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Get Swifty Anonymous 07/02/2024 (Tue) 05:58 Id: 06d325 [Preview] No. 94021
Jews, referring to bipolar thorough misers
Parasitic mites in Gentile costumes
If you even question their deceptive drifts, the brainwashed sheeple
Defend as they presume

Jews buy low and sell at exorbitant prices
Slices and sizes
As they advise us
(Tale as old as time)
They are demeaning, never dreaming
One day we'll watch as they die screaming
Because everyone's tired of their scheming
(For the last time)

It's you, jew
You're the problem, it's you
It's high time everyone ignores the fake news
Those lies are spun but truth is clearer
Jews assaulting culture, polluting through kikes like Shapiro

Sometimes, it seems everybody is a Dead Sea scrolls daisy
They want to sponsor the lies still
The truth will ring out, consuming all jew cries for pity
You living farts. You're all unskilled
Just wait for Darwinism to beat Commie Castroism
Root out every kike disguised as a human
(Tale as old as time)
They are demeaning, never dreaming
One day we'll watch as they die screaming
Because everyone's tired of their scheming
(For the last time)

It's you, jew
You're the problem, it's you
It's high time everyone ignores the fake news
Those lies are spun but truth is clearer
Jews assaulting culture, polluting through kikes like Shapiro

Jews like to scheme, ringing out with laughter, thinking it's funny
But soon their laughter will be still
When we rally around jew burning corpses,
We'll get to see jew futures in Hell

It's you, jew
You're the problem, it's you
It's you, jew
You're the problem, it's you
It's you, jew
Now get down on your knees, down on your knees

It's you, jew
You're the problem, it's you
It's high time everyone ignores the fake news
Those lies are spun but truth is clearer
Jews assaulting culture, polluting through kikes like Shapiro

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