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Florida New Year's (occult?) event Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:21 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No. 5643
Massive police presence in Miami on new year's day. Helicopters in the air, electricity cut, airspace closed. The official story was "teens fighting with sticks and setting off firecrackers."
Witnesses say weird looking kids with an electronic device opened a portal from which a large shadow being stepped out. It was a solid shadow teleporting in jumps as it moved, causing panic, riots and violence.

Post any contributions to the story in this thread.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 17:53 Id: 057e5b [Preview] No.5646 del
I read on Twitter that the original source for the “8 foot tall” “creature” story was someone who heard those words on a police scanner and made that interpretation. But there are no primary sources on that story whatsoever.
I’ve also read that assault rifles are usually referred to as “sticks” by the Miami police, and “fireworks” would refer to gunshots. If there had been reports of an assault rifle shooting in a mall, that response would have been warranted.
The problem is, there is no information either way. As far as I know, not even the theory about it being “young people brawling” came from the media. The situation is rife for misinformation.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 18:05 Id: 057e5b [Preview] No.5651 del
Sorry for the double post. I just realized what I said is not true. The media is saying that it was a brawl.
However, it would make sense that it had been initially reported as gunshots and the police were dispatched en masse thinking “mass shooter at a mall on New Year’s” or something. That would make sense.
Lack of footage of any kind is suspicious tho.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 19:39 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5653 del
I was thinking to remote view the place to see if there was some fuckery going on, but there is some resistance and I didn't feel like putting in any effort for now. Maybe something IS being covered up.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 19:58 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5654 del
Well resistance is the fuel of invention, time for a new servitor, the private investigator [Max].

Having a look right now.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:06 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5655 del
First report is
"CIA activating leyline portal. Experimental black hole technology. Punches hole in space."

I don't know if this is the actual event or if it's what people generally believe, I'm going to have to look closer at the info I got.
Maybe it's that the area is to weak in human presence that what they believe becomes real (?).

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:22 Id: 765046 [Preview] No.5658 del
The USA is in quite the energetic chaos for the past years and I expect it rise dramatically as the elections arrive. I think we can expect many anomalies like these. They are really losing control on many levels and as always they don't know what they are doing.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:06 Id: 63ed12 [Preview] No.5669 del
CIA has high school kids working for them? Or those kids are just CIA flavored? Or the kids doing it was a lie?

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:25 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5675 del
"No, they were CIA employed students sent out to do the testing, just in case it went wrong. It was intentional. They didn't know what they did, they were like kids sent to place thermos bombs, they just got paid to plug that device in at the location. It is a leyline concentration spot linked to NYC and EU. This was actually a massive attempt at sabotage by CIA against EU/USA relations, because they are now afraid that EU will be overrun by Russia and the ties will drag the USA down into a black hole, literal black hole. So they wanted to create that black hole in controlled circumstance. It worked. The plan was a success. Some shadow being causing shit is exactly the kind of tolerable thing they were after. Rather that than being swallowed."

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:28 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5676 del
"Elaboration: We have already seen the practical reality that all of EU was able to produce 300 000 artillery shells and deliver to Ukraine in one year, while Russia produced 3 mil of them in one year and also North Korea delivered 1 mil more to them. It's fucking over, in plain English."

"Expand the view and you see the same trend in all areas."

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:49 Id: 765046 [Preview] No.5679 del
>EU was able to produce 300 000 artillery shells only
Obv. As if the USA would ever let the EU have a proper "war economy" and it's not like the EU would put any ACTUAL FUNDING/logistics into something that they do as a "gesture" WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OVER WITHIN 2 WEEKS so they can pretend they care about USA interests. Those who genuinely believed that the EU cares about Ukraine are retards. Fucking USA meddling with the world since WW1 ruined so many things holy shit.
>The plan was a success. Some shadow being causing shit is exactly the kind of tolerable thing they were after. Rather that than being swallowed."
I mean when Noel was opening abyss portals with the Queen that easily I knew something extremely srs was going on but this is still weird

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 22:52 Id: 63ed12 [Preview] No.5680 del
>Some shadow being causing shit is exactly the kind of tolerable thing they were after. Rather that than being swallowed."
So, what's this being doing now? I assume it should still be in or near this reality given the scope of the event that it replaced.

Sunflower 01/06/2024 (Sat) 23:12 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5685 del
"This is now a matter for Santa Muerte and some tall greys remaining in the USA hidden planes."

Sunflower 01/08/2024 (Mon) 16:35 Id: 7b6286 [Preview] No.5746 del

Sunflower 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:37 Id: 057e5b [Preview] No.5799 del

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