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(48.83 KB 640x360 depvana.topic.jpg)
Fellow Anons - I need your thoughts on a new website concept. Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 11:10 [Preview] No. 53232
The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4


Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:19 [Preview] No.53235 del
(59.45 KB 618x375 nice.png)
>A place where people can create and discover topics
>You can post anonymously without logging in
>where people can post content such as text, images, webm
Sounds very similar to image boards like this one, except for
>voice chat
Voice chat tends to be used by normies. I think that would be the only significant difference other than the layout is a bit different.

It looks like a cool site. Only issue you may eventually have is spam bots and the assholes who eventually start posting CP or other illegal content which you'll be compelled to delete for legal reasons.

Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 17:46 [Preview] No.53237 del
Thanks for trying it out and your kind words. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

The intention is definitely not to make something similar to image boards. I think image boards are great at what they do as is.

The idea evolves more around setting topics in structure. That is, you can make subtopics under a topic which again can have subtopics. This makes it easy to create and discover new subtopics and progress into more and more specific aspects in a structured way. If you try making a topic and subtopic I hope the intention will be more clear.

Anyway, I hope to hear from you again on depvana and let me know if the project is heading in the right direction or something could have been done better. best,

Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 18:33 [Preview] No.53241 del
a minor bump

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 17:45 [Preview] No.53247 del
Last bump

Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 14:50 [Preview] No.53285 del
oh hey, fancy seeing you here
how's the site going? getting new users?

Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 15:39 [Preview] No.53287 del
Kinda like a forum OP? or reddit, but I'm not saying that in a mean or insulting way though since reddit does something similar to what you want It could work if it's niche enough.

You just get volunteer mods and shit like cloudflare/basedflare to prevent that.

And just put a disclaimer that every poster is responsible for their own post and the website can't control what other people post. Just to wash your hands clean of what other people do in the site.

Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 00:29 [Preview] No.53296 del
Hey, pleasure to hear from you, were did we meet?

Site is going great in my humble opinion. Slow and steady progress. Most importantly though, how do you think the site is going?

Have you tried it lately? Would love to hear about your experience using its features and any thoughts you may have on it. Cheers,

Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 01:00 [Preview] No.53297 del
Thank you. I would not see it as a forum. If you try it out I am sure the distinction will be clear. If anything, you can see it as a new take on a mixture of discord/reddit where topic rooms can spiral into subtopic rooms.

Reddits problem is that there is no structure on its subreddits. Just one long list of sporadic posts that should have been divided into subtopics. Discovering subtopics of subtopics or treat anything in a structured way is next to impossible. I hope Depvana solves this.

That being said, reddit has become a hostile platform with suffocating censorship and moderation. Horrible tracking and analytics of its users. Incomprehensible karma points. Just to list a few.

Can I convince you to try it out? Experiment all you want, make some post and create a topic and let me know what you think. Your feedback is highly appreciated. We need to test out new sites otherwise we are stuck on facebook and reddit forever. Cheers,

Anonymous 08/25/2024 (Sun) 07:07 [Preview] No.53302 del
(32.92 KB 440x440 1695609246032220.jpg)
i first saw you post on bant
i haven't used it until i found this thread and i will say it looks good, maybe you could fill the space on the sides with some stuff, either qol things or just expand the post window so it looks less empty

i will be honest i didnt get how the subtopics things would work at first because i didn't see "subtopics" written on the side panel (my bad -.-) so i thought it would be something dumb like a post having the name of the subtopic next to it but still being mixed in with everything else, it's a good idea imo, it will help keeping the place clean by separating what would be the equivalent of generals on 4chan from more generic posts

one thing, i dont know if this is an issue on my end, or if it's because it's still unimplemented but the subtopics panel has some "..." buttons which i assume are there to open a hamburger menu, however they don't seem to be functional

good luck

Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 10:55 [Preview] No.53323 del
Awesome, thank you. Good idea with the empty space. I will think of something to fill it, while still hopefully preserve simplicity. I encourage you to make some posts or create a topic if you ever feel like doing so. Is that something I can convince you to do?

Anyway, I hope to hear from you again from time to time and your feedback is much appreciated and will affect the direction of the project. Best,

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 12:13 [Preview] No.53336 del
This site needs two topic threads: movies and music. Maybe a TV thread and DIY hobby thread as well. I did contribute some more replies recently. It does however need some more diverse topic threads but I do not wish to register just to create more of them. Maybe the owner or someone else will?

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 12:32 [Preview] No.53337 del
(118.25 KB 624x791 think about it.png)
Think about it. If I can think like this the morning after drinking half a liter of bourbon last night then you all should have some ideas to share too.

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 17:32 [Preview] No.53341 del
fiusyo 890912016742 gowusuq

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 21:45 [Preview] No.53343 del
(35.11 KB 1280x720 spacemindbender.jpg)
Wow that's a serious mind bender. What do you mean by infinite big/small and infinite density/vacuum?

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:17 [Preview] No.53348 del
Thank you, good ideas. There is already a music topic with some very good music recommendations, check it out. Many more will come. Cheers

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:18 [Preview] No.53349 del
sure, i'll post something if i feel like it

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:22 [Preview] No.53350 del

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:24 [Preview] No.53351 del
Thanks, appreciate it.

Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 11:32 [Preview] No.53360 del
(201.92 KB 619x1415 wqr.png)
I commented on my speculation. Keep in mind this is just a theory of mine, I do not actually know if it is true or could ever be proven true. I do however find the universe fascinating and have an open mind about other theories out there.

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 13:34 [Preview] No.53372 del
Nice site, keep up the good work anon.

Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 19:26 [Preview] No.53384 del
Definitely very interesting, much I hope someone make a breakthrough on that front.

Anonymous 08/31/2024 (Sat) 19:33 [Preview] No.53385 del
Thank you. Hope to see you again from time to time on depvana and let us know if we stray course

Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 11:46 [Preview] No.53395 del
Glad to post on a real site.

Anonymous 09/02/2024 (Mon) 19:11 [Preview] No.53404 del
I like this site very much, huge potential, just keep out the (((bad actors))) and it will remain good. Will be posting some of my own thoughts from now on, enjoy the financial and economic threads btw.

Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 15:56 [Preview] No.53419 del
Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Hope to see you on Depvana. Don't hold back if you have suggestions for improvements. If anyone want to get involved let me know. Best,

Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 17:13 [Preview] No.53442 del
Last bump? Really?

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 14:44 [Preview] No.53481 del
So I come back here after a couple days and /b/ is loaded full of nonsense again. Have a bump OP, you contributed something of value here!

Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 15:31 [Preview] No.53511 del
Yah, gore CP and namefag posters are total cancer. Have another bump.

Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 15:39 [Preview] No.53512 del
>So I come back here after a couple days and /b/ is loaded full of nonsense again.

Yeah well it's /b/ so that's to be expected. Just ignore those threads, bump good ones like this one (or make your own), and whatever lol

Anonymous 09/08/2024 (Sun) 13:19 [Preview] No.53531 del
I'll continue to do so anon. I hate this cancer when there is so much potential for the site to be better. Retards always have to shit this place up for whatever reason.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 10:02 [Preview] No.53549 del
(22.29 KB 627x121 5363.png)
(107.05 KB 628x673 436346.png)
This website was going soooooo well, guess what?

Retards are now spamming it up with garbage!

Because, you know, I guess we don't deserve to have any decent content and sane conversation without it being sabotaged and interrupted by those of very low, low IQ.

I would encourage OP to delete the spam for the sake of website's integrity. If it's a bunch of nonsense posted it deserves to be deleted.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 12:34 [Preview] No.53551 del
Agree, can confirm the spam has been deleted already

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 22:08 [Preview] No.53554 del
(70.53 KB 675x675 batemansmile.webp)
What up, thanks for the heads up on the spam, all the incoherent spam has been cleaned. What goes on in some peoples heads are unbeknown to me.

If anything, it is a great motive to improve the backend with automated defensive measures. All the best,

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 11:06 [Preview] No.53563 del
Thanks anon!

I think some people are born to be retarded assholes, and it will never change. Hopefully they know who they are and what they are, and change, but chances are they won't, and choose to remain retarded assholes.

Great site by the way, I will continue posting there too.

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:22 [Preview] No.53588 del
Hope to see more threads created soon. Maybe one for news & geo-politics (although debates could get heated lol). Maybe another for promoting good TV shows and movies. I don't have any registered accounts so I'll have to wait for some to be created.

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 08:54 [Preview] No.53607 del
Fuck off you sick vile faggot.

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:36 [Preview] No.53611 del
Awesome thanks, really appreciate it

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:50 [Preview] No.53613 del
Thanks for chiming in. There is already a Movies/TV topic that I think should serve the purpose, or do you prefer a more specific promotion topic?

I agree with the news and politics. A topic for both of them will be coming today. Heated debates are allowed and encouraged. We are aiming for no censorship, as in, if it's allowed by US law it goes.

If you don't mind me asking. What is the reason for you not having and account? You just fill in a username with no verification needed. With an account you get notifications when someone replies to your posts and you can create any topic you care about. Is there something in the signup process we need to improve on, or is it more a ideological decision? Cheers,

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 11:53 [Preview] No.53614 del
A general inquiry:
Do you guys prefer posts on a topic being sorted by date in ascending or descending order? In other words, should newest posts be found at the top or at the bottom?

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 20:39 [Preview] No.53633 del
What about the layout and color themes. Anyone have some suggestions for improvements or is it fine as is?

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 09:30 [Preview] No.53655 del
Let us know if you change anything, I think it is fine the way it is.

I think the site is fine as is. Just keep the spammers away and everything is OK.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 13:23 [Preview] No.53659 del
The site is not loading OP.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 19:50 [Preview] No.53665 del
Thanks for the heads up. The ISP had some problems. It is running smooth again now.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 19:56 [Preview] No.53666 del
Awesome, great to hear. I think we got the spam under control, at least for now. It is something we continuously gonna improve on.

sage Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 22:27 [Preview] No.53667 del
literally kill yourself

Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 12:27 [Preview] No.53671 del
No way. I think this is a great site, probably better than anything someone hate-filled like yourself would ever manage to create.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 12:58 [Preview] No.53679 del
Yeah I agree. Some people are just born with defunct neural brain wiring, as is the case with this Sage Guy. I think of people like that as mindless non player characters, where any attempt to reason with them is futile.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:32 [Preview] No.53687 del
Haters gonna hate but a lot of the time they hate you because you are doing or saying something right. Cowards often hate people who are not cowards like themselves. It makes them seethe knowing they themselves cannot compete on a fair level.

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 10:41 [Preview] No.53695 del
Site is going well so far, a small but at least humble and respectful user base.

Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 12:31 [Preview] No.53702 del
have another bump
/b/ threads are getting stupid toxic again

Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 11:49 [Preview] No.53715 del

Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 19:49 [Preview] No.53736 del
Thanks guys, appreciate it.

Btw, would anyone be interested in encrypted topic rooms?

Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 02:41 [Preview] No.53753 del
Start one up, at some point someone may respond. The site seems to be gaining some traction which is good.

Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 12:36 [Preview] No.53765 del
Agreed, no one needs voice, it will only lead to cancer infiltrating the site. Leave that shit to Discord and other big tech services.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 11:09 [Preview] No.53777 del
Thanks that's probably a good idea.

Interesting, can you elaborate on why you think voice will attract cancer? I was generally under the impression that voice is great as an option.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 14:14 [Preview] No.53788 del
Voice to text reminds me of what happened when 8kun added that option. Low and behold after being adopted there were these normie hate spammers using their phones with the voice option trolling the boards all day long, yelling into their phones, converting to text, often times the text not even coming out correctly, and them having to re-iterate and correct what they previously said. That option just seems to attract the most obnoxious people out there. You can go for it if you so choose but I fear it will attract a user base that would be better suited elsewhere on normie platforms. Then again I understand you do desire wider reach so there is always a risk of attracting scumbags.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 17:49 [Preview] No.53792 del
Thank you, I appreciate your take on it. Just to clarify, voice chat on depvana is just for voice and hence no voice to text option. Every topic has a voice channel people can join should they choose. In this channel people who joined can talk to each other.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 23:52 [Preview] No.53802 del
Nothing wrong with posting something of value.

Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 12:25 [Preview] No.53810 del
Sometimes I try to visit this site and it will not load. That happened early this morning. It typically happens in the early hours, and eventually loads fine during the day and afternoon hours. Why is that?

Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 00:53 [Preview] No.53811 del
(112.58 KB 1280x720 dragrace.speed.jpg)
Thank you for letting me know, much appreciated.

It's the ISP who are having problems routing traffic to the correct location. Indeed strange, as this is pretty much all they have to do.

Anyway we have decided to change ISP at the end of the month. Expect some outage at around the turn of the month. After which depvana will return with improved performance.


Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 11:41 [Preview] No.53825 del
maybe do so no for sure

Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 14:43 [Preview] No.53835 del
nice site
have another bump

Anonymous 09/29/2024 (Sun) 12:56 [Preview] No.53861 del
Thanks, much appreciated

Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 19:50 [Preview] No.53893 del
The site seems to be down once again, this time throughout the day.

Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 20:01 [Preview] No.53895 del
Thank you, yeah it's down for the next few days while we relocate and set up routing with the new isp.
See >>53811

Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 14:09 [Preview] No.53942 del
thanks, looking forward to seeing a decent site without all the gay vile spam

Anonymous 10/03/2024 (Thu) 10:20 [Preview] No.53957 del
keep up the good work looking forward to posting there again

Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 10:11 [Preview] No.53988 del
(53.26 KB 576x352 were-back.jpg)

Hey everyone, Depvana is back online!

Minor equipment tinkerings still needs to be done, but depvana is back. Best,

Anonymous 10/06/2024 (Sun) 18:12 [Preview] No.54001 del

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 02:52 [Preview] No.54012 del
(31.95 KB 263x360 1461772727751.jpg)
It's fine anon. Websites go down all the time (mostly for maintenance). Most users will be okay with it if you let them know ahead of time.

Good to hear anon. Keep us posted here.

Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 11:31 [Preview] No.54033 del
It's far better than most startups I have seen so far.

Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 13:39 [Preview] No.54048 del
Someone posted a torrent link to the new "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice" movie in the tv & movies thread, awesome!

Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 13:15 [Preview] No.54074 del
Great movie

Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 13:54 [Preview] No.54075 del
I look forward to watching it this weekend when I have some relatives over. So far it's got some good reviews.

Anonymous 10/10/2024 (Thu) 17:44 [Preview] No.54076 del
Great choice to kick off Halloween!

Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 11:16 [Preview] No.54078 del
Thanks, encouraging to hear

Anonymous 10/13/2024 (Sun) 18:04 [Preview] No.54099 del
Quality thread bump.

Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 02:50 [Preview] No.54111 del
(142.73 KB 599x529 weird icons.png)
>You don't need Javascript enabled to post

I love it already.

There's some weird icons that show up in the main menu though OP. All the way at the bottom. I don't know what they even though.

One has an atom symbol, but I click it and nothing happens.

Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 11:44 [Preview] No.54118 del
Thanks anon. They are for theme switching. Each of them represent a different theme. You need JS enabled, since it's js that toggles your chosen theme.

If you have any suggestions for improvement, changes or features you would like to see, don't hold back. Cheers,

Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 13:13 [Preview] No.54121 del
I simply use uMatrix these days. The uMatrix add-on allows JS but only for individual sites you specifically allow it to be used. All third party sites get blocked by default and JS won't work unless you manually allow JS for them too. By default uMatrix will only allow your browser to communicate with first party sites, the ones you visit. You get to see all the other third parties that get blocked.

Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 23:57 [Preview] No.54130 del
That's actually a good idea I will look into that add-on

Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 21:01 [Preview] No.54144 del
Yep, speeds up the web browser and gets rid of the cancer you never asked for or clicked on.

Anonymous 10/16/2024 (Wed) 22:01 [Preview] No.54151 del
Some have asked for the possibility to view posts both in ascending and descending order. This is now implemented, best

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:42 [Preview] No.54194 del
Great site so far, thanks OP.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:47 [Preview] No.54197 del
Awesome thank you. If you have ideas on how to let more people try out the site let us know

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 01:48 [Preview] No.54230 del
It doesn't work without scripts, so it can get fucked

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 02:48 [Preview] No.54232 del
No sites work without script these days. It is what it is

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 22:35 [Preview] No.54237 del
depvana is a rulecucked shithole that deleted my post when i criticized the admin for samefagging to create the illusion of activity

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 23:45 [Preview] No.54238 del
Appreciate you taking the time to give us some feedback.

Don't know if you actually visited the site or just a Troll. In any case, if you posted something wildly of topic in else’s room the post was probably moved to spam. Create your own topic and post whatever. Btw, your delusions are both unfounded and false.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 23:54 [Preview] No.54239 del
Appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback.

In today's day and age, you cannot create a site with modern features without javascript. That's why every site use it. If you have some specific feature you want to use without script, lets talk about it. However, for any site as a whole, the experience without js will be subpar to other sites offering.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 23:55 [Preview] No.54240 del

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 00:02 [Preview] No.54242 del

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 00:08 [Preview] No.54243 del
(8.27 KB 436x280 newfeature.webp)
Update New Feature based on user feedback

Linking of topics now possible. You can now link a topic into another.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 00:27 [Preview] No.54244 del
it was one of the meta rooms, maybe suggestImprovement, or something similar. it's been a few days
>Btw, your delusions are both unfounded and false.
nigger please.
anyone who has ever interacted with another human being can tell you that much of the activity on that website is samefaggotry or ai-generated.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 00:27 [Preview] No.54245 del
This is great, I like it

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 01:10 [Preview] No.54246 del
(45.94 KB 685x391 letsgo.jpg)

Awesome thanks, good to hear

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 02:19 [Preview] No.54255 del
>anyone who has ever interacted with another human being can tell you that much of the activity on that website is samefaggotry or ai-generated.

Looks legit to me. Just give it some time to grow and let's see what happens then.

Sounds great. Hope to seeing more updates in the future OP

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 14:28 [Preview] No.54355 del
Slow but good quality, like how it keeps the spam away too.

Is there a way I can register anonymously without needing to use my real email account? I'd like to make a public thread or two myself and be able to moderate it, remove unwanted spam.

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 14:58 [Preview] No.54361 del
Awesome thanks. Yeah ofc, you don't need to type in email when registering. Only a username and a password. There is no verification.

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 15:10 [Preview] No.54362 del
Posting anonymously without logging in is always possible too.

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 20:41 [Preview] No.54364 del
(6.60 KB 443x248 error.png)
Thank you. I hope you do not mind but I started a legal adult webm thread. Trying to post some but there is a 4MB limit. Could that be changed to 5MB in the near future? Many of my files are a little over 4MB. Getting lots of loading issues with the site too (screenshot related).

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 22:11 [Preview] No.54365 del
That's fine anything goes. Yes, we will change it to 5MB very soon. If we can find some funding to upgrade the server we will eventually support actual video.

Hopefully the issues should have been resolved by now (one can only hope). If that's not the case pls let us know. Cheers

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:24 [Preview] No.54374 del
Allowing full length videos might bog down the site and cost a whole lot of money to host if the site becomes even remotely popular. I would stick to what is affordable and what is most convenient, at least for the time being. Hoping to see a 5MB upload limit soon, around have of my webm files won't post with the current 4MB limit. I do believe the site has potential to take off and become as popular as 8chan (beware that is when higher moderation will be needed because typical assholes are bound to come around and try to sabotage it).

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:37 [Preview] No.54375 del
Just a little update. Since you mentioned your files were just a little over 4MB we have increased limit from 4MB to 4MiB to match the limit of for instance 4chan uploads. Hence If you have webms from 4chan, or places with similar size limit, those should be viable now.

Let us know if this solves the problem? otherwise we will increase the max size even more.

(note, there are some technical considerations why 4Mib is preferred to 5MB related to OS IO block size. Next best thing is 8MiB)

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:49 [Preview] No.54376 del
Agree. With actual video we were thinking capped at something like 10 min of video. Of cause contingent on better servers where the load would not be a problem.

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 22:20 [Preview] No.54393 del
we have made some improvements to the upload of webm. The upload process should be around 8 times faster now. At least in testing. Best,

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 14:20 [Preview] No.54401 del

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 14:54 [Preview] No.54451 del
It's gotten better. >>54393

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 01:02 [Preview] No.54479 del
(54.78 KB 529x480 vberbtr.jpeg)
That's raly good to hear
>Allowing full length videos might bog down the site and
I think there's some hosting options for sites online that let users have unlimited storage space for their websites around the internet. But OP would have to look into that since he may or may not like it. May have to pay more for hosting too.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 11:46 [Preview] No.54505 del
I see there are a lot more threads being created which is a good sign.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 11:46 [Preview] No.54538 del

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 13:07 [Preview] No.54553 del
Thanks guys appreciate it

With regards to hosting and delivery options for full length video I believe this is really expensive. Will need donations for that unless some alternative I don't know about exist. There is also a problem with independence. Right now the site is totally independent and we can do whatever people suggest. Many third party solutions comes with terms of services that may not align with the mission. Cheers,

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 14:56 [Preview] No.54558 del
Yes better to simply keep it as is. If it works well already don't try fixing it.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 17:20 [Preview] No.54591 del
Something has been going wrong with many trying to post for a while!

wa Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 19:58 [Preview] No.54592 del
(117.99 KB 255x255 Brain Out Of Order.png)
We got gooning on mars before GTA 6

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 20:29 [Preview] No.54593 del

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 00:49 [Preview] No.54596 del

Thank you for the heads up. It should be working now. Best,

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 00:57 [Preview] No.54597 del
The bugs have been fixed. Lets go!

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 14:36 [Preview] No.54642 del
Was thinking about introducing formatting options for posts. For instance
|| for bold line of text etc... Anything is op for debate.

If you guys have any thoughts on this please let me know, cheers.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 14:30 [Preview] No.54668 del
That would be nice. Make it more like an image board where you can edit text...

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 03:37 [Preview] No.54679 del
(478.36 KB 523x492 ferret.png)
Maybe test it out first b4 introducing it to the site. I could break something on the site. But still good idea. Adding reaction gifs sounds like a good idea too.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 23:30 [Preview] No.54694 del
Awesome sounds good. Atm typing || will make a line bold. More to come, cheers

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 17:13 [Preview] No.54725 del
Mp4 video now supported. Let me know if you experience any problems.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 15:15 [Preview] No.54739 del
Any limits on file size? Don't want this site to get bogged down too much.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 15:49 [Preview] No.54743 del
Yeah, it's still 4 KiB across all media, regardless of the file type. If the need arises, we will likely increase this limit.

Also regarding post formatting. Typing ** will now make the line bold font.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 13:49 [Preview] No.54768 del
Nice, I'll try to remember that next time I decide to post a news article there.

Anonymous 12/13/2024 (Fri) 21:54 [Preview] No.54776 del
That's awesome and if you think of other formatting ideas do tell, cheers.

Anonymous 12/17/2024 (Tue) 02:25 [Preview] No.54802 del
Cool. Thanks for adding that, site owner.

Anonymous 12/26/2024 (Thu) 16:26 [Preview] No.54873 del
Nice alternative to image boards.

Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 13:18 [Preview] No.54881 del
Awesome to hear. Just to clarify, you can post without js enabled, but most features rely on js to work. Hence enabling this is recommended.
Thanks guys, really appreciate it.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:27 [Preview] No.54962 del
Hey Everyone! We’ve added an exciting new feature

- Post text encryption!

You can now encrypt the text of your posts with industrial-grade encryption before sharing them. This encryption happens on your device, meaning that only you will ever have access to the clear text and your encryption key.

Unlike other platforms, Depvana will not be able to decrypt your content, even if required by a subpoena. We hope this feature is intuitive, but if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out. cheers,

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54963 del
(85.36 KB 551x885 asQUnPeAV.jpg)
(11.18 KB 233x302 2xR7w3BKd1IownTEKz.jpg)
(182.14 KB 815x1308 LDubiw6rufx6LLBO82.jpg)
Kinda like a forum OP? or reddit, but I'm not saying that in a mean or insulting way though since reddit does something similar to what you want It could work if it's niche enough.

You just get volunteer mods and shit like cloudflare/basedflare to prevent that.

And just put a disclaimer that every poster is responsible for their own post and the website can't control what other people post. Just to wash your hands clean of what other people do in the site.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54964 del
(114.64 KB 640x1028 SHULt.jpg)
(14.45 KB 201x269 R4VGndwEl.jpg)
(209.36 KB 876x1406 TYuYv8v8jmSj.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54965 del
(12.04 KB 235x304 4WT0UeOmfRg2nG0Z.jpg)
Appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback.

In today's day and age, you cannot create a site with modern features without javascript. That's why every site use it. If you have some specific feature you want to use without script, lets talk about it. However, for any site as a whole, the experience without js will be subpar to other sites offering.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54966 del
(36.67 KB 456x325 dicfQ.jpg)
it was one of the meta rooms, maybe suggestImprovement, or something similar. it's been a few days
> Btw, your delusions are both unfounded and false.
nigger please.
anyone who has ever interacted with another human being can tell you that much of the activity on that website is samefaggotry or ai-generated.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54967 del
What about the layout and color themes. Anyone have some suggestions for improvements or is it fine as is?

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:51 [Preview] No.54968 del
(232.36 KB 928x1490 tHMP5FJba9nUxmUfGZo.jpg)
(14.04 KB 282x200 HQkzyQ9wEaMkR.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54969 del
It's far better than most startups I have seen so far.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54970 del
Thank you. Hope to see you again from time to time on depvana and let us know if we stray course

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54971 del
(171.96 KB 794x1275 EvRz6kvl.jpg)
> anyone who has ever interacted with another human being can tell you that much of the activity on that website is samefaggotry or ai-generated.

Looks legit to me. Just give it some time to grow and let's see what happens then.

Sounds great. Hope to seeing more updates in the future OP

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54972 del
(165.37 KB 778x1250 QggzO0l5SdWuIm4J.jpg)
(266.96 KB 1007x1617 V3TLgraT0.jpg)
(6.36 KB 132x177 NOFDpfmhUKlPXE.jpg)
Agree, can confirm the spam has been deleted already

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54973 del
No way. I think this is a great site, probably better than anything someone hate-filled like yourself would ever manage to create.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54974 del

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54975 del
(163.67 KB 774x1242 b50KcqpNhITzY.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54976 del
Thanks guys appreciate it

With regards to hosting and delivery options for full length video I believe this is really expensive. Will need donations for that unless some alternative I don't know about exist. There is also a problem with independence. Right now the site is totally independent and we can do whatever people suggest. Many third party solutions comes with terms of services that may not align with the mission. Cheers,

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54977 del
(13.16 KB 244x315 TTSrCzEd1c6W.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54978 del
(221.43 KB 926x1486 n4ljRH1uDBU.jpg)
(250.94 KB 954x1531 YxaWyySGZ.jpg)
(173.60 KB 785x1260 lLyEwpCg63G4EVxlla.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54979 del
(15.73 KB 212x284 EJG0uDIE.jpg)
(27.36 KB 381x271 AJiT8YtmG.jpg)
> So I come back here after a couple days and /b/ is loaded full of nonsense again.

Yeah well it's /b/ so that's to be expected. Just ignore those threads, bump good ones like this one (or make your own), and whatever lol

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54980 del
(118.79 KB 660x1059 XdeZjxBXBxq.jpg)
Thank you, good ideas. There is already a music topic with some very good music recommendations, check it out. Many more will come. Cheers

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:52 [Preview] No.54981 del
(13.96 KB 250x324 TBuK6kJCO4iXKNcuN.jpg)
(12.34 KB 240x311 kLX0ZNMHF6poRNaco.jpg)
(31.58 KB 372x482 QEylTHR9mYIR.jpg)
Wow that's a serious mind bender. What do you mean by infinite big/small and infinite density/vacuum?

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54983 del
(13.53 KB 255x330 5RQKza.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54984 del
Was thinking about introducing formatting options for posts. For instance
|| for bold line of text etc... Anything is op for debate.

If you guys have any thoughts on this please let me know, cheers.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54985 del
(38.92 KB 434x561 QKKQcnavgrVE.jpg)
(19.05 KB 326x232 NPPJY.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54986 del
(38.81 KB 424x548 F3IqmoS63.jpg)
That's raly good to hear
> Allowing full length videos might bog down the site and
I think there's some hosting options for sites online that let users have unlimited storage space for their websites around the internet. But OP would have to look into that since he may or may not like it. May have to pay more for hosting too.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54987 del
(30.90 KB 411x292 nRDANHrnN.jpg)
(217.91 KB 883x1418 u6CVca038X009Gn.jpg)
The site seems to be down once again, this time throughout the day.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54988 del
(12.44 KB 191x255 DivelDh9R8q2cUQK.jpg)
Yeah I agree. Some people are just born with defunct neural brain wiring, as is the case with this Sage Guy. I think of people like that as mindless non player characters, where any attempt to reason with them is futile.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54989 del

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54990 del
(17.49 KB 226x301 V6xE5OnShPBkXV.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54991 del
(22.78 KB 318x412 Nivaftizl9zppYlEn.jpg)
Great movie

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54992 del
Fuck off you sick vile faggot.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54993 del
(131.56 KB 692x1112 gvulWKPd.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54994 del
Appreciate you taking the time to give some feedback.

In today's day and age, you cannot create a site with modern features without javascript. That's why every site use it. If you have some specific feature you want to use without script, lets talk about it. However, for any site as a whole, the experience without js will be subpar to other sites offering.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54995 del
(14.85 KB 208x278 EcMCCcNa2li.jpg)
(12.71 KB 268x191 rP48X.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54996 del
(15.68 KB 276x358 8ZpNDNoOOtNxBQqqzq.jpg)
I see there are a lot more threads being created which is a good sign.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54997 del
I look forward to watching it this weekend when I have some relatives over. So far it's got some good reviews.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54998 del
(116.27 KB 655x1052 Gp38zsW.jpg)
(10.67 KB 241x172 zxkKqV.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.54999 del
Awesome, thank you. Good idea with the empty space. I will think of something to fill it, while still hopefully preserve simplicity. I encourage you to make some posts or create a topic if you ever feel like doing so. Is that something I can convince you to do?

Anyway, I hope to hear from you again from time to time and your feedback is much appreciated and will affect the direction of the project. Best,

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.55000 del
(31.00 KB 383x496 UeBkDiJCiVnxx3hQV.jpg)
(14.21 KB 283x202 Bc5j1X4.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.55001 del
(15.27 KB 291x207 w6DmDA0KJnCW.jpg)
(39.58 KB 443x573 3Ndz6kuB.jpg)
(15.92 KB 269x348 aCDtBwI.jpg)
Yep, speeds up the web browser and gets rid of the cancer you never asked for or clicked on.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:53 [Preview] No.55002 del
(34.07 KB 387x501 UWQsMNs.jpg)
(41.31 KB 439x569 igSfNMiTme9YQJupf.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:54 [Preview] No.55003 del
Kinda like a forum OP? or reddit, but I'm not saying that in a mean or insulting way though since reddit does something similar to what you want It could work if it's niche enough.

You just get volunteer mods and shit like cloudflare/basedflare to prevent that.

And just put a disclaimer that every poster is responsible for their own post and the website can't control what other people post. Just to wash your hands clean of what other people do in the site.

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:54 [Preview] No.55004 del
Last bump? Really?

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:54 [Preview] No.55005 del
(18.66 KB 292x379 TIp5Qc.jpg)
(9.81 KB 165x220 HZknF9EB.jpg)

Anonymous 01/09/2025 (Thu) 14:54 [Preview] No.55006 del
(21.49 KB 342x243 SM1UKSUyGHuiCeC.jpg)
(114.66 KB 639x1025 qMDvgA0Nn.jpg)

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