/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Playing Video Games on Tor Detroit 01/27/2020 (Mon) 09:33:56 [Preview] No. 12106 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Anonymous 01/20/2020 (Mon) 01:13:18 [Preview] No. 12105 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Would you speedrun at them? :-)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=r4sDHHlxVP0 [Embed]

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Transportation Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 01:48:35 [Preview] No. 11979 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey anon, wanna play some OpenTTD together?
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Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:10:30 [Preview] No.11989 del
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Naw, stolen from a very old SomethingAwful thread.

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 03:11:02 [Preview] No.11990 del
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Here's the other two.

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 20:39:49 [Preview] No.12003 del
It's buried deep in the game's options but I'm pretty sure you can actually set the default behaviour for all vehicles to be replace automatically. That way you just need to opt-out on the rare occasion you don't want it.

Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 20:43:29 [Preview] No.12004 del
Yeah, that's on by default too. But it only replaces an old thing with a new thing of the same model. To mass replace your vehicles of one type with a completely different type you need something else.

Anonymous 11/09/2019 (Sat) 21:36:56 [Preview] No.12095 del

This is the autism we expect here

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Dominions 5 Anonymous 09/02/2019 (Mon) 16:12:19 [Preview] No. 12056 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Any anons here play it. Still aimlessly roaming, trying to find the Dominions buddies I used to play with on /vg/.

Anonymous 09/04/2019 (Wed) 22:56:53 [Preview] No.12057 del
What kind of game is this?

Anonymous 10/22/2019 (Tue) 14:47:42 [Preview] No.12088 del
Strategy/ 4x

Anonymous 10/30/2019 (Wed) 02:09:41 [Preview] No.12093 del
I started playing Dominions 5 this year.

The strategy I came up with is playing MA Marignon with the God Buffs directed towards their sacred knights. 2x attack skill, 2x defence skill, solar weapons and other things I donĀ“t remember. The Knights just shred everything that they touch. Its pretty fun to see.

FPS thread Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 09:09:46 [Preview] No. 11550 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A thread for all your FPS needs. A non-exhaustive list of good FPS:
Unreal Tournament

Serious Sam

What was the last FPS you played?
What did you enjoy about it?

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Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 18:19:49 [Preview] No.11670 del
While both solid games on their own, the game REALLY shines in the community levels. Doom 2's levels can be lacking in some areas, but its enemy and weapon variety are fantastic.
Don't enable jumping or crouching, it's not designed for that and you can break the levels pretty easily.

If you haven't yet, be sure to run through Quake sometime too.

Anonymous 08/06/2019 (Tue) 18:30:45 [Preview] No.11673 del
Thanks, will try Quake eventually.

Anonymous 09/22/2019 (Sun) 17:12:46 [Preview] No.12068 del
its a very "odd" game, but very fun for at least a while(for me it was extremely fun for many hours). Its got good replay value too with the different builds you can make but maximum jojolegs are hard to do without. if you like being a goodgoy i still suggest piracy because its not a typical game and you may not get your moneys worth out of it.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 17:05:32 [Preview] No.12080 del
Yeah TF2 is pretty gud. Spent a lot of time playing that game

Have you guys ever tried Black or Superhot?

Anonymous 10/27/2019 (Sun) 05:23:01 [Preview] No.12092 del
Team Fortress 2, the classes are well made and there are good weapons that I had fun using.

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Bosses that ruffle your feathers Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 01:59:11 [Preview] No. 12074 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What are some bosses that really make you angry? This motherfucker from Metal Slug 5 really grinds my gears.

Anonymous 10/15/2019 (Tue) 07:11:46 [Preview] No.12085 del
Is this place gonna liven up again soon? I have no desire to discuss video games with QAnon Boomers.

Anonymous 10/18/2019 (Fri) 00:57:34 [Preview] No.12087 del
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Hopefully. It was lively until the migration happened. Dunno were everyone is at now

Any boss that autoheals or revives his teammates

Anonymous 10/23/2019 (Wed) 03:18:58 [Preview] No.12089 del
>Any boss that autoheals or revives his teammates
This is a fun one on Mania mode.

Anonymous 10/24/2019 (Thu) 20:37:07 [Preview] No.12090 del
>image didn't post
Oh is this still a problem?

world building Anonymous 10/02/2017 (Mon) 11:01:40 [Preview] No. 11257 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
You know, conspiracy theorizing used to be pretty fun before all these underage jewtube goys started shouting it down with "A GAYYYYYMM THEORY!!!1" as if it was that copypasting shill who invented it.

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 03:32:28 [Preview] No. 11264 del
Yeah it was until the you read fifty "THEY WERE IN A COMA TEH WHOLE TIME" or "THESE TWO GAMES ARE ACTUALLY CONNECTED GUIZ" theories.Then it got pretty annoying. MatPat is just the poster boy of that retardation. But hey, that's just a theory...

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 03:33:43 [Preview] No. 11265 del
Forgot my image

Anonymous 10/04/2017 (Wed) 17:38:38 [Preview] No. 11266 del
Conspiracy theorizing used to be fun until scrubs came over looking only to leech free entartainment but didn't find pooling of ideas entertaining.

Anonymous 10/08/2019 (Tue) 21:37:17 [Preview] No.12084 del

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just finished ac origins Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 18:13:53 [Preview] No. 12075 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
tbh I used to hate the franchise as a whole, I just didn't like the concept. boring tail missions and being forced to play stealth all the time was something that I really loathed.
But then I played ass origins and my view has completely changed. No more tailing missions, the game gives you the complete freedom to play it however you like and want (different ways to approach enemies and situations, you're not forced to do stealth any more), and the combat has been reworked to the hit-box system instead of the lame ass boring paired animations system that has been used in the previous asscreed games.

Also not to mention the skill tree and the fuck ton of different weapons that have been added to the game, pic related.

Assassin's Creed Origins is a masterpiece, let me elaborate:

>RPG elements
>Sandbox system
>Improved AI
>Great details (the attention to complexity in this game is just so damn good)
>Gigantic world with tons of interesting things to discover (The map is as big as GTA V's map + there's an additional downloadable map i.e DLC)
>Great environment
>Every city feels alive
>You can literally climb anything
>Challenging combat system (especially if you play it on the max difficulty, you die from two hits), no more paired animation system, it's now a hit-box system
>Great story, Great Protagonist

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Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 00:17:58 [Preview] No.12076 del
Shame it's a DRM-crippled piece of shit.

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 03:36:31 [Preview] No.12078 del
I don't think cracks count or really address the societal problem. Origins was crippled with some pretty heinous DRM and I hope Ubisoft chokes on shit for it.

Ubisoft OpenSpace engine? Anonymous 09/29/2019 (Sun) 00:26:49 [Preview] No. 12073 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anyone knows anything about it? It was used in Rayman 2, 3, Tonic Trouble and a few other 3D Ubi games from late 90s/early 00s. Looking for modding resources, or at least some info, but there's literally nothing online.

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YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE GAMES Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 10:20:30 [Preview] No. 11996 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT we post our top 5 favorite games in order to get to know each other a little bit and celebrate the fact that we got rid of the cake kike. I'll start, feel free to criticize my normalfag taste:

1. Ocarina of Time
2. Super Mario 64
3. Splatoon 2
4. Dark Souls
5. Final Fantasy 7
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Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 20:58:43 [Preview] No.12005 del
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There's one. Avoid the cancer known as "Xrd" and start with the XX series.

Anonymous 08/28/2019 (Wed) 05:44:50 [Preview] No.12052 del
1. Crash Bandicoot 2
2. The Simpsons: Hit & Run
3. Destroy All Humans!
4. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
5. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Anonymous 08/31/2019 (Sat) 04:48:26 [Preview] No.12054 del
dragon's dogma
metal gear rising
deadly premonition
fallout new vegas

Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 18:26:05 [Preview] No.12061 del
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r8 m8s

Honorable mention goes to the Katamari series

Anonymous 09/26/2019 (Thu) 12:59:56 [Preview] No.12070 del
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Diablo 2: Lord Of Destruction
Starcraft: Broodwar
Sacred: Gold
Age of Empires 2
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Guild Wars
Counter Strike: Source
Dawn Of War 2
Planetside 1
Sonic Adventure 2 (Dreamcast)
Halo: CE (Xbox 1)