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2024, halfchan mods still brain damaged

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Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 07:10 [Preview] No.48756 del
Modern food manufacturing makes food that is highly addictive and easily digested by the body to produce calories. Modern dieting drugs try to keep the user feeling fuller for longer so less hungry.

Its an arms race.

I mean people could just stop eating modern super-processed foods but that would be too simple. More gross over medication of Americans is clearly the answer.

Anonymous 10/21/2024 (Mon) 20:05 [Preview] No.48757 del
Not at all. I'm saying that our bodies respond to fewer calories in different ways. Some people, due to genetics, maintain more energy reserves in the form of adipose tissue. Others, due to humans not being robots, are influenced by their food environment to a greater degree than most, leading to poor food choices.
I agree with what you're saying, but at least in the US it will take astronomical effort to enforce a healthier food climate so to me that leaves medical intervention as the only realistic recourse. Also we'll end up saving money overall with the medications.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 03:51 [Preview] No.48758 del
>tfw you realise you've been sitting in a locked thread all day
really wish there was some kinda notification or somethin

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 06:44 [Preview] No.48759 del
Looks like comments are turned off again - wonder if there is a reason? She posted on the other site.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 07:46 [Preview] No.48760 del
They are only turned off for the latest video.
Maybe it's because she knows how heavy she looks. It is sad to see. I feel sorry for her. Poor Bonbi, poor Bonbi.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 08:13 [Preview] No.48761 del
>she knows how heavy she looks
I dont think she does look heavy in recent vids. I am guessing its more based on a whim - how she feels when she hits the 'post' button each time. Or maybe it depends on what DMs the coomers have sent recently.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 11:19 [Preview] No.48762 del
Yeah idk why everyone says that, shes def not as big as she was in the summer.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 13:06 [Preview] No.48763 del
(946.37 KB 480x640 bonbi dildo video 1.mp4)
(1.08 MB 2160x2880 bonbi dildo 1.jpg)
(1.08 MB 2160x2880 bonbi dildo 2.jpg)
(1.09 MB 2160x2880 bonbi dildo 3.jpg)
PPV $15

It's hilarious, not sexy.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 14:42 [Preview] No.48764 del
what's hilarious is that $15 only gets 10 seconds of video
bonbi's got the coomers paying a dollar 50 PER SECOND

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 17:19 [Preview] No.48765 del
The last one is really good. She still doesn't seem to know how to give a blow job though lol. Bonbi look up Swallow Salon to see what a super pro looks like.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 20:40 [Preview] No.48766 del
Wow, everybody, she finally made it from 5% sexy to 10% sexy.

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 08:35 [Preview] No.48767 del
all of her content is soulless and boring but this one she managed to do it erotic
fat girl likes to put things into her mouth, she must have played with food a lot while getting enjoyment out of it too

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 11:20 [Preview] No.48768 del

She looks like a girl who just realized she's a lesbian but still didn't build up the courage to end her straight relationship

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 12:23 [Preview] No.48769 del
What has become of BBG? All those years ago who could have foreseen the end being this sad?

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 17:37 [Preview] No.48770 del
Really good? Do you really believe that?

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 18:19 [Preview] No.48771 del
In so far that I would love to see her looking up at me that way during a beej.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 00:01 [Preview] No.48772 del
Whenever I look at her classic TikToks I'm amazed at how wonderful she was. It breaks my heart what's happened to that once lovely girl.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 04:55 [Preview] No.48773 del
Bonbi try OMAD diet, it means “One Meal A Day” and its super easy, no need to choose healthy food or count calories, just assign an hour a day to eat and thats it, no second meal or snacks outside of that hour, you will lose weight quickly, and it won’t be hard as your body accustoms to the new diet

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 07:51 [Preview] No.48774 del
Would it have to be a big 1000+ calorie meal though?

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 08:23 [Preview] No.48775 del
That sounds like a terrible diet, one which requires you to resist food for 95% of your day.

Best tip I can give is dieting starts at the supermarket. Dont buy junk food = dont eat junk food. Also, ignore this BS about different genes making people behave differently (most of us are the same species i.e. mostly the same genes). Your behavior is mainly determined by habit and what you consider normal - how you behaved last week. You are in charge, you can change it.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 09:14 [Preview] No.48776 del
OMAD works well for many people. It's not a matter of resisting eating all day, more like the opposite. Once you are in the habit it's not difficult.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 09:14 [Preview] No.48777 del
>ignore this BS about different genes making people behave differently

>behavior is mainly determined by habit

my dude what is it do you think it is that is determining our habits

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 09:42 [Preview] No.48778 del
He got the dieting gene, he's privileged. I got the fat gene, its hard to stop eating even with encouragement

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:00 [Preview] No.48779 del
>my dude what is it do you think it is that is determining our habits
The way you chose to behave last week?

Genes influence behavior but not as directly as people like to claim when clutching for excuses. If you want to know a bit more this is an excellent start - https://youtube.com/watch?v=pOJYTMe_bp4 [Embed]

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:34 [Preview] No.48780 del
and what is it you think determines how you chose to behave last week?


tldr selectively breeding exclusively based on behavioural factors resulted in fundamental behavioural and physiological changes being passed on genetically through a species

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:39 [Preview] No.48781 del
Do not try to convince fat people that they can lose weight by sustaining a prolonged caloric deficit. They will always find excuses for not doing it. Genes, stress, trauma, it doesn't matter, they'll never take responsibility.

They are doomed to be fat and live a sad, miserable life.

Meanwhile, a buff dude will plow Bonnie's fat folds.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:43 [Preview] No.48782 del
>and what is it you think determines how you chose to behave last week?
The physics says the universe is deterministic.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 10:58 [Preview] No.48783 del
Nobody is saying shes fat because of genes. Theyre saying that genetics, hormones, insulin resistance, metabolism, gender, etc all play a role in the efficacy of dieting and exercise for weight loss.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 11:14 [Preview] No.48784 del
I'm fat but I want to get better. Any /adv/ice?

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 11:34 [Preview] No.48785 del
stop eating so many fucking donuts bonbi

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 11:35 [Preview] No.48786 del
I just have a small serving of 48

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:00 [Preview] No.48787 del
You are not a victim of your genes. You have agency. Stop looking for drugs to do the work for you and reset your diet to more natural, less processed, food.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:02 [Preview] No.48788 del
Your cock being small doesn't make you a victim of your genes. Just believe in yourself lol and it'll grow.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:04 [Preview] No.48789 del
The projection is strong in this one.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:41 [Preview] No.48790 del
your assumption that I am arguing this from a personal defensive position is comically offbase: I am a healthy average weight, living on a diet of mostly natural unprocessed foods (as much as can be said in regards to current modern food practices, at least). My diet has been predominantly determined by the diet of my parents, which was predominantly determined by the diet of THEIR parents and so on all the way back for millions of years.

the 60+ year long genetics study I posted displays a direct causal link between genetics, behaviour, and physiology, which you were attempting to claim does not exist
your genes quite literally dictate who and what you are - the physical construction of your brain and organs, and the way in which they and by extension YOU perceive and respond to your external environment
your whole argument basically equates to "just pull yourself up by your bootstraps bro", and completely fails to take into account the wide gamut of physical and psychological factors that dictate the way living organisms interact with the world

your attempt to claim that everybody ISN'T a "victim" of their genes is patently absurd.
you may as well try to claim you're a fucking seagull, but your genes will still say otherwise.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 12:53 [Preview] No.48791 del
Average BMI in the UK (I think thats where the video is from) rose from 22-23 in 1984 to 27-28 in 2014. Genetics cannot explain such a large change in just 30 years any more than it can explain the concept of people losing weight through dieting or for example why BMI in Germany is higher than France. BMI varies across short time spans because attitudes can change in 30 years even though genes dont. BMI varies between neighboring countries because attitudes and customs vary even if genes dont.

You are not a victim of your genes.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 13:08 [Preview] No.48792 del
if you can't understand that genes still determine behavioural response despite changing environmental conditions then I don't know what to tell you. that's literally the whole point of genes.

>attitudes can change in 30 years even though genes dont
no, they don't. society changes, people stay the same.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 19:57 [Preview] No.48795 del
>That sounds like a terrible diet, one which requires you to resist food for 95% of your day.
Not him, but omad is best done a few days of the week, like maybe start with three and then ease yourself into it.
Your body will start to adjust to not eating fucking constantly like you might do otherwise.
You can also expand the eating period to 2 hours and have some desert.
Some people can't control their cravings, so they cheat inbetween dishes, but if you have a strict regulation when you are allowed to eat, that's very clear.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 20:45 [Preview] No.48796 del
Dude Giles Yeo is like the poster child for CICO not working. He wrote a book on it!

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 20:59 [Preview] No.48797 del
yes, that's how I did it and I lost weight and reached my normal BMI, I just ate one complete meal and didn't even care about calories or having to shop for healthy food.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 21:41 [Preview] No.48798 del
Bonbi has gotta be the most unsexy woman Ive ever fucking seen. And I dont mean unattractive, i mean like, she has no clue how sex works or something and thats just baffling to me.

Anonymous 10/24/2024 (Thu) 22:37 [Preview] No.48799 del
this but she is also unattractive

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 00:52 [Preview] No.48801 del
You probably think anyone can be an olympic sprinter with enough hard work too, huh?

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 06:41 [Preview] No.48803 del
No. If you were paying attention you would see I started this by posting a YT vid explaining that genes do affect obesity but not as simply or directly as people think. The extreme view here is to say that your actions are purely the result of genetics so anything can be excused by blaming your genes and only medication can alter behavior.

You are not a victim of your genes.

Also, this is boredom passing time because Bonbi is giving us nothing worth posting about.

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 10:31 [Preview] No.48804 del

Not everyone can be an Olympic level sprinter, but everyone can improve how fast they run.

Also, post body.

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 11:00 [Preview] No.48805 del
I'm gonna start dieting, I don't want to become bonbibonkers

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 12:02 [Preview] No.48806 del
Keep your mantits in check.

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 12:17 [Preview] No.48807 del
(313.96 KB 2002x932 Best Stan.jpg)

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 22:52 [Preview] No.48808 del
I wonder what happened in that sexual assault situation, did the twitch mod flip his dick out and fuck her or what the fuck happened, I have social retardation so I don't know how guys act with girls around

Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 23:38 [Preview] No.48809 del
Most likely bonbi overreacting like usual

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 02:50 [Preview] No.48810 del
I think it was overreacting, she wasn't even serious in that stream, I remember she was talking about eating shrimp and pooping and farting and all kind of disgusting stuff, also if it was serious she could proof it to the cops with a rape kit instead of streaming about shrimp smelling shit to thousands of people.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 04:55 [Preview] No.48811 del
I'm not an expert, but eating just one meal a day sounds bad, the body could not be nourished correctly, maybe not everyone reacts positively to that method.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 08:59 [Preview] No.48812 del
You are definitely not an expert because it is perfectly fine. Some people will regularly fast for an entire day (like five days of eating and two fast days a week) without ill effects.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 10:24 [Preview] No.48814 del
OMAD is one of the stupidest ways to eat because it causes people to overeat on their one meal and graze on snacks in between because they're constantly hungry.
Fasting is always a terrible way to diet because feeling hungry constantly is what makes people give up.
Filling but low-calorie meals are going to be the best, combined with an exercise regimen will help anyone lose weight without making them miserable the whole time.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 12:10 [Preview] No.48815 del
fat person cope

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 13:54 [Preview] No.48816 del
>OMAD sucks if you don@t do it properly
Big brain activity.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 21:01 [Preview] No.48817 del
Bobbi vore content when

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 00:22 [Preview] No.48820 del
soda pls gimme some heroin

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 00:35 [Preview] No.48821 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nja0Obgg2gU [Embed]

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 03:25 [Preview] No.48822 del
Bonbi in her salad days made me so happy. Bonbi now makes me wish I were dead.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 04:35 [Preview] No.48823 del
Is there no report button for the CP posts?

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 09:06 [Preview] No.48825 del
From when Bonbi was among so many other things funny. Sigh. She was never a generic super boring e-girl with no personality, she was so much more than another pretty face.

Maybe it's better to only remember the glory days. Maybe she can become a legend like Cracky-Chan, remembered for her brief sublime moment as an internet goddess, no matter the years that pass.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 16:00 [Preview] No.48827 del
She was a child and you liked it.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 18:45 [Preview] No.48829 del
>Maybe it's better to only remember the glory days. Maybe she can become a legend like Cracky-Chan
Too late now, she tainted her image by being an onlyfans whore

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 22:44 [Preview] No.48830 del
What do you think the shit at the very bottom of the page is for?

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 23:00 [Preview] No.48831 del
The CP posts get deleted as soon as they are noticed. The report button at the bottom generates reports that are less noticeable to a BO than the CP spam. Sorry but bottom line is they normally get deleted quickly and if they dont you're probably better off leaving a message here (as happened in this case).

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 07:27 [Preview] No.48833 del
Not him and I have said this before but anyone still here is presumably not a pedo. I used to have my suspicions about some members of the Bonbi community and something they all have in common is they all disappeared a few years ago. Guess it goes with the territory, they are used to moving on after a few years.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:02 [Preview] No.48835 del
While you’re correct that it isn’t necessarily pedo behavior, it is a little creepy to keep posting and idolizing an under 18 y/o version of Bonbi when we’re presumably (hopefully) adults on this forum.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 18:34 [Preview] No.48836 del
I can smell your sweaty rolls from here.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 19:22 [Preview] No.48837 del
It could also just indicate that Anon was never in it for her body. If you're not a coomer and dont dream of dating her 18 is not a significant age. You can enjoy and admire someone without jerking off to them.

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 20:43 [Preview] No.48838 del
>people are only allowed recognition for their achievements once they reach an age arbitrarily deemed appropriate by the current social trends of my chosen peer group because uhhhh reasons okay

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 21:33 [Preview] No.48839 del
That's the weird part. Tha fuck you doing as a grown ass man admiring an adolescent lip syncher?

>Anon was never in it for her body
Briefs well until you look at all the obsessive comments about how pretty she was etc that accompany those "tributes"

Anonymous 10/28/2024 (Mon) 21:44 [Preview] No.48840 del
When she turned 18 she had over 2m followers on Tiktok. Can't be that unusual to follow an 'adolescent lip syncher'. Why the fuck are you even here? If you are here just to coom why are you not on Simpcity or some other jerk off forum where guys go to to discuss their sexual preferences with other guys.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 01:54 [Preview] No.48841 del
1. I'm in my early 20s too.

2. I followed her before. Nothing wrong with that at all. I just don't stare at pictures of her from she was 16. I don't stare at girls' pictures I knew in high school from when they were 15 either. Like most people, once you're an adult, it feels weird to "admire" adolescents. I'm sure you'll justify it though

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 02:36 [Preview] No.48842 del
another day, another string of thinly veiled attempts to use the most retarded troglodyte-tier brainlet takes to bait You's from unsuspecting threadgoers

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 05:46 [Preview] No.48843 del
Liking bonbi tiktoks = pedo creep pervert
Jacking it to bonbi onlyfans = normal and wholesome

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 08:17 [Preview] No.48844 del
Where's da tiddies???!!1

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 10:59 [Preview] No.48845 del
Bonbi I know you read these threads, make a gummy bear vore video please.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 12:26 [Preview] No.48846 del
I admire bonbi's bonkers

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 12:39 [Preview] No.48847 del
"Liking bonbi tiktoks" is a nice cope. I'll refer you to >>1122 and every other tribute heavy thread with her.

Only difference between you and the coomers is that you want her to look like your innocent little girl. It's not about "admiring" a narcissistic idiot who talks about herself and Southwark all day. But keep lying to yourself

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 13:18 [Preview] No.48848 del
Lol, you seriously scoured all the way back to 2019 to find a thirsty comment about her? Do you even know who made that comment? When I was 16 I certainly found a few 16yo girl sexy, can you say that comment wasn't from a 16yo?

The difference between me and the coomers is I dont find whores attractive and wish Bonbi had not become a pornstar. I dont wish Bonbi looked like when she was 16, I wish she didn't have an OF like she does at 21. I also wish coomer comments hadn't turned her negative and downtrodden as well - there your point is correct.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 13:53 [Preview] No.48849 del
not >>48847 and I don't fully agree w/him but tbf the thirst is all over the tribute vids it was probably easier just to post a thread than to open the hundreds of comments

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 14:37 [Preview] No.48850 del
There are none. Just a terrible, NN blowjob video and no PPV.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 14:55 [Preview] No.48851 del
(3.76 MB 303x497 02 whoops.gif)
she was 17 when she started to fall off. its not about being a child, she still has a beautiful face shes just selling her body and is overweight. being a woman isnt selling your body you retard. she could still be a beautiful woman if she lost the weight and gained some self respect.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 15:08 [Preview] No.48852 del
If one guy is a coomer it doesn’t mean I have to coom too

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 15:25 [Preview] No.48853 del
(321.26 KB 1918x1439 rat rat rat.jpg)
She was beautiful a long time after turning 17. What changed is not that she stopped being beautiful its that she started being a whinny whore. Peak Bonbi was June 2022 - just before she met the OnlyFriends - and even then her fall was not immediate.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 15:52 [Preview] No.48854 del
Unpopular opinion: she was only popular because of her looks. Whether you thought she was cute, pretty, beautiful, or hot... it's the fucking same. The people who liked her when she was innocent and cute aren't better than coomers or vice versa. It was never her "talent" or "creativity" that got her popular - people just liked looking at her.

Hell - I'm no better. We're all shallow losers. No need to deny it

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 20:41 [Preview] No.48855 del
Where are the meats?

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 20:44 [Preview] No.48856 del
Bonbi should marry Weber

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 20:49 [Preview] No.48857 del
Bonbi's personality is eating poorly made food and talking about her daily shits

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 00:40 [Preview] No.48858 del
Nobody knows what that is.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 01:08 [Preview] No.48859 del

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 01:47 [Preview] No.48860 del
This could be our old Bonbi, but now she's fat and can barely move. I wish the old Bonbi would come back with her bouncing dances and beautiful smiles.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:18 [Preview] No.48861 del
I don't think that's true at all. There are huge numbers of pretty girls yet almost none inspire fans like Bonbi. I think it's undeniable that she had amazing skills at cosplay, acting, expressing emotion, dancing, and editing.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:20 [Preview] No.48862 del
I agree, I wish so much happy creative Bonbi would return...
Funny thing about that video is how well it highlights how amazing classic Bonbi was... Because that girl has a horrible sense of rhythm and how to put together a clip in comparison to Bonbi.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 03:31 [Preview] No.48863 del
To be honest, even if Bonbi were fat but had remained a lively, vivacious, creative, apparently happy person, she could still make great TikToks. I thought her Pomni Digital Psycho Teddy TikTok was a throwback to her classic days even if she was a porker in it.

Something went wrong with her before she ever got fat. I don't know the details but it seems like being influenced by the wrong people did it. Or maybe you could just say she got ruined by the internet. It seems like Bonbi in her sort of 'natural' state was truly something wonderful, but... The influence of the way things are today ruined her.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 04:07 [Preview] No.48864 del
This, bonbi is the only girl that inspired me to make edits, just seeing the memes and edits from her community and seeing the amount of great content she made is enough to inspire someone who never edited before to do it , sucks that now she is just a boring only fans girl l

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 07:26 [Preview] No.48865 del
This latest blowjob video is fucking insane. She has to be trolling.

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 08:09 [Preview] No.48866 del
At her best she was pure magic, just wonderfully inventive and creative.

She was somehow mystically meaningful to me... Like through her art she became more than an ordinary human, in those perfect little clips she was a god.

I should probably forget her in her current state since in those classic clips she's such a vision of sublime glory that the sad present seems to fade to irrelevance.

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 21:34 [Preview] No.48867 del
Bonbi is so fat now, most of the thread is talking about diet and weight distribution

Anonymous 10/31/2024 (Thu) 23:27 [Preview] No.48868 del
koraaura is new bonbi but she's annoying as fuck she looks like if bonbi didn't gain weight

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 03:59 [Preview] No.48869 del
bonbi so fat she got the whole bonbi council stressin oh hell nah

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 04:02 [Preview] No.48870 del
I don't like her but even the background looks like bonbi's original room. I hate Kora's content but at this point its way better than bonbi's

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 04:05 [Preview] No.48871 del
Hate her makeup especially on her nose, way too shiny.

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 04:57 [Preview] No.48872 del
Well, I think Bonbi lost a little weight in her last cosplay.

I think she is looking to lose weight, maybe she will achieve it.

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:46 [Preview] No.48873 del
>new Bonbi
>new Bonbi
>new Bonbi
>new Bonbi
Why are some people so fucking stupid and obnoxious?

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 13:56 [Preview] No.48874 del
A lot of people, myself included, discovered Bonbi at the same time they discovered short-form video content. Its not that long ago that Tiktok was new and exciting, Bonbi was fun and energetic and making the most of it, edits were popping up daily and the whole 'scene' felt exciting.

Bonbi had the talent to make something amazing on Tiktok but that was not all it was, she was also doing it at the right time surrounded by people enjoying the new platforms. That time has gone, the world has moved on. Except for a few unfortunate souls her followers have moved on.

She was in time to do it a second time with Twitch but she met a load of pornstars. They had friends (each other) and were in no way considered children, two things that I think Bonbi was desperate to get for herself, so she followed them into the porn industry instead.

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 15:49 [Preview] No.48875 del
Disagree 100%. She was a minor was living with her parents, so she had all the time in the world to do that stuff. While she had plenty of fans, she wasn't popular enough to monetize that. She's shown that she was never disciplined enough (likely smart enough either but certainly not disciplined enough) to ever actually do that. Hate on Emiru all you want, but she curates her image and is consistent. It isn't that she followed people because she was desperate, she went this route because she was lazy and didn't want to have to put in consistent work while being an adult managing bills etc. She just wanted people to pay her while she farted, belched, and watched Southpark. You give her too much credit.

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 17:45 [Preview] No.48876 del
Nope, thousands of people tried on Tiktok and Bonbi stood out enough above the crowd to be successful where most did not. The reason she didn't make money was that nobody made money from Tiktok.

As for going the porn route I never said she did it because she was desperate - I gave what I think are some of the reasons she went that way. You are right that her laziness and wanting a quick paycheck are also reasons for her doing it but not the only ones. Other big reasons are her anxiety and lack of confidence making her think she could never be successful on Twitch. That comes from years of fans lewding and shitting on her.

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 18:20 [Preview] No.48877 del
That's true, she did stand out, but she couldn’t translate that to a general appeal large enough to profit. Even at the height of her popularity it was what... 220k instagram followers?

Regarding Twitch - how long did it take for her streams to turn into a gross annoying pity party?

No one is denying that she had a following but she had a ways to go. Not taking away from her anxiety or cruelness of comments towards her, but she’s also an obvious narcissist, liar, and generally not a nice person. She was never gonna make it on Twitch primarily because of her own shortcomings. OF was the obvious choice

Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 21:33 [Preview] No.48878 del
>she couldn’t translate that to a general appeal large enough to profit

there was a point at which she was popular enough to charge $100 a month for a non-nude non-LEWD patreon, and still have people willing to pay for it
not that I'm discounting your other points, they're almost certainly the reason she couldn't sustain things long-term without resorting to dropping her trousers for spare change

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 03:21 [Preview] No.48879 del
it’s literally just the room
kora has a mid face, and she isn’t fat but has a completely different build.
and all she does is dance

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 06:37 [Preview] No.48880 del
>Disagree 100%. She was a minor was living with her parents, so she had all the time in the world to do that stuff
acting like she is an adult with a job now, she is way more lazy now even though nothing changed, tbh she should have more free time now since she has her own place

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 06:40 [Preview] No.48881 del
>That's true, she did stand out, but she couldn’t translate that to a general appeal large enough to profit
false, she had a patreon with jewish prices and people still paid her

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 07:16 [Preview] No.48882 del
>and all she does is dance
I'll take that over a blurry picture of deflated ham

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 11:58 [Preview] No.48885 del
>how long did it take for her streams to turn into a gross annoying pity party?
She started to change after meeting the OnlyFriends in July 2022 but the real deterioration was after she started OF in August 2023. I assume its just what having to listen to coomers does to a girl.

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 13:56 [Preview] No.48886 del
it was already over by 2020

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 14:00 [Preview] No.48887 del
she started getting fat in early 2020, I blame covid for that, the virus developed by ZOG to fatten bonbi

Anonymous 11/02/2024 (Sat) 20:46 [Preview] No.48889 del
Nah, her childhood might have been over but peak Bonbi was 2022 for sure. She was entertaining and pretty, people still made edits and she had avid followers.

Anonymous 11/03/2024 (Sun) 23:03 [Preview] No.48890 del
utterly delusional

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.48891 del
Are you saying I imagined 2022 or something? I dont think you understand the meaning of 'delusional'. I enjoyed 2022 Bonbi more than Bonbi at any other time. You do not have the power to say that statement is wrong.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 01:57 [Preview] No.48892 del
not him, but I don't think you understand the meaning of the word "peak"
it's perfectly fine to say "bonbi made some content in 2022 that I liked", but claiming she was "at her peak" during that time is an objectively, factually incorrect statement
bonbi's peak was generally between 2019-2020, after which both her following and her creative output stalled and never really recovered

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 05:26 [Preview] No.48893 del
Don´t like her nose. It looks like I could draw a ninja turtle there.(no hate)

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 11:36 [Preview] No.48894 del
Bonbibonkers was an entertainment product. Peak was when she was most entertaining. That was 2022. You can argue it's subjective, you cannot say it was objectively some other time.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 15:03 [Preview] No.48895 del
I can because she was a fat hog in 2022

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 15:56 [Preview] No.48896 del

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 17:44 [Preview] No.48897 del
Clearly not enough people to make a living or she’d still be selling pinups for $100 a month instead of having an $8 OF. Her patreon period literally proves the point of >>48877 . None of us know how much she made exactly but we know the result…

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:10 [Preview] No.48898 del
By the end of her Patreon she was getting ~50 likes per post. If you look back early enough there was a time when her number of followers was published and it was typically at least 3 times the number of likes so she would have been getting 50 x 3 x $100 x 80% per month - $12k per month. Even if the 3x multiplier is wrong she would have been on a minimum of $4k per month - it takes at least 50 subs to give 50 likes.

She moved from Patreon to OF because she wanted to do videos. She chose to do porn because she wanted to become a porn star, not because she needed the money.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:20 [Preview] No.48899 del
She said it herself that she hated doing OF. At the very beginning she undoubtedly made bank but it had dropped and was clearly dropping more. 4k a month prior to taxes and dropping isn’t a lot and that’s even WITH selling lewds. Anyone remember her book debacle? She would’ve loved to make money just for being her but she ain’t it

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:39 [Preview] No.48900 del
$4k/mo was the absolute mathematical minimum and $48/year for an unskilled 20yo is not bad. Remember she doesn't have Cali or New York living costs and was probably on a multiple of that.

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:39 [Preview] No.48901 del
(206.40 KB 1302x911 bros.jpg)
coomer bros... its monday

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 18:40 [Preview] No.48902 del
I feel like a pro cosplayer like her can make bank with just patreon simps, or even make more bank with twitch if she wasn't retarded

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 20:50 [Preview] No.48903 del
I'm not questioning your math, I'm questioning the results. Look at how miserable her expressions have been in every OF post. This is not someone who was jumping for joy to be a pornstar. If she was, she'd have shown her cooch by now.

Clearly Patreon pin-ups weren't on a sustainable trajectory for her. I think I even remember in an old stream or post that she was frustrated at the fact that people were leaving/weren't content staying subscribed at $100 a month for the same recycled content.

Also I'm not hating on people who make 48k a year but what I will say is that she probably 'thinks' she is worth much more than that

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 21:19 [Preview] No.48904 del
My gut instinct is to agree with you - she doesn't seem to enjoy OF. The trouble is when you look back at the facts they support what I said that she actively wanted to become a porn star.

The $12k/mo number is not picked at random - you can go back and calculate a likes to subs ratio (average is actually 2.81 for the period where its available but that includes multiple Patreon tiers which complicates things). She didn't even need money until she moved out which I always assumed she did because she was not allowed to make porn at home. Money doesn't explain her actions.

AS miserable as she seems now she did seem more keen at the beginning - maybe she is just finding it harder than she expected?

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 22:16 [Preview] No.48905 del
she posted

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 22:45 [Preview] No.48906 del
I’m sure the reality is somewhere in between.

>maybe she is just finding it harder than she expected?
I definitely agree with you here. She probably envisioned 10,000 fans who wouldn't miss $8 a month even if she had sporadic, low effort posts.

The irony is that she had a ton of subs when she started. If she kept the patreon quality with the OF content she may have been rich by now but that ship's sailed

Anonymous 11/04/2024 (Mon) 23:38 [Preview] No.48907 del
Why is she censoring her face again, people know what her butthole looks like

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 00:16 [Preview] No.48908 del
Can somebody post the new stuff here? SimpCity is in read-only mode for a bit.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:07 [Preview] No.48909 del
I'd say "Wow, it's fucking nothing" but this is less than nothing.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:51 [Preview] No.48910 del
That discoloration on her thighs in the middle picture *vomit*

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:53 [Preview] No.48911 del
The ass shot is great. She needs to stop making that weird face she makes in the last picture.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 01:55 [Preview] No.48912 del
Thanks for posting these. You're a stand-up gentleman.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 03:01 [Preview] No.48913 del
no hay tetas de la ogra blanca....

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 03:40 [Preview] No.48914 del
thats just her face, dude

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 03:50 [Preview] No.48915 del
I've always figured she has a decent amount of subs. Nowhere near as many as she started but i suspect she is probably still hovering around at least 1000. Her first month i wouldnt be surprised if she had 4-5k, maybe more.

We see all the time on other platforms that the people who actially stop and take the time to like a post is usually a fraction of overall subscribers.

Some reddit posts i've read seem to indicate that its not uncommon for OF creators to only get around 1 like for every 10 or so subs.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 07:56 [Preview] No.48916 del
The message with the post:
>hi guys sorry my post is so lame today i was in the hospital the other day and I'm gonna be on painkillers until I'm better

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 09:31 [Preview] No.48917 del
on one hand, not satisfying. on the other hand, more satisfying than a 3 second tit flop. i like the variety and below-waist focus.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 11:03 [Preview] No.48918 del
Whats the betting? Gastric band or boob reduction? She does seem to be keeping them well covered this week.

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 11:05 [Preview] No.48919 del
She surprisingly has great feet for a fatty. How come she doesn't post more feet content?
It's universally loved and would be less taxing to her fragile mental state then tits/ass

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 17:46 [Preview] No.48921 del
> she was frustrated at the fact that people were leaving/weren't content staying subscribed at $100 a month for the same recycled content.
Not him but if only she took patreon and cosplaying seriously like she did in 2019, she would be making stacks from patreon and subs alone without having to get drunk every week to make low quality porn for coomers

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 17:51 [Preview] No.48922 del
Her feet is good only in socks, without its mid content

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 18:04 [Preview] No.48923 del
(238.53 KB 960x1280 puke.jpg)
>She surprisingly has great feet for a fatty

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 19:10 [Preview] No.48924 del
Yeah its actually bad, should stick to covering it up with socks or having it off the frame

Anonymous 11/05/2024 (Tue) 20:23 [Preview] No.48926 del
I mean...maybe. Lots of factors here. If she kept making interesting, varying, high quality content on any platform then she would be more successful and less depressed but...

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 02:35 [Preview] No.48927 del
Did this fat hog say who she was voting for?

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 14:00 [Preview] No.48929 del
I disagree, she should flaunt them at every opportunity

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 16:47 [Preview] No.48930 del
kek I'm not a footfag but those are some n64 stumps.

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 20:45 [Preview] No.48931 del
She doesn't even wash her arse crack properly.

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:42 [Preview] No.48932 del
Listening to coomers might be a factor but it's the doing porn that made her deteriorate. Being in porn is one of the worst, saddest things you can do to yourself.

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:52 [Preview] No.48933 del
Jesus H Christ I absolutely need to see her arsehole.

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 21:55 [Preview] No.48934 del
Short-form video content is bigger than ever, though, it's not like it faded away or got replaced. TikTok is much bigger now than during Bonbi's heyday. If she created good content like in '18 and '19 she could still be massive. Her following dropped off when she stopped creating beautiful, clever, lively clips and went for generic sexualized things instead. Even now her rare decent TikToks like the Pomni Digital Psycho Teddy get many more views than the others. Quality of the sort Bonbi once created would cut through the 99% of trash content on TikTok.

Anonymous 11/06/2024 (Wed) 22:02 [Preview] No.48935 del
Make Bonbibonkers Great Again.

Bonbi was absolutely amazing the last time orange man was in office. Brumpf will ban OF and all sexualized content and Bonbi will have no choice but to become again the glory she once was... Her soul shall heal and her creativity and joy shall return...

Totally delusional, you say? Yes, anon, of course. But, anon, delusional hope is all I have left.

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 01:42 [Preview] No.48936 del
Bitch can't even get a halfway decent camera always using a shitty iphone camera and into a mirror she's so full of shit

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 10:15 [Preview] No.48937 del
>TikTok is much bigger now than during Bonbi's heyday.
True, but that also makes it harder for somebody like her stand out anymore.
Back then she was kind of unique, even if some doomposters here will call her "just like all the other girls". But now you can find thousands of cosplayers with at least her skill and everything that actually upload regularly.
Being one of the first at something doesn't guarantee success.

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 10:16 [Preview] No.48938 del
>Brumpf will ban OF and all sexualized content
The guy that fucked a pornstart and then paid her to keep her mouth shut? Yeah sure. lol

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 13:57 [Preview] No.48939 del
(1.11 MB 1335x988 Screenshot (2008).png)

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 15:34 [Preview] No.48940 del
That really stands out. A cheap phone from 5 years ago would have a better camera.

lmao that hoof

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 21:25 [Preview] No.48941 del
her old instagram photos 3 years ago is higher quality than now

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 21:51 [Preview] No.48942 del
(244.61 KB 1440x1800 2021-11-19 - Ahri 3.jpg)

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 23:14 [Preview] No.48943 del
this whole set was unironically fantastic tbh, prob some of her last good content

Anonymous 11/07/2024 (Thu) 23:35 [Preview] No.48944 del
(145.90 KB 1080x1349 2022-10-15 Ahri.jpg)
This was a year later - still looking pretty good to me

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 02:51 [Preview] No.48947 del
looks blurry for no reason, the 2021 picture looks more crisp and is higher resolution

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 03:06 [Preview] No.48948 del
There might be some who have her skill at cosplay (although even that I doubt, she was a master) but I don't think there's anyone else who could combine cosplaying with dancing, editing, incredible expressiveness, etcetera to create the sort of hypnotic clips she made. Believe... I wish that sort of talent were out there. Decentish cosplayers don't inspire the sort of rapturous appreciation Bonbi did.

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 03:10 [Preview] No.48949 del
Look at those dead, soulless eyes... Like a sex doll come to life. You couldn't get more generic and bland. And this is the so expressive girl who once overflowed in every movement with emotion and energy?... Curse the world that wrought such a change.

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 08:09 [Preview] No.48950 del
Some of her South Park stuff still made you think she was having fun, but other than that yes - its gone. (examples May-June 2023)

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 14:04 [Preview] No.48951 del
>Like a sex doll come to life.
That would actually give me a boner, but it's not even that tbh.

Anonymous 11/08/2024 (Fri) 17:58 [Preview] No.48952 del
Poor Bonbi, I keep thinking that maybe this is just a phase.

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 09:33 [Preview] No.48955 del
bonbi bros . . . its over

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 10:10 [Preview] No.48956 del
Phase 1 of her total slutification

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 17:57 [Preview] No.48957 del
total niggerification of bonbi bonkers

bonbi after covid-19 got niggerified by the powers of ZOG turned into a bbw nigger woman to make bonbi bros which were aryan and bonbiwaffen pilled turn into coomers and BNWO supporters that make bbc split screens and post it on /gif/ which is a known ZOG controlled board by the ZOG owned site which banned bonbi waffen from posting on /wsg/

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 18:49 [Preview] No.48958 del

Anonymous 11/09/2024 (Sat) 20:04 [Preview] No.48959 del
Are you drunk Bro?

Anonymous 11/10/2024 (Sun) 03:36 [Preview] No.48960 del
i miss 2020 bon

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 19:20 [Preview] No.48963 del
Monday, Cummy Monday
Monday, Cummy Monday
Monday, Cummy Monday
Monday, Cummy Monday
Monday, Cummy Monday
Alright, let's go!

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 19:50 [Preview] No.48964 del
i had a very unpleasant weekend so i am looking forward to an at least mediocre post today for my gooning pleasure. cmon bonbi don't let me down.

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 20:05 [Preview] No.48965 del
Grow up

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 20:45 [Preview] No.48966 del
digits she just posts another bog standard dildo slobbering/tiddy jiggling video

dubs she posts actual hole in some form or fashion

trips she goes full onlyfans thot and genuinely masturbates

quads she goes full retard and posts some drunken dicking she got over the weekend

Anonymous 11/11/2024 (Mon) 21:33 [Preview] No.48967 del
(33.88 KB 575x766 Livdatcunt.jpg)

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 16:21 [Preview] No.48969 del
She finally posted. Anyone still subscribed gonna leak them for us?

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 17:47 [Preview] No.48970 del
(2.38 MB 640x480 lol this sucks.mp4)

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 18:44 [Preview] No.48971 del
If anything, this kinda proves she’s not a whore. No woman who has sex even semi regularly thinks that making this face adds to the "realism"

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 18:49 [Preview] No.48972 del
the women i pay to have sex with me look like that, if they accidentally open their eyes and see 300lb of man jiggling over them.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 18:58 [Preview] No.48973 del
top 10 anime noises

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 19:38 [Preview] No.48974 del
Fuck me dead. Thank you to the fellow pervs who pay for her sub but this is just embarrassing at this point. Great tits though.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 19:48 [Preview] No.48975 del
The whole OF home made porn thing is such a contrived situation it doesn't surprise me its possible to get it that wrong, even if she behaves totally normally with a BF. Ironically I am not sure many of the people who pay for OF know what a girl looks like during actual - not on camera - sex.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:18 [Preview] No.48976 del
Eh I'd really like having that view in real life. My ex had massive boobs like Bon and she loved me sucking them while she was in cowgirl. I miss that.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 20:27 [Preview] No.48977 del
Looks like she's taking a massive shit.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:20 [Preview] No.48978 del
It should go without saying that Bonbi has zero fucking clue what is attractive.
We have several years of OF as hard facts to go by.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:26 [Preview] No.48979 del
TMI. If you really want to tell other dudes your sexual preferences and fantasies maybe try whatever Discord Atiqa is currently on?

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 21:50 [Preview] No.48980 del
i don't use discord or know anyone who does. i'm a middle aged man who saw a post on social media about a thick sexy anime cosplayer shaking her goods and now i've been floating around here for about 8 months.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 22:15 [Preview] No.48981 del
I think she knows (get skinny and act girly, like before) she just doesn't give a shit.

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 22:17 [Preview] No.48982 del
(61.53 MB 1280x720 Sucking.mp4)
PPV $10

Anonymous 11/12/2024 (Tue) 23:41 [Preview] No.48983 del
She 1000% uses teeth

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 00:33 [Preview] No.48984 del
Looks fatter

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 03:06 [Preview] No.48985 del
She is so pathetic it's not even funny anymore

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 07:43 [Preview] No.48986 del
Whoa this is pretty hot.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 08:08 [Preview] No.48987 del
i want to thank and appreciate Bonbi for doing what she does. her curvature appeals to my high testosterone and i have fapped many times to her.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 08:14 [Preview] No.48988 del
(92.28 KB 1052x393 2024-11-12 Comment.JPG)
FYI. Unless I missed something still no explanation as to why she was in hospital.

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 12:42 [Preview] No.48989 del
If she did these sets with some vigor and let those tits bounce a bit it would be 10x better

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 14:46 [Preview] No.48991 del
Hot Cheeto overdose

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 15:17 [Preview] No.48992 del
you know she doesn't like spicy food

Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 16:33 [Preview] No.48993 del
Sounds like it's dubbed.
Actually hilarious if that's the case.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 01:17 [Preview] No.48994 del
Practiced liars know its better to provide as little information as possible.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 01:34 [Preview] No.48995 del
Nobody who buys into porn wants to see normie shit though, they wanna see the dumb shit that goes on in their heads. And whores who do this shit are just dumb too. Bonbi is the unsexiest woman I have ever fuckin witnessed man. Such a goddamn downfall

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 01:35 [Preview] No.48996 del
shes a rich white girl with no responsibilities, shes either lying her ass off or went to THE HOSPITAL for something extremely trivial and whined until they tossed some norcos at her

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 02:37 [Preview] No.48997 del
someone find me bonbis dildo, i want to fuck myself in the ass with it

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 02:55 [Preview] No.48998 del
(4.97 MB 1280x720 16598000138300.mp4)
(31.04 MB 1280x720 16598000139881.mp4)

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 03:01 [Preview] No.48999 del
I will never watch or even remember any of this shit, so thanks I guess for the clips.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 03:08 [Preview] No.49000 del
no problem bestie. any time you don't want to see something just let me know.

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 04:38 [Preview] No.49001 del
She is so fucking annoying in those clips wtf

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 08:51 [Preview] No.49002 del
shes getting those abortions while she can

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 08:52 [Preview] No.49003 del
maybe she overdosed on ozempic

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 14:59 [Preview] No.49004 del

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 16:48 [Preview] No.49005 del

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:22 [Preview] No.49006 del
Actually her most realistic one yet. Maybe she has sucked a dick after all

JK she probably just got lucky. Broken clock's right twice a day

Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No.49007 del
meh, she looks like she is sucking someone just because he paid her $10

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 03:59 [Preview] No.49008 del
you really think she's charging that much?

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 17:28 [Preview] No.49010 del
You're definitely not wrong but consider that a few months ago she was gnawing on that thing like a fudgsicle

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 18:29 [Preview] No.49011 del
She has said she uses tinder...

Anonymous 11/15/2024 (Fri) 23:58 [Preview] No.49012 del
She either needs to stop doing porn or learn to get into it.
As it is she clearly hates it and none of it is hot.
Learn to like it or move the fuck on, kid.

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 10:40 [Preview] No.49016 del
one improvement for me is the length of the video, that was more effort for sure

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 12:05 [Preview] No.49017 del
>60 seconds chewing on a plastic weiner
the absolute state of coomers

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 18:10 [Preview] No.49018 del
Saw a clip of Emiru talking and it was eerie how similar her and Bonbis way of talking is. Its almost like one is copying the other. I wonder...

Anonymous 11/16/2024 (Sat) 22:40 [Preview] No.49019 del
I think they are both just equally stupid.

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 02:11 [Preview] No.49020 del
I noticed a lot of that initial TikTok batch is similar in a ton of ways. It's weird!

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 17:59 [Preview] No.49021 del
my daughter sucks plastic dildos on for $10

Anonymous 11/17/2024 (Sun) 18:01 [Preview] No.49022 del
poor Bobbi, tough to look at

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 09:46 [Preview] No.49023 del
she's been through some hard times

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 11:42 [Preview] No.49024 del

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:37 [Preview] No.49025 del
(297.73 KB 1440x1800 2024-11-18 OOC.jpg)
(242.96 KB 1440x1800 2024-11-18 cat.jpg)
She post. Also Bonbi.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 20:38 [Preview] No.49026 del
(752.88 KB 1080x1920 1.mp4)
(133.99 KB 1170x2080 2.jpg)
Still no explanation as to why she was in hospital but at least its good to hear she is feeling better.

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 21:57 [Preview] No.49027 del
Botched hair transplant

Anonymous 11/18/2024 (Mon) 23:45 [Preview] No.49028 del
No brain transplant unfortunately that wont help probably just as stupid as ever

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 05:38 [Preview] No.49029 del
Which one of you was this? Just saw it in Black Ops 6.

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 08:14 [Preview] No.49030 del
Where are the tits?
This fucking whore getting lazy again?

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 10:31 [Preview] No.49031 del
Jesus calm down there crooklord

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 12:12 [Preview] No.49033 del
(5.89 MB 360x360 statistics.mp4)

Anonymous 11/19/2024 (Tue) 23:47 [Preview] No.49034 del
Can some cool bro post her new stuff here? Simpcity is down... again.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 00:21 [Preview] No.49035 del
Can't believe her pussy looks like THAT, lmao. Absolutely disgusting, no wonder she was hiding it all this time.

Well, at least know we know for sure she isn't a virgin. Does anyone know who the guy in the ppv is? He wasn't too excited while fucking her.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 00:58 [Preview] No.49036 del
Tf you talking about, bro

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 01:06 [Preview] No.49037 del

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 01:28 [Preview] No.49038 del

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:04 [Preview] No.49039 del
Did he use the witchetty grub or not?

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 08:55 [Preview] No.49040 del
speaking of, anyone got the new blissfulellie ppvs? the guy in the thread there hasnt posted the last 2 weeks and she jewed us this week by not posting on the premium page.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:21 [Preview] No.49041 del

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 11:49 [Preview] No.49042 del
No, this is BBG not Simpcity. I know some people are new here so in case they hadn't noticed BBG was created to follow someone who at the time was creative and entertaining posting non-lewds on IG and Tiktok, the original posts from 2019 (when she was 16 btw) are still here for people to look back on.

It was not intended for coomers. If you really want to discuss your sexual preferences with other dudes there are much better places e.g:


Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 12:34 [Preview] No.49043 del
Woke bonbi bro

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 15:04 [Preview] No.49044 del
It also wasn't intended for Neonazis but they have a whole thread below. Not even the other guy but get off your high horse dude - bbg is "meant" for everybody except for the disgusting cp people

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 15:18 [Preview] No.49045 del
None of them are up to date

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 16:12 [Preview] No.49046 del
Also no offense dude but things change. She got older, her content changed, a lot of her fans left, etc. You're not the board owner. You simply sound like a white knight stan. See the rules above.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 17:31 [Preview] No.49047 del
(235.06 KB 1165x1821 IMG_9400.PNG)
Wow, is this the thanks I get for trying to help? The Telegram channel looked up to date when I found it, didn't check the rest.

You are right she changed but BBG still has boards going back 5 years. It would be better for make a new board for coomers rather than have a mix of a 16yo tiktoker and the 21yo whore version of herself.

Sidenote - I tried to find a Discord server to help Bro out but the closest I got was a Reddit post asking for $10+ for shit like a 'Patreon Recap'
that is free from the Mega posted at the top of every BBG board. Kinda hilarious this is what Bonbi Discords have come to.

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 18:54 [Preview] No.49048 del
Yes that is the thanks you get for not directing us to an up to date place to see bonbi puss hole

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 19:31 [Preview] No.49049 del
Fuck off faggot

Anonymous 11/20/2024 (Wed) 20:41 [Preview] No.49050 del
>$42.50 for esteemed all access pass to weird coomer discordnigger circlejerk
I don't even know how sorry I can feel for anyone stupid enough to pay for something like that
grifters gonna grift I guess

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 00:38 [Preview] No.49052 del
No clue why this post got so many relpies.
but u got my upboat

Do you actually care about some reddit account reposting her stuff..?

Why would you ever feel sorry about people that stupid and naive?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 01:35 [Preview] No.49053 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=JgYSG8ugbCM [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=2fJGJdjWxGE [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_Y4VE8CJhlg [Embed]

Somtimes I try to think about how integral these songs were to /bbg/, yet the artists will never even have the slightest idea of it.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:32 [Preview] No.49054 del
So nobody is going to post her latest stuff? Did the cool dude who posted them finally get out?

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 02:37 [Preview] No.49055 del
because of the tame impala edits, i became a big fan and went to their concert back in '22. thanks /bbg/

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 03:03 [Preview] No.49056 del
Stop begging bro, there is no latest stuff

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 06:16 [Preview] No.49057 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=zqoj_3r9oqg [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ME6mWrF_23E [Embed]

Damn, that live version of Primadonna doesn't go hard at all in my opinion. Could say the same about the beginning of this version of Hard Times, but personally it hits with the retro sounds and some of the flourishes in the arrangement. It makes me feel a particular flavor of nostalgia, maybe something kind of adjacent to Flying Lotus' track at the end of that Adventure Time special episode, at least it reminded me of it, and the reminiscence it evokes feels similar, and I discovered both around the same time too, depressed and browsing /bbg/ and [wsg] daily. By the way the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge rendition of Passionfruit that Paramore did is my favorite version of that song, or maybe second, after Yaeji's which is amazing too.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 07:42 [Preview] No.49058 del
Even if you are too cheap to pay $8/month you can still go to her OF page and see how many posts she has made. Currently at 59, unchanged from last week.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:02 [Preview] No.49059 del
Where is the new of pists :(

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 09:33 [Preview] No.49060 del
She didn't post this week.

Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 21:47 [Preview] No.49062 del
primadonna whore you can pay 10 dollars to me

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 22:08 [Preview] No.49064 del
Oy vey, thats too much. How about 34 cents and you finally show your beef curtain?

Anonymous 11/22/2024 (Fri) 22:35 [Preview] No.49065 del
(39.15 KB 609x733 BonWut.jpg)

Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 22:48 [Preview] No.49067 del
jews won't even pay 34 cents, they wait for the leaks, goys pay jews spray

Anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 23:36 [Preview] No.49068 del
Another titless week

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 00:57 [Preview] No.49069 del
and that's a good thing

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 04:24 [Preview] No.49070 del
she posted


Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 05:10 [Preview] No.49071 del
Second pic kinda cute ngl

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 07:07 [Preview] No.49072 del
Post em here

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 08:42 [Preview] No.49073 del
(1.01 MB 4173x3068 2024-11-25 comment.jpg)
Looks like OF is all that is left. I wonder what happened to the $1000 cosplay she bought for Halloween?

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 09:11 [Preview] No.49074 del
Mark my words, this will be one of the final pushes she needs to start doing full blown pornography
Every chance she has had to get out and improve her life has been wasted
And now she is running out of options to keep those bills paid
I can't believe the coomers are going to win
Deep down I always thought she'd make it
Rip in pieces

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:28 [Preview] No.49075 del

I hope she starts escorting as well.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:32 [Preview] No.49076 del
tbh she's made untold tens of thousands of dollars without even showing puss or butthole when many other women are doing super nasty stuff for a few hundred dollars a month. she's been gaming the system about well as can be expected, considering she has become obese and too lazy to do basically anything at all.
and even with her boob jiggles, she does like 5 seconds a post in dirty mirrors most of the time. many coomers would not even look at this for free, if she didn't keep stringing them along for the possibility of something stronger.
she had to do SOME nudity to get them baited and now she can keep extracting money from them until she finds a big enough simp to wife her up and go dark.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 10:46 [Preview] No.49077 del
I have to go to work and can't even bust a quick stress relief nut because the post is probably so trash that nobody will even bother posting it. FeelsBadMan

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 12:56 [Preview] No.49078 del
I haven't seen the numbers, but I imagine people are getting bored of the same, stale content she is putting out
I don't think she can milk the boob jiggle for much longer
Without the cosplay side of things or cute tik toks to garner interest in her she will lose what few simps she has left
I couldn't even get hard from her last post
It was that sad and pathetic
She has such an amazing fat body, if only she knew how to pose and flaunt it

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 15:02 [Preview] No.49079 del
>she's been gaming the system about well as can be expected
Get real, she's at the very bottom of how much she could potentially earn on onlyfans doing literally nothing.
She has no clue what her subscribers want or what she, or her time, is worth either.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 18:54 [Preview] No.49080 del
That time she torched her future...

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 20:47 [Preview] No.49081 del
This is so sad.
Poor Bonbi.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 20:51 [Preview] No.49082 del
Would it be too harsh to ask her for a custom video where she just watches old edits of herself? lol
She might be even more miserable in that than her normal porn.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:19 [Preview] No.49084 del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:39 [Preview] No.49085 del
The pain in her face throughout the whole thing...

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:47 [Preview] No.49086 del
Can't feel sorry for her she did this to herself

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:57 [Preview] No.49087 del
These desperate weird posts, clearly written one-handed, happen to every single e-girl.

"She'll start doing full nudes any day now"
"I bet she'll open a lewd patreon tier soon"
"She's gonna start getting fucked on camera in TWO WEEKS"

What do you have to gain from posting this shit? You have no evidence her life circumstances have changed to force her into this, you have no evidence she enjoys OF (she clearly doesn't) and will take the next step because she's comfortable. You simply want to get off imagining that she's gonna fully whore herself out.

In two more weeks, you will be posting that bonbi is gonna do hardcore pornography in two more weeks. I have seen these posts for the last year. I have seen them for other content creators going back years. All these posts are is sad fantasies of coomers.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 21:58 [Preview] No.49088 del
I was the one that paid to put this video up here, it was pretty sad to see her embarrassed by it, I think it's a nice edit and shows she once had a community that cared about the tiktoks she made.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:05 [Preview] No.49089 del
She is probably more embarrassed by herself than the edit.
And ricehat turned out to be a weirdo too.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:14 [Preview] No.49090 del
Well duh, he's RAD.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:24 [Preview] No.49091 del
>written one-handed
Not him but I don't think he is a one handed poster. Unfortunately I think he is right that she has painted herself into a corner where she will have no financial options other than to go increasingly lewd to pay the bills. And thats sad.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:34 [Preview] No.49092 del
(12.88 MB 1280x720 rad.mp4)
Wait are you saying RAD and Ricehat were the same person? I never knew. Is this known or just a guess?

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:49 [Preview] No.49093 del
I'm embarrassed by these people as much as you are but it's not only the coomers who are writing that. A ton of incel seethers who wish she was a trad wife write that stuff because they're mad she's not an innocent little princess

*disclaimer - I don't find her posts hot/I'm not a coomer. I just acknowledge that she can do what she wants...who gives a shit?*

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:50 [Preview] No.49094 del

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:51 [Preview] No.49095 del
Asians wear Rice Hats and RAD was Asian... Connect the dots...

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:53 [Preview] No.49096 del
OK, so just rumor/jumping to conclusions/BS/making too much drama etc then.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:55 [Preview] No.49097 del
Looking down on someone for choosing to become a pornstar is not 'incel seething' its how most of society works. Addled coomer brains cant process this.

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 22:58 [Preview] No.49098 del
oh and at first I thought you meant RED

Anonymous 11/26/2024 (Tue) 23:28 [Preview] No.49099 del
I will be praying for it

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 01:43 [Preview] No.49101 del
(84.26 KB 960x720 434324232423.jpg)
(57.11 KB 960x1280 1234123123.jpg)
Oh jeez am I going to be the guy who posts stuff here? I wish the other guy who seemed to be subbed and buying all of her stuff would keep doing it, because that guy ruled.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 01:44 [Preview] No.49102 del
Also I really like that super casual selfie with her bobs out. She looks amazing.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 01:52 [Preview] No.49103 del
Have a larger version of the tits selfie.
Still waiting on today's make-up post.
If she even remembers.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 02:19 [Preview] No.49104 del
Its one of her better ones tbh

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 02:37 [Preview] No.49105 del
The bar is too low tho

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 07:51 [Preview] No.49108 del
IKR, and the other guy knew to spoiler OF pics too. He was much better.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 08:01 [Preview] No.49109 del
>imagining that she's gonna fully whore herself out
Lol Bro, this didn't age well. She just posted a video of herself using a new toy with the caption 'Should I put it in next time?'

Nobody ever said it was only two weeks away, just said she would end up there. So far she is still on track as predicted.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 09:03 [Preview] No.49110 del
(12.65 MB 480x854 sleep inducing.mp4)
Thats it?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 09:13 [Preview] No.49111 del
I died a little bit today.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:41 [Preview] No.49112 del
(225.17 KB 906x916 burnbi.jpg)
>She looks amazing
so you guys are into burn victims huh?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 13:54 [Preview] No.49113 del
Another certified virgin moment.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:04 [Preview] No.49114 del
Any news on why she was in hospital?

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:18 [Preview] No.49115 del
>"She'll start doing full nudes any day now"
She did that July 2023
>"I bet she'll open a lewd patreon tier soon"
She sort of did that July 2021 although it didn't get what most people consider lewd until August 2022
>"She's gonna start getting fucked on camera in TWO WEEKS"
She first hinted at this in August 2023 then went quiet then started talking about it again a few months ago. Nobody said two weeks, they just said its inevitable the OF arc will end up going there. They keep getting proved right.

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 14:35 [Preview] No.49116 del
the sounds she makes are more cringe than bottom of the barrel javs

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 18:00 [Preview] No.49117 del
lmfao its the $50 PPV of nothing all over again
paycucks keep losing

Anonymous 11/27/2024 (Wed) 22:24 [Preview] No.49119 del
(59.92 KB 531x610 coon.jpg)

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 02:19 [Preview] No.49121 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Gj5L9SYhoSE [Embed]
Just wanted to post this.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 04:38 [Preview] No.49123 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=TcnrXHtRgKc [Embed]

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 08:13 [Preview] No.49124 del
Bonbi JAV

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 09:20 [Preview] No.49125 del
She's so awkward that it wraps back around on itself and is kind of hot. But Bonbi you GOTTA arch your back and show your ass from this angle.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 17:16 [Preview] No.49126 del
BBG should close. Its getting overrun by creeps and with what she does now it will only get worse. Its era has ended.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 18:13 [Preview] No.49127 del
okay bonbi

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 19:19 [Preview] No.49129 del
dude how are the onlyfans payers not pissed?????? its been nothing for months now

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 19:27 [Preview] No.49130 del
Its $8 per month. Easy to overlook. A lot of them grumble but then I think they always will.

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 19:28 [Preview] No.49131 del
(392.84 KB 1246x1219 oopsie.jpg)
>Its getting overrun by creeps
tell me you're new to bbg without telling me you're new to bbg

>its been nothing for years now
little fix

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 19:59 [Preview] No.49132 del
this bonbi best bonbi, only pedos disagree

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:03 [Preview] No.49133 del
(2.89 MB 350x263 sadbunny.gif)
>Its era has ended
Sad but true

Anonymous 11/28/2024 (Thu) 20:36 [Preview] No.49134 del
god I hate newfags, they will post a 2023 bonbi spreading her legs and be like "I miss the good old days"

Anonymous 11/29/2024 (Fri) 18:51 [Preview] No.49137 del
Did she even go visit her family for Thanksgiving

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 00:55 [Preview] No.49138 del
Surprise post today

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 02:06 [Preview] No.49139 del
unsurprisingly - it's still trash

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 02:10 [Preview] No.49140 del
I'd say you are a good two years too late with that suggestion. Maybe even three.
At some point the whole board went into a really ugly and hateful spiral.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 03:25 [Preview] No.49141 del
My dad gives better blowjobs than that.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 07:34 [Preview] No.49142 del
Nah, even just one year ago there was at least the tiniest possibility of coming here to find she had posted something decent. That has changed. Probably as a result most of the old posters have gone, replaced by dudes who for some reason want to tell me their sexual desires. BBG is done.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 07:37 [Preview] No.49143 del
When she posted her first vid with the vibrator she later went on stream and said she posted something 'extremely inappropriate'. Now it seems to be all she does. Guess she doesnt care anymore, another step into total irrelevance and porn.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 08:58 [Preview] No.49145 del
Can confirm.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:10 [Preview] No.49146 del
You know I don't really get why she thinks showing the vag is some super taboo thing. Am I nuts or something? I just don't see it as some huge step over what she's already doing.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:11 [Preview] No.49147 del
I meant to also say I like these latest videos. She ALMOST does the best ass pose in the history of ass poses in the first one.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:12 [Preview] No.49148 del
I'm just here to eatch this pig humiliate herself

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:14 [Preview] No.49149 del
her squeals are so fucking annoying
i want to slit her throat
the sound of her choking on her own blood would sound much better

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 11:24 [Preview] No.49150 del
Bit extreme bro

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 12:29 [Preview] No.49151 del
(553.01 KB 477x663 bonbipoop.png)
not as extreme as the size of the log she's about to shit out

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 12:53 [Preview] No.49152 del
You're nuts. Your brain is addled by too much online porn and not enough real life company. Everybody else can clearly see it would be another step down the slope.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 13:07 [Preview] No.49153 del
which she will soon take, so it doesn't matter either way

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 13:43 [Preview] No.49154 del
I'm glad I didn't watch that miserable video log enough to see that...

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 14:02 [Preview] No.49155 del
I'm just here to watch the incels scream and cry whenever she posts something.

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:53 [Preview] No.49156 del
Does she really not even know how to masturbate?

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 15:55 [Preview] No.49157 del
Your life must be so empty

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 16:22 [Preview] No.49158 del
>bonbi gives us a reenactment of the time she was going to smear her poo on anonce's bike
What a time to be alive

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 17:57 [Preview] No.49159 del
Honestly that clip just seems like further proof that bonbi has never actually had sex, nor has any basic understanding of sexuality or arousal
It's like watching an amoeba trying to "be sexy" based on what it's learned from daytime anime tv shows and completely failing to grasp the core concept of the thing

Anonymous 11/30/2024 (Sat) 19:34 [Preview] No.49160 del

Tbh most women are like this, their conception of being sexy is presenting as available for sex. They have the pussy, so they believe that hinting that they are open to having sex should make most men go crazy for them.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 05:01 [Preview] No.49161 del
Bonbi uses dating apps bro. It's over (for you). She def has a 10+ bodycount easy

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 15:13 [Preview] No.49162 del
Destiny gives better blowjobs than this tard.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 17:09 [Preview] No.49163 del
Last TikTok over a month ago all she cares about now is OF what a way to end 2024

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 18:11 [Preview] No.49164 del
No stream in November and apparently none expected soon. One IG post in August, one in September, one in October and one in November. 18 OF posts in that time.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 23:23 [Preview] No.49165 del
18 OF posts and none of them even particularly arousing. Hopefully we get at least some pussy lips peeking by the new year.

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 23:34 [Preview] No.49166 del
Please just fuck off and die

Anonymous 12/01/2024 (Sun) 23:36 [Preview] No.49167 del
woah mama Seth was right, fat is justice

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 00:21 [Preview] No.49168 del
(5.18 MB 640x1090 School Friends.webm)

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 00:21 [Preview] No.49169 del
(1.50 MB 540x540 Sad Piano.webm)

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 00:36 [Preview] No.49170 del
(7.80 MB 1080x1920 3131287766062633141.mp4)

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:02 [Preview] No.49171 del
I think this might have been the last ever Bonbi edit. Pipe up if you know different.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:16 [Preview] No.49172 del

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:22 [Preview] No.49173 del

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:23 [Preview] No.49174 del
(3.78 MB 480x270 Zombibonkers.webm)

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 01:32 [Preview] No.49175 del
(51.06 MB 720x1280 sleep aid2.mp4)

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 02:53 [Preview] No.49176 del
Bonbi JAV sensored

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 07:25 [Preview] No.49177 del
do you guys also feel her porn retroactively ruined her old toks?

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 08:06 [Preview] No.49178 del
Alas, Yes.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 09:38 [Preview] No.49179 del
I used to have a thing for a girl I knew, who I found out did some stuff for Abby Winters. Once I found the content it completely killed any interest I had in her. Like there was nothing wrong with her with her clothes off, but all mystique had instantly evaporated.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 11:15 [Preview] No.49180 del
I think most - but not all - people find 'slut' or 'shore' unattractive. Those that do like it seem prepared to pay.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 11:15 [Preview] No.49181 del
*shore = whore

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 17:36 [Preview] No.49182 del
Unpopular opinion on this forum I'm sure, but touch grass. "Most" people don’t find it unattractive. Your online echo chambers lead you to believe that the majority of people want innocent girls. Those girls tend to be absolutely awful in bed because they have no confidence or practice. Once you grow up you'll learn that women who embrace their sexuality aren’t whores, it's just you projecting your own insecurity that you can't pull the girls you want.

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 17:40 [Preview] No.49183 del
For me it was her personality that did that

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 18:05 [Preview] No.49184 del
Most men want a woman to 'embrace her sexuality', but only for them - hence the expression a whore in the bedroom and an angle in the kitchen. Men who like women who 'spread the love more widely' are called cuckolds. They're not normal.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=BqDjMZKf-wg [Embed]

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 19:16 [Preview] No.49185 del
Tried to find something concrete for you but when I asked Duckduckgo for a survey of 'Would you date someone with an Onlyfans' 90% of its results were just Reddit threads. Kinda amazed there isn't more.

For what its worth - this was the only one I bothered checking : https://www.reddit.com/r/dating_advice/comments/18w2ic0/would_you_date_a_woman_who_has_an_onlyfans_account/

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 19:52 [Preview] No.49186 del
That's my point though. You really think the people who make and comment on these threads online constitute a holistic reflection of the dating pool? No chance.
In theory, sure... I thought the same thing when I was 16. Then I (like plenty of other men) realized that I valued a girl knowing what she liked in bed already rather than an innocent flower that needed her big strong man to show her the way. Fuuuuck that. 1. It's exhausting 2. Then you realize that women with sexual histories bring waaaaay more to the table in bed. You can keep your trad wife lol

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 20:41 [Preview] No.49187 del
why even post this? are you just looking to start an argument? bonbros don't have sex with real women. you might as well say that shit to a wall

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 22:13 [Preview] No.49188 del

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.49189 del

Anonymous 12/02/2024 (Mon) 23:43 [Preview] No.49190 del
Hi there, where is the bob and vageen?

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 04:59 [Preview] No.49191 del
I bet she skips today

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 05:27 [Preview] No.49192 del
She posted

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 05:34 [Preview] No.49193 del
Nothing to see.
Though she is using a much bigger dildo than before.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 09:07 [Preview] No.49194 del
It's every man's dream to see the Michelin man pretend to shove a plastic penis inside itself.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 10:53 [Preview] No.49195 del
God, her squeals are so fucking annoying

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 13:46 [Preview] No.49197 del
how does this fat whore expect any pity when she's had ample opportunity to go down any other path besides of?
bitch, i don't care that shoving a dildo up your fat cunt makes you cry, you don't even put out any toks anymore
she is so mentally ill it's not even funny anymore

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 13:56 [Preview] No.49198 del
Makes you wonder just how high she was recording these.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 16:15 [Preview] No.49199 del
Holy fuck I actually came buckets to a Bonbi post for the first time in a long time. Clips longer than 10 seconds, good visibility of her body even with coverage, obvious penetration, and she kicked the dildo she was fucking herself with. Came so hard my legs were twitching. Good job Bonbi, keep proving the haters wrong.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 16:44 [Preview] No.49200 del
Why the fuck do you imagine anyone here wants to know that? Is your life so empty you have to spam randos on an image board because nobody else wants to listen to you?

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 18:38 [Preview] No.49201 del
That guy is probably trolling to make it sound like coomers are like that. This post sounds faker than Bonbi's moans. The people who want OF content generally just take it and leave. The seethers project

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 20:25 [Preview] No.49202 del
>Though she is using a much bigger dildo than before.
It's the same one she has been chewing on for the last year or so.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 20:36 [Preview] No.49203 del
I am not trolling. This is a board for a woman who makes pornography and I am speaking my mind on her latest release. I have more right to be here than whatever people keep talking about some old tiktok from years ago that barely exists anymore. I am Bonbi's paying audience and I will talk about her work here as I please.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 21:35 [Preview] No.49204 del
No, this is a board created for followers of a Tiktoker and IG poster. Now she only does porn it needs to die. One of you coomers needs to make /BCG/ Bonnie Coomer General or something.

Posting your wanking preferences on a public forum is not normal. You should only do it in places made for that purpose where the people who have to see it are other dudes posting their wanking preferences.

Anonymous 12/03/2024 (Tue) 23:40 [Preview] No.49205 del
This board should be retired bonbi has changed for the worst, let coomers make there own

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 00:15 [Preview] No.49206 del
I'm gooning to Bonbi right now. How long should I edge before I let it blast?

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 00:29 [Preview] No.49208 del
Till she posts a good tiktok

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 02:00 [Preview] No.49209 del
At this point never will happen

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 03:00 [Preview] No.49210 del
Why would a pornstar post on tiktok?

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 10:09 [Preview] No.49212 del
Again I ask why she sees showing her vag as more taboo than fucking herself on cam. To me it's the other way around.

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 11:18 [Preview] No.49213 del
They're both bad. Just because she has shot herself in the left foot doesn't mean she has nothing to lose from shooting herself in the right foot. The real question is why you are so desperate to see it. You understand you ain't getting any right?

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 15:47 [Preview] No.49214 del
She's definitely not a pornstar. She's just a grifter trying to make as much money as she can from her cult following. The bullshit she puts out is like a porn parody

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 17:08 [Preview] No.49215 del
> a grifter trying to make as much money as she can from her cult following
There's a word for that : Pornstar

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 19:30 [Preview] No.49216 del
Posting some shitty nudes and squealing while pretending to masturbate doesn't make her a pornstar. I'm saying that calling her a pornstar is hyperbole

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 21:00 [Preview] No.49217 del
Pro-tip: This is pronounced hyper-bowl

Anonymous 12/04/2024 (Wed) 22:19 [Preview] No.49218 del
What the heck? Who looks at porn thinking they're going to get it? Or did you mean I'm not getting pussy in real life?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 01:39 [Preview] No.49219 del
Wtf has this board become? A board dedicated to a tiktoker to a OF obsessed porn board

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 04:40 [Preview] No.49221 del
It's a board about Bonbi. Does that not make sense to you?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 08:04 [Preview] No.49224 del
See now it looks like she's getting into it. Fucking finally.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 08:19 [Preview] No.49225 del
(91.37 KB 1080x1350 2024-12-04 ooc.jpg)
(112.72 KB 1080x1350 2024-12-04 cat.jpg)
Decembers IG post is up

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 08:22 [Preview] No.49226 del
Specifically Bonbi before she was a porn star. She has changed, a new board is required. Can you coomers please hurray up and make your own board?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 08:45 [Preview] No.49227 del
>2024-12-04 ooc.jpg
wanna blow raspberries on her tummy

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:17 [Preview] No.49228 del
It's so fucking over.

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:39 [Preview] No.49230 del
Calling Bonbi a pornstar is like calling the fat kid who is in one rec basketball league an athlete or someone who only microwaves tv dinners a cook. Have you ever even watched actual porn?

Anonymous 12/05/2024 (Thu) 13:54 [Preview] No.49231 del
skinniest girl in america

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 15:53 [Preview] No.49238 del
Sorry Bro, I am trying to keep an open mind for you but if I spend even a few seconds doing some research or looking for evidence it comes back that most people do not like pornstars. In fact it turns out most women dont even want to date someone who follows pornstars. First result from a Google search:


TLDR: 59% of women are unwilling to date someone who uses OnlyFans to subscribe to someone's sexual content. This rises to 84% if they also interact with [DM] the creator.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 15:54 [Preview] No.49239 del
literally the only guy I know who has been laid within two years has two OF subs

stop using math on women retard

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 15:58 [Preview] No.49240 del
Close Endchan, go outside and make new friends. You replied in like 10 seconds, you clearly spend too much time here.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 16:08 [Preview] No.49242 del
I'm at work

I'm banned from half of this shit website and every other place on Earth

I also mentioned my friends in the post

You aren't very smart

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 16:17 [Preview] No.49243 del
The guy who responded in two seconds wasn't me lol (I made the original argument). The survey is straight confirmation bias. I like "slutty" girls for example. I'm not looking for surveys like that. You're far more likely to get respondents who aren’t getting laid and looking for an outlet to make themselves feel like they’re not the problem. Go to a bar. The OF girls are doing just fine

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 16:18 [Preview] No.49244 del
>I'm at work
So close Endchan QUICKLY. Before someone sees it.
>I'm banned from half of this shit website and every other place on Earth
How could such a thing happen to such a nice guy?
>I also mentioned my friends in the post
I know? I just told you to get new ones, implying you have old ones.
>You aren't very smart
Smart enough to read a post before I reply to it.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 16:24 [Preview] No.49245 del
>confirmation bias
I just fired up google and searched for 'survey - date girls with an onlyfans'. Its the first result. Other results ALL gave the same message. I am being deliberately careful to avoid any confirmation bias but twice now it appears I am just right. Confirmation bias suggests I am overlooking results that say the opposite - so where are these results? I am actively looking for them but cant find them.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 17:09 [Preview] No.49246 del
My point is those men are busy dating real women rather than debating which theoretical women they would date if they could...

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 18:17 [Preview] No.49247 del
>98.37% of women are for-profit hookers
>dude thinks women will refuse to date men who like hookers

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 18:26 [Preview] No.49248 del
Sure Bro.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 18:34 [Preview] No.49249 del
Interesting research.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 21:20 [Preview] No.49250 del
Marilyn Monroe was beloved in America despite being known as a loose woman. Most of our grandmothers were getting railed to the gills in the 60's but our grandfathers still married them. Not much has changed with OF except for the mass monetization and technology. Keep deluding yourself tho

Plus...who the hell do you think comprises the population who would create and/or take an online survey like that? Seethers. Like you. Cope.

Anonymous 12/06/2024 (Fri) 23:14 [Preview] No.49251 del
The dude who wants to marry a whore 100% had a mother who turned tricks

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 01:05 [Preview] No.49252 del
Well they won't date a man who buys hookers on the woman's level. They want a come up.

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:42 [Preview] No.49257 del
fortification penetrated, bonbi has fallen

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 14:47 [Preview] No.49258 del
the only winner is seth

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 21:29 [Preview] No.49259 del
(101.11 KB 720x1280 image (7).webp)

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 22:17 [Preview] No.49260 del
might as well just have a drink and watch some old videos eh

Anonymous 12/07/2024 (Sat) 22:27 [Preview] No.49261 del
(39.98 KB 500x500 31761796.jpg)

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 04:30 [Preview] No.49264 del
now make her do the renegade

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 06:46 [Preview] No.49265 del

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 11:27 [Preview] No.49266 del
This is starting to get creepy

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 14:23 [Preview] No.49267 del
Tagged wrong post. This AI shit is creepy.

Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 19:43 [Preview] No.49268 del
one of her brother nutted to this exact photo

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 16:49 [Preview] No.49269 del
yo id be busting nuts if i was her brother, standard louisiana behavior

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 16:52 [Preview] No.49270 del
nice to see bbg edits are back

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 17:25 [Preview] No.49271 del
this but unironically

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 20:54 [Preview] No.49272 del
I do sometimes wonder if I had a sister who was on OF if I'd be too curious not to look. I do have a sister and the thought of seeing her naked is disgusting but I'd still have to know.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 21:42 [Preview] No.49273 del
ew wtf. no one needed to know that.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 22:22 [Preview] No.49274 del
Yall really need to stop overthinking nudity so much.

Anonymous 12/09/2024 (Mon) 22:24 [Preview] No.49275 del
Cant tell if mental damage or if shes trying to act like shes bothered by it, because this comes off about as genuine as a 3 dollar bill

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 04:49 [Preview] No.49276 del
little bit of column A, little bit of column B

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 13:59 [Preview] No.49277 del
She's just being a narcissist as always. She'd like to think she's "too good" for that stuff when in reality she has zero marketable skills

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 15:18 [Preview] No.49278 del
she had plenty of marketable skills back when she was still making good content
tiktok quite literally used her in their marketing

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 16:37 [Preview] No.49279 del
Clearly not enough though because she was constantly bitching even back then about not really taking off like Emiru. Early musicly.ly and tiktok ads helped get her a cult following because people thought she was cute, but CLEARLY she couldn't monetize it (evidenced by history)

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 21:53 [Preview] No.49280 del
Paypigs are being spat on again

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:10 [Preview] No.49281 del
They wish

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:16 [Preview] No.49282 del
Sounds like she is about to announce hard core

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:28 [Preview] No.49283 del

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:32 [Preview] No.49284 del
What'd she say

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:35 [Preview] No.49285 del
At this point does anyone care she already fucked up her life

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:50 [Preview] No.49286 del
She is going to pay a guy to fuck her on camera. Will censor her coochie.

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:51 [Preview] No.49287 del
Video quality is complete ass.

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 22:52 [Preview] No.49288 del
(83.77 KB 321x1111 chat.JPG)
Holy shit, you're not even joking??

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:03 [Preview] No.49290 del
oh wow this edit was the first time I ever saw bonbi in 2019
it's essentially the reason I'm here
I should reflect on this

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:22 [Preview] No.49291 del

>Starts off by bitching about how tired she feels, even though she can't name a single thing she done in the last weeks
>Thinks that the CEO shooter is cute and "looks like a real man"
>Says she doesn't like south park anymore and that "something" made her grow out of it
>Mentioned once again that she met someone she probably trusts enough to to b/g stuff with, but is afraid of asking the guy about it
>One of her cats is sick
>Did a stupid little dance to a Disney movie song

That's it

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:47 [Preview] No.49292 del
Ignore this, he is trolling.

Anonymous 12/10/2024 (Tue) 23:56 [Preview] No.49293 del
If we're being honest its been over for some time. Tonight just confirmed there's no way back.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 00:24 [Preview] No.49294 del
She did say she's going to do more lewd and inappropriate content for her OF, probably tonight. Longer PPVs. That sort of thing.
Time will tell how long she can keep this up

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 02:52 [Preview] No.49295 del
Guessing she's desperate for money, bet she thinks if she goes full porn star she can charge a high price

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 06:27 [Preview] No.49296 del
It is sad to see that bonbi has entirely failed as a human being in every conceivable way
she stands as living testament to the folly of hope

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 07:34 [Preview] No.49297 del
The way she was talking it sounds more like she just wants lots of money, its not that shes desperate and going to be evicted or something. Shes just decided to join the hardcore porn grift.

It was hilarious hearing her say she had got a volunteer but was insisting she was going to pay him even though he was adamant she didn't have to. 90% of chat was asking to volunteer. Dumb naivety to the end.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 10:05 [Preview] No.49298 del
>Shes just decided to join the hardcore porn grift.
without showing her pussy, sorry, "coochie"

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 10:44 [Preview] No.49299 del
Bonbi you did so good this week. My life is unbelievably miserable with only coldness but when I saw you did come through with that OF post, and it was so much of what we/I have been desiring. I knew you could do it. I kept paying even with repetitive posts and the schedule changes. You're hitting gold now Bonbi and I can't wait to pay more than ever. I will be buying every drop undoubtedly.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 11:03 [Preview] No.49300 del
(34.72 MB 1280x720 fire.mp4)

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 11:25 [Preview] No.49301 del
FFS Coomers, get your own board already.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 14:10 [Preview] No.49302 del
Retire this board all bonbi does is porn now, she doesn't do TikTok anymore and on ig all she shows off are her tits

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 14:17 [Preview] No.49303 del
(48.11 MB 1078x1920 coom.webm)

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 14:23 [Preview] No.49304 del

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 18:33 [Preview] No.49305 del
Or you guys could just leave. It’s a Bonbi board... always has been. She just makes different content now.

Or you can make a simp thread here where you reminisce on the good old days and repost shitty edits. Whatever

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 18:55 [Preview] No.49306 del
Did she really say the boy/girl stuff or was that just a troll? Because I can't imagine how awkward that would be.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 19:58 [Preview] No.49307 del
(3.73 MB 1280x720 bonbi bg.mp4)
>Did she really say the boy/girl stuff

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 20:17 [Preview] No.49308 del
(10.75 MB 1280x720 bonbi sex volunteer.mp4)

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 20:24 [Preview] No.49309 del
what is wrong with this woman

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 20:45 [Preview] No.49310 del
incurable stupidity

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:21 [Preview] No.49311 del
Bonbi's decisions are so bad and illogical.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:28 [Preview] No.49312 del
VHS Bonbi bonburns bright.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:31 [Preview] No.49313 del
Ah man that's pretty sad.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:33 [Preview] No.49314 del
will never be able to wrap my head around how its gotten this bad and keeps getting worse

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:53 [Preview] No.49315 del
Gotta love the 43yo bloke immediately asking her about anal.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 21:58 [Preview] No.49316 del
She did say she started weight loss meds a few months ago and her last insta post was a progress pic.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 22:19 [Preview] No.49317 del
Well she does look great. I hope the guy she gets isn't some piece of shit.

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 22:42 [Preview] No.49318 del
She released a preview shot of him

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 23:08 [Preview] No.49319 del
Yea man the lazy rich girl who hasnt made a logical decision in 5 years is totally gonna bag a guy that wants to live in her shit filled animal dildo house

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 23:10 [Preview] No.49320 del
How does a grown woman in a world of porn be this unsexy? Does she not realize that being genuine is what gets people over, not this cringey japanese moaning fake shit

Anonymous 12/11/2024 (Wed) 23:12 [Preview] No.49321 del
yes we know maga chuds are pedos that watch 15 year olds dance on tiktok

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 00:59 [Preview] No.49322 del
Why is her whole crotch area brown? It's not just shadows.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 01:03 [Preview] No.49323 del

Early onset of Achantosis Nigricans. Fat people get darker areas on the crotch, neck, armpits, etc.

It's specially noticeable in super pale people

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 02:27 [Preview] No.49324 del
Lol she's adorable. I'm glad she's having fun with this now.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 03:00 [Preview] No.49325 del
She mimics what porn she watches, hentai

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 04:49 [Preview] No.49326 del
Where did she post this?

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 05:13 [Preview] No.49328 del
Hentai at least shows something getting fucked.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 05:13 [Preview] No.49329 del
Thanks for posting bonbi, try not to get ''groomed''

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 07:48 [Preview] No.49330 del
>Where did she post this?
You must be new here

Posting this now makes me realize its a reminder of what it takes to make the sort of girl coomers like.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 09:12 [Preview] No.49331 del
If she were being genuine she'd still just be doing tiktok dances and maybe streaming.
This is an insane scenario where somebody who isn't a whore is trying to be one.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 09:19 [Preview] No.49332 del
Why would she pay her bf to fuck her?
Or if it's not her bf why does she say "people won't be happy because I'm not single forever"
This is bizarre all around

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 11:54 [Preview] No.49333 del
Its not her BF - earlier in the stream she told a story of visiting hospital and telling the nurse she was not sexually active. She thought people would be upset because they would get jealous seeing her with another man. My guess on her reasoning is they shouldn't because that would mean they would expect her to never get a BF.

I assume she doesn't realize people get upset because they dont like whores, jealousy not required. I suspect the OnlyFriends have her persuaded of their unusually narrow world view that people dont mind any more. Its like the coomers here keep saying everyone is OK with it now but any attempt at research confirms attitudes have not really changed, it is just coomer copium.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 12:13 [Preview] No.49334 del
>dropped the south park obsession
Wild. 100% she spent over $1k on merch

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 13:25 [Preview] No.49335 del
>keeps doing progressively lewder things
>won't just buy a decent camera and try and take semi-professional tier photos
Rather than paying a guy to fuck her, she could've paid a guy 3 years ago to take photoshoots of her, on location, at home, wherever.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 14:37 [Preview] No.49336 del
the real headscratcher is why she seems to conflate "being in a relationship" with "posting hardcore pornography on the internet"
very reminiscent of her old argument that "being an adult" = "showing my tits to strangers online"
it's like she's never actually set foot outside, and instead views the entire world solely through the lens of pornhub and onlyfans
zoomers are a very broken people.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 14:43 [Preview] No.49337 del
the anon who made that video isn't even american.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 14:45 [Preview] No.49338 del
>the real headscratcher is why she seems to conflate "being in a relationship" with "posting hardcore pornography on the internet"
what are you even talking about?
She very clearly said she's not going to be alone in response to the people who want her to be an uwu single virgin girl forever.
that is utterly irrelevant to her fucking a guy on camera.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 14:49 [Preview] No.49339 del
rewatch the first clip and try again

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 14:50 [Preview] No.49340 del
(3.73 MB 1280x720 bonbi bg.mp4)
at the end of this clip she says "it was bound to happen, i wasn't going to be single forever"
how is that not conflating fucking someone for money to being in a relationship?

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 15:17 [Preview] No.49341 del
>how is that not conflating fucking someone for money to being in a relationship?
Fucking someone for money and being in a relationship both involve being fucked by someone. She seemed to be saying people upset at her going full hardcore porn would also have been upset at her getting a BF for that reason.

Its bullshit because people will be upset at her doing hardcore porn for a totally different reason - most people dont like whores. Getting a BF is different - it would not make her a whore. Some folks would be upset but that would be their problem.

Anonymous 12/12/2024 (Thu) 15:44 [Preview] No.49342 del
BROS IM CRYING our bluebon is moving up in the world, building work connections, she is on her way to success... I FEEL LIKE A PROUD FATHER

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