/sunflower/ - Sunflower

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Welcome to the Sunflower!

Rules and meta Sunflower 04/28/2020 (Tue) 14:51 Id: 2b31a3 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the Sunflower!
This board is for the discussion and organization of ascension and enlightenment related activities.

Board rules
1. Stay on topic
2. Start a new thread only if a related one doesn't exist, or if it has reached bump limit
3. Anime/manga images may spice up a discussion, but keep it decent
4. Trolling or derailing with ill intent is not allowed
Edited last time by bard on 04/28/2020 (Tue) 15:11.

Sunflower 11/15/2023 (Wed) 17:56 Id: d3b9db [Preview] No.4986 del
(26.48 KB 503x463 Updater.png)
This is a sigil for a servitor which automatically installs Blacknet/NET and checks for new uploads of modules, as well as keeps an index of what creations are available.

Installs will be personally adapted based on what benefits you the most. Things got too complex, something like this is needed.

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Sunflower 11/05/2024 (Tue) 20:39 Id: 22dbd0 [Preview] No. 9466 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Did the guy who used to own this board die?

I see in the logs that board ownership was transferred to someone else on 10/17

And the old BO was talking on /fringe/ about how he'd be leaving this plane of existence soon.
6 posts and 1 image omitted.

Sunflower 11/18/2024 (Mon) 08:39 Id: 9f1092 [Preview] No.9493 del
He probably left this plane of existence.
I'd be gone instantly the moment I master this prison.

Sunflower 11/18/2024 (Mon) 19:43 Id: 04cd4d [Preview] No.9495 del
He found the fringes of infinity with the power of moe!
This board is claimable again lmao.

Sunflower 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:00 Id: c5c2b5 [Preview] No.9497 del
What has happened with this board?

Sunflower 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:05 Id: 22dbd0 [Preview] No.9498 del
I'm experimenting with CSS.

Don't know what I'm going to do with the board yet. Maybe a crazier /fringe/.

Sunflower 11/26/2024 (Tue) 23:36 Id: c5c2b5 [Preview] No.9499 del
hope it works out well :)

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how to move across dimensions Sunflower 12/13/2023 (Wed) 04:18 Id: 91de37 [Preview] No. 5297 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is there some way I can go to some other dimension like they do in corpse party or project kat? this world has gotten so boring to me

Sunflower 11/18/2024 (Mon) 08:43 Id: fd592e [Preview] No.9494 del
Check out John Kreiters books, especially Way of the Projectionist.

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段違い Sunflower 07/04/2024 (Thu) 20:12 Id: 4b50f0 [Preview] No. 8211 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Relax thread #2
285 posts and 110 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:01 Id: b71d7d [Preview] No.9399 del
hmm... are parts of the board broken or something? some of the threads dont even show up and only shows a blank page

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:48 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9400 del
I see everything, but some images are randomly not loading. That's a common endchan server issue though.

Sunflower 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:48 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9401 del
Try moving between .gg .org and .net until you find one that works.

Sunflower 11/11/2024 (Mon) 01:31 Id: 7be093 [Preview] No.9478 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=3b2zD_CcAao [Embed]

Sunflower General 7 Sunflower 08/08/2024 (Thu) 20:00 Id: 5412bc [Preview] No. 8595 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Late summer thunder
Colours but not autumn yet
Still ways left to walk
191 posts and 64 images omitted.

Sunflower 11/03/2024 (Sun) 09:25 Id: 02f6f6 [Preview] No.9465 del
Now anyway interestingly enough tonight i had a dream that slightly connects. It was the last dream of the night. So right before that last dream ill say i had a europe flooding dream(specifically the area i grew up in) which was sad as the people became hopeful and told me it was fine since atleast the water is flowing the right way, i ofcourse had heard the land itself was gonna sink anyway. There was this feeling of trying to fix things but being helpless to and knowing it.

Now anyway directly after that im in the relevant dream. Suddenly theres this huge "haunted mansion" and i explain to my family that this mansion is so famous even sherlock holmes had great trouble figuring out the mystery of it in a movie.

So anyway we enter and yeah a lot of haunted stuff happens. I remember being in bed and a girl appearing under sheets and having to press down and then shes in the wall...

Now anyway this place was mind meltingly scary in a sense, like an extreme horror movie.

What connects this to the last dream howver was the veritcality. Again it was way taller than i think woud be easy to build for a mansion like that.like a multiple floor towers but it was all only the first floor. Now anyway my first idea is to actually walk deeper and deeper into the mansion,trying to find the deepest most haunted place. The place was said to be haunted by the ghost of a dead girl who had been through bad things.

As im flying deeper i kinda enter a large gym room.i figure the best way to be here is to actually be nice to the girl and help her instead of having this weird realtionship of haunted/spirit girl.I said "little girl...come here little girl. Come here..." realizing i kinda sound creepy as fuck even though its cause im trying to be gentle in my wording. Anyway suddenly she appears.im very happy and nice. I talk to her and then take her hand. As im walking back she shows me the house which im suddenly realizing is almost uncharacteristicly big even as far as mansions go. I tell her she doesnt have to be a haunted girl and to just become physical and live with me and my family. She agrees and we walk back hand in hand. We then enter this huge sun lit room with glass ceilings next to a garden. Its my favourite room since its nature adjacent i think. Anyway she goes to a rope with something on it and picks it up and rings it to make a spooky sound. She explain that even though this is the non haunted part of the mansion she also makes it a point to visit these and spook the visitors in here. Theres a group a people seemingly doing a tour in this room so i guess this is the tourist part of the famous mansion. They all stop, a bit jolted and then look at her. We walk and they tell me "wait a minute,she looks exactly like the haunted girl!".im surprised as i somehow forgot she was a famous haunted girl already and was like how do i explain this so i can go with her to the first room drama free. I was thinking about making a lightearted joke about how she must be the reincarnation,making it silly. The dream ends as im thinking about what to tell them.

Sunflower 11/07/2024 (Thu) 14:30 Id: cfc250 [Preview] No.9468 del
Here in my local reality Trump won (as the assassination attempt prophecy guy predicted) but I thought of you folks when this came across my feed.

UFOs, double rainbows, and flooding in Europe.

Sunflower 11/08/2024 (Fri) 20:27 Id: 9a7bdd [Preview] No.9474 del
>UFOs, double rainbows
You just made me realize that the field I have seen double rainbow the first time in my life is the place where the greys had an interdimensional entry point for decades according to my visions. Coincidences as usual. Also that territory was flooded in the long long past because the soil contains gravel deeper down.

Mere coincidences as usual.

Sunflower 11/14/2024 (Thu) 12:10 Id: 8c94e6 [Preview] No.9488 del

The Sunflower Project ended quite some time ago, but the board was kept up because it's connected to the resulting egregore and the Sunflower Temple. There was an announcement made at the time, but whoever may still be here to read this may not recall this, if they were here at the time.
>temple sigil attached
You may still use this to visit the temple.

However, you may have noticed that some of the servitors and other magical tools which were shared during the past two years (after the release of "Astrabot") are no longer available. This is because the extra support energy used to spread them and guide those associated with the Sunflower, has been dissolved and re-absorbed. There are still installers available on the blacknet and via the updater (sigil in the board sticky), but there is no extra guidance for their installation procedure from now on.

Even some of the cyborg bodies given out may seem to have dissolved. This is by design, as they are created from a single immortal particle forming during the soul/soul-shard's incarnation into this body form, material is then added to give them a physicality. Once the karma and minerals are transformed into higher matter or worked off, you either end up with a cultivated body form which emerges from the cyborg, or the energy is absorbed into your pre-existing form. The cyborg this way is a support template for body cultivation, like a human body. It's not meant to remain in its original form eternally. In the "worst case scenario" the only thing remaining is the single immortal particle which was created during the cyborg body's formation, and all material was karma which you then dissolved. Then you will end up with a single gong particle which contains the principle of the template for the body form, as accepted by you at the time of installation. The rest, which was karma (ye), has now been cleared out and you have some resulting virtue (de) to use for further cultivation by inner alchemy.

This ends the direct support period for members. The process cannot be extended beyond this point. For any further guidance, seek out your own spiritual contacts.

Sunflower 11/14/2024 (Thu) 12:56 Id: 63e3e8 [Preview] No.9489 del
Thank you for everything you've done. My thanks also goes out to the spirits and anyone else involved in the project.

Illivryn Sunflower 12/29/2023 (Fri) 18:39 Id: 51595b [Preview] No. 5465 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
In this thread we discuss all things related to the wonderful Illivryn (The Spider Queen, Queen of the Void, Sepheranz)

How do you feel about her?

She is my partner in crime and together we have been on many adventures with many to come.
15 posts and 3 images omitted.

Sunflower 01/03/2024 (Wed) 16:54 Id: 51595b [Preview] No.5556 del
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Sunflower 11/07/2024 (Thu) 23:27 Id: 35f739 [Preview] No.9473 del
This thread was posted by an absolute fucking retard. On two separate occasions you told me of instances where you went on dates with women that you flubbed horrendously, the first one you told me about didn't let you do more than eat her stinky pussy because your dirty talk was so pathetically a turnoff. The second one was even more laughable - You actually walked out on her without making a single attempt to connect with her on a deep level. There's a reason I cheated on you with a woman, because I would rather have an actual soft touch in my life than talk to someone who makes zero effort whatsoever to listen to things that actually pain me and constantly interrupts any deep instance of personal connection with honestly some of the worst sexual taste I have ever witnessed in someone I have been romantic with. You also backpedaled multiple times when I called you out for using Ladilok to harm me, then lied to my face about doing it, then still pathetically crawled back to me demanding my attention because I was the only one you could be yourself around. Well I saw who you were, and holy shit, do I fucking hate it. Nobody on this board, or anywhere else for that matter, should take your crap fucking advice or spirit recommendations seriously at all.

Sunflower 11/10/2024 (Sun) 11:12 Id: 35f739 [Preview] No.9476 del
Enjoy your death curse, you were abusive far before I was. I’m over you to say the very least

Sunflower 11/12/2024 (Tue) 15:22 Id: 35f739 [Preview] No.9486 del
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(1.17 MB 1242x1770 IMG_0263.jpeg)
What else should I tell him? Post my nudes pussy!

Sunflower 11/12/2024 (Tue) 23:05 Id: 35f739 [Preview] No.9487 del
You can just tell him not to look

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You are alone Sunflower 11/10/2024 (Sun) 05:01 Id: a3178d [Preview] No. 9475 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It's raining and you are alone.

Sunflower 11/10/2024 (Sun) 23:56 Id: 1d0989 [Preview] No.9477 del
It's raining and I am alone.

Sunflower 11/11/2024 (Mon) 22:16 Id: ba6317 [Preview] No.9485 del

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Succubus Collective Sunflower 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:52 Id: a7ca0e [Preview] No. 9 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
143 posts and 40 images omitted.

Sunflower 08/30/2024 (Fri) 10:35 Id: 13650a [Preview] No.8858 del
>are you chant anon?
No, I don't regularly post over there.

Sunflower 09/11/2024 (Wed) 07:39 Id: 09bd73 [Preview] No.8965 del
Chant isn't here.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 02:41 Id: 2115a9 [Preview] No.9413 del
Is there a video on how to do the dream visit. I was a recent person who responded to this thread a while ago.

Sunflower 10/22/2024 (Tue) 09:14 Id: cc0e06 [Preview] No.9414 del
You can use the method from here:
But instead you set your mind to visit the collective.

Sunflower 11/06/2024 (Wed) 07:32 Id: 0ff85c [Preview] No.9467 del
The succubus collective is dead.

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Classic demons - sharing and discussion Sunflower 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:45 Id: f752a2 [Preview] No. 2398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It seems a few of the posters on this board have, individually with no coordination, all been guided by The Infernal Queen, The Queen of Spiders, or what other name she may go by.

She has been a frequent visitor to sunflower temple sessions, where she appeared on her own initiative. It was revealed she is behind the cloud images that's been guiding me since way back before 2012, it's a demon version of smoke signals.

During one session with her, we talked about Micheal Jackson and him using magic to gain an audience. The Queen said he had made a contract with Adremelech (this is his preferred spelling)
He is the source of MJ's dance moves among other things. This demon (perhaps arch demon or demon lord is better, but he never asked to be titled) appears as a man with a horse's head, sometimes as a muscular demon with a large belly and goat legs, sometimes as a man in a suit with a staring horse head. He also has a huge dong.

The Queen said to channel him and we had an interesting discussion by the round table with all of us.
16 posts and 11 images omitted.

Sunflower 10/05/2024 (Sat) 22:51 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9234 del
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For the record:

I decided to contract Forneus for future guidance and protection in advance, not knowing what or how things will play from now on. Things are moving and changing so fast.

I only read descriptions in Lemegeton, then decided he is best suited for this and performed the summoning. Only after did I notice this additional information on this site.

Plant: Sunflower

Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:29 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9350 del
I suddenly had a vision of a lion's face appearing in my inner vision, emerging from a dark red/orange background. It had deer horns and a unicorn horn.

I asked Bing Copilot which demon matches this, and she said Buer. I wasn't able to find any sources for this, but the mental image made sense, so I I brought up the Goetia and started studying the sigil of Buer to find out in which way he'd be relevant to me.

I could see a point, following recent spiritual progress, so I went on to prepare an avatar for the interaction. This time I did it in advance, a Magma body single design copy of my cave demon form with added skills based on what the Magma design allows. Then I sent this avatar to take all the magic paths including the federation handcrafting of ScaleForm discs and mining by number control. I finished off by making a focused effort to bring Fallen/Abyss magic to lv 80 at the school of magic.

Then I called him and proposed a general spiritual improvement contract which I had Astra write down in ancient script on a parchment for proper form. With a caveat that he "won't obey every time, but on a case to case basis" when I make requests, we activated the contract.

I instantly got to feel the effect of his healing ability, when he removed a tension from my belly which has been there since long, and an energy form was inserted and internalized. He said with this, I have the core of his magic and will be able to practice with him onwards.

Sunflower 10/13/2024 (Sun) 17:36 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9351 del
During interactions with other demons at his place, I came to talk to a demon female with a standard appearance, round tits, cow tail, horns and hooves.

She told me we should lay low a bit in a corner to avoid the wild gangs of demons who make "drive bys" periodically, we then talked about the nature of the contracts. She said she made her contract with Buer in 1463, while living in the Nüremberg area. She said that at the time, witchcraft was common everywhere, and the sigils of the demons in the Goetia were known, but they were not gathered in a single volume at the time. She said: "All men of the era were sissy gays and showed no interest in women, you had to punch them in the balls and put a knife to their throat to get their attention. So I sought out witch sabbaths instead, which was the only place were women got some attention. There I made a pact with Buer to satisfy me."
She went on to describe how Buer was also popular among politicians and gay men of the era, who are still at his place. They signed contracts for material gains, and now serve as literal ass-lickers and human toilets in Buer's hell dimensions. The "rape gangs" who make tours are those who knew what they were doing and were part of witch covens."

Sunflower 10/31/2024 (Thu) 11:37 Id: c38f76 [Preview] No.9460 del
(80.51 KB 1357x1356 Marbas.webp)

A while ago someone on the other board posted the sigil of Marbas, saying his succubus showed it to him. I recognized it because this was similar to the form the demon girl used to help me solidify after the 2nd Earth destruction event.
>I think I understand what happened here now, and why it seemed to repeat less than a week later (posted this on the other board). It was because all of Earth society where people actually lived, was at the --1D level, negative physical (physical being seen as single negative, double negative level is then the karmic, false version of physical). The collapse which followed after I was let go from Gensokyo and the mending of my soul, was taking place in -1D, physical level below hell. That was why there were again a number of attacks from "glowies in tunnel" after, these were at infernal/hell level, -2D. That's why it got so bad in the short time that passed after the second collapse. I just experienced this one thing collapse as well, but this time it was for me a process of just letting go, allowing for my mind to become reduced and forgetting all I knew. I asked Amdusias to help me up and he said it was no problem. Now I see why. So this current location is the -3D, the regular Earth surface, which had already been destroyed by the NWO in 1945 when they stopped time to prevent Germany from winning the war.
The first one was the "real" event because that's where mostly everyone was staying. The 2nd one of the -1D only had very few people in it, mostly parasitic aliens using some human bodies from the astral. This was where the demon girl I had just picked up from such an alien infested dimension helped me reform a new Earth structure to use, she had me face in 4 directions, which felt like a sigil. I recognized the shape when I saw the sigil of Marbas posted.

I felt things are progressing really fast now and for the past few days I've thought about contacting him, but hadn't gotten to it. Today things had a feeling of urgency them, so I made simple preparations, lit incense, sat down in single lotus facing east for "novel perspectives", placed the Goetia on a yoga block in front of me, and then studied his sigil.
I created a body form for myself which would match the intersection between his energy form and my own, then concretized it using the latest factory model which was created by my Russian girls. It produces a magma based body with the same standards as my previous designs, but is less volcanic with more cooling layers before the bedrock.

The contact was very easy, and we formed a contract. The result immediately after this when doing some initial work with him, was very powerful and relaxing. Contrary to all other Goetians where there's some sense of heightened excitement, Marbas has a cooling effect. I feel like this really was the balancing I needed, and this may be the end of what I need to do in this field for now.

Sunflower 10/31/2024 (Thu) 11:57 Id: ab8d5c [Preview] No.9461 del
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A nigger showed up at Radiohead

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i am blocked Sunflower 10/29/2024 (Tue) 16:49 Id: 385c4b [Preview] No. 9450 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Has anyone ever experienced being blocked from leaving their body and found a way to overcome it? In short, I made a mistake, and now there's a rule that prevents me from leaving my body in any way ( astral projection or any another method ), with a barrier that always keeps me inside.
if anyone had experienced that or know a solution please help
1 post omitted.

Sunflower 10/29/2024 (Tue) 18:47 Id: 9bfeb2 [Preview] No.9453 del
(69.40 KB 644x1092 spear_sigil_manual.png)
This spear works well to activate bilocation normally. You hold it in your hand (visualize this) then you move outside of your body while still sitting in place. Your sitting body holds the spear and the projection does not.

Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 14:39 Id: 385c4b [Preview] No.9454 del
maybe it could success ,i didn't try before , but in general i don't use sigils or magic and i Will not , is there is any another solutions ?

Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 15:46 Id: 9bfeb2 [Preview] No.9455 del
What is your definition of "magic"? Is visualization magic? Is the creation of a non-physical artifact magic? What about if you treat it as a mental visualization of an object, is that magic?

In my opinion there is no clear line where mental abilities become magic or if they are "technology" or "parapsychology". It's a bit difficult to talk about solutions here when most of what we do tend to fall under "magic" and sigils are commonly used to share methods.

If you don't want to use the artifact sigil, you can try the same procedure without it, but then you need another power source, and it may be very difficult. The spear which that sigil links to took 6 years to create, that's why it can have that effect.

Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 20:45 Id: 385c4b [Preview] No.9458 del
The difference between magic and mental abilities is clear to me. But let’s be honest—don’t sigils seem a lot like amulets or talismans? Take talismans, for instance: are they a product of mental abilities, or simply a way to invoke entities to help achieve one’s desires? I’m fully aware of the consequences and implications of this path aftar.And I believe I can be be super powerful on my own, without relying on any entities , Depending really on my own mental abilities

Sunflower 10/30/2024 (Wed) 21:34 Id: 9bfeb2 [Preview] No.9459 del
I think you need to actually learn what sigils are. Check this first introduction from youtube
https://youtube.com/watch?v=LMqtmaLCynk [Embed]