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Seeking Effective Self Hypnosis Methods (Especially Audio + Script Creation Methods) Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:30 Id: b61595 [Preview] No. 7864
I recently stumbled upon a video where a guy demonstrated the "Magnetic Fingers" suggestibility test and it worked like magic so that got me more interested.

I don't really think hypnosis will be that effective on me as I've tried a few audios before and nothing worked, so I'm here to ask for what are the most effective self hypnosis courses / books / methods that you have used on yourself and they actually worked.

If you know of a methodology for creating effective self hypnosis audio + scripts that would be something I'm especially interested in, in fact I'd prefer that since it's more practical, easier to test and document results, and is reusable (can help other people I know with the same problem). But I'll take whatever I can get if you only know of a "manual" method.

If you don't know about a specific creation method, but you know of some specific audio files by a known group / company / entity that actually worked, please state the name.

If you have actual downloads for these materials and you are willing to share (torrents / mega / google drive) but you don't want to post them publicly, please send me a private message on discord, my username is uunknownuunknown.

Thank you.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:59 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7865 del

Check comment section for link. Of just search online, it's a known method.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:01 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7866 del
There is actually a warning not to listen to the audio when driving because it can hypnotize you so you fall asleep. I definitely believe this can happen, using only the book with instructions is very effective itself.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:13 Id: b61595 [Preview] No.7867 del
Seems more about hypnotizing others rather than yourself, but I'll still check it out.

Does it go into any kind of audio creation?

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 22:33 Id: 1ae58a [Preview] No.7868 del
There is a chapter on self hypnosis in there, but you have to know how hypnosis works to use it on yourself. I've used it on others by holding sessions online as well, even for people who didn't believe in it, it still worked for doing mind diving.

>audio creation?
What do you mean by that? Using word triggers to make someone fall asleep? You can use various means for this, but it takes a high skill level.

Sunflower 05/22/2024 (Wed) 23:03 Id: b61595 [Preview] No.7869 del
>What do you mean by that? Using word triggers to make someone fall asleep? You can use various means for this, but it takes a high skill level.
I mean creating your own self hypnosis audios to use on yourself.

Well if you used it on people and it worked, I can just apply the same techniques to myself through audio and they should work.


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