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PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever! Anonymous 05/31/2024 (Fri) 15:39 [Preview] No. 460
PROPHECY— The End Of My City Of Sin New York City Forever!

"It'll all be blown away, My son. My nuclear bombs are ready to do the devastation they were meant for. New York will be blown away, never to exist again, My son. It will be but a memory, its towering skyscrapers blown away in the nuclear conflagration. Get ready! Life as you have known it will never be the same again! Money will be scarce, so will be food. There will be few humans left alive from the nuclear disaster I have planned, says the Living God. New York City will be but a memory, never to exist again! Multitudes will be gone, forever entered eternity in a moment's notice. Prepare! What lies ahead is a life of hardship. Gone will be all the modern conveniences that you all depend on. Your way of life will be changed forever. Expect an early death in the years of hardship and famine, My son. My wrath is manifest to all through nuclear explosions. Prepare! The end is upon us. Your LORD has spoken. Amen forever!"

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