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Serious Question, What do you think of this information? Anonymous 10/17/2019 (Thu) 12:12:55 [Preview] No. 334
I'm not looking to troll, I'm just the critical thinking philosopher type. I LOVE GOD. I can't make that clear enough.
Please discuss with me the contents of this "conspiracy image" as many will call it.

Probably even blasphemy some will say. I respect all your opinions even if I may disagree. Please read the intro (top left) before any other part of the image so that you understand where I'm coming from before just outright getting angry and banning me.

Even if I'm not instantly banned, my main and outright goal is not to cause butthurt, even though I'm sure it will happen at least to some extent. I hope I get the reasonable people because I rather have some good discussion, period.

I tried to talk to others in the past, and they just instantly ban me when I go directly to the source like a christian image board and ask them "hey what does this mean to you". My question for those people is this
>How can you hold the beliefs you do (your personal right, not debating that!) but are completely unwilling to discuss anything that challenges that? Even if you're never gonna change your mind, why not even talk about it?

I'm just saying, something doesn't add up, and I think it's important to talk about it. The image provided criticizes everyone equally, or at least as close as I could to be as fair as possible.


Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 03:39:23 [Preview] No.335 del
So i'll begin with the fact that lucifer was never actually referred to as the morning star in the original KJV. Lucifer in the original hebrew is simply translated as the shining one. Different from the morning star. Lucifer in latin actually means light bearer. Basically nothing in the original hebrew indicates that Lucifer was ever even mentioned as the morning star. Also catholicism literally means universalism. Worshipping and praying towards saints, Mary or popes or any other figure aside from God/Jesus is against them. After all the only way to the father is through christ and his sacrifice for us John 14:6. Secondly Jesus was considered perfect even as a man. He never commited any sin and was sacrificed so people could be salvaged for their sins. This is actually 100% in God's character because he loved the world and spared people many times over example David commited adultery but was forgiven. This means that God would make a sacrifice so people can go to heaven. That doesn't mean the mosaic law was abolished far from it however the sacrifices are abolished because Jesus sacrificed himself. Also when (((saul))) says that love of money is the root of evil he isn't meaning that it is bad and you should never use it. He is saying that you should hold the love of the spirit over the love of money. I.e Isaiah 52:3. Further strengthened by Matthew 21:12. Money is a very useful tool but when making money becomes ones primary motion then we lose the sense of ourselves. Then again I'm anti paul but I think this is a suitable argument for pauline christianity followers.

Well Jesus was born in the line of David. Not by Joseph but by mary. How do we know this. Simple contrast matthew 1 genealogy to the luke 3 genealogy. Thus we can assume that mary actually came from nathan's line making it true that Jesus was of the line of David. Furthermore we can also remember that if Jesus was born of Joseph he would have never gotten onto the throne. Why? because male heirs of that line were never able to get on the throne. When Jesus got DNA tested he had 23 chromosomes from Mary but only 1 Man chromosome. Thus we know that Jesus will rule the people because he isn't an ordinary man. He is God in the flesh. Also quick note. God isn't some sky wizard at the top of the clouds waiting to throw lightning bolts at you. He is a spirit as stated in John 4:24.

Ok I don't believe in that garbage once saved always saved garbage. Jesus saves you if you believe in him yes. However you also have to keep that salvation. Here is how I view it. In James 2:20 when one becomes a believer they must do works in conjunction with faith to keep their salvation. Salvation through christ is just the beginning. Look at the parable of the sower Matthew 13:3-9. Basically anyone who thinks that believing in Jesus gives you a free pass to do whatever you want is sorely mistaken. In my opinion Jesus followed the mosaic law thus as christians we should also follow the mosaic law. Finally look at the modern world around you. Have you found any "good" or "innocent" people. prideful people, sexually repugnant souls and liars are everywhere. Thus yes I believe for a fact that you must come to Jesus to be potentially saved. Even then you must work vigourously in the name of christ. What the church wants isn't what Jesus wants. If you are still going to church in the modern era you're doing it wrong unless you have an extremely traditional church in the area. Jesus never said any of that in the bible.

Christianity is nothing other than a fear based religion? Fear is the call to action. Without fear nothing is ever accomplished. This is why we live in a hodgepot of trash and disgusting people because they are unrepentant and unfearful. Many people associate fear with negativity. I do not, I view it as a call to raise arms and fight back. For fear is nothing more than a natural emotion used to justify retaliation and/or devotion to a specific goal. Fear being negative is a myth. Great men are those who over come them.

I'll continue with the next part.

Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 04:01:14 [Preview] No.336 del
Also when you say that it is not through love but through fear. Do you know why christians are trying to get you to repent? Think of it this way fear also drives other emotions. Example a christian is fearful you will go into the lake of fire. Thus they will try everything in their power to convert you because they fear for your sake when you are not afraid. Christians love because they fear for others. Other peoples emotions are merely empty. For without fear those emotions can't be truly satisfying. Be fearful strengthen your heart and increase your love. Nothing is more loving than fearing for the worst and trying your best to prevent such an outcome.

>Christian walks up to me in public
>Believe in Jesus
>Because if you don't you will burn in hell forever so give our church all of your money because Jesus needs your money, but he loves you
>walk away and make sure to remember what this person looks like so I can avoid them in the future.
This is a strawman. The person who made this is basically applying this to every christian in existence and saying that every single one acts like this. That is not the case. Some like Joel Olstein would. However others would never do something like that. I for example am a christian and never go to church I pray alone in the house because that is what Jesus said Matthew 6:6. Thrusting a view of christians and applying it to every christian is ridiculous. That's like me saying all atheists are fat, ugly, have no morality, fist eachother and have no standards except for hating christians and posting pictures of thunderfoot or the amazing atheist to prove it. You see how ridiculous it is to make carictures of people to make them look bad? That is less making an argument and attempting to attack the persons character just because this is how they view christians. In other words they don't view christians as people but mere nuisances. Something most christians would never do.

Stupid people believe the threats. You say that but what if it turned out to be true. Would you be calling them stupid if you were burning in a lake of fire because you refuse to believe in God when they were trying to convert you? would you blame them for your inability to take them seriously? Basically you are calling them stupid because they fear for the worst. Albeit misguided. If you really want to spread the truth tell them to read the bible because that is how you strengthen ones faith. Not some pastor wanting to make a quick buck.

Basically the entire thing turns into a whining about christians being fearful and wanting to save people calling them stupid and not wanting to properly bring up any other argument. Pure bollocks.

Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 03:10:09 [Preview] No.337 del
Wait so you posted these over here, should I copy-paste my same replies from the other thread here too, or should we just cross link the two threads? I'm okay with the easier option.

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