/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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qwerty537 aka brotheralameen d4rkr4bb1t47 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:39 [Preview] No. 35092 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Check out this autist
74 posts and 22 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 03:00 [Preview] No.38119 del
>you guys just kill yourselves already.
>You're all horid
There is no we.

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 11:44 [Preview] No.38124 del
(175.82 KB 750x600 16590-piss02hh.jpg)
Jordan-Speak: Wee wee

Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 20:19 [Preview] No.38137 del
thx bro
my ai company
>geordie a pzds inc
is coming along by leaps and bounds

Klim##SAY7BM 09/26/2024 (Thu) 02:18 [Preview] No.38140 del
(13.28 KB 539x235 Klim Corp.png)
It's all good.
Klim Corp (Trading as 'Klim Brand') is my company, too.
It's real
It's on the internet, so it must be real.

(PS. You know it's the real Klim by the tripcode “Klim##SAY7BM” … Fuck the haters!) 😏

Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 06:32 [Preview] No.38150 del
(56.09 KB 1280x720 005e77.jpg)

(443.33 KB 554x908 Hitlerfact23.png)
How many deviantart children has Jordan "El demonio que come caca" Rivera groomed?
504 posts and 131 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 08:34 [Preview] No.37862 del
>It's not sociable?
(Slow clap)
>to people that don't have.
But that's not what I'm doing. I'm using the acronym "PDD" to refer to someone who has a PDD. That's you.

Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 19:56 [Preview] No.37877 del
You're legitimately retarded.
If you think everything should be known to parents then you're a freak

Secret Squirrel##37otdf 09/17/2024 (Tue) 23:59 [Preview] No.37883 del
(298.51 KB 1287x826 Jordan Stupid Brain.jpg)

Anonymous 09/18/2024 (Wed) 08:19 [Preview] No.37894 del
You mean like some kind of pervasive developmental disorder? You should post those IQ test results to prove which one of us is suffering from a mental retardation.

Anonymous 09/23/2024 (Mon) 11:08 [Preview] No.38055 del
>You're legitimately retarded.
That's a PDD you're thinking of.
>If you think everything should be known to parents
In your case, everything should be known to law enforcement.

So they don't want to call the cops because they can't handle Autistics fairly or some bullshit.

Can't wait till this violent animal grows bigger and does real damage, like break arms. What will they do then?
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Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 05:27 [Preview] No.37656 del
Nice troll post, Wizz

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 05:38 [Preview] No.37661 del
(185.39 KB 1024x1024 check canon lore 02.jpg)
(227.17 KB 1010x1010 canon00.jpg)
Indeed. Your own voice does make you sound, as you say, "stupid".
Thanks for confirming.

Official©️®️™️ Jordan/Yonkers/Poopcat/Macker/Mittens Canon Lore.

“So Mote It Be”

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 06:02 [Preview] No.37662 del
(8.17 KB 200x200 empty.jpg)
>Heads don't have sounds

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 06:26 [Preview] No.37663 del
>You've already gained enough knowledge and improvement by leaving, don't feel bad.
>Nice troll post, Wizz
You both aren't funny.

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 06:59 [Preview] No.37664 del
Added to the Official ©️®️™️ Canon Lore

I don't know if this is up your alley... Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 23:14 [Preview] No. 36512 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I was on a bus with a retard who took his pants off, and another one who stole someone's lunch that's also retarded.

I'm retarded, that is I have Autism, these guys are more retarded than me. I can't complain about this in Autism groups cause they'll say I'm an ableist. So I'm venting here thinking I might get people who understand my being pissed off.
116 posts and 43 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 10:07 [Preview] No.37408 del
>thats a 14 year olds art klim
You would need to know this to accuse Klim of your knowledge to begin with.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 13:44 [Preview] No.37429 del

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 04:22 [Preview] No.37488 del
that's literally from a fucking kid you jackass
have you not seen his fucking art style and his posts coming here? man you're as stupid as pinoy boy ehre

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:28 [Preview] No.37499 del
how do you know that kiddie ay geordie lol

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:29 [Preview] No.37501 del
Why would you specifically know that detail, Jordan?
Not a good response there, was it?

Had to claim I was molested not to get hugged by retards Anonymous 08/29/2024 (Thu) 23:52 [Preview] No. 37040 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This happened years ago. Basically everyone was saying I shouldn't be upset, that they're people too. So I said I was molested cause people thought I was unreasonable for not wanting to be manhandled by retards.
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Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 22:36 [Preview] No.37479 del
(25.23 KB 448x322 200 Laff 60l4.jpg)
What a hilarious episode coming up... Jordan's screaming sperg rage attack at the November Polling Booth, as it all wholly overwhelms him.

Stun guns, tasers, tranquiliser darts, spit hoods... all in front of a crowd... and TV cameras... what a glorious Jordan day!

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 22:54 [Preview] No.37481 del
(84.49 KB 768x768 Jordan's Slop.jpg)
It'll happen.

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 23:35 [Preview] No.37482 del
(104.53 KB 1024x1024 wtf am i looking at.jpg)

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 03:50 [Preview] No.37483 del
who's screaming and getting a bunch of darts??? calm down, man. i'm not any of your crazy men. get a life

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 05:11 [Preview] No.37489 del
(192.18 KB 460x460 Hugging Jacket.png)
(49.48 KB 828x985 crazy-jacket.jpg)
Thanks, Starruko

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 09:27 [Preview] No.37044 del
>You don't even have a dozen companies, divisions subsidiaries or anything reliable.
That's what makes him you. All he's missing is the PDD.

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 09:57 [Preview] No.37046 del
It's true. I can just tell.

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 16:16 [Preview] No.37047 del
None of us have PDD.

Jordan "I Have PDD" Rivera 08/30/2024 (Fri) 16:19 [Preview] No.37049 del
Except me.

Anonymous 08/30/2024 (Fri) 16:45 [Preview] No.37054 del
I have PDD.
I can just tell.

THE FURRY CONVENTION Anonymous 08/23/2024 (Fri) 11:00 [Preview] No. 36708 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
registering on kiwifarmms is probably a bad idea if your bad with opsec but furries are gathering on:
https://www.nationstates.net/region=the_pacific (very simple registration)
59 posts and 23 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 23:03 [Preview] No.36956 del
it wasnt a game i just wish you went back to pretending i was dead.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 02:21 [Preview] No.36960 del
(352.42 KB 815x543 Pamp City.png)

Jordan "Spooky Finger" Rivera 08/28/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.36974 del
Nobody arrests ghosts for grooming minors, think of me as a ghost.

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 08:58 [Preview] No.36975 del

Anonymous 08/28/2024 (Wed) 19:10 [Preview] No.37014 del
do you mean your brother

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Yonkers Amazing OC Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 06:36 [Preview] No. 31037 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 14:17 [Preview] No.36864 del
(176.82 KB 1564x2000 turd polish.png)
Jordan's current favourite refreshment

Anonymous 09/05/2024 (Thu) 09:23 [Preview] No.37224 del
Tranny with a PDD.
> >>36702
> no, it's not at all pretend. i'm actually animating for once lol
I could make sculptures out of my own shit, but if nobody wants them then it's not a job.
> i can even do computer generated animation. too bad you can't see it be4cause you dont believe in online things or any hope for indie media, even if it meant testing or making dozens of adult swim-type logos (like what Pipster almost always does).
For free.
That's a hobby, monkey.
> i do not work with "children". i do not even "punch holes in walls". if anything that wasnt even for a reason i should disclose to a simpleton like you.
But you do. Actions speak louder than words do.
> keep your concepts away from me, cunt. i say it's strange to compare me to an innocent kid's mind. i do not have a kid's mind, either way you're proven wrong
It would only be strange if you didn't have a PDD, but you have so it isn't.
> none of me is entertainment dude.
Why do all those people talk about you?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 09/09/2024 (Mon) 13:37 [Preview] No.37428 del
(23.33 KB 474x316 282136363.jpg)
This is all we see.

Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 08:20 [Preview] No.38779 del
(278.37 KB 2320x848 Woody progression.png)
Oh wow! Just look at how he has progressed as an artist over the years! What a masterful creative character maker!

anonymous 11/25/2024 (Mon) 01:24 [Preview] No.40250 del
(1.70 KB 328x198 1731456708108149.png)

I figure the Endchan crowd might want this

https://youtube.com/watch?v=cB9ncHXu_3s [Embed]
80 posts and 43 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 11:11 [Preview] No.36440 del
Yes, this is how it translates using the Mack Translation App.

Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 22:21 [Preview] No.36468 del
sounds? you can't hear posts you fucking demented madman. what is wrong with you?
well we dont have any retardation :)

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 02:53 [Preview] No.36473 del
We hear you, Toilet Nigger. Canon Lore says so. We We We We We.

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 02:58 [Preview] No.36476 del
Beautiful song selection, Poopsnarf 💩🎶

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 08:14 [Preview] No.36485 del
>sounds? you can't hear posts you fucking demented madman. what is wrong with you?
The nuances of conversation are lost on people with the mental age of a 5 year old. Colloquialisms are too complicated for PDD sufferers.

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Klim Posted These CooperthePuppy##VUeH3R 06/27/2024 (Thu) 12:28 [Preview] No. 33037 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have to post all these stolen images that Klim sent me, as proof of his depravity.

You know this is the real me, as my name is "CooperthePuppy##VUeH3R".
Any one else using my name is a fake and is not me.
316 posts and 315 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 11:13 [Preview] No.36441 del
Jordan seems to know EVERYTHING about paedophilia, huh?

Anonymous 08/20/2024 (Tue) 22:19 [Preview] No.36467 del
arent there bronies for mlp and like, adult fans of bluey? or even dora the explorer? shut the fuck up
just because they are fro an "intended audience" doesnt mean its the only limit. its not like im gonna get banned or hopped off to another island for watching a simple educational episode.
and no, i dont' have a mental age of a child, again. i dont see how LITERAL children ages think about sexual stuff but you gotta like, stop comparing my horny mind to that.
repeating it is STILL not going to prove you right, so don't even bother trying. it's just going to make you look more worse
It's KILLIN YOURSELF time, "BOYS".... as in your group of shut-in cretins; the basement dwellers within?

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 02:51 [Preview] No.36472 del
Thanks for sharing your unimportant and uninformed opinion, Toilet Nigger.

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 03:00 [Preview] No.36477 del
A classic response from an active practising paedophile.

Anonymous 08/21/2024 (Wed) 08:12 [Preview] No.36484 del
>arent there bronies for mlp
Manchildren who are mocked because they like a show for little girls? Yes there are.
>and like, adult fans of bluey? or even dora the explorer?
Literal retards exist, yes. You want to join them? I suppose that's better than trying to groom actual children.
>i dont see how LITERAL children ages think about sexual stuff
Do I need to post the same links a third time? You don't understand that just like you don't understand your own PDD.