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PROPHECY- The Destruction Of My Liars In Ministry Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 15:22 [Preview] No. 491
The Destruction Of My Liars In Ministry

“My people are liars, My son. That goes for My Church where My ministers lie all the time. They shall be judged for that. Does not My Word say that all liars shall endure the Lake of Fire forever? Yes, they shall go there. All who preach the Prosperity Gospel are liars. They do it so they will get rich. It does not work in reverse, My son. I Am not a God of Greed, you see. I richly supply My peoples’ needs, but not through greed, My son. They shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire who propagate the gospel of greed. I provide for My peoples’ need, not their greed, My son. I shall punish all who deceive My people with their lies of greed, both in this life, and in the one to come. In the afterlife they shall regret their decision to deceive My people with their lies of falsehood. Your LORD has spoken. Amen.”

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