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Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today... Reader 09/03/2024 (Tue) 08:27 Id: 7ccbd4 [Preview] No. 22878 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Remember The 2008 Great Financial Crisis? It Is FAR WORSE Today...

Every adult recalls the 2008 "Great Financial Crisis" when Bear Stearns, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, and others collapsed. The Chart from FDIC shows that period above. That was then... THIS is now:


How much longer this can go on is anyone's guess. It seems to me, as an unqualified Layman who is not a Licensed Financial Expert, and who cannot give financial advice, that this is an utter catastrophe actually taking place. In my personal (unqualified) opinion, when it finally causes a collapse.... the collapse is going to wipe out everything!

Now you know why they seem to be trying so hard to cause World War III. They need it to blame the coming collapse on!

If the collapse takes place without World War 3, then THEY get (rightly) blamed instead of being able to blame their manufactured world war.

IF Russia's and China's leaders are smart, they will not take the bait. HOWEVER.... the conundrum they now face is risk being further attacked by use of other vassal state proxies, and being called chicken, with the world assuming they will bluff, which risks calls for further escalation in their own nations. VERY DANGEROUS TIMES.

Maybe the reason the uber-wealthy are building underground shelters for themselves is not to protect them from World War III, but instead, to protect them from the masses, who will be wiped-out when the Banker shenanigans wipes out the system and everyone loses everything.

Whatever they're going to do, it seems to me they have to do it before the election.

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Indian Men Forced To Eat Faeces Over False Sexual Assault Claim Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:34 Id: 349b2f [Preview] No. 22864 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Two young men from the lower rungs of the country's caste system - one a Dalit from the Jatav community and the other from the Other Backward Class Kewat community - were subjected to brutal torture in Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh, over claims of sexual assault, the police have said.

The incident took place on June 30 in Warkhadi in the Narwar area of Shivpuri. The two young men were violently beaten, their faces blackened, forced to ingest faeces, and then humiliatingly paraded through the town.

The distressing episode was reported to the police by the Dalit victim's brother. Shivpuri district police have since charged seven members of a local minority family with the assault and have already caught six suspects, including two women.


Reader 09/01/2024 (Sun) 01:40 Id: 0ce3e2 [Preview] No.22866 del
Kewat and dalit always guilty of rape they shouldn't get a trial

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Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits US Government Bullies & Censors Social Media Reader 08/27/2024 (Tue) 10:52 Id: da3bf3 [Preview] No. 22849 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Mark Zuckerberg Finally Admits US Government Bullies & Censors Social Media

Two years ago Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Joe Rogan that the FBI pressured Facebook into censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Now he's participating in a Congressional investigation.

In a stunning Monday evening letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Zuckerberg admitted that senior Biden administration officials "repeatedly pressured" Facebook teams to suppress information related to COVID-19 that the platform would not have otherwise censored - and the administration 'expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree.'

"I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it," reads the letter. "I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today."

Zuck now says that Facebook should not have compromised its standards "due to pressure from any Administration in either direction."

He's also committed and "ready to push back if something like this happens again."

Zuckerberg also said that Facebook shouldn't have censored the NY Post's Hunter Biden laptop story - and said that the FBI had warned the platform "about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election."

"That fall, when we saw a New York Post story reporting on corruption allegations involving then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s family, we sent that story to fact-checkers for review and temporarily demoted it while waiting for a reply," reads the letter. "It’s since been made clear that the reporting was not Russian disinformation, and in retrospect, we shouldn’t have demoted the story."

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Reader 08/27/2024 (Tue) 17:40 Id: 50e327 [Preview] No.22852 del
Bullshit. The snake was all about censorship and giving away private data since day 1. He gladly cooperated. That kike's only saving face in public by lying through his teeth.

<script>alert()</script> Ian 08/31/2024 (Sat) 07:08 Id: 47faa7 [Preview] No.22861 del

sage sage 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:16 Id: 50e327 [Preview] No.22862 del

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BOOM! Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election Reader 08/29/2024 (Thu) 15:10 Id: fa9401 [Preview] No. 22855 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
BOOM! Biden Regime Planning World War III To Default On US Government Debt Before Next Election

Video below shows the United States has ground troops inside the country of Moldova, near Ukraine's western border. Moldova's Constitution REQUIRES that country to be militarily neutral! US Forces there mean the US is trying to create a second front for Russia, inside Ukraine.

Here is video, taken by a Farmer in one of his field in Moldova, as he encounters US Ground Troops:


The farmer clearly does NOT want US troops on his property or inside his country because he knows, to an absolute certainty, when Russia finds out US troops are there, Russian soldiers may be sent and war will come to his country, too. Why are United States military forces inside Moldova?

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Ukraine is collapsing. The Russians are making very significant gains in territory and Ukraine is running out of weapons and ammunition.

Deputy Chairman Chernev of Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence said publicly yesterday "Ukraine does not count on new arms supplies from the Biden administration. Kiev should focus on those who will be in the Harris administration if she wins."

Last week, Germany made clear they will not be providing more weapons to Ukraine after revelations that Ukraine was involved in the bombing of the Nordstream Pipeline. That bombing cut-off Russian natural gas flows to Germany, which in turn, ruined Germany's Industrial production. Skyrocketing energy costs have made it impossible for German Industry to continue, and upwards of forty percent (40%) of German Industry is now either actually Bankrupt, or heading into Bankruptcy.

Yesterday, the Minister of National Defense of Poland, stated publicly "Poland no longer has weapons that it could transfer to Ukraine."

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Reader 08/29/2024 (Thu) 15:11 Id: fa9401 [Preview] No.22856 del
So it appears the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is at its most crucial moment; WIthout supplies, Ukraine cannot fight, and so they are entering Russia via the Kursk Invasion, and last night, began entering Belgorod, Russia as another point of invasion.

It thus seems that Ukraine is deliberately escalating to cause.... something' ....to take place that causes NATO to actually enter the conflict and begin fighting Russia.

Apparently, to that end, former President Volodymyr Zelensky, whose Presidential Term of Office expired in May, publicly stated "Ukraine has developed new ballistic missiles which will destroy something important in Moscow. Then, Ukraine will issue an ultimatum "Leave Ukraine or we will destroy Moscow and St. Petersburg."

Intelligence sources confirm Ukraine has tested its first domestically produced ballistic missile. It’s most likely the Hrim-2 project, a missile with a range of "over 700 km," making it possible for Ukraine to strike Moscow. Previously, Ukraine could only reach Moscow with small drones.

Ukraine striking Moscow and/or St. Petersburg is just the type of "Hail Mary" escalation that could ignite a ferocious Russian response and be the spark that ignites World War 3.

Adding fuel to that potential fire was the British. The London Telegraph newspaper reported yesterday "The UK supports Kiev's use of Storm Shadow missiles for strikes on Russian territory, but will not publicly call for this step due to fears that it will provoke a quarrel with the United States." So the British are openly making clear they support Ukraine strikes deep into Russia.

Reader 08/29/2024 (Thu) 15:11 Id: fa9401 [Preview] No.22857 del
Given the fact that the US is now $35 TRILLION in debt, and that debt is now growing by $1 TRILLION more every 100 days or so, it is now mathematically impossible for the United States to financially survive.

As such, they NEED a massive war to blame the coming financial collapse on. They can't allow the collapse to happen in a manner where THEY get blamed; they have to have some other excuse to point-to . . . . and nuclear war is the only solution that fits their need.

Americans THINK they're safe across the ocean, but they're not.

Moreover, once our cities are smashed and our people are killed in such a war, the politicians who caused all this by over-spending for decades, think they'll get to slither out of their nuclear bunkers, and tell the Bankers "Our cities are smashed, our people are dead, there's no way we can repay you, we need debt forgiveness." And they actually think they'll still be able to be in-power once they get tens of millions of us killed!

Between what the politicians have done, and are doing in Ukraine against Russia, and what they have done and are doing with Bankrupting the United States, there is simply no possibility they WON'T cause World War 3 because they NEED us dead to ask for debt forgiveness.

The state-run media is utterly failing to report *ANY* of this to the general public and as such, millions of us are being setup to be killed in a nuclear war that our own elected officials intentionally set up to get THEMSELVES out of the trouble they've caused, but our people don't know it because the media is bought-and-paid-for by the politicians doing all these things.

I have now told you the truth. You'd better be ready because, by most accounting, this thing has to kick off before the November elections. The powers-that-be know if Trump wins, ALL their plans for war to get out of debt, will be thwarted. Why do you think they tried to kill him?

Of course, the mass media did report that the Shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, used encrypted communications programs with connections in Germany, Belgium and New Zealand, but what they DIDN'T TELL YOU, was that the Belgium encrypted comms, used a server at... NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. GEE. What a coincidence....

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Reader 08/30/2024 (Fri) 03:27 Id: 664d89 [Preview] No.22858 del
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I don't have a bunker, myself. Don't own a television either in case there's a warning. If nukes fall on the city I live near, I probably won't have to worry about anything anymore. Because I'll be dead.

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MULTI-POLAR GLOBAL NEWS SERIES 8/27/2024 Reader 08/27/2024 (Tue) 17:24 Id: a03891 [Preview] No. 22851 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
In this new series, we don't bother talking about falling empires or insolvent corrupted failed states. We focus on the new growing international multi-polar world and trade.

De-Dollarization & Multi-polarity Plans Top Agenda For October BRICS Summit

40 More Nations Apply For BRICS+ Trade Union Membership
https://www.bitchute.com/video/prie2iKZCsFq [Embed]

India PM Modi Meets With Malaysia's PM Anwar Ibrahim To Discuss BRICS Trade
https://www.bitchute.com/video/u2tchfRvA66r [Embed]

Key Actor In West Asia Applies To Join BRICS Following Meeting With Russia

Azerbaijan Aims to Become Key Trade and Manufacturing Hub For China

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The Collapse Of American Credibility And Endless War Will Seal Our Fate Reader 08/27/2024 (Tue) 13:29 Id: daa425 [Preview] No. 22850 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Collapse Of American Credibility And Endless War Will Seal Our Fate

There are three current hot or cold wars: on the Ukrainian border, in the regions surrounding Israel, and in the strategic space between Taiwan and mainland China.

The West faces dire consequences if the Iran-backed Houthi aggression in the southern Red Sea persists. Beyond the intermediate inflation threat caused by shipping disruptions and skyrocketing container rates due to rerouted merchant ships around Africa's Cape of Good Hope, the long-term game is even more troubling: America's "credibility and deterrence" is quickly eroding. This perceived weakness could embolden China to escalate disputes in the South China Sea, sensing a weakening West becoming increasingly entangled in multiple conflicts, including those in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince wrote on X this weekend about the Houthi rebel missile attack on Greek-flagged oil tanker MV Sounion about 77 nautical miles west of the Yemeni port of Hodeidah last week that eventually led to a massive explosion and potential environmental disaster.

"Where is the rightful outrage from environmentalists? Thousands of tons of crude oil will now pour into the Red Sea," Prince wrote on X, adding, "Thousands of tons of crude oil will now pour into the Red Sea."


To put things in perspective, Sounion is hauling 150,000 tons of crude — a little more than four times the amount spilled by the Exxon Valdez in 1989.

Ten months after Houthi forces in Yemen started disrupting maritime traffic in the Red Sea, global shipping companies have had to reroute merchant ships around the Cape of Good Hope. This has resulted in delays and higher container costs that will only worsen as capacity stretches thin.

Meanwhile, the US and EU have launched numerous military operations committed to ensuring freedom of navigation and maritime security in the highly contested region but have failed repeatedly.

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BEWARE: By 2030, Living In Poo York Will Cost Residents 4 Times What It Does Now Reader 08/24/2024 (Sat) 20:19 Id: 00ffd7 [Preview] No. 22836 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
BEWARE: By 2030, Living In Poo York Will Cost Residents 4 Times What It Does Now

There are a whole lot of reasons to avoid New York like the plague these days, and as sad as predictable there are even more reasons thanks to bad policy and stupid political leadership.

It currently costs NY about $36 per MWH for energy. But the state demanded wind. Let’s discuss the amazing bottom line results.

New York state signed a contract in June to buy electricity generated by two large wind farms, Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind, off the coast of Long Island. The projects are expected to begin in 2026 and 2027, with power delivered to Brooklyn (Empire) and Long Island (Sunrise). The "state" aka TAXPAYERS will pay $155 and $146 per megawatt-hour, respectively. These prices are steep, at least four times the average grid cost paid over the past year.

The offshore wind business off the East Coast is in turmoil. Operators have canceled projects from Massachusetts to Maryland that were due to be constructed in the next four years. Some have been delayed, while others have renegotiated their contracts at prices 30% to 50% higher than originally promised.

Two widely quoted sources of break-even costs are the US Energy Information Administration and Lazard, an investment bank. In its most recent estimates, the EIA suggests the average break-even cost of offshore wind farms, adjusted to 2024 prices, is $131 per megawatt-hour, not counting government subsidies, and $101 per megawatt-hour after allowing for basic tax credits. The latter figure is what matters, because every offshore wind farm expects to take advantage of investment or production tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act.

Let’s pause right there because wind is absurd by any measure.

The cost of wind is $131 per MWH without credits and $101 with $30 in tax credits according to the EIA. A handout of $30 is an 83 percent subsidy (30/36) and the deal still is still nearly 100% per MWH in the red, losing $35 per MWH over the cost of buying energy at market rates.

The owner-operators of the two farms—Equinor for Empire and Orsted for Sunrise—are two of the top five global wind-farm investors and operators. Equinor is Norway’s state oil company, while Orsted previously was Denmark’s.

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Reader 08/26/2024 (Mon) 02:23 Id: bdac23 [Preview] No.22844 del
This must be why frens in New York state are raging in their DMs to me about rising utility bills. It's already happening. Keep in mind, not everyone in NY are jews. I talk with them specifically because they're surrounded by the parasites. Never shun allies against the enemy

Reader 08/26/2024 (Mon) 17:56 Id: 00ffd7 [Preview] No.22845 del
Maybe New Yorkers should stop voting for literal commies? It is getting hard for me to find sympathy for the people who keep voting for horrible leadership in these disgustingly corrupt cities.

Furthermore, if New York does happen to be beyond recovery and the local elections deeply rigged the best solution I can recommend is moving out thus no longer giving tax aid or electoral influence (census) to those shitholes. The more people who move out the more tax revenue that city loses and the more political power they lose in Congress over time. What is obviously not being taught in our current public schools is, under our Constitution and our electoral laws, Americans can simply take back political power by migrating to more like-minded jurisdictions and abandoning hostile ones.

Reader 08/26/2024 (Mon) 23:31 Id: bdac23 [Preview] No.22848 del
Well the problem in NY has always been immigration from external countries. That's been true since Ellis island in 1892. By this year, there are 1.77 million jews in NY state. The second highest concentration compared to anywhere else in the world. The first of course being Israel. That's why they vote the way they do. Greed always originates from those parasites.

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Hungary To Send Third World Migrants To Brussels To Avenge Asylum Fine Reader 08/24/2024 (Sat) 19:23 Id: 2f45a0 [Preview] No. 22834 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hungary To Send Third World Migrants To Brussels To Avenge Asylum Fine

Several years ago, Texas had a brilliant idea: take the millions of illegal immigrants that were flooding its territory as a result of policies adopted in faraway places like DC, and bus them to places like New York and DC, other so-called sanctuary cities and, best of all, Martha's Vineyard where those who run New York and DC tend to go on vacation. The result was an immediate revulsion by the false virtue-signaling NIMBY crowd, which cried foul at having to suffer the consequences of its actions.

Turns out Texas' idea was so good it is now being adopted across the Atlantic, where another illegal alien invasion has been taking place for the past decade, slowly replacing the indigenous population with millions of immigrants from northern Africa and the middle east.

Now, one European country has decided it also has had enough: Hungary suggested that it might - like Texas - start transporting migrants who show up at its border straight to Brussels, unless it can resolve a dispute with the European Union on penalties for its asylum policies, Bloomberg reported.

The European Court of Justice has slapped a €200 million ($223 million) penalty, plus an extra €1 million daily fine, on the country for Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s non-compliance with the court’s earlier judgment on the protection of asylum seekers. Orban already promised retaliation in June for the ruling, one of several issues clouding the start of his stint in the rotating presidency of the EU in the second half of 2024.

Negotiations with the European Commission will start in September, Gergely Gulyas, the minister in charge of the prime minister’s office, told reporters in Budapest Thursday. Should those talks fail, Hungary will start handing migrants “one-way tickets to Brussels,” Gulyas said.

“We should find an agreement as soon as possible because we wouldn’t like to pay large amounts on a daily basis,” Gulyas said. “But if Brussels wants to take in migrants, we can help.”

Though Gulyas provided no details on how such a scheme would work, the idea echoes disputes not only among US states over migrants - like those being bused to New York from the Texas border - but also elsewhere in Europe. In the UK, socialist Prime Minister Keir Starmer has vowed his new Labour government would scrap predecessor Rishi Sunak’s plan to deport foreign criminals to Rwanda.


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Putin Follows Ronald Reagan, Allowing Refuge To Victims Under Western Communism Reader 08/22/2024 (Thu) 13:08 Id: 4d6de3 [Preview] No. 22827 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Putin Follows Ronald Reagan, Allowing Refuge To Victims Under Western Communism

Like America once did during the Cold War with the Soviet Union under President Ronald Reagan, Russia is now offering safe haven to any foreigners who want to escape their “neoliberal” communist-hijacked countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that Moscow would assist any foreign nationals wanting to apply for temporary residence in Russia “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history, and basic laws,” Russian state media reported Monday.

Yahoo News reports: Yes, Moscow is encouraging people from around the world to seek refuge in Russia via new three-month visas which may be available as early as in September, according to state news agency TASS.

In Russia, “traditional values reign supreme”, the report claimed – the Kremlin is known to oppose transgender-forced child abuse, promotion of homosexuality and illegal immigration.

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree this week which would allow foreign nationals into the country “outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws”.

Applicants may apply via a simplified, expedited system and can request residency if they reject their home countries’ “destructive neoliberal ideals”.

Those ideals “run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”, and end up “imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens”.

This new decree is especially surprising as Putin told the Financial Times in 2019 that it was a “cardinal mistake” for Germany to adopt a liberal approach to immigration from the Middle East.

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Reader 08/23/2024 (Fri) 18:49 Id: e54bdb [Preview] No.22828 del
Anyone get the feeling this is all just geo-political theater and the true intentions of our government is simply to transfer power over to another government as they deliberately bankrupt our entire economy to enrich themselves and people like Putin and Biden are just actors in this long-planned transition?

Reader 08/24/2024 (Sat) 06:02 Id: bce259 [Preview] No.22829 del
Collaborators definitely. In times past, they'd be called defectors. But modern society doesn't label traitors anymore. Nor the enemy. Even when they've committed terrorism and treason.

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China Bucks US Military Industrial Complex, Halts Exports of Metallic Antimony Reader 08/17/2024 (Sat) 11:37 Id: 87daa8 [Preview] No. 22814 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
China Bucks US Military Industrial Complex, Halts Exports of Metallic Antimony

China has now banned the export of metallic antimony, a critical material for military applications like high explosives, missile propellants, and infrared guidance. The US military industry heavily relies on China for its antimony supply.

Antimony is a chemical element; it has symbol Sb and atomic number 51.

A lustrous grey metal or metalloid, it is found in nature mainly as the sulfide mineral stibnite.

Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name kohl.

China's export ban will severely impact both the US military and the Western solar industries.

Beyond military uses, antimony is essential for producing photovoltaic cells and glass, vital to the Western solar industry.

China controls 32% of global antimony reserves but dominates 80% of production.

While Bolivia and Russia also have significant reserves, it would take time and technological effort for the US to establish new production lines elsewhere. Time the USSA doesn't have given its attempts to start World War 3 over the Ukraine-Russia and the Israel-Iran conflicts.

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Reader 08/17/2024 (Sat) 20:59 Id: 4a73c3 [Preview] No.22815 del
So instead of buying directly from CCP, the US buys it from whomever they sell it to...
Oh no.. whatever shall we do???...

Reader 08/18/2024 (Sun) 09:35 Id: b6105e [Preview] No.22818 del
I guess it all depends who can procure enough metallic antimony for sale. Like the article mentioned, China dominates production by far today. Can they find a big enough replacement? If not, too bad for folks like Israel and Ukraine. Their supplies from us will be heavily drained if not outright halted.