it all started off great, again, say some great, mountains (i'll post pics later) on the way to the main attraction
legit cool-ass lookin mountains & valleys, you could see all the striations of the mineral layers from each epoch, i can only begin to imagine the magnitude of fossils sandwiched between each layer
on the way to bakers field, gone through even more canyons, very beautiful ones too, didn't even know they were there either, it was an amazing drive through them
the clouds were absolutely amazing, it was like a dream in real life to see them between the mountains, the haze making the mountains seem endless was ecstasy
then entire situation ended up a shit show
tried goin to the sequoia nation park, to see the trees of course
shit was stormed out, winter storm
couldn't even get 5 miles past the gate, didn't see any red woods or sequoias
so, we gone to the coast (we planned to anyways)
over the course of seemingly never ending rolling hills & mountains (seriously it never fucking stopped), we got to the coast
moral bay, what a fucking shithole, the only good food was sushi, and there were no good beds
seriously, even more, again, again, FUCKING AGAIN, the food sucked total fucking ass, the sushi was good, but the other food on the marina? FUCKING INEDIBLE literally, i was unable to eat it, it was worse than mcdicks, if you ever go there, only eat at the sushi place
i slept about 30 min in the hotel, goin insane by myself, jacking off in the shower, and borderline screaming in my room, i was a hair close to suffocating myself to death via the complementary ice bag
shower was still great though, legit, one of the best showers i've ever had
worst bed i've ever been in my life, my neck is still hurting from it
in the morning, i was going to the big ass rock on the coast, because, you know, big rock
saw two wild sea otters; got completely fucking drenched by the rain, on only one side on my body, didn't even get half way through the marina before i gave up & wanted to go home
i gone to the the madonna cafe on the way home, it was great, ate some good food, after that, on the drive, saw some california deer, which i've never seen before, so that was cool too
gone to see more rolling hills, that never stopped, all while a hurricane worthy storm was above, along the winding roads with cliff faces
the place looked bizarre as fuck, couldn't even see past 1 mile, all while we were in mountain ranges
sprawling hills all in view, hawks, and random vineyards outta nowhere; the rain was pouring like an ocean was being dropped on us, thought we'd have been washed off the mountain from how bad it got, we were literally in the middle of the storm
shit would just appear outta nowhere too, schools, cattle ranches, solar farms, and entire highways, its not something i can describe with words, especially with the storm, all an extremely unique experience
after that, gone to tehachapi from bakers field, saw the loop, gone to the borax mine (image related)
the little museum is very cool, i liked it a lot, very much recommend
then i gone home, and the storm hit at home too, shit was ridiculous
the next day i done to the hoover dam, which was cool, gone through "full" tour (fuckers stole my knife), saw them fixing one of the magneto generators turbines, which they don't normally do
ate at the hover dam casino, in the bighorner cafe, very nice place, great prices, great food, nice lil' tiny museum, even cheap gas
then gone through some other towns on the way home, that i always wanted to go to, so that was cool
and after all that, after resting a bit, i'm here right now
it'll be a moment i'll remember for the rest of my whole life, mostly for the bad reasons though, but good ones too
after all that we drove over 1,000+ miles, fuck my back