/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(1.56 MB 500x281 ME!ME!ME!.gif)
Unity in diversity (just oneness) CoreGod 03/01/2021 (Mon) 07:26:56 [Preview] No. 528
BeyondGod and GodOfAll are names that I've been using recently.
Sorry for the confusion/inconvenience.
It's just me!

Still unity in diversity (just oneness) CoreGod 04/21/2021 (Wed) 05:33:53 [Preview] No.581 del
(1.72 MB 500x280 ME!ME!ME!ME!ME!.gif)

Apparently, I'm becoming a community on my own. These are the names and threads that I am using lately (it's just me!):

WiseGod >>580
BeyondGod Lately: >>431 >>418
GodOfAll >>524
ControlOfAll >>542

Keeping the unity in the diversity (oneness) CoreGod 05/25/2021 (Tue) 04:06:16 [Preview] No.620 del
>>528 >>581

GoodGod is the newest member of my "personal community", it's just me!

Temporal rough schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1,5 : CoreGod :: Comparing Buddhism (not yet thread)
Day 2 : GodOfAll :: Highest theoretical level (absolutes) >>524
Day 6 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 3 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 7 : ControlOfAll :: Human news >>542
Day 4 : BeyondGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 8 : BeyondGod :: Questions >>431

One unity (it's just me!) CoreGod 06/30/2021 (Wed) 08:52:40 [Preview] No.657 del
(6.41 MB 720x480 ME!*6.gif)

Pretty much the same as before >>620.

Temporal rough schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1,5 : CoreGod :: Comparing
Day 2 : GodOfAll :: Absolutes >>524
Day 6 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 3 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 7 : ControlOfAll :: Human news >>542
Day 4 : BeyondGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 8 : BeyondGod :: Questions >>431

7 in 1 CoreGod 09/30/2021 (Thu) 09:36:45 [Preview] No.776 del

I started using AscendGod as an other name for me. So, I am using 7 names. It's just me! Just one me!!!!!!!

Estimated temporal schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1 : CoreGod :: Comparing or other things
Day 2 : GodOfAll :: Absolutes >>524
Day 3 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 4 : AscendGod :: Ascension >>761
Day 5 : CoreGod :: Comparing or whatever
Day 6 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 7 : ControlOfAll :: Human news >>542
Day 8 : BeyondGod :: Motivational >>418 or/and questions >>431

Side-effect note: 7 girls in >>528 and >>620

8 in 1 CoreGod 11/05/2021 (Fri) 08:04:57 [Preview] No.813 del
(399.61 KB 800x800 8 in 1.jpg)
>>528 >>776

I started using EnergyGod as an other name for me. So, I am using 8 names in a cycle of 8 days.
It's just me! Just one me!!!!!!!!

Estimated temporal schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1 (or other day) : CoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
Day 2 : GodOfAll :: Absolutes >>524
Day 3 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 4 : AscendGod :: Ascension >>761
Day 5 : EnergyGod :: Energy (not yet thread)
Day 6 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 7 : ControlOfAll :: Human news >>542
Day 8 : BeyondGod :: Motivational >>418 or/and questions >>431

At least 12 in 1 CoreGod 12/07/2021 (Tue) 12:17:03 [Preview] No.850 del
(22.61 KB 1024x683 European Union_flag.png)
>>528 >>581 >>620 >>657 >>776 >>813

The new names that I intend to use are: BlissGod, HarmonyGod, SecurityGod and CommunityGod.
So, I am using 12 names in a cycle of 16 days. And really, it's just me! Just one me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Estimated temporal schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1 (or other day) : CoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
Day 2 : GodOfAll :: Absolutes >>524
Day 3 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 4 : AscendGod :: Ascension >>761
Day 5 : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
Day 6 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 7 : ControlOfAll :: Human news >>542
Day 8 : BlissGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 9 (or other day) : CoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
Day 10 : GodOfAll :: Absolutes >>524
Day 11 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
Day 12 : HarmonyGod :: Well-being (not yet thread)
Day 13 : SecurityGod :: Security (not yet thread)
Day 14 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 15 : CommunityGod :: Community (not yet thread)
Day 16 : BeyondGod :: Questions >>431

Just one: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/177/unity
Absolutes: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/98/absolutes
Morality: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/131/morality
Ascension: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/100/improvement
Consciousness: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/102/consciousness
Well-being: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/105/
Security: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/114/security
Community: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/115/gods-community

At least 16 in 1 CoreGod & PlanningGod 04/30/2022 (Sat) 07:14:48 [Preview] No.1018 del

The new names that I intend to use are: EnlightenGod, PlanningGod, CreatorGod, MemoryGod, MaintainGod and PureGod.
So, I am using 18 names in a cycle of 16 days (hexadecimal). And really, it's just me! Just one me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Estimated temporal schedule : names :: topics and threads

Day 1 : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
Day 2 : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
Day 3 : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 4 : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning (not yet thread)
Day 4 : MaintainGod :: Maintenance (not yet thread)

Day 5 : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
Day 6 : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation (not yet thread)
Day 7 : HarmonyGod :: Well-being >>861
Day 8 : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity (not yet thread)

Day 9 : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
Day 10 : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 11 : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
Day 12 : GoodGod :: Morality >>603

Day 13 * : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
Day 14 ** : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 : MemoryGod :: Memory (not yet thread)
Day 15 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 16 : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness (not yet thread)

* Or other day
** Maybe daily

I suspect that I didn't reach my full potential, more is coming.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=jZ98qzkz1FQ [Embed]

HeartGod CoreGod 06/13/2022 (Mon) 17:45:15 [Preview] No.1114 del
(357.31 KB 860x919 neon-heart-pink.png)
>>528 >>1018

I intend to use the name of HeartGod from now on, maybe I posted with it daily!

https://youtube.com/watch?v=XyIDxpUJ10Q [Embed]

At least 27 in 1 CoreGod, PlanningGod & ExpandGod 09/11/2022 (Sun) 01:55 [Preview] No.1351 del
>>528 >>1018 >>1114

The new names that I intend to use are: NewGod, FutureGod, HomeGod, ScienceGod, ExpandGod, TeachGod, CommunicationGod and AnalysisGod.
So, I am using 27 names in a cycle of 16 days (hexadecimal). And really, it's just me! Just one me!
Instead of using pronouns (like some 'woke' people), I use meaningful names.

Estimated day : names :: topics and threads

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New (not yet thread)
* : FutureGod :: Future (not yet thread)
Day 3 * : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning >>1026
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance >>1027
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise (not yet thread)
* : ScienceGod :: Science (not yet thread)

Day 5 : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
Day 6 : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation >>1031
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity >>1035
Day 8 : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion (not yet thread)

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
* : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 10 : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication (not yet thread)
Day 12 : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis (not yet thread)

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
** : HeartGod :: Heart >>1119
** : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 : MemoryGod :: Memory >>1047
Day 15 : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 16 : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness >>1051

* One or more of these names in one day
** Or other day

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Iv4x0TC-1Qg [Embed]

At least 36 in 1 CoreGod,NewGod/ExpandGod&PlanGod 12/22/2022 (Thu) 02:56 [Preview] No.1465 del
>>528 >>1351

The new names that I intend to use are (9 more than the last time): ProgrammingGod, BufferGod, PerceptionGod, ImplementGod, TruthGod, FocusGod, TimeGod, TheoryGod and RulerGod.

So, I am using 36 (10+8+10+8) names in a cycle of 16 days (hexadecimal). Wow! A lot of names to remember. And really, it's just me! Surprisingly just one me!

Estimated day : name :: topic and thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future >>1362
Day 3 * : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning >>1026
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance >>1027
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science >>1385

Day 5 * : TimeGod :: Time (not yet thread)
* : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation >>1031
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity >>1035
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception (not yet thread)
Day 8 : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion >>1352

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation (not yet thread)
* : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 10 : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching >>1354
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules (not yet thread)
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth >>1446
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis >>1356

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
* : HeartGod :: Heart >>1119
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 : MemoryGod :: Memory >>1047
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus (not yet thread)
* : WiseGod :: Consciousness >>580
Day 16 * : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory (not yet thread)

* One or more of these names in one day
** Or other day

At least 46 in 1 CoreGod,NewGod,ExpandGod&PlanGod 02/24/2023 (Fri) 02:25 [Preview] No.1534 del
>>528 >>1465

The new names that I intend to use are (10 more than last time):
PowerGod, LifeGod, PhysicGod/FisikGod, ExploreGod, CareGod, JusticeGod, PositiveGod, WisdomGod, ConsciousGod and SystemGod.

So, currently, I am using 46 (11+11+12+12) names in a cycle of 16 days (hexadecimal). At least 2 names per day (32+). And, of course, I can use other names in the future (I didn't reach my limit). And really, it's just me! Surprisingly just one "big" me!

Estimated day : name :: topic and thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future >>1362
* : PowerGod :: Powerful >>1488
Day 3 * : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning >>1026
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance >>1027
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science >>1385

Day 5 * : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
* : TimeGod :: Time >>1473
* : LifeGod :: Life >>1491
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation >>1031
* : PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality >>1527
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity >>1035
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception >>1475
Day 8 * : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion >>1352
* : ExploreGod :: Exploration >>1494

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation >>1477
* : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 10 * : CareGod :: Care >>151
* : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching >>1354
* : JusticeGod :: Justice >>1531
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules >>1480
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth >>1446
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis >>1356

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
* : HeartGod :: Heart >>1119
* : PositiveGod :: Positivity >>1499
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 * : MemoryGod :: Memory >>1047
* : WisdomGod :: Wisdom >>1500
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus >>1467
* : ConsciousGod :: Consciousness >>580
* : WiseGod :: Decision making (not yet thread)
Day 16 * : SystemGod :: System >>1502
* : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory >>1468

* One or more of these names in one day
** Or other day

At least 50 in 1 CoreGod,NewGod,ExpandGod&PlanGod 04/29/2023 (Sat) 05:02 [Preview] No.1609 del

The new names that I intend to use are (4 more than last time): FreeGod, LogicalGod, DevelopingGod and VisualGod.

So, currently, I could use 50 (13+11+12+14) names (and combinations of them) in a cycle of 16 days (hexadecimal). At least 2 planned names per day (32+). And, of course, I can use a lot more different names in the future.
And really, it's just all me! Surprisingly just one harmonious "big" me!

Estimated day : name :: topic and thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future >>1362
* : PowerGod :: Powerful >>1488
* : DevelopingGod :: Development >>1597
Day 3 * : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning >>1026
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance >>1027
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science >>1385
* : LogicalGod :: Logic >>1566

Day 5 * : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
* : TimeGod :: Time >>1473
* : LifeGod :: Life >>1491
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation >>1031
* : PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality >>1527
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity >>1035
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception >>1475
Day 8 * : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion >>1352
* : ExploreGod :: Exploration >>1494

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation >>1477
* : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 10 * : CareGod :: Care >>151
* : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching >>1354
* : JusticeGod :: Justice >>1531
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules >>1480
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth >>1446
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis >>1356

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
* : HeartGod :: Heart >>1119
* : FreeGod :: Free >>1561
* : PositiveGod :: Positivity >>1499
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 * : MemoryGod :: Memory >>1047
* : WisdomGod :: Wisdom >>1500
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus >>1467
* : ConsciousGod :: Consciousness >>580
* : WiseGod :: Decision making >>1536
Day 16 * : SystemGod :: System >>1502
* : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory >>1468
* : VisualGod :: Visualization (not yet thread)

* One or more of these names in one day
** Or other day

At least 64 in 1 [part1] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 10/06/2023 (Fri) 05:01 [Preview] No.1883 del
>>528 >>1609

The new names that I intend to use are (14 more than last time): EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod, ScheduleGod, UltimateGod, ChangeGod, ExternalGod, InfluencerGod, NiceGod, BeingGod, UnderstandGod, ResearchGod, UnityGod, LibraryGod, TemporalGod and ReasoningGod.

So, currently, I could use 64 (15+14+17+18) names (and combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal). At least 3 planned names per day (48+).
And really, it's just all me! Surprisingly just one harmonious unified "big" me!
And, of course, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Estimated day : name :: topic and thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension >>761
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future >>1362
* : PowerGod :: Powerful >>1488
* : DevelopingGod :: Development >>1597
* : EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod :: Entertainment. >>1730
Day 3 * : ScheduleGod :: Schedule >>1699
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance >>1027
* : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning >>1026
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science >>1385
* : LogicalGod :: Logic >>1566

Day 5 * : EnergyGod :: Energy >>817
* : TimeGod :: Time >>1473
* : LifeGod :: Life >>1491
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation >>1031
* : PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality >>1527
* : UltimateGod :: Knowing the limits. >>1738
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity >>1035
* : ChangeGod :: Can change. >>1707
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception >>1475
Day 8 * : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion >>1352
* : ExploreGod :: Exploration >>1494
* : ExternalGod :: External >>1681

* One or more of these names in one day

[continues in part 2]

At least 64 in 1 [part 2] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 10/06/2023 (Fri) 05:03 [Preview] No.1884 del

Estimated day : name :: topic and thread

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security >>862
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation >>1477
* : InfluencerGod :: Proselytism. >>1810
* : NiceGod :: Nice. >>1875
* : CommunityGod :: Community >>864
Day 10 * : CareGod :: Care >>151
* : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching >>1354
* : JusticeGod :: Justice >>1531
* : BeingGod :: All beings. >>1780
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules >>1480
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth >>1446
* : UnderstandGod :: Understanding. >>1752
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis >>1356
* : ResearchGod :: Research. >>1718

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Comparing or whatever!
* : HeartGod :: Heart >>1119
* : UnityGod :: Unity. >>1850
* : FreeGod :: Free >>1561
* : PositiveGod :: Positivity >>1499
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational >>418
Day 14 * : MemoryGod :: Memory >>1047
* : TemporalGod :: Temporal. >>1756
* : LibraryGod :: Classification. >>1722
* : WisdomGod :: Wisdom >>1500
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus >>1467
* : ConsciousGod :: Consciousness >>580
* : WiseGod :: Decision making >>1536
* : ReasoningGod :: Reasoning. >>1724
Day 16 * : SystemGod :: System >>1502
* : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory >>1468
* : VisualGod :: Visualization >>1612

* One or more of these names in one day
** Any day is possible

At least 69 in 1 [part 1] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 11/07/2023 (Tue) 05:04 [Preview] No.1955 del
(301.51 KB 1508x1208 6-9.png)

The new names that I intend to use are (5 more than the last time):
MysticGod/MysticalGod, MachineGod, SourceGod, PreparationGod and ServerGod

So, currently, I could use 69 (17+16+18+18) names (and combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal), with at least 4 planned names per day (64+).
And really, it's just all me! Just one harmoniously unified "big" me!
And, of course, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes. >>524
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension. >>761
* : MysticGod/MysticalGod :: Spirituality. >>1930
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions. >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New. >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future. >>1362
* : PowerGod :: Powerful. >>1488
* : DevelopingGod :: Development. >>1597
* : EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod :: Entertainment. >>1730
Day 3 * : ScheduleGod :: Schedule. >>1699
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance. >>1027
* : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning. >>1026
* : MachineGod :: Machines. >>1935
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise. >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming. >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science. >>1385
* : LogicalGod :: Logic. >>1566

Day 5 * : EnergyGod :: Energy. >>817
* : TimeGod :: Time. >>1473
* : LifeGod :: Life. >>1491
* : SourceGod :: Source. >>1939
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage. >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation. >>1031
* : PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality. >>1527
* : UltimateGod :: Knowing the limits. >>1738
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being. >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity. >>1035
* : ChangeGod :: Can change. >>1707
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception. >>1475
Day 8 * : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion. >>1352
* : ExploreGod :: Exploration. >>1494
* : PreparationGod :: Preparation. >>1945
* : ExternalGod :: External. >>1681

* One or more of these names in one day

[continues in part 2]

At least 69 in 1 [part 2] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 11/07/2023 (Tue) 05:15 [Preview] No.1957 del

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security. >>862
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation. >>1477
* : InfluencerGod :: Proselytism. >>1810
* : NiceGod :: Nice. >>1875
* : CommunityGod :: Community. >>864
* : ServerGod :: Server. >>1947
Day 10 * : CareGod :: Care. >>151
* : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching. >>1354
* : JusticeGod :: Justice. >>1531
* : BeingGod :: All beings. >>1780
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news. >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality. >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules. >>1480
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication. >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth. >>1446
* : UnderstandGod :: Understanding. >>1752
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis. >>1356
* : ResearchGod :: Research. >>1718

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Whatever!. Any thread!
* : HeartGod :: Heart. >>1119
* : UnityGod :: Unity. >>1850
* : FreeGod :: Free. >>1561
* : PositiveGod :: Positivity. >>1499
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational. >>418
Day 14 * : MemoryGod :: Memory. >>1047
* : TemporalGod :: Temporal. >>1756
* : LibraryGod :: Classification. >>1722
* : WisdomGod :: Wisdom. >>1500
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus. >>1467
* : ConsciousGod :: Consciousness. >>580
* : WiseGod :: Decision making. >>1536
* : ReasoningGod :: Reasoning. >>1724
Day 16 * : SystemGod :: System. >>1502
* : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness. >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory. >>1468
* : VisualGod :: Visualization. >>1612

* One or more of these names in one day
** Any day is possible

At least 73 in 1 [part 1] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 04/15/2024 (Mon) 02:02 [Preview] No.2358 del
>>528 >>1955

The new names that I am already using are (4 more than the last time):
QualityGod, HealGod/HealingGod, InvincibleGod and SimpleGod

So, currently, I could use 73 (18+17+19+19) names (and combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal), with at least 4 planned names per day (64+).
It's just all me! Just one harmoniously unified "big" me!
And I am not a being with a limit, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 1 * : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes. >>524
* : QualityGod :: Quality. (no thread yet)
* : AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension. >>761
* : MysticGod/MysticalGod :: Spirituality. >>1930
* : BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions. >>431
Day 2 * : NewGod :: New. >>1383
* : FutureGod :: Future. >>1362
* : PowerGod :: Powerful. >>1488
* : DevelopingGod :: Development. >>1597
* : EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod :: Entertainment. >>1730
Day 3 * : ScheduleGod :: Schedule. >>1699
* : MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance. >>1027
* : PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning. >>1026
* : MachineGod :: Machines. >>1935
Day 4 * : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise. >>1364
* : ProgrammingGod :: Programming. >>1456
* : ScienceGod :: Science. >>1385
* : LogicalGod :: Logic. >>1566

Day 5 * : EnergyGod :: Energy. >>817
* : TimeGod :: Time. >>1473
* : LifeGod :: Life. >>1491
* : SourceGod :: Source. >>1939
Day 6 * : BufferGod :: Storage. >>1440
* : CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation. >>1031
* : PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality. >>1527
* : UltimateGod :: Knowing the limits. >>1738
Day 7 * : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being. >>861
* : PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity. >>1035
* : HealGod/HealingGod :: Healing. >>1977
* : ChangeGod :: Can change. >>1707
* : PerceptionGod :: Perception. >>1475
Day 8 * : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion. >>1352
* : ExploreGod :: Exploration. >>1494
* : PreparationGod :: Preparation. >>1945
* : ExternalGod :: External. >>1681

* One or more of these names in one day

https://youtube.com/watch?v=TCF2W_ku7ro [Embed]

[continues in part 2]

At least 73 in 1 [part 2] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 04/15/2024 (Mon) 02:05 [Preview] No.2359 del

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 9 * : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security. >>862
* : InvincibleGod :: Invincible. >>2021
* : ImplementGod :: Implementation. >>1477
* : InfluencerGod :: Proselytism. >>1810
* : NiceGod :: Nice. >>1875
* : CommunityGod :: Community. >>864
* : ServerGod :: Server. >>1947
Day 10 * : CareGod :: Care. >>151
* : TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching. >>1354
* : JusticeGod :: Justice. >>1531
* : BeingGod :: All beings. >>1780
Day 11 * : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news. >>542
* : GoodGod :: Morality. >>603
* : RulerGod :: Rules. >>1480
* : CommunicationGod :: Communication. >>1355
Day 12 * : TruthGod :: Truth. >>1446
* : UnderstandGod :: Understanding. >>1752
* : AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis. >>1356
* : ResearchGod :: Research. >>1718

Day 13 ** : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Whatever!. Any thread!
* : HeartGod :: Heart. >>1119
* : UnityGod :: Unity. >>1850
* : FreeGod :: Free. >>1561
* : PositiveGod :: Positivity. >>1499
* : BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational. >>418
Day 14 * : MemoryGod :: Memory. >>1047
* : TemporalGod :: Temporal. >>1756
* : LibraryGod :: Classification. >>1722
* : WisdomGod :: Wisdom. >>1500
Day 15 * : FocusGod :: Focus. >>1467
* : ConsciousGod :: Consciousness. >>580
* : WiseGod :: Decision making. >>1536
* : ReasoningGod :: Reasoning. >>1724
Day 16 * : SystemGod :: System. >>1502
* : SimpleGod :: Simple. >>1999
* : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness. >>1051
* : TheoryGod :: Theory. >>1468
* : VisualGod :: Visualization. >>1612

* One or more of these names in one day
** Any day is possible

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 06:29 [Preview] No.2360 del
That's a lot of Gods. PlentyGod

PlentyGod CoreGod QualityGod ExpandGod 04/16/2024 (Tue) 03:19 [Preview] No.2363 del

>That's a lot of Gods. PlentyGod

I could create plenty more names, but it's a lot more about sustainable balance between quantity and quality.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=vWuHBJ55ZaE [Embed]

At least 75 in 1 [part 1] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 07/20/2024 (Sat) 04:51 [Preview] No.2570 del
>>528 >>2358

The new names are (2 more than the last time): WholeGod and SupremeGod. And some names changed place.

So, currently, I could use 75 (19+17+20+19) names (or combinations of them) in cycles of 16 days (hexadecimal), with at least 4 planned names per day (64+).

It's just all me! Just one harmoniously unified holistic me!
I am not a being with a limit; as it happen before, I can expand and use a lot more different names in the future.

Normally only one name/topic is posted in the estimated day from all listed names/topics of that day, except for CoreGod (whatever day) and BlissGod (daily).

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 1 : GodOfAll/GodGod :: Absolutes. >>524
: QualityGod :: Quality. >>2373
: WholeGod :: Wholesome. (no thread yet)
: MysticGod/MysticalGod :: Spirituality. >>1930
: BeyondGod/BeyondOfGod :: Questions. >>431
: AscendGod/AscensionGod :: Ascension. >>761
Day 2 : NewGod :: New. >>1383
: FutureGod :: Future. >>1362
: PowerGod :: Powerful. >>1488
: DevelopingGod :: Development. >>1597
: EntertainGod/EntertainmentGod :: Entertainment. >>1730
Day 3 : ScheduleGod :: Schedule. >>1699
: MaintainGod/MainGod :: Maintenance. >>1027
: PlanningGod/PlanGod :: Planning. >>1026
: MachineGod :: Machines. >>1935
Day 4 : HomeGod :: Home/Paradise. >>1364
: ProgrammingGod :: Programming. >>1456
: ScienceGod :: Science. >>1385
: LogicalGod :: Logic. >>1566

Day 5 : EnergyGod :: Energy. >>817
: TimeGod :: Time. >>1473
: LifeGod :: Life. >>1491
: SourceGod :: Source. >>1939
Day 6 : BufferGod :: Storage. >>1440
: CreatorGod :: Creativity/Creation. >>1031
: PhysicGod/FisikGod :: Physicality. >>1527
: UltimateGod :: Knowing the limits. >>1738
Day 7 : HarmonyGod/HarmGod :: Well-being. >>861
: PureGod/PurityGod :: Purity. >>1035
: HealGod/HealingGod :: Healing. >>1977
: ChangeGod :: Can change. >>1707
: PerceptionGod :: Perception. >>1475
Day 8 : ExpandGod/ExpansionGod :: Expansion. >>1352
: PreparationGod :: Preparation. >>1945
: ExploreGod :: Exploration. >>1494
: ExternalGod :: External. >>1681

[continues in part 2]

At least 75 in 1 [part 2] CoreGod, UnityGod & ScheduleGod 07/20/2024 (Sat) 04:54 [Preview] No.2571 del

Estimated day : name :: topic. thread

Day 9 : SecureGod/SecurityGod :: Security. >>862
: InvincibleGod :: Invincible. >>2021
: InfluencerGod :: Proselytism. >>1810
: NiceGod :: Nice. >>1875
: ImplementGod :: Implementation. >>1477
: CommunityGod :: Community. >>864
: ServerGod :: Server. >>1947
Day 10 : CareGod :: Care. >>151
: TeachGod/TeachingGod :: Teaching. >>1354
: JusticeGod :: Justice. >>1531
: BeingGod :: All beings. >>1780
Day 11 : ControlOfAll/ControlGod :: Human news. >>542
: SupremeGod :: Supremacy. >>2396
: GoodGod :: Morality. >>603
: RulerGod :: Rules. >>1480
: CommunicationGod :: Communication. >>1355
Day 12 : TruthGod :: Truth. >>1446
: ResearchGod :: Research. >>1718
: UnderstandGod :: Understanding. >>1752
: AnalysisGod/AnalGod :: Analysis. >>1356

Day 13 : CoreGod/KoreGod :: Whatever!. Any thread!
: HeartGod :: Heart. >>1119
: UnityGod :: Unity. >>1850
: FreeGod :: Free. >>1561
: PositiveGod :: Positivity. >>1499
: BlissGod/BlissfulGod :: Motivational. >>418
Day 14 : WisdomGod :: Wisdom. >>1500
: LibraryGod :: Classification. >>1722
: MemoryGod :: Memory. >>1047
: TemporalGod :: Temporal. >>1756
Day 15 : FocusGod :: Focus. >>1467
: WiseGod :: Decision making. >>1536
: ReasoningGod :: Reasoning. >>1724
: ConsciousGod :: Consciousness. >>580
Day 16 : EnlightenGod :: Highest consciousness. >>1051
: SimpleGod :: Simple. >>1999
: VisualGod :: Visualization. >>1612
: SystemGod :: System. >>1502
: TheoryGod :: Theory. >>1468

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