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Frenschan is closed for good Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 01:48 Id: 495a35 [Preview] No. 93081
Interestingly, 8kun is also down atm.

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 04:33 Id: c15194 [Preview] No.93083 del
8kun is such a dumpster fire, all boards have 0 PPH except /qLARP/
there's a schizo on /pnd/ (pol's successor) spamming every thread that gets posted.

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 04:34 Id: c15194 [Preview] No.93084 del
https://soyjak.party is back at least

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 04:42 Id: 495a35 [Preview] No.93085 del
I know. The qresearch board confuses me. None of it makes any sense.

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 07:45 Id: 3e17af [Preview] No.93091 del
>>93081 So the glowniggers who ran that honeypot have already given up on their failed psyop? That's only good
And if by mistake they weren't glowniggers trying to infiltrate the more religious branch of /pol/, which is unlikely because their larp was very weak, they were pure retarded juice, they killed their own site by banning too much and too easily.
>>93083 Definitely off, even trying to consider the lack of activity because of the night time for some nations, which would mean the entire site is 100% used by murica or 100% used by europe, but not spread out over multiple nations and continents.
8kun is even more dead than endchan
>>93085 all qresearch boards are likely an other psyop trying desperately to fish in some "extremists", also despite the clear american politics focus of the whole q meme, all qresearch boards carry some markers of british intelligence activity, which is very strange, as if some MI6 is trying to psyop the american voters

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 07:47 Id: 3e17af [Preview] No.93092 del
>>93091 frenschan banned and censored more than fucking reddit, whoever ran that had no clue what imageboards spawned from 4chan are meant for, which is not controlled speech

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 13:42 Id: 13788a [Preview] No.93094 del
I won't lie, frenschan pissed me off far too often for me to even want to stick around, and the 3 or so "neutral topic" (I don't know how else to categorize them and it's been a while since I visited last year) boards that actually had decent discourse/content/helpfulness were too inactive to make regular visits. The paranormal board was cracked out, pol was filled with too much differing and conflicting viewpoints that were laughably LARPagan, and of course let's not forget the calls for organized violence and terror and "meet me at this location it's totally not a set-up" threads. Also frenschan users were viciously anti-Christian and were of the "let's gas them again" (they were never gassed to begin with) infiltrator types more akin to Atomwaffen and their beliefs were like a parody of National Socialism with only remote surface-level similarities, like they got sucked in to some fantasy presented by those TikTok or Soyjak Chud edits and let that shape their entire persona.

Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 14:39 Id: 495a35 [Preview] No.93095 del
They did ban a lot of people, I am sure. However, I was never banned and from my perspective, they only banned anti-Whites. Maybe a few shitposters were swept up in it but the moderation was good there and the discussions far higher in IQ than what I see here.

They were anti-christian largely but 4chan is extremely pro-Christian. The only way to preserve your culture is to defend it.

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 06:23 Id: ef0c0b [Preview] No.93108 del
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>The only way to preserve your culture is to defend it.

No thanks i rather will look into folklore archives than yet again will do a mistake which caused the death of the mentioned culture as vololoo in church was more important than anything else and gets butthurt when its not about them and them only
Blood memory and nothing else
>if some MI6 is trying to psyop the american voters
If only you knew how bad things really are

Search operation trust USSR 1920s
You had been warned

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 08:46 Id: d3a2ab [Preview] No.93109 del
Sidney Reilly was such an huge jew, though it would be more accurate to fault the ones who ordered him than the pawn he was.
The (((Bolsheviks))) and the (((British Royals))) were really just two faces of the same coin, playing a stupid theatre of fake opposition between them, with the only real aim of destroying Germany and subduing all Europe by artificial wars, internal conflict, and political instability by coups.

That said, why did qresearch made you think about operation trust? Are you thinking qanon is an other similar scheme to that?

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 12:28 Id: 495a35 [Preview] No.93113 del
No idea what any of that is.

Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 20:37 Id: ef0c0b [Preview] No.93119 del
>why did qresearch made you think about operation trust
Because operation trust from ussr shares a lot of simmilarities with Q movement from its strats to its control on view and situation around it
Operwtion trust was about some underground (actually controlled op) white hats in gov resistance playing political chess and undermining the polytbyro when actually all was just nkvd double agents and turncoats now serving in polytbyro in order to hunt down potential subjects of opposition

Q is almost simmilar in this except apart of january protest nobody was hunted down yet by partaking in it and rather its flavouring of second poison compared to first and of course approach leading to pasivity as again "everything will be fixed no need to worry"

In operation trust counterinteligence side was to foregin nation enforced optics cucking of some weakened on brink of collapse state that will die on its own and if someone attacks it it will have unifying effect on USSR than finnishing blow

I dont need to specify which side is the bad one in Q and which right one
I really dont need to pull the old american elephant being against donkey and the myth of crumbling democrats

Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 08:02 Id: ef0c0b [Preview] No.93125 del
And yes on this point
>compared to first and of course approach leading to pasivity as again "everything will be fixed no need to worry"

Im refering it is also yet another case of limited hangout strat

Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 22:52 Id: 4e0ec4 [Preview] No.93194 del
>Also frenschan users were viciously anti-Christian
They weren't. FC was mostly Christian. When 16 shut down, anti-Christians flooded FC, but the mods tolerated them despite anti-Christians constantly starting fights and infighting, and that drove out Christians to regroup to Discord/Telegram/IRL.

Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 23:03 Id: 4e0ec4 [Preview] No.93195 del
Maybe the modship were bad actors who pretended to be Christian. Maybe the violent frens on FC just happened and the modship were too stupid to value rational frens.

I do know that like half of the violent frens were actual frens and not kike falseflaggers, because their hashes still posted useful insights as far as Hitler and natsocism goes. What the other half were I can't say, but to pick fights and not contribute meaningfully, I would say they were probably kikes falseflagging in one of the only outlets the site's strictness allowed.

Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 23:03 Id: 54ba2d [Preview] No.93196 del
420ch redirects to /gay/

7ch sold to nigger mods

It's cold outside...

Anonymous 04/08/2024 (Mon) 23:09 Id: 4e0ec4 [Preview] No.93197 del
I'd say the best pol board to regroup to is whatever's best modded. That's between zzz (not zzz/fascist/ since it's ran by an idiot), end, and maybe even fucking wiz if there's nothing better.

IDK bros it looks like there isn't a clear winner here. Whatever failings FC had at least in 2022 its modding was on point.

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 02:43 Id: 54ba2d [Preview] No.93200 del
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(3.84 MB 4032x3024 image.jpg)
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll probably stick it here for now. I honestly just need a place to post my discovery of random scientific errors, which draws enough attention periodically to get me banned when the mods start sweating from the Cease and Desists

My current shattering and obvious revelation involves dandruff. I mentioned previously on 7ch I thought dandruff was not dead skin but an excretion of contaminants, mainly silicon, as anyone who has had a wound with dead skin knows it behaves differently than the flaky, dry dandruff, which has also never been mentioned in ancient literature and is thus a modern issue likely brought about by modern error. I have further evidence in that my fucking comb has been accumulating the shit out of thin air, enough that it looks like a mold growing on it at times. I cleaned it recently to observe the collection of the material and my suspicions were confirmed--this did not come from off my head but was attracted to the brush (which I wash with fresh water) because of either the hair or the already present material. Maybe. Nigger.

My hair has dandruff sure... Not this much, shed hairs almost none...

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 08:23 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.93203 del
>which draws enough attention periodically to get me banned when the mods start sweating from the Cease and Desists
Who the fuck bans for dandruff? At worst, you're just making people nauseous. It's not a rule. You won't be banned for that.

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 12:41 Id: 54ba2d [Preview] No.93204 del
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this isn't dandruff retards

stop listening to niggers

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 13:51 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.93207 del
That's not nice.
>My current shattering and obvious revelation involves dandruff.
>I thought dandruff was not dead skin but an excretion of contaminants
Really shouldn't call yourself a nigger.

Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 18:39 Id: b32b32 [Preview] No.93209 del
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Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 19:54 Id: 54ba2d [Preview] No.93210 del
Finally someone that can take some bantz, I legit figured I'd come home to a ban for that, AGAIN

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 05:24 Id: cb6da6 [Preview] No.93362 del
So what the hell happened? I just started using the place maybe a couple months ago and found it comfy, now it's dead?

Anonymous 04/15/2024 (Mon) 07:33 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.93364 del
I did the same. Pretty friendly anons there. Shame they shut down.

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:08 Id: 74b781 [Preview] No.93368 del
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Mmkay stay there and don't ever invite us there again

>No idea what any of that is.

Mmmhh you can just ask Croat anon and he'll probably clear it up

Dunno about that board but

>8kun is also down atm.
Good riddance. Fuck that botnet jimbo owned shithole

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:10 Id: b8ae47 [Preview] No.93369 del
>It's cold outside...
Get a jacket?
>I'd say the best pol board to regroup to is whatever's best modded.
Like here? Just maybe stay here and invite people here for the time being?

Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:40 Id: 28993b [Preview] No.94736 del
The jannies really let us down..

Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 04:20 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.94738 del
Yeah. If one of those lifeless bastards didn't ban me within seconds of inviting Frenschan anons to end/pol/, we'd have a lot more here. Imagine sitting there refreshing the page over and over. Pathetic. Bans on this board are hours after the posts.

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:52 Id: e2f51f [Preview] No.94859 del
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I think you let yourself down fren. That defeatist attitude will take you nowhere.

>Yeah. If one of those lifeless bastards didn't ban me within seconds of inviting Frenschan anons to end/pol/,

lol did they really do that to you? That's pretty scummy.

They can promote their board here, but you can't do the same on their board. Not a good way to make crossboard frens.

Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 03:48 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.100990 del
Their /pol/ is not good, fren. There are anti-NSDAP allowed to post as well as those with the same old tired lies against Hitler that have been disproven for years. I'm only headed there if I can create a board myself.

Anonymous 02/05/2025 (Wed) 03:50 Id: 40293d [Preview] No.101006 del
Going to hijack this faggot's post after I cleaned it from poop.
Posting through Magrathea clearly triggers more scripted shit posts.
2017 nigger spammer
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/05/2025 (Wed) 04:03.

Anonymous 02/07/2025 (Fri) 03:47 Id: e500c5 [Preview] No.101199 del
I think the attitude is about being implicitly pro our values, rather than explicitly so over there. Instead of outright banning lies, they just mock it and post truthful responses to them like classic 4fags /pol/ from the old days. I was hesitant of cross-posting, as I didn't want to shill. I view having allied alt-chans as a strength, especially if any of us go down.

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