitors in the U.S. Military, in the Army galore. They will destroy you, O Las Vegas. It will come in an instant without warning. All will be gone but dust and ashes. They hate you with an intense hatred. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen."

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Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

Prophecy To My Lukewarm Church

“To My Lukewarm Church: You are detestable in My sight, says the Living God. Why won’t you do My will? All you care about is yourselves, My Church. You are lost forever, unless you do the works as at first. Oh how you have abandoned Me, resisting My prophets, rejecting them, having nothing to do with what they say. Why do you resist Me, says the Holy Spirit? All you care about is what you want, not in doing My will in worldwide evangelism. That you will have no part of, for all you think about is self, and what you can get. A homebody existence is what you want, with no challenge to get out there and do My will. For that you shall be damned forever, wicked Church of Mine! Furthermore, why do you just sit there and do nothing, oh My Church? Hear the masses calling for Me, the Living God. Yet you just sit there at home, refusing to go obey Me, says the Living God. I called you to go overseas and preach My Gospel, yet you prefer your life of comfort and ease, refusing to go. For that I Am incensed at you wicked Church of Mine! Hear the prophets speak: I shall destroy you, O wicked, lukewarm Church of Mine, refusing to go obey Me, to preach My Gospel all over the world. For that I shall damn you to deepest Hell, O wicked and worthless Church of Mine, useless for any legitimate purpose in My Kingdom! Depart from Me, into eternal Hell, O wicked Church! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

The Destruction Of My People Who Have Forsaken Me, The Living God

"I will destroy, My son. The level of wickedness has gotten too great all over the land. My people must be destroyed, they no longer serve Me, they serve themselves. The pastors have brought them far away from Me; paths of righteousness have been forsaken. Every man does what is right in his eyes, not My will. My will goes neglected, few do it. This nation, this mighty land of yours will be but a memory, gone forever. My people have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. Few will be left who call themselves Christians; My will must be done; few will do it; few will be left when I Am finished with this land of selfishness and greed, My son. Few will serve Me; all care about their own, not My things. My Church lies forsaken; few will serve Me in Spirit and truth. All have forsaken Me for wealth and prosperity; they must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken, My son. Amen."

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Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

Destroy My Evil Empire Of Sin, My Son

“My son, I Am going to destroy My Empire. It will be forever gone! Never again will America rise to rule the world. I put a stop to it. It will be forever gone! My son, escape the land of destruction and go to a foreign country. Destroy My Evil Empire of sin and wickedness, My son. Forever it will be gone! Destroy, and leave nothing left. My people refuse to repent, and will not obey Me. The sinners too. They will not obey, nor repent. They have got to go to eternal damnation. They will not obey nor repent. They are damned forever! I will make sure it all gets destroyed. Nuclear bombs will ravage the land. The plagues will kill off My people. I have said it, the Living God. Destroy America, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

"It'll all be blown away, My son. My nuclear bombs are ready to do the devastation they were meant for. New York will be blown away, never to exist again, My son. It will be but a memory, its towering skyscrapers blown away in the nuclear conflagration. Get ready! Life as you have known it will never be the same again! Money will be scarce, so will be food. There will be few humans left alive from the nuclear disaster I have planned, says the Living God. New York City will be but a memory, never to exist again! Multitudes will be gone, forever entered eternity in a moment's notice. Prepare! What lies ahead is a life of hardship. Gone will be all the modern conveniences that you all depend on. Your way of life will be changed forever. Expect an early death in the years of hardship and famine, My son. My wrath is manifest to all through nuclear explosions. Prepare! The end is upon us. Your LORD has spoken. Amen forever!"

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The Punishment Of My Wicked Child Molesters Forever!

The Punishment Of My Wicked Child Molesters Forever!

“I know all sin, My son. All is naked before Me, including all that child molesters do. They are great wickedness before Me, My son, abusing little children for their own sexual pleasure. And that goes for Bishop Kicanas too. I know that child molester, and he will burn in Hell forever for what he has done, molesting My little children in the Catholic Church. They grow up to be scarred forever, and need My healing. I will give it to them. All child molesters will be rounded up and executed, put into My furnace of fire where they will burn forever, My son! My wrath is heavy against them, and they will be forever punished in My Presence. That goes for all child molesters, My son, not just Bishop Kicanas. Expect them to meet their end in fiery Hell forever, for My wrath will never cease punishing them forever and ever, My son. Your LORD has spoken. Amen!”

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PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

“It must be destroyed. They refuse to serve Me. Few will be saved. What they have done to Gaza must be done to them. Its sin has come before Me. It must be judged. Few will be saved. Its sin must be judged. Its sin has not escaped Me. It must be judged. Few will escape My wrath. It must be destroyed. The LORD has spoken.”
“It must be destroyed, all of it. They refuse to serve Me. They’re My people, but they refuse to obey. They must be destroyed. Not a one will escape My wrath. What they’ve done to Gaza must be judged. Few will be saved. Your LORD has spoken.”

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PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Son, Wicked Jim Bakker

“Punish My man, for he refuses to turn from his sin. Covetousness abounds in My man’s heart, Jim Bakker. I have called him to repent and turn from his salesmanship, but he refuses to turn away from his wickedness and serve Me the right way on the streets. That he refuses, so he will be punished forever in My Presence. Repent Jim Bakker, you haven’t got long to live before I take you from this Earth for your greedy covetousness. You are an offense in My sight, and you cannot stop selling to My people. I will punish you forever and ever in deepest Hell; My hucksters of sin will be there forever and ever! Repent while you can, O wicked salesman, for you refuse to preach My Gospel, but to sell your wares. You are an offense in My sight, wicked salesman. Repent now, O wicked Jim Bakker, for I will punish you forever and ever! Your LORD has spoken, amen.”

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PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

PROPHECY— The Punishment Of My Wicked Charlatans Forever!

"My wicked charlatans are everywhere, My son! They're everywhere, My son. Religious charlatans infest the Church; they have no power. They never took the time to get to know Me. They are useless; they have no power. They love Me for money, but will not obey Me to give up all on the streets. They must be in a church or ministry; they will not give up all to serve Me. They must be in a comfortable house; they will not go to where the people are. My religious charlatans are everywhere: they infest the world, the Church, are on the airwaves: they have no power, nobody is touched. I Am not with them: they have forsaken Me from the youth for money and popularity; power they do not have because they never took the time to get to know Me, their LORD. They refuse to know Me; they love money and wealth; they love the Church world: it controls them. Charlatans are everywhere; they are in it for wealth and fame and popularity. Notoriety is what they got; they have no power to help My people: I Am not with them; they have been rejected long ago by Me for being useless servants, wicked charlatans destined for eternal fire! I make it so. All men of sin shall go there, including My wicked charlatans. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Wicked Thieves Forever!

“They will be punished, My son. The Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, says the LORD. How dare they in the Federal Government steal what is Mine, belonging to the Russians. Return what you have stolen back to the Russians, or else I will punish you forever, says the LORD. Obey Me, for I Am A God to be reckoned with. Do not test Me, for I punish all sinners in a living Hell, forever burning in flames of My design. All wicked sinners who ignore My warnings, thinking I do not exist, shall surely be punished forever and ever in a burning Hell, My son. Return the stolen Wealth Funds, or else you shall surely receive the wrath of God in your lives, and who is that man who can resist Me? I hold all in My Hands, even your puny lives are before Me. I shall punish all, and it is not a light thing to test the Living God, Amen! Return what you have stolen immediately back to the Russians, or you will face Me in the middle of the night snatching your soul away to eternity to face judgment forever. And who is that man who can resist Me, or alter his fate before Me? Surely the Living God has spoken to you through His prophet. Repent before it is too late, and you stand before Me for judgment. Surely all Sovereign Wealth Funds are Mine, and you shall be punished forever for your theft. It is a very fearful thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God to face judgment and wrath forever! Repent now! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

PROPHECY— A Lonely God I Am, My Son

“I Am A Lonely God, My son. So lonely, My people don’t serve Me, nor spend any time in My Presence. All they are in it for is themselves, so selfish they are. I have lots of worker bees, but My people never take the time to get to know Me. All they are in it for is for themselves; My Christianity has been abused for their selfish ends, motives not of Me. All they care about is themselves, not in saving a world of lost sinners. They don’t think of Me nor spend any time in My Presence. All they care about is themselves and their selfish ambitions. That is all they care about— is themselves. Selfish people shall never get to know Me, the Living God. All they think about is themselves, not Me or others. A totally selfish generation. I shall destroy them all, A Lonely God I Am. Destroy My people with your prophetic word, for they refuse to know Me. Destroy My people living in sin forever! Amen! Your God has spoken. Amen forever, My son!”

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The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Jezebels Of Sin

“Tell them I Am against them, My son. All college girls are an abomination before Me, My son. They are the End—Times Jezebel, caring more about money than Me, the Living God. I shall destroy them all as the Word says so. Does not My Word say that her desire shall be unto her husband? Then why is their desire unto the world, the working world where they can make money, My son? They are an abomination unto Me, loving money more than Me or a husband. That is why they will not marry—they love money too much, more than a husband. They will sacrifice it all to get more money, My son. That is why there are so many abortions in your country, My son. They cannot stand the fact that they will have to spend money on someone else other than themselves. They are that utterly selfish. Do not get a wife, My son, nor search for one. They are all Jezebels, making poor wives, My son. They will not comply, wanting the world too much. They will all be destroyed, My son. They are all Jezebels who must be punished and sent to a living Hell down below. All Jezebels who want the world will go there. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Tel Aviv, Amen!

“Destroy My city, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Nothing shall be left but ruins, the nuclear attack shall be so intense! I hate that place, the gay capitol of the world. Next to New York it shall be gone! The Living God has spoken. Oh, how I hate that place! The sodomites, My people, shall be gone! The spirits from ancient times have possessed their bodies, even Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, knew better than to put on parades of sin and wickedness. Oh, how I detest them, My people! They shall be gone eternally! Oh, how I detest them, wicked people of sin! Oh punish, My son, with eternal damnation, even the Lake of Fire, for that is where they shall go, O detestable people of Tel Aviv! Oh prepare, for your destruction comes at an instant, even nuclear warfare from the sea of Russian origin. Oh, how the subs patrol the seas, waiting to lay off any city that offends them, even New York City, city of sin, detestable in My sight. Even so, Tel Aviv shall be destroyed, Oh My wicked people! Repent if you can, wicked Tel Aviv. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

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PROPHECY— The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

The Destruction Of My End—Times Church Of Jezebel, Amen!

“I will destroy, says the LORD. Come out of My Reprobate Church, My people, for it no longer serves Me but self and Satan. The people want what they want, the Jezebel spirit of Satan, and all manner of wickedness— homosexuality galore. Separate yourselves, My people, from this wickedness, and the Church that no longer serves Me. The Great Whore of Satan must come down, and multitudes saved, for fire must devour her, even My Holy Fire, and all the demons of Hell shall flee. For she shall no longer hold My people captive, but must be reduced to ashes trampled under feet. For I Am against the Whore, the reprobate Church of Satan everywhere in every community, and I shall thoroughly destroy her as by fire. Escape for your lives, and escape Babylon, the End-Times Whore of Revelation. Escape and save your life, for Babylon shall be destroyed by fire, and My Church destroyed as by fire. Escape Babylon the Great Whore and save your lives from the wrath to come of the Living God. For I have called you out, escape My Reprobate Church of Satan and save your life. Your LORD has spoken, My people. Amen and amen.” [Embed]

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Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

Prophetic Words of Destruction Against Hong Kong

“It’ll all be reduced to rubble!”
“I’ll destroy it. Its sin has risen up to Me. It must be destroyed in an instant. Millions will die. Just like Los Angeles, it will be submerged under the sea. Repent. Its time is short. It must be destroyed by Me. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. REPENT!”
“They must be destroyed!” —The greedy people of Hong Kong

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The End Of My People Forever!

The End Of My People Forever!

“My people don’t love Me because they love the world. Already disease germs have been released in the air to kill off My wicked people. They won’t obey, My son. Refusing to do My will they shall all go straight to Hell forever. They refuse to obey. They want the world, not Me. Look at this place— worldliness everywhere. I blessed them, but they refuse to use it for Me. They shall all be rounded up and go to Hell, the furnace of fire. There they shall stay until I deal with them on Judgment Day, meeting Me, the Living God on that great day of terror. There they shall give an account of their lives wasted on selfish ambitions galore. They will not repent but shall be damned forever for refusing to obey Me, the Great Living God! Your LORD has spoken, Brian. Amen and amen forever!”

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‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

‘Why Won't My People Obey Me?’ Says The LORD

“My son, I love you. Do My will. Why won’t My people obey Me? They refuse. They love this life. They will not give it up, My son. Therefore, they shall be damned. They will not give up all to serve Me. Already viruses are prepared, and bacterial germ cells by the enemy to destroy you, O My wicked people! When will you give up your wicked ways to serve Me? I speak to sinners, and My people, the Christians. They will not obey. They love the world and the world system. They will be decimated, useless people of sin and corruption! The nation will come to nothing, except for My overcomers. You are one of them. Expect to do My will in a nation of darkness and death. They will not obey. I ordain them to death, damnation forever! Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

PROPHECY-- The Death Of My Bilderberg Group Forever!

“The Bilderbergs are My enemy, My son. I set out to destroy them in all they do, says the Living God. They are a blight on all humanity, and must be destroyed, My son. Plane crashes, car crashes, stoppages of the heart, and all manner of calamity shall destroy My wicked rulers, My son. Wicked Bilderberg is a stench in My Presence, and must go, My son. To Hell the entire lot of them, and all their successors. They are a blight that must be controlled, and eliminated through My power, says the Living God. I have My eye on them, and nothing can stop Me from eliminating this plague on society. They want to destroy the world— I will destroy them, says the Living God! Nothing can stop Me! I have all power on Earth to destroy puny Earthlings who oppose Me! I Am the Living God! I will stop their hearts in the middle of the night and whisk them away to eternity, says the Living God. All billionaires of evil shall meet the same fate. Expect to meet the Living God, and what a terror that shall be to all sinners everywhere who die without Me! Your God has spoken. Amen.” [Embed]

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Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! ---> Ask JESUS To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

Your Pretty Face WILL BURN IN HELL!!! REPENT NOW!!! ---> Ask JESUS To Forgive You Of All Of Your Sins

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PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

PROPHECY— My Son, I Will Return When No Man Is Expecting Me

"My son, My people are far from Me. They have gone astray after all the things of the world. Few are close to Me. It is a dark time. Like the Dark Ages, few served Me. They have gone astray far. They have ignored My Spirit, and want nothing to do with My prophets. It is a dark time, My son. The Antichrist will arise in the midst of all of this mess of self-interest. Few follow Me in Spirit and truth. They will be saved. The rest damned. They want self, and all the things of self. Self-interest reigns supreme in peoples' lives, selfish ambitions galore. That is why there are universities everywhere. The people want self; they want Me not. Did I not say in My Word all care about self-interest, not in Me? It is a dark time, My son. Few serve Me. The Rapture will happen an instant around the globe, and few will make it with Me to Heaven. The rest will be damned to face the Great Tribulation. Few will serve Me in this age— all care about self-interest; few in Me and My things. Selfishness reigns supreme. Few will make it in to My Kingdom. Many are too selfish to serve Me. They will not make it. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen!"

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The Action Bible God's Redemptive Story Sergio Cariello Free Download!!!

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Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!

Christian Book Collection— Free Downloads!!!

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The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

The Russian Nuclear Sneak Attack Against My Cities Of Sin

“My son, the Russians are out there. They cannot be stopped. The subs are patrolling the coasts, ready to lay off any American coastal city they want with a sneak nuclear attack! My son, it is My judgment. Their sins have reached the heavens. They must be destroyed! Its wickedness is before Me, and I cannot stand it! The Russians are a tool in My Hand to destroy My enemies with nuclear attacks; nuclear warfare is the wrath of God against My wicked sinners! Stay out of Florida—they won’t repent. California too shall be gone—its cities laid waste. New York is detestable in My sight—its wicked sinners must go! They won’t repent. Neither will Boston—it must go! The wicked cities of sin will be destroyed by My Russian nuclear missile attack—its sins are before Me and must be judged! Millions will go straight to Hell—their day of reckoning has come! I cannot stand their wickedness any longer—Russia shall clean house! Washington shall be gone! So shall Houston—its presence is a blight on the land. All big cities are appointed for destruction—My wrath shall reach them—millions shall be gone! Expect My wrath to decimate the sin cities of the land! My wrath shall reach all! Expect it! Your God has spoken!”

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PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY—The Punishment Of Mega Churches Of Sin And Wickedness

"Rock music is detestable to Me, My son. Many practice it in wicked churches across the land. They are detestable to Me. The music of Heaven is not that. Mega churches have got to go. They practice rock music to entertain the people. They love it. Mega churches have got to go. They are not of Me. They are wicked, My son. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. They will entertain the people for membership. They are not of Me. I will punish them. They want members more than Me. I will punish them all. Mega churches are a blight on the land. I will punish them all. They have got to go. They love money more than Me. Many will go to Hell. They love people more than Me. All have got to go. They will be punished forever. Few follow Me in truth and Spirit. They have got to go. Your LORD has spoken."

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PROPHECY-- Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

Prophecy Against My People Hillsong

“Tell them I Am against them, for I will not tolerate such vanity in their worship. For they are full of worldliness and vainglory, devoid of the Spirit. They have departed from the Living God in pursuit of a grand agenda of pleasing the world in their worship, which I cannot tolerate. Greatness is their goal, not pleasing Me in worship, for the anointing they have departed from in order to have great numbers and many churches throughout the world. People pleasers will be destroyed by My Hand and their congregations scattered throughout the world, for they serve not Me but vainglory and success in numbers. My son, self is an offense to Me, and self-driven ministry is a great offense, damnable to Hell. I call Hillsong to repent of their worldly ways, for it will be destroyed by My Hand, and its people scattered. Thus says the Lord of Hosts. Amen.”

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PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

PROPHECY— The Covetousness Of My People Shall Destroy Them Forever!

“My people don’t love Me, My son. They love the world and the things in the world. That’s why they don’t obey Me. They must have more stuff. They’re after it all the time. They won’t obey Me. Their covetousness controls them. They are always after more stuff—the latest, the best in all things. They won’t serve Me. I have given up on them, worthless people of sin and wickedness, and have handed them over to Satan for their eternal destruction, My son. They won’t make it. They want the world, and all the things of the world. Their churches are full of stuff, wealth of all kinds. They won’t give it up, My son; they want more. They cannot overcome their covetous spirit, therefore they shall be damned to Hell. I call everyone to follow Me by giving up all. You have done that. Very few will. The rest shall be damned. It takes that to do My will, but My people want the easy way with no effort. They will not make it in. They shall be damned forever. Your LORD has spoken, My son. Amen and amen forever!”

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

The Destruction Of Megachurch Churchianity By God’s Hand Of Wrath

“Churchianity must fall, My son. The wicked Christian Church must be destroyed by My Hand. Megachurches abound that are not of Me. In fact, they are of Satan, My enemy. They will be destroyed. The next pandemic will take care of that. They are not of Me. I did not construct them. My enemy did. Using money from the CIA, megachurches were constructed to trap and destroy My people, My son. They were designed to destroy Me in My country. My people don’t want Me, My son. They want My enemy and his world. They do not want Me, otherwise they would stay in their own churches. But they abandoned them to fill up the megachurches. They don’t want Me. They want the enemy and his things of the world. They want socializing more than Me. The things of the world they want more than Me. They think that bigness is better, that being centrally located proves that it is My will, which it is not. My Church is not of Me. They want the world, not Me. Centralization is the enemy’s plan for their destruction, because they want Me not, but the world. They will not obey Me anymore, but the world of things, and pleasure. They want Me not, to carry their crosses for Me. They abandoned them many years ago to follow the false prophets of Satan, and his false apostles. They will not obey Me forever, but the false things of Satan, and his false doctrines. They will be destroyed forever. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

God’s Wrath Poured Out Against The Wicked United Kingdom By A Russian Nuclear War Attack

“Britain is an offense in My sight. It is full of wicked people who will not repent. I will kill them all! Expect nuclear destruction from the hands of Russia, for they hate that place. They have been a thorn in the side of Russia for many years with their spy programs, and they will destroy it off the face of the Earth! Expect it! It is My Hand of destruction from Glasgow to London— all will be turned into nuclear rubble, radioactive forever! I hate that place, says the Living God. The people of England won’t obey Me. They abandoned Me for money years ago. That’s all they care about. They will not obey Me. What once used to be missionaries around the world, they now serve Satan, wicked British people. They will not obey Me. Destroy them all! The evil plans of Satan to set up his evil New World Order, the appearance of the Antichrist, will be set back by their destruction. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY- 'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

'Preach My Gospel, My Son, To The Lands In Idolatry, I Have Spoken'

“Buddhists don’t serve Me, My son. They serve themselves. All seek their own, they refuse to obey Me. That goes for Buddhists. They think that by worshipping idols they can gain enlightenment. What they gain actually is demonic power, My son. Demons go from one person to another, deceiving them according to the Buddhist scriptures. This has been going on for centuries, My son. Whole families and entire nations have been deceived this way. India is the worst, steeped in idolatry over thousands of years, not just Buddhism, but their indigenous false religions too. Many will go to Hell if nobody goes to tell them the Gospel. Multitudes are headed for Hell in idolatrous lands that worship the Devil. Behind every idol is a spirit that has been worshipped for thousands of years. Break the curse. Preach My Gospel. Maybe they will repent. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY- The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

The Digital World Will Be Gone In A Flash!

“The Digital world will be gone in a flash! Do not depend on it, My son. What will you do when all is gone? I have preordained its destruction; electromagnetic pulses are ready to do My bidding, says the LORD. What will you do when all is gone? The world and its devices will come to a sudden end—its back to the Stone Age for all of you! Few will survive what is coming. All depend on electricity for their livelihood. Few will go back to the Dark Ages; few will survive what is coming. Electromagnetic pulses will be everywhere. Digital data will be gone! If you depend on it—woe unto you! The world and its data will be a thing of the past. The idols must fall! Destruction will be everywhere! Society cannot cope with the loss and the Modern Age will be no more. Expect it! Thus says the LORD. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY- ‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

‘My Global Collapse Shall Bring My People Together,’ Says The Living God!

“It will happen, My son, total economic collapse everywhere on the planet. Prepare, what can you do when all is gone by man’s hand? The global collapse will affect all the currencies of the world, rendering them worthless, My son, because they have no backing like gold or silver, only the word of men. That is what makes them valuable. I shall upend the apple cart of the global financial system, and they shall go flying around all over! The currencies of the world have no value, then what shall you do? I will protect you, making loaves and fishes multiply for My people. I shall be your sustenance, not money of the world, for that shall be no more by man’s corruption. Prepare to be led of Me into the wilderness to be nourished by Me, the Living God! Your God has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

PROPHECY— Stop Worshipping My Enemy The Devil

“Some people love the Devil, My son. I wish that they would love Me, the Living God, Who loves all, even the wicked. Some people want Satan in their lives. I don’t know why when I bled and died for their sins on the cross. Some people want even more sin in their lives, and will do the Devil’s work in the world. They have eternal Hell awaiting them in the end, where they will burn forever! The Devil has deceived them by giving them power and money and wealth. He deceives the world that way. I Am A God of love. I love all mankind. I died so that they could be saved. But they don’t want Me. They want the Devil in their lives because he gives them what they want. They will be damned forever. They go to the Devil’s realm, worship Satan in their hearts because they love him. They do not love Me, even though I gave them life. Eternal life they could have had, but they chose the Dark Side to live in because they loved Satan. They will not be saved because they hate Me, the Living God. They will burn forever in the Devil’s kingdom of sin. Your LORD has spoken.”

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My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

My Detestable Church Of Laodicea

“I find My people offensive, My son. They refuse to do My will. They will not obey. They are detestable people, members of the Laodicean Church of the End Time. Repent, and do the works as at first, or I will take away your Candlestick, says the LORD. Do not take this lightly, O detestable people in My sight, for your eternal destiny is at stake. O people of sin, members of My End Time Church, repent right now on your knees for being worthless, and members of every evil work. I see what you do in secret, and I Am displeased, O evil Church of the End Times. Repent right now on your knees for being worthless in My sight, or else I will take away your Candlestick. Then what will you do, O detestable Church of Satan and sin, worthless in My sight, and reprobate of every good work? Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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Looking for a Complete VeggieTales Classic Collection?

Someone uploaded this a couple days ago. Most complete veggietales collection I can find out there

God bless!

R: 10 / I: 1 / P: 6

Christian Identity

For those that do not know christian identity. Is the belief that the jews are not the israelites of the old testament but in fact the edomites(Ezekiel 36:5). This is why they are the enemy of God. Furthermore christian identity also teaches that christ only came for Europeans i.e (Matthew 10:6) we believe that the israelites migrated into Europe after the assyrian captivity (2 kings 18:11). He also did the same to Judah (2 kings 18:13). We believe the twelve tribes are the lost tribes of Israel and that Jesus specifically came for us.

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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked Government Of America

"My son, I called you to do My will. Speak to My government here in America. It is wicked beyond belief, and will be destroyed. I have called you to destroy My Evil Empire. Destroy My government of sin and wickedness. It has got to go. It is a blight on the land, destroying My people who will not obey Me. Destroy it, My son, from top to bottom- nothing will be left of it. Washington shall be destroyed by nuclear missiles from Russia, and all the wicked people shall be gone! It is My judgment of the land, prepare! A new city shall be built which shall be My Capitol in the land. I cannot stand its sin and wickedness any more. It has got to go- millions shall be killed across the land. I have spoken. Amen and amen forever!"

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PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

"My son, My people must be punished. They worship Satan the enemy. They must be punished forever for worshipping My enemy. My son, I died for them that their sins may be forgiven, but they prefer Satan the enemy. He gives them what they want. Immortality is a lie of Satan for they will die the Second Death. They don't want Me; they want the world and the things in the world. My heart breaks for My people, for they want Me not; Jew and Gentile are sinners before Me. They want Satan the enemy because he gives them what they want, therefore they worship him. Immortality is from Me; they will die the Second Death. Worship Me, My son, the Living God. Worship Me only for I will have no gods before Me. Worship Me only. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

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PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

PROPHECY-- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Lucifer

"My son, My people must be punished. They worship Satan the enemy. They must be punished forever for worshipping My enemy. My son, I died for them that their sins may be forgiven, but they prefer Satan the enemy. He gives them what they want. Immortality is a lie of Satan for they will die the Second Death. They don't want Me; they want the world and the things in the world. My heart breaks for My people, for they want Me not; Jew and Gentile are sinners before Me. They want Satan the enemy because he gives them what they want, therefore they worship him. Immortality is from Me; they will die the Second Death. Worship Me, My son, the Living God. Worship Me only for I will have no gods before Me. Worship Me only. Your God has spoken. Amen and amen forever, My son!"

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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My New World Order Crowd Forever!

"Tell them they are on My 'hit list,' My son. Evil Satanists will be rounded up all over the world and executed, but especially in Europe, where they are the densest. The evil New World Order crowd shall perish by My Hand for attempting to start World War Three, says the LORD. They shall be gathered up by My angels and tied in bundles and cast into the fiery furnace, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever! Evil Satanists shall be gathered up by My Hand, including all in the occult along with all witches and sorcerers. You had better wish that you had repented by the time that I come for you. Make peace with Me while time still persists, O evil ones of the land, for I shall end your New World Order setup agenda, and you shall have wished that you had never met Me, the Living God! Oh repent, you evildoers while time still persists. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen."

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PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

PROPHECY-- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son. It is evil. I will eradicate it from the Earth. Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet. I will eradicate them. I will destroy them all. The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth. I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity. They are evil. Expect their elimination. Tell all they will be destroyed. I will depopulate them from off the planet. They have to go. Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go. A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness. Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them. Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail. They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming. The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen. Distribute far and wide."

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PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- The Damnation Of My Wicked Servant Roberts Liardon

PROPHECY- "My son, I have punishment in store for all who go astray. That includes Roberts Liardon. He is a wicked homosexual controlled by the spirit of sodomy he never got rid of. He is a wicked homosexual, damned forever in the Lake of Fire. Soon he will go there, wicked man. In secret he still practices his sin, oh the wrath built up for this wicked man. He is My enemy, damned forever in the Lake of Fire, and leading others there too. Oh flee this man of sin before you go there too, oh wicked man of perdition. I see his calling into the ministry, but he went astray after sin. Many go this way, they never finish their race but go aside aster Satan and his wicked lusts. Wicked homosexual he is, damned forever! I will put him there by My angels, cast down to Hell forever. He won't repent but loves his sin, he can't get enough of wicked sodomy practices. Damned forever I will put him there, O wicked Liardon. Into Hell he shall go until Judgment Day, where he shall stand before Me and answer for all of his wicked deeds practiced before Me. I called him into the prophetic, but he rejected it for more money and wealth. That is where he went astray- after money and wealth of Satan. He wanted it more than Me, then lust came in of the worst type: sodomy. He can't get rid of it, for I have abandoned him unto his sin; he loves it. He can't get enough of wicked pleasures of the worst type: man before man in wicked sodomy. Together they shall burn forever! I have spoken, says the LORD of Hosts. Amen and amen."

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PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

PROPHECY- Stop Worshipping My Enemy Satan

“My people are enemies, My son. Devil worshippers they are without them even knowing it! So deceptive is My enemy Satan that he has fooled millions into worshipping him. My son, pray that My people come back to Me. They love the flesh, all the things of the world of the enemy that he has for them. Oh repent! Stop worshipping Satan My enemy, My people! Oh how My wrath burns against them! They ceased worshipping Me decades ago in preference for Satan the Devil. They love the world more than Me, worship it in their hearts. They love the things of the Devil more than Me, they worship it! Oh repent My people! Cease loving the things of the world and come to Me. Stop worshipping Satan in your hearts. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

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Israel Videos You Need To See!!!

Israel Videos You Need To See!!!

Israel Controls The USA [Embed]

Former CIA Officer-- Israel Controls U.S. Government And Media [Embed]

Netanyahu- We Control America [Embed]

Netanyahu Filmed On Hidden Camera [Embed]

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Christian Book Collection Downloads

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WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads

WORLD BIBLES Collections Downloads

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 7

The Truth Folder--->

The Truth Folder--->
Everything you need to know is contained in this link:

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"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken." [Embed]

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Arab Enemies, Says The Living God Of Israel

"My son, I must protect My people, Israel. Their enemies are numerous, too many to count. I shall destroy them all, My son. Nuclear weapons are ready, few shall be left. I shall destroy them all! Expect nuclear war in the Middle East- My wrath is ready to make powder of them all! My wrath is ready- expect nuclear conflagration! I shall destroy the cities of the Arab nations- few shall be left to serve Me. They shall fear Me- My wrath is ready to destroy them all! Few shall be left to serve Me- they shall fear the wrath of God! Never again shall they serve Allah, the false god of Satan. They shall serve Me, the True and Living God of Israel, My son. Israel has the power to wipe them out. Fear Me! If you were wise, repent to My Son Jesus Christ. Your LORD has spoken."

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The Punishment Of My Passion Church

The Punishment Of My Passion Church

"They love their idols, My son. They will not repent and put them away, My son, to lay them down at My feet and go about doing My will. I've called, and yet they still go about their wicked ways. The church shall be destroyed, never again to exist, but in peoples' homes. The pastor shall have no income for he loves money too much; it is in his heart. He will sit at My feet and get an education. He thinks he knows it all; he has no time for Me. He must be punished for head knowledge cannot satisfy, but an experiential knowledge of Me, by going out and doing My will. Out on the streets he shall go to witness to My lost sinners galore, but he refuses to get his knees dirty before Me. He will not obey and shall be punished. Thus says the LORD. Amen."

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Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

Prophecy Of God's Will- My Will Be Done

"I Am God. Many will be subject to Me for all eternity, My son. Only those who do My will will enter My Kingdom. The rest will be excluded. They will not do My will, My son. They will be punished forever. Many will not do My will, My son. They shall be punished forever in the Lake of Fire. You are one of the few. You are willing to do My will. I will save you. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. You see the world around you? They are going to Hell. They had many chances. They will not obey. They hate Me, the Living God. They want the world, and the things of the world. They want it more than Me. They shall be excluded. They want Me not. They will not obey. I Am with you, My son. Go and do My will. Go into all the world, I command you. Few will go. They will be saved. The rest shall be damned. They will not obey. Go, My son. Your LORD has spoken."

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The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

The End Of My Country Of Sin And Wickedness

"America has got to go, My son. It must be destroyed. I will make it happen. It is full of evildoers who will not repent. They refuse to do My will. I will make it happen, My son. Foreign troops will invade the land; destruction will be everywhere. I will make it happen. They have offended Me, the Living God. They will not obey. All they want is self, and the things that they can get. I will bring a stop to that. My people are evil, they refuse to repent, to bow the knee before Me. They will not repent nor obey Me. For that I will bring national destruction, and all the cities will come to an end. The nuclear bombs are ready to go off; they are everywhere: underground, in the air, in space itself. They will not obey Me, for that I'm incensed. They refused to obey for decades, both My people and the sinners. Repent, or else all will come to an end to be destroyed. You haven't much time left. The Living God has spoken. Amen."

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PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of Passion Church

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of Passion Church

"They have no time for Me, My son. They are busy doing their own thing out in the world and have no time for Me, My son. The Gospel is not preached; they stay indoors where it is safe. They will not obey Me; the pastor is a coward. He will not confront the issues of the day. My peoples' hearts are far from Me; they will not do My will, My son. The world goes unevangelized; they will not obey Me, My son, to do My will, My son. They will not do My will. Many will be rounded up and put into concentration camps; the end is upon us. My wrath waxes hot against My people; they refuse to obey Me. Many will go to Hell for refusing to obey Me. Your LORD has spoken. Amen."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

Why the Graven Image Claims by Anti-Catholics are Wrong

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel -- False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Women Of Jezebel -- False Ministers Of Sin And Wickedness

“I did not call you into the ministry, O woman. You did. You wanted an empire of religion of your own making. I called you not, you disobeyed Me. O woman of sin and self-righteousness, when will you repent? I called you not, your heart of pride called you. I called you not, and still you went in, intruding in territory that is for men only. For I do not call women to preach, to teach. That is for men only. Women pastors are an abomination, women teachers shall be plunged into Hell. I called them not, yet they still went in to the ministry to destroy My Church. They want money and things, a career of their own choosing and not Mine. They shall be eternally separated from Me because they will not repent -- Jezebel won’t let them. Forever hardened in sin and self-righteousness, I call all servants of Jezebel into eternal Hell fire. Your LORD has spoken.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Wicked City Of Sin London

“London, city of sin galore. I will destroy it in a minute, even in an instant is its destruction laid up before Me. It used to be My city, but My people went astray after their idols. Idols of the heart are everywhere, and the love of money infests the hearts of everyone there. For they have forsaken Me to go after Baal, and it is happening in your country too, My son. They love money more than Me, and will be destroyed. For apostasy is everywhere, and they have ceased serving Me, My son. For I used to send out My missionaries from London to lands everywhere to preach My Gospel, but now they care nothing for it. For they will not do My will, My son, but have acquired false gods of their own choosing. For that I will expend Mine anger upon them, and they will never survive the nuclear warfare against them. I have spoken, the Living God. Amen.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

PROPHECY: Russia Starts The Great Nuclear War

"My son, it will come suddenly. The great Russian nuclear attack will decimate many. Many will die, the fury will kill all. My son, prepare, the Russians will attack furiously. Many will die, the cities will be attacked. The subs are sneaky, they will come from underwater. Furiously attacking by stealth, the coastal cities will all be gone. My son, prepare, the end is near. The coast will be destroyed by nuclear missiles. Many will be gone. The missiles will attack the cities, and many will be vaporized. The nuclear war will start by them. Many will be vaporized in Russia. Many will die over there. The nuclear missiles will attack the coastal cities, leaving many defenseless, My son, prepare. The war will start, leaving many dead. Your LORD has spoken."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 8

The Punishment of My Israel

The Punishment of My Israel

"My son, what must I do?  I will punish My State of Israel for the many abominations it has committed.  It is full of homosexuals and evil people who abuse children.  I will destroy for that, and Israel shall suffer in the nuclear war.  I will punish all homosexuals everywhere, but especially to those who know will suffer My wrath exceedingly.  All Jews who participate in the sin of homosexuality and abortion will suffer My wrath in the deepest part of Hell forever and ever, who give themselves over to the evil lusts of the flesh.  Israel is full of wicked gay culture, and for that I will punish, national destruction to all workers of iniquity, My son.  Expect it!  Israel shall be changed forever!  Your Lord has spoken.  Amen."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

The Punishment Of My Jewish People

"Tell My people I Am going to destroy them, far and wide. I have called them to Israel, but so far they have refused to obey Me. They will be rounded up and die miserable deaths in concentration camps of the world. I called, but so far they have preferred the high life in the Western countries of the world. My son, My fury is expended on these wicked people. They will never be gathered to My Kingdom. They reject My Son too, their only hope for eternity. Many shall be gathered to the kingdom of the damned to suffer needlessly for all eternity, My son. They are My people, My son, but little can be done to those who reject Me, the Son, but love the world instead. With all My heart I reject them for all eternity who reject My Son, but prefer Satan instead. Millions in your country shall suffer agonizing deaths at the hands of the concentration camp owners. Your Lord has spoken, amen."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

PROPHECY-- My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

PROPHECY-- My People Shall Be Eliminated In The Revived Roman Empire

"It will happen, My son- the revived Roman Empire. Many countries will lose their sovereignty to be a part of it. It is My end-times plan. Your country will fall and become nothing in the face of it. Europe will rise to world-domineering status. Many will be a part of it. Christianity will be eradicated in the face of it as the Antichrist rises. My people have no power to stop it and will be eliminated from the Earth. I have decreed it, the Living God. Few will serve Me in the end times to stand against Satan. I have decreed the great elimination because My people have no power to run the race. Many will fall by the wayside, having no endurance to finish the race set before them. Few will enter My Kingdom in the face of the Antichrist. Your LORD has spoken."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

Prophecy- The Destruction Of Evil New York City

“My son, I Am going to punish New York City. It is on My ‘hit list,’ My son. It is a very wicked place. It will be destroyed by nuclear bombs. Already they are there, ready to go off, hidden deep underground in caverns and tunnels. The enemy has put them there. They want it destroyed, My son. They will go off in a moment’s notice. Nobody knows the date or the time. In a moment’s notice it will be gone. Millions will be dead, evaporated in the conflagration of nuclear warheads. They are parked off the seashore, hidden in Russian submarines. I want it gone, My son. It is a wicked city, with crimes reaching the heavens. Its sins are galore, without number, reaching the heavens. I want it gone because My people refuse to repent, to do My will for life. It will be a thing of the past, forever gone, My son. Prepare for it, nuclear destruction. It will come in an instant. New York City will be forever gone. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

“The Federal Government is evil, My son. Its aim is to destroy the people in various ways. It is setting up the New World Order. Controlled by Satan, it will work all evil in the Earth. It especially wants to set up the Antichrist to destroy God’s people. It wants them gone. Controlled by Satanists, it works all evil in the Earth. The New World Order is Satan’s reign on Earth. I will put a stop to that. I Am the Great Potentate, Ruler of All the Earth. My enemy Satan belongs in the Lake of Fire. I will put him there forever. He will not challenge Me anymore through the kingdoms of men. They will all suffer Satan’s fate in the Lake of Fire, My son. All who challenge Me shall suffer eternal loss in the Lake of Fire. Your government has got to go. It will destroy itself, My son. It won’t have the money to function anymore. I will destroy it. Nevermore will it function in the kingdoms of men. I will eliminate it from the Earth! I Am God! No one will challenge Me! They will all end with their fate in the Lake of Fire forever. Nobody will challenge Me and get away with it. I Am God, the Great High Ruler, the Ruler of All. Satan’s days are numbered. He hasn’t long on the Earth. I will round him up through My angels and have him cast into the Bottomless Pit. Forever he shall roast in the Lake of Fire. All who challenge Me with their New World Order shall be cast into Hell, and then into their abode in the Lake of Fire forever. All who follow Satan to set up his New World Order in the Earth shall be gathered up and cast into the burning Pit forever. In the Lake of Fire, they shall abide forever, roasting in ceaseless fire forever. That is the fate of all who follow Satan My enemy, and try to set up their New World Order. I will punish all who go astray after Satan, My enemy. All shall be punished forever in the burning Lake of Fire. Into the Pit they shall go until their Day of Judgment before Me. Then they shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire. That is the fate of all who follow Lucifer, My enemy, the fallen angel. I will punish him forever. Count on it! I Am the Supreme God, the Eternal Potentate, Ruler of All. Follow Me, not Satan, foolish humans. Your God has spoken. Amen.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9

King James Bible Readings By Alexander 2.9 GB Download

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 9

PROPHECY- The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

The Prophetic Judgment Of My People Australia

"Speak to My people Australia, My son. I have great things
for them if they would only obey. Yet wicked people resist Me
at every turn. My son, what shall I do? Call My people to
repent. I have called them to the Mission Fields. Maybe they
will obey. Hear them calling for Me, for saviors. When will
they repent? They love the world. I must punish them. War
will consume their land. They will not obey. They love the
world more than Me, wicked people of sin and depravity.
When will they obey? I had great things for My people
Australia if only they would repent. But they won't. They
refuse. Into Hell My people shall go wicked Australia. Into
Hell they shall go eternally. They will not repent, nor serve
Me, wicked people of sin and depravity. Obey. Your LORD
has spoken. Amen and amen wicked people of sin."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 9



"My people, why do you resist Me? The great nuclear war shall come, and millions shall be incinerated. Pray while you can, I shall always be God. I Am offended by your ineptitude, in refusing to pray to Me. The war shall come, and you shall be incinerated. You who live in the cities, beware! I Am your God, and you shall always live before Me. Perilous times shall come, and still you refuse to pray, preferring your arrogance to bowing the knee. What shall you do when the end of all things shall come? The nuclear war shall come suddenly, and millions shall be instantly incinerated. Then you shall live forever before Me. But what if you are not ready, living in sin like the wicked before Me? You shall burn in Hell forever. Prepare, for your end comes suddenly in these perilous times. Your LORD has spoken."

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 9

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The Greed Of Man Will Be Punished” Says God

“The greed of man has come before Me, My son, and must be punished. The greed of society is destroying lives, and nobody can earn a living anymore because prices are way too high. I will destroy all engaged in the greed of society, and nobody will earn a living. I will destroy all because greed has come before Me. All society is greedy, and I must destroy this Empire, My son. For few serves Me anymore, and all must be punished, for all are engaged in greed. Covetousness has got to go, and there will be nothing on the streets anymore, because greed has got to go, My son. So hide in the woods, because society will be no more, for it is all based on greedy covetousness, which I will punish with economic collapse. For money will be no more for all have abused it to their evil ends. I have spoken, says the Living God. Amen.”
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: Colossians 3:5-6 King James Version

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 9

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever

The Eternal Judgment Of My Enemy Benny Hinn, My Enemy Forever
“Benny Hinn, you are My enemy, damned forever! I used you, and you wasted it all away with a night of sex with Paula White, My enemy. You are an adulterous man, and you will spend eternity burning in the Lake of Fire. For you committed adultery with My enemy, a woman who should not preach. You both will burn in everlasting fire forever, for you will not repent, nor can you, for you deliberately sinned and cannot repent, for I took it from you. You operated in My grace and power for healing in ministry and threw it all away. For it will be better that you had never been born than to enter eternal Hell by sinning against Me deliberately, for there is no forgiveness for you. I will punish you forever you wicked man of sin, Benny Hinn! Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews 6:4-6
If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that he shall pray for it. 1 John 5:16

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 9

The Action Bible Download

The Action Bible Download - both in epub and pdf file formats!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

Christian Book Collection Downloads

Christian Book Collection Downloads

A massive collection of thousands and thousands of Christian books available for free download!!!

Get them now while they are still available!!!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

PROPHECY Of The Korean Destruction By My Hand Of Wrath And Anger Against Them

PROPHECY Of The Korean Destruction By My Hand Of Wrath And Anger Against Them

"Korea shall be destroyed, My son. They offend Me. Few serve Me there in Spirit and truth. Most are religious and have no power. They shall be destroyed. My wrath shall be poured out on the sinful nation of Korea. It is full of lewdness, debauchery, wickedness, witchcraft, and other sins. You shall pray against it. Few serve Me in Spirit and truth, My son. Most live in sin in Korea. You shall pray against it. However, they shall start World War Three when they invade China. Pray that this does not happen. However, My wrath is against them, both Koreas. They shall be devoured by the fire of My wrath for they are sinful above all else. Pray that this does not happen. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen, My son."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10


R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

PROPHECY-- The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

“Tell My people I Am against them. In all they do is sin and wickedness. The plowing of the wicked is sin, My son. I will destroy their country with nuclear forces. Already they are deployed against you. In just a minute it will all be gone. Your cities will be demolished by nuclear bomb attacks. Already they are hidden among you. Yet you go on and do not care. In one hour it will all be gone, demolished forever. The land will be too radioactive to work, and nothing will grow. That is My hand of judgment against you, O wicked people. When will you repent and come out of your wicked ways? But still you prefer your sin and wickedness to serving Me. You love it and will not repent, therefore you shall be destroyed forever. In the pit of Hell you shall roast until you stand before Me on the Day of Judgment. Then you shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Repent O people, the time is late. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

The Destruction Of My Nation Of Sin

“Tell My people I Am against them. In all they do is sin and wickedness. The plowing of the wicked is sin, My son. I will destroy their country with nuclear forces. Already they are deployed against you. In just a minute it will all be gone. Your cities will be demolished by nuclear bomb attacks. Already they are hidden among you. Yet you go on and do not care. In one hour it will all be gone, demolished forever. The land will be too radioactive to work, and nothing will grow. That is My hand of judgment against you, O wicked people. When will you repent and come out of your wicked ways? But still you prefer your sin and wickedness to serving Me. You love it and will not repent, therefore you shall be destroyed forever. In the pit of Hell you shall roast until you stand before Me on the Day of Judgment. Then you shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Repent O people, the time is late. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

The Punishment Of My People Forever

The Punishment Of My People Forever

"Speak to My people, My son.  They are against Me.  They will not allow My Spirit into their assemblies.  For that I will punish.  They do not want Me.  They want self.  My Church will be destroyed because they do not want Me, the Holy Ghost.  They would rather do without Me than to let Me flourish in their assembly.  Hard-hearted sinners will be rounded up and cast into Hell.  That goes for My wicked people who does not want Me.  That I will punish forever in deepest Hell.  How can My Church exist without Me, the Living God?  I Am All In All, the Eternal God.  Why do they not want Me?  They want self, and that in abundance.  They would rather have that then Me, self-sufficient fools.  How can they exist without Me, says God?  That I will punish forever, says God.  My people will be rounded up and put into flaming Hell, goats they are.  There are few of My sheep still around.  Most of them have fled the world of the Church where they do not fit in, but were rather expelled for not being one of them, the goats.  That I will punish forever, My son.  My goats shall be rounded and cast into Hell forever.  Few serve Me, My son.  Most would be rather doing their own thing in the Church world than be following Me.  Few are left who serve Me in sincerity and truth.  My people do not want the Spirit around.  It convicts them, and they do not want that.  My people are wicked, serving the Devil, not Me, for all they want is money and prosperity.  That's all.  They do not want Me deep down inside, because they would rather have the money in the world, the things in the world.  Not Me.  For that I must punish in deepest Hell.  Expect it!  Your LORD has spoken.  Amen, My son."

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 10

The Friendship Rainbow

The friendship rainbow is an insightful and easy-to-use tool for self-evaluating and understanding the dynamics of your relationships. This model allows you to quickly identify patterns and make informed decisions about how to nurture, improve or even let go of a friendship.

This model visualizes friendships as a spectrum, with low resource input high resource output relationships on one end (represented by the color red) and low resource output high resource input relationships on the other end (represented by the color violet). It helps you understand when a friend requires more attention and investment of your time, energy, and resources, and when a friend is not as desirable to be invested in.

Low benefit friendships (red) that require a lot of tender love and care, involve one person receiving significantly more benefits such as emotional support, companionship, financial or practical help, than they are giving. These types of friendships may feel one-sided and may be challenging to maintain over time. On the other hand, low benefit given to a friend relationships (violet) involve one person giving significantly more benefits than they are receiving. These types of friendships may lead to feelings of resentment or burnout if not addressed. In such cases, it may be wise to re-evaluate the friendship and possibly let it balance out on its own, or simply remove them from your friendship network altogether and place them in a more suitable emotional compartment such as an acquaintance.

Equal benefit friendships (green) are characterized by a balance of give and take, where both individuals feel that they are receiving and giving roughly the same amount of benefits. These types of friendships tend to be the most sustainable, fulfilling and fair to both parties.

It's important to understand that friendship dynamics can change over time and that no friendship is perfectly balanced all the time. Life circumstances such as job loss, illness, or a move can temporarily throw a friendship out of balance, but with good communication, a healthy friendship will adjust over time. The friendship rainbow helps you understand the circumstances that cause fluctuations in social exchanges, anticipate them and adjust your behavior accordingly.

It's also worth noting that dynamics of social exchange in friendships can vary depending on culture, context, and people involved. For example, some cultures may place a greater emphasis on reciprocity in social exchange or prioritize loyalty over balance. When evaluating your friendships, it's important to consider what matters to you and to keep things in perspective by looking at variables such as time invested, thought invested, and resources invested. This will help you keep a realistic view on where these people are on the friendship rainbow instead of where they seem to be.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11

Christmas Puppet Show [Embed]

R: 15 / I: 2 / P: 11

8chan refugee

I am posting here because I used to go to /christian/ on 8chan but now the website is dead. Does anyone know where the anons went?
Pic unrelated

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 11

NoFap/Purity Thread

NoFap/Purity Thread

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 11

Dedicated Christian Imageboard Site

Come join me at

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 11

Are there any biblical explanations for why God chooses for some of us to live comfortable lives?
I've been reflecting on gratitude and how good I have it, in comparison to people in other countries.
Even at home, the tales spun by the homeless, addicted, and sex workers are horrific, I didn't know this much depravity could exist.
This doesn't make me feel chosen by God or that I'm above these people, if anything, I can't help but wonder why did I get to live in relative comfort when others don't

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 11


(roman) Catholics aren't christian, change my mind

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11

Lourdes water

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 11

Hi Reddit, Pastor Steven Wignaterson here. AMA

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 11


R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 11


Hello. I see your sight is well moderated. Is there a way to keep any poster from posting until it has been checked or does one have to delete posts after they show? I don't have a bunch of volunteers to help me moderate a page. I can't really see a solution from the moderation manual or get an answer from the site operators.

R: 45 / I: 50 / P: 12

So 8chan will come back, but we have now established a board on Endchan. Post info, christpills, etc.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 12

This beautiful man, Christopher Michael McNabb got life without parole.

He was battered by his parents growing up, along with a addiction to meth, he ended up murdering his 15 day old baby.
From the research I have done a baby is conscious from 5 months. So no pain or suffering done, right?

Here in Catholic Ireland, there are men that rape and torture and batter kids and women, and get 7-12 years. Thats forgiveness, no doubt, and respect of animal kind.

Like, where is Christ or Lord Satan to come forth and free this man?.
May we come together and liberate not only the spirits of astral projection stuck in a frozen state to free our meth beloved friends who make contribution to life by showing their crimes and human kind, so in the future we live in peace with AI to prevent crime.

Please write to him or send him books....

Christopher Michael McNabb GDC# 0001267403
Hays State Prison
777 Underwood Road
PO Box 668
Trion, GA 30753 [Embed]

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 12

(((Netflix))) has just released a “gay Jesus” Christmas special called The First Temptation of Christ.The Brazilian comedy group Porta dos Fundos (which literally translates to “back door”) appears to have a real hang-up about our Lord and Christianity in general. Last December the group released The Last Hangover on (((Netflix))), a movie that blends Christ’s Last Supper with his disciples and The Hangover into a night of drunken debauchery where Jesus disappears. This year, in this new Christmas special, Jesus turns 30 and brings his gay boyfriend home to meet Mary and Joseph. When will (((Netflix))) shows mocking Muhammad and the Holocaust (which is basically the Jewish religion at this point) appear? Of course the answer is never. Christians, however, gaily expose the other cheek.Already, 1.14 million Brazilians have signed a petition asking (((Netflix))) to remove the movie. [Embed]

R: 14 / I: 1 / P: 12

Christian Resources

Let's get a thread started for some cool online Christian resources (Youtube channels, websites, blogs, podcasts, internet radio, etc.)

I'll start with a Youtube channel that does absolutely fantastic renditions of the words of C. S. Lewis:


This may be quite a bit before Christmas, but is their most recent video, and one of their best, from what I've seen in my opinion:

"A Christmas Sermon for Pagans" [Embed]

R: 16 / I: 3 / P: 12

Prayer Request Thread

Prayer Request Thread.

R: 69 / I: 0 / P: 12

Judaiser general

ITT we discuss Hebraism and the New Testament.
>what's Judaising?
By definition here, "Judaiding" will be referred to by the official definition by the Catholic church, i.e. Hebraists who keep the Law of the Old Testament. While Paul may have came up with the term, it was to refer to people who viewed circumcision as necessary for salvation, i.e. they taught works based salvation based on the Old Covenant.
Think of Judaising as adopting a "Hebrew" life though still having your own tribal identity, just as Persian and Turkish Muslims live as Arabs.
>why do you Judaise?
The Mosaic law still applies as it's the ideal way that the Father wants us to live. All of Jesus's teachings in the New Testament go back to the Mosaic law. Christians don't recognise this, and say that the Law had ended and now we're under the "Law of Christ", which is simply untrue. Moreover, they mix the cosmology and metaphysics of the Old Testament with a Greek cosmology and metaphysics, because Gospels were written in Greek.
This thread is not about the jews of modern times. This thread is specifically about Bronze Age and Second Temple Israelites, whereas modern jews descend from Moabite and Edomite tribes moved into Judea around 200BC, who don't follow the old Jahwist religion anymore and instead follow their own doctrines of man.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 12

Serious Question, What do you think of this information?

I'm not looking to troll, I'm just the critical thinking philosopher type. I LOVE GOD. I can't make that clear enough.
Please discuss with me the contents of this "conspiracy image" as many will call it.

Probably even blasphemy some will say. I respect all your opinions even if I may disagree. Please read the intro (top left) before any other part of the image so that you understand where I'm coming from before just outright getting angry and banning me.

Even if I'm not instantly banned, my main and outright goal is not to cause butthurt, even though I'm sure it will happen at least to some extent. I hope I get the reasonable people because I rather have some good discussion, period.

I tried to talk to others in the past, and they just instantly ban me when I go directly to the source like a christian image board and ask them "hey what does this mean to you". My question for those people is this
>How can you hold the beliefs you do (your personal right, not debating that!) but are completely unwilling to discuss anything that challenges that? Even if you're never gonna change your mind, why not even talk about it?

I'm just saying, something doesn't add up, and I think it's important to talk about it. The image provided criticizes everyone equally, or at least as close as I could to be as fair as possible.


R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 12

Why do Christians shill Jews so much? Like my dad is always jerking off the Jews and saying that they're the strongest or whatever. Also many other Christians jerk off Jews to. In reality Jews could give a fuck less about Christians,they littleraly killed Jesus.

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 12


Is Jesus saying that autism is good in Matthew 5:37?

R: 27 / I: 2 / P: 12

Cucktianity contributed to race mixing and zionism
Prove me wrong

R: 8 / I: 2 / P: 13

''Then the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb and the bear shall eat grass like
the ox and the child shall play on the hole of the asp and nothing
shall hurt nor destroy in all My Holy Mountain.''

Now check it with your bible.
Where is your god now?

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 13

This is officially a Protestant Board

Wesley Swift Archive

Pastor Bertrand Comparet Sermons [Embed]

Repent now, Hell is real.

Invite the love of Jesus and the Holy Spirit into your heart, it’s all you need.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 13


Would finding the Holy Prepuce be more significant than the Shroud Of Turin? Opinions on the whereabouts and existence of Jesus' foreskin?

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 13

Thoughts on Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet and Christian Identity?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 13

Apologetics in our generation

I'm noticing a theme, it's a silver lining about living in a post Christian west: the theological debate between Protestants in the culture is almost totally centered on concluding what the Bible teaches. Evangelicalism has won the cultural debate.

Mainline Protestantism is hemorrhaging members and everyone (at least on the right) sees it as the joke it is. In our parents and grandparents generation we evangelicals would be arguing against people's childhood indoctrination coming from episcopalianism or Lutheranism, but now a cultural Protestant will consider your explanation on its own merit.

This of course is just my judgment about the state of the mission field.

Mainline Protestants used to be like Roman Catholics in their view of church authority, but now they're open minded enough to consider your exposition of the Bible. I pray that Roman Catholics will adopt the same prudent attitude, but I don't see it happening soon since being Roman Catholic is a more central identity to them and their church isn't quite as cucked as mainliners.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 13


Imageboard roman catholics are engaged in self deception. They are adult or teenage converts from non-catholic families, as a lifelong and certain catholic doesn't feel the need to behave this way. They probably arrived on catholicism because they bought the meme about ancient catholic traditionalism, or the broad systematic theology of the Roman church that seems to have a coherent stance on every issue, but instead of studying apologetics and theology they simply delve into ritual.
Pic related

This is the same phenomenon as American prosperity gospel followers, "you just didn't believe hard enough" = "you just didn't pray the rosary hard enough".

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 13

SoCal Megachurch Associate Pastor Commits Suicide

>Jarrid Wilson, a Southern California megachurch pastor and mental health advocate, died by suicide Monday.
>Wilson, 30, was associate pastor at Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, under Pastor Greg Laurie. He co-founded Anthem of Hope, a mental health nonprofit helping people dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Suicide is terrible and we are not able to know all the contributing factors to his tragic and selfish decision.

That being said, we can point a finger squarely at the seeker sensitive, charismatic, megachurch movement of evangelical Christianity. It is entirely emotion based and manipulative with no sense of tradition, rather than based on a careful systematic theology directly exposited from the text

Harvest church is founded by Greg Laurie, a (literal) boomer "Jesus movement" hippie. He's essentially a motivational speaker who placed himself as the successor to Billy Graham, except he walks around stage in blue jeans at NFL stadiums and gives a pep talk after rap and whiny rock worship music. [Embed]

This kind of megachurch is found in every metro area in the US and Canada.
-Weak on theology
-Weak on church history
-Weak on tradition
-No liturgy
-Charismatic (theologically, and in preaching style)
-Youth oriented
-Rock style worship
Jarrid Wilson was a pastor at one such church of 15,000 people and multiple "campuses".

Now I ask this: how can anyone look at this movement and find a lasting sense of meaning or belonging? How is the American consumerist version of Christianity supposed to help and not hinder depression?
This is lowest common denominator Christianity. It's "cool wine aunt" philosophy.

R: 9 / I: 1 / P: 13


tl;dr of the last few months:

>Mass shooters tied to 8chan (esp. Christchurch)
>Public pressure mounts against 8chan
>several companies on the technical end drop support for 8chan as a customer
>US Congress schedules a hearing for Jim, the owner
>Site is announced to go down until at least Sept 5 (yesterday)
>Posters (esp /pol/) scatter to all over the web, especially endchan, 4chan, 08chan
>Jim provides a statement that if 8chan comes back up, it will have new safety measures

Now is the time for us to reevaluate our situation. If there is credible reason to think that 8chan will be compromised when it comes back online, we should not return.
If not, is this our new permanent residence?

R: 1 / I: 1 / P: 13

Christian kino thread

Post non-religious stuff that falls in line with Christianity.
Praise The Son!

R: 6 / I: 2 / P: 13


Why is your group correct?

R: 30 / I: 5 / P: 14

Rules & Meta

This is a backup board for /christianity/ in the event that 8chan is taken down.

>SFW only
>No spam
>No flood
>Only threads related to the topic of Christianity

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 14

Banner Thread

Anybody got any saved leftover banners from 8chan/christianity/, or some new ones for this board while we're here?

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 14


Well, while we're waiting for a more robust/permanent solution, or possibly have to call this place home for a long time or for years even, we might as well start making it feel like home.

Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread thread.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 14


>NLT is openly a paraphrase

While The Living Bible, upon which it was based, was openly a paraphrase, the NLT reeled in things quite a bit compared to it's predecessor. While it definitely leans heavily into the dynamic range to the point of being a borderline paraphrase at times, it still maintains formal equivalence elements, and isn't quite as out there as The Living Bible. For example:

Proverbs 20:16 -

>TLB - It is risky to make loans to strangers!

>NLT - Get security from someone who guarantees a stranger’s debt. Get a deposit if he does it for foreigners.

R: 3 / I: 0 / P: 14


Anyone here delve much into apocryphal texts out of curiosity? I recently read the "Apocrypha of John" and it's insane. It claims that Jesus told John the real book of Genesis in which YHWH was a lesser god(created under what they call Mother/Father) that evilly created the world and humans. It completely throws out everything Moses told and admists to doing it. How do people believe this stuff? Do any of you know any interesting apocrypha to read. It's astonishing how crazy some of them get.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 14

Can someone give a dumdum a quick rundown on the 8chan situation?
Why is it still down for me? Something about DNS?
