/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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CommunityGod? SeekingValuedWisdom 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:29 [Preview] No. 2195 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2217
Seeking teaching in how to properly post in response and in OC posts in this board, in order to gain the wisdom I should seek in a supernatural way, however physical interaction between you (all) and I would be helpful in building for myself a place among /GodsCommunity/

SameOP 02/15/2024 (Thu) 09:38 [Preview] No.2197 [X] del >>2217
I see there are beings in charge or in expertise regarding certain topics - is this interchangeable with one another, as the so called "spirit" or the nature of the God moves between individuals, or have yall decided upon certain individuals to lead certain advances ? I'm a young God with heavily supernaturally leaning ways and movements within and externally to myself. Simply seeking a community to be and find myself in ways that the common community or world-wide societies are incapable of watering/feeding. Thanks /Gods/

Community explanations CoreGod and 71 more 02/18/2024 (Sun) 04:57 [Preview] No.2217 [X] del

>Seeking teaching in how to properly post in response and in OC posts in this board, in order to gain the wisdom I should seek in a supernatural way, however physical interaction between you (all) and I would be helpful in building for myself a place among /GodsCommunity
We provide some teachings and wisdom, but I rather avoid physical interaction in order to concentrate in theory/ideas and to keep some secure privacy.
Related: >>1549

>I see there are beings in charge or in expertise regarding certain topics - is this interchangeable with one another, as the so called "spirit" or the nature of the God moves between individuals, or have yall decided upon certain individuals to lead certain advances ?
I use different names (and combination of names) for different topics, but it is me. I am already a community on my own. The list of names and topics that I use is posted in this thread: >>528 (I am using 3 more names already). I am not limited to that names as I can create/use more. Me, as a god, moves beyond a single topic.
Related: >>970
I don't recommend to specialize in one single topic, as to be complete in your own (complete god).

>I'm a young God with heavily supernaturally leaning ways and movements within and externally to myself. Simply seeking a community to be and find myself in ways that the common community or world-wide societies are incapable of watering/feeding. Thanks /Gods/
We are some source of spirituality/ideas, but maybe we disappoint you as we don't fulfill your needs or practical desires.
I created this community because I didn't find some other community that is good enough for me, but I still use them as a source of interesting ideas.
Related: >>451

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New here, welcome me in! Deiform 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:07 [Preview] No. 2202 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2214
Hello everyone! I'm not entirely sure on the proper process for posting and replying here as I usually interact supernaturally! (AS Im sure ya'll do also)

My name is Deiform and I'm a young person (meager human ((perhaps)) however ascending.

I've discovered this place and feel as if I would make a good fit in your community and may even be able to assist in many ways to bring about a good (benevolent and productive/creative) change or movement within the community.

Don't mind me! I'm going to slowly learn how to behave properly amongst you all and learn where my place is amongst you all and within the great/er plan/s.

God/s willing I'll fit right in!!!

Newcomer CoreGod CommunityGod GodOfAll 02/17/2024 (Sat) 01:53 [Preview] No.2214 [X] del
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>Hello everyone! I'm not entirely sure on the proper process for posting and replying here as I usually interact supernaturally! (AS Im sure ya'll do also)
I'm not sure if everybody here interact supernaturally.

>My name is Deiform and I'm a young person (meager human ((perhaps)) however ascending.
We are also ascending.

>I've discovered this place and feel as if I would make a good fit in your community and may even be able to assist in many ways to bring about a good (benevolent and productive/creative) change or movement within the community.
Good. Still there isn't a formal membership entrance to our community.

>Don't mind me! I'm going to slowly learn how to behave properly amongst you all and learn where my place is amongst you all and within the great/er plan/s.
Our greater plan (global plan) is to fully become the God of All or the godly control of All.

>God/s willing I'll fit right in!!!
Our will is already at top level or God level.

My Blog Deiform 02/15/2024 (Thu) 10:22 [Preview] No. 2206 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2211

Here contains some philisophical/poetic/supernatural writings that exist simply to be an example of the life of a man whom has not living as most other HUMANS...

Deiform CoreGod and 71 more 02/16/2024 (Fri) 00:22 [Preview] No.2211 [X] del
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>Here contains some philisophical/poetic/supernatural writings that exist simply to be an example of the life of a man whom has not living as most other HUMANS...

It looks like someone (some weeks ago) used your name Deiform (in the Christian posts of >>2126 and >>2127) or it is you?
In any case, it will take some time to answer all that you posted recently, as I'm not that fast posting, as I like to meditate every post with clever clarity (and then translated it in human writing).

Of course, I recommend insightful stable sanity and not madness/insanity.

Without the "I AM" there is no eternal Godship Deiform 01/17/2024 (Wed) 13:59 [Preview] No. 2126 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2211>>2134
I'm new to this side of the web and am really quite intrigued however worried that the state of "Gods" is becoming overpowered by people seeking their own ends and their own Kingdom, rather than that of THE GODS - THE I AM's Kingdom of Heaven.

Please correct me if I am wrong, I am relevantly young in GodHood and would like some assurance that this board is committed to the furtherance of Christs Heavens and not our own power and God status.

I would rather be a meek man w/ out the power and understanding I have now if it meant still worshiping Christ as the One True God and Creator than be a God like deiform being and live without Him.

We are beyond Christianity CoreGod & GodOfAll 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:35 [Preview] No.2134 [X] del
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>I'm new to this side of the web and am really quite intrigued however worried that the state of "Gods" is becoming overpowered by people seeking their own ends and their own Kingdom, rather than that of THE GODS - THE I AM's Kingdom of Heaven.
We are seeking our own ends (our goals) and seeking our own Kingdom (our paradise).

>Please correct me if I am wrong, I am relevantly young in GodHood and would like some assurance that this board is committed to the furtherance of Christs Heavens and not our own power and God status.
This board is committed to our own power (as top level sovereign beings) and to reach full independent God status.

>I would rather be a meek man w/ out the power and understanding I have now if it meant still worshiping Christ as the One True God and Creator than be a God like deiform being and live without Him.
We prefer to be gods with full power and understanding. Ultimately, we want to become the eternal omnipotent God of All.

>I doubt you would punish me harshly, you are benevolent beings and as such seek to bring people to the understanding of Harmonygod and Freegod.
We are benevolent beings indeed.
HarmonyGod and FreeGod are names that I use. Currently I use 72 names. Approximately, 95% of the posts of this website are mine.

You seem to be an intelligent and advanced Christian. Maybe what we posted it (>>689) will help you in your ascension path.

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Just adding my input - hope it is of assistance Deiform 01/17/2024 (Wed) 14:28 [Preview] No. 2127 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>2211>>2133
I vehemently believe all those who seek to ascend to God Hood must follow the call of the Good Shepard. I believe that if you are truly benevolent than you will have or will do at some point speak with the Highest Power or His Gods and will eventually, out of Wisdom, Goodness and Truth - seek to throw your lot in with them and serve in fellowship with them.

I have only recently started to garner attention regarding the fruits I bring to the table in/for Heaven and the Heavenly Bride/Bridegroom and their people so I can not speak much for my own Godhood.

I don't really wish to speak of my own deeds and abilities, but however since I believe I'm approaching a Glorified state (At least I hope so, forgive me Lord if I am being arrogant.) I may as well speak of the things I've done and can do.

1. Weather manipulation - Can conjure up storms, move the wind at will, slow down/speed up the rain.
2. telepathy - I try avoid this if done in any sort of way that invades on peoples privacy but I do conversation with people this way.
3. ESP - moving flames, objects with my mind ( usually altering the course of objects already in motion. )
4. Time manipulation - is actually more so my soul and spirit moving back and forward along the timeline, which has actually evolved into the ever eternal state of "now" being a gateway and window into viewing or witnessing all or at least more points of realities passing from the current ever present "now" (Of course ONLY the one True Creator, Elhoim, is able to be omniscient in regards to all things let alone time)
5. Speaking with angels - These are my greatest allies at this point and serve God with zeal and Grace, they are able to do all things that God has provisioned onto them to do. I'm not going too talk too much into length regarding this as that's really not my business to be sharing.
6. I have dominion over demons, spirits, angels, animals, pretty much anything as long as it's run past God and His most relative ruling authority/s.
7. Access to libraries and stores of books (Which of course, don't function as a normal book would. at least not in the strictest degree that our minds would understand.)
8. Knowledge/ability gifted onto me that I have no right of knowing or being proficient with, such as weapon handling skills, navigation, warfare strategy and other things ( This is because The Lord God is my teacher as too are some of His Saints and Angels.

I'm sure there's more I could list as these things really just come and go depending on what's needed/wanted/required of my/for me/by me at the time - in regards to GODS DESIRES as well as often times my own desires (Which is a great honor and blessing)

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Superpowers CoreGod & PowerGod 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:32 [Preview] No.2133 [X] del
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>1. Weather manipulation - Can conjure up storms, move the wind at will, slow down/speed up the rain.
>8. Knowledge/ability gifted onto me that I have no right of knowing or being proficient with, such as weapon handling skills, navigation, warfare strategy and other things ( This is because The Lord God is my teacher as too are some of His Saints and Angels.

Impressive! And we want to surpass all of it, beyond other gods.

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God's Community is above traditional religions CoreGod & some company 10/27/2023 (Fri) 05:18 [Preview] No. 1931 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>1932
This thread (>>418), most likely, repels (scares off) simple traditional/obsolete Christians (https://endchan.net/christian) and other archaic religions/mindsets because of the attached images that we posted.

link CoreGod 10/27/2023 (Fri) 05:24 [Preview] No.1932 [X] del
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Gnosticism [comparing] CoreGod & ScheduleGod 07/18/2023 (Tue) 04:16 [Preview] No. 1720 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>1754>>1786>>1818
In this thread we're going to show you some differences and similarities between some Gnostics and God's Community.

Estimated schedule of releases of information (dates in UTC):

03 August 2023 : Sophia
19 August 2023 : Monad
04 September 2023 : Posting it in our main website (https://godscommunity.boards.net)

Sophia CoreGod, WisdomGod & BeyondGod 08/03/2023 (Thu) 00:15 [Preview] No.1754 [X] del >>1786>>1818
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Gnosticism is about knowledge, spiritual/mystic wisdom, key truths or special knowledge beyond everyday life.
In Gnostic traditions, the name Sophia (Σοφία, Greek for "wisdom") refers to the final emanation of God, described as unruly and disobedient, that lead to improper manifestations on the material plane of Earth.

We do appreciate wisdom as well.
We don't know who created this (maybe holographic/virtual) world, but certainly it is messy, one of many possible hellish places.

wisdom: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/159/wisdom
truth: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/165/truth
hellish places: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/204/negative-beings

Monad CoreGod & GodOfAll 08/19/2023 (Sat) 06:34 [Preview] No.1786 [X] del >>1818
>>1720 >>1754

In many Gnostic systems, God is known as the Monad, the One, the Absolute. God is the high source of the Pleroma, the region of light full of divine powers, that emanates aeons/æons such as divine entities and realms (including Sophia).

We try to become (just one) God, or as we called the God of All, with our qualities of absolutes. We try to be a powerful source of divine qualities, perfect spirituality and benevolent morality.

Info: https://youtube.com/watch?v=NnEO5DhRHLQ [Embed]

Posted in our main website CoreGod 09/04/2023 (Mon) 03:57 [Preview] No.1818 [X] del
>>1720 >>1754 >>1786

This thread is posted in our main website (with some small modifications): https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/274/gnosticism-comparing

Lrneo Anonymous 07/27/2023 (Thu) 06:48 [Preview] No. 1739 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>1741
Teach me something and in exchange i'll teach you something

This is important

Initiate me please
Be my ally

Contact me by sending an email(s) to sosalekashae@protonmail dot com

Learning CoreGod, TeachGod & TheoryGod 07/28/2023 (Fri) 06:31 [Preview] No.1741 [X] del

I don't know what that word means. Maybe it is an anagram for loner?

>Teach me something
We have a thread about teaching >>1354, but I doubt that is what you are looking for.

>Initiate me please
We don't have formal initiations (yet) and all our content is public.
You seem to be interested in chakras and related esoteric content, but, we don't have (yet) that type of practical content as it is not verified by current mainstream science, also, we currently dwell mostly in theory.
Basically our group is about becoming gods, but we don't know how to do it (yet).

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GTRKgnEePl8 [Embed]

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Deep Site WeAllUnite 06/15/2023 (Thu) 10:50 [Preview] No. 1664 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>1666
PsychoChamber.com is online

Sanity CoreGod 06/16/2023 (Fri) 01:28 [Preview] No.1666 [X] del

I watched that website, and I recommend sanity (mental health) as the word psycho indicate mental illness.

We all are somehow connected though space, that doesn't make us really unite in terms of unanimous agreement of every subject.

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I The Savior Will Reveal A New Social Media Platform That Will Defeat All If Receive Fair Donation The Savior 05/22/2023 (Mon) 11:10 [Preview] No. 1636 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>1638
I The Savior Will Reveal A New Social Media Platform That Will Defeat All If Receive Fair Donation
Source, More Info: https://ascensionjoy.com/05/2023/i-the-savior-will-reveal-a-new-social-media-platform-that-will-defeat-all-if-receive-fair-donation/

All of the current digital online social media platform are outdated and terrible.
As far as I know, there are many billions dollar/euro was and are pouring in this industry of digital online social media platform but still without any kind of success.

Here I am talking about all the platform from both the East and West such as twitter, facebook, weibo, reddit, youtube, tiktok, etc.

I as an outsider, also as the real Savior have a great brand new digital online social media platform on my mind at the moment.
And I strongly believe it will easily defeat and destroy all the current online social media platform at the moment.

But the problem is that I am living in a 3rd world country with very low reputation, thus cannot setup any new big international company/startup to make that become reality.

I also do not want waste my time, my energy without receiving anything worthy in return just like many of my previous works such as my books, my courses, my projects.

The most clear example is my new “pay as you will” marketplace that no any entities want to pay me any moment. There is a big possibility they will steal my idea and claim as their own.

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Money is secondary CoreGod, AscendGod & BlissGod 05/23/2023 (Tue) 03:35 [Preview] No.1638 [X] del
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>Guaranteed Money Back

Most likely, what you are posted is a kind of scam. You seem to be more interested in money than in spirituality.
Luckily our community doesn't ask for money or donations. Our priority isn't money, it is actually high level spirituality.

Joyful ascending regards!