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Endchan Leaked Anonymous 08/08/2019 (Thu) 17:30 [Preview] No. 10449 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm not sure if you want to move or disable /pol/, disable the site or do nothing, but some faggot just leaked you to VICE and endchan may come under media spotlight soon.
5 posts omitted.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 06:45 [Preview] No.10464 del
Better than "it's the Nazis" for no fucking reason.
Like when the jewess of VICE Elle Reeve B&E'd into Jim's house.
Jim ranted about "Nazis".
/pol/ here. We're trying to keep the calls to violence off our board to prevent the same situation that happened to 8chan from happening here.
Should anyone come to /operate/ to complain about their endless whining on not being able to call for violence:
They can eat shit and die.
We like it here. There's no reason to bring the Feds on our heads.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 06:58 [Preview] No.10465 del
i don't know. The BO is racist that is literally it. You can be a fucking racist.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 07:02 [Preview] No.10466 del
any media spotlight about /pol/ then you just lock the board for a week to celebrate diversity. I agree it has lost a lot of lustre with digging and is very hitler centric. Again nothing wrong with it the man is a hobbyist. Hitler is his thing and he takes it so seriously that he bans people every day. And has by the way during the stretches of time when /pol/ had 2 or 3 people. he is wrong about Q and i think there is something going on there to silence that even the /qresearch/ board is seemingly claimed by a /pol/lack they brag about it on the board.

Anonymous 08/09/2019 (Fri) 18:18 [Preview] No.10474 del
I don't think going around and making panic like this is a good idea.
End is even duckduckgo searchable, so what.
>Oooo media knows about muh secret hideout
Gimme a break.
Good to know such info, but inflate it into something that it isn't is useless and counterproductive.

Anonymous 08/11/2019 (Sun) 06:31 [Preview] No.10492 del

Dude? Dude. Certs R Us 03/21/2019 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No. 10309 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The owner of endchan.net has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Tor Browser has not connected to this website.

endchan.net uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on March 21, 2019, 9:07 PM. The current time is March 21, 2019, 9:16 PM.
3 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 09:18 [Preview] No.10775 del
lol, no.

You doing it wrong! Anonymous 11/26/2019 (Tue) 09:39 [Preview] No.10776 del
You doing it wrong — using Tor Browser with clearnet version of website.

With Tor Browser use these onion addresses instead:
TOR v3: enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
TOR v2:
Easy to remember: endchan5doxvprs5.onion
Trusted: s6424n4x4bsmqs27.onion

Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 21:14 [Preview] No.10788 del
Also, if the TOR client can handle v3, redirect v2 onions to v3 for even more security.
Preferably another trusted address.

TOR ONION 02/21/2020 (Fri) 10:23 [Preview] No.10972 del

Anonymous 02/21/2020 (Fri) 17:07 [Preview] No.10974 del
Soon getting soon.

I love how this website goes down several times every day.
"Communication between the frontend and lynxchan has failed".
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 05/10/2018 (Thu) 10:08 [Preview] No.9063 del
it's not chrome brainlet

Anonymous 05/10/2018 (Thu) 10:12 [Preview] No.9064 del
it happened again wtf
>use these are your own risk

Anonymous 05/10/2018 (Thu) 11:24 [Preview] No.9065 del
I hate it too and I'm sure a lot of users are turned away by it.
The worst part is that the error is cached in your browser and stays there until you clear your cache or perform a hard refresh which most users don't know how to. Odil should add a no-cache header to that error page.

Anonymous 05/10/2018 (Thu) 11:27 [Preview] No.9066 del
Also, sometimes this happens to a specific javascript or json file and while the website looks fine if you try it perform an action. For instance it happened to upload.js yesterday and I couldn't upload anything. I had to open the browser console, open upload.js, and do a hard refresh pn that file.

Anonymous 05/10/2018 (Thu) 11:42 [Preview] No.9067 del
>it is cached in your browser
hmm restarting seems to fix it, thanks

I have javascript disabled

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60 second post cooldown flood error Anonymous 07/31/2017 (Mon) 17:33 [Preview] No. 6873 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
plz remove
k thx
10 posts and 3 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/22/2017 (Tue) 20:28 [Preview] No.6955 del
I also like how your retarded css change fucked over /sp/ redtext

/* prevent long floods */

.divMessage {
max-height: 640px;
overflow-y: auto;
/* make the overflow happy */
display: inline-block;

odilitime Board volunteer 08/23/2017 (Wed) 23:11 [Preview] No.6998 del
How did affect redtext? Is it fixed now? Can you link me to a post where this is an issue?

Anonymous 08/23/2017 (Wed) 23:17 [Preview] No.7002 del
See the picture. The top is how it currently looks and the bottom is if the CSS is removed.

The flashing redtext bordering the parent element (divMessage) is cut off abruptly because the overflow is hidden.

Anonymous 08/28/2017 (Mon) 01:20 [Preview] No.7012 del
bumping this because redtext is really fucked now, and overlays on top of other text
been like this since yesterday, not sure what happened

Anonymous 12/23/2018 (Sun) 12:49 [Preview] No.10183 del
can you make the timer visible?

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Problem with spammer Anonymous 01/28/2020 (Tue) 23:52 [Preview] No. 10941 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
There's a guy on https://endchan.net/bubblegum/ who keeps making spambot posts like this everyday. Reporting the posts doesn't seem to do much.

Can any moderators help with removing this guy?
3 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 02/29/2020 (Sat) 14:47 [Preview] No.10992 del
You have incurred the wrath of a pedo autist

Anonymous 02/29/2020 (Sat) 17:26 [Preview] No.10994 del
Interesting. .net don't have cloudflare. Only .org is behind that.

Anonymous 03/07/2020 (Sat) 21:53 [Preview] No.11009 del
>Interesting. .net don't have cloudflare. Only .org is behind that.
Yeah I was going bring that up soon here. Any plans on changing that in the future?

Anonymous 03/07/2020 (Sat) 21:55 [Preview] No.11010 del
Also, the connection for Endchan currently shows up as "Not secure". You might want to look into that in order to keep the site secure

Anonymous 03/09/2020 (Mon) 06:37 [Preview] No.11013 del
Use https.
Or use HttpsEverywhere addon for browsers.

(410.81 KB 613x531 Burger_comp_2.png)
Tried to claim a board back in april and never got a response. What gives?
36 posts and 5 images omitted.

Anonymous 03/03/2020 (Tue) 17:27 [Preview] No.11000 del
Ok. Odili wrote today he processed bunch of board claims. Yours should been among them.
Check your email once more pls.

Anonymous 05/24/2020 (Sun) 22:53 [Preview] No.11176 del
check claims mail please

Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 01:13 [Preview] No.11180 del
When will claims be processed? still I'm waiting without response

Anonymous Global volunteer 05/27/2020 (Wed) 05:35 [Preview] No.11181 del

Anonymous 05/27/2020 (Wed) 09:35 [Preview] No.11183 del
thank you

odilitime Board owner 09/12/2019 (Thu) 04:36 [Preview] No. 10610 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just wanted to give a heads up, several imageboard owners have contacted each other in hopes of creating some type of loose support organization to help each other. Nothing is in stone but I have joined the discussion under the promise they can't control anything on Endchan (no rule changes, no enforcement), I don't want this to be like a cabal of the past.

I want to be open and transparent about this and I assume some of you will have some reservations, so want to loop you into the discussion if you have any early concerns. It's a bit hard to know what membership means but I'll let you know as it's being drafted.
6 posts omitted.

Anonymous 09/20/2019 (Fri) 10:13 [Preview] No.10648 del
watch the guntstream ACF discord leaks it's a fucking goldmine of retarded autism

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 08:56 [Preview] No.10651 del
missed the stream, was it just the mega videos?

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 12:10 [Preview] No.10652 del
yea that's all the stream was

Anonymous 09/21/2019 (Sat) 13:13 [Preview] No.10653 del
OP Let us make image boards great
for once
[walks fairly straight line]

Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 16:00 [Preview] No.10672 del
well done odillydude
i revised your wisdom score estimate up by a point
your technical proficiency score is still dismal tho

hello, how do I make a detailed report about a thread? The space available at the bottom is ridiculous. Can I contact an admin or mod about it?

Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 21:03 [Preview] No.11540 del
Write it in a txt document, then copypaste it.
That is an input element, supposedly the default length is 524288 characters, but I advise to keep it as short as possible.
Maybe you can post here your problem and we'll see what can we do about it.
Also if you need to give a longer explanation, you could post it on the board what you use, so the users could discuss if your point is valid, if the thread should be removed or not.
On global level, only global rules matter, what you can find on the home page of Endchan.

Anonymous 02/24/2021 (Wed) 01:09 [Preview] No.11541 del
the nature of the issue requires an impartial evaluation, I don't think it would meet that requirement if it were to be discussed among the user base. thanks for the info

Anonymous 02/24/2021 (Wed) 16:27 [Preview] No.11542 del
You could hop on IRC and write. Then wait patiently until we notice and reply.

Anonymous 03/09/2021 (Tue) 17:08 [Preview] No.11570 del
I reported the thread on IRC, I hope someone can take care of it soon

Anonymous Admin 03/12/2021 (Fri) 16:08 [Preview] No.11572 del
I'm sorry, I doubt anyone was present at that time from the staff.
If this is about doxing related, I can advise not to share any information with unknown people, what's given away it cannot be erased from the internet anymore. If it's already out there, nothing can be done, one has to be resigned and move forward with life, being careful in the future whom one trusts, and what information to share. Trolls are doing it for the attention, they should be ignored, so they don't get their pleasure, they'll get bored and they'll move on too. Yes, they'll poke for a while, but eventually they'll give up. They also use the already gathered information to coerce out more information, one shouldn't replay, it's saying "No!" by ignoring them.
If you turned to us it is very likely the Board Owner (BO) is also the part of the problem. On Endchan, the users create and manage their own boards.
If we - global staff - get a report we check if the post reported violates global rules. If not we leave up the content. Further than this no matter of the morality and no matter if we disagree with the content, if it is protected speech, it is extremely unlikely we'll violate the freedom of expression of the users.

2nd Birthday odilitime Board volunteer 12/20/2017 (Wed) 09:41 [Preview] No. 7996 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Today Endchan is 2 years old.

Sorry feeling a bit down atm but I wanted to say something to commemorate this event. This isn't quite what I'd normally write for an event like this but it'll do. I had actually considered using this landmark to officially quit but I just can't. I love this community too much to put them in someone else's hands. I've put too much work in and fought too many battles to call it quits now. But it's been really hard being the only active admin, doing all the sysadmin and coding. This really is a labor of love.

- We've had success with am, ggrevolt, tech, pol, librejp, news and sp
- We've had our domains taken away and we've gotten our main endchan.xyz back
- Several attacks and we're still standing
- We've implemented a lot of features

- We've made mistakes and hopefully we've proved that we've learned from them.
- Running a site like this is a never ending job that can feel thankless especially when dealing with haters
- Our HTML/CSS could use improvement. It says something that each of our major boards override the default CSS.

- We're planning to upgrade to LynxChan 1.9 in January

Special thanks to the few active globals we have.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

32 posts and 16 images omitted.

odilitime Board volunteer 01/07/2018 (Sun) 20:13 [Preview] No.8090 del

Anonymous 01/07/2018 (Sun) 20:16 [Preview] No.8092 del

Anonymous 12/31/2018 (Mon) 10:40 [Preview] No.10218 del
pls see int's custom.css

Anonymous 12/31/2018 (Mon) 10:47 [Preview] No.10219 del
happy anniversary btw

Anonymous 01/01/2019 (Tue) 04:54 [Preview] No.10223 del
in the meantime

// UserScript
// @name font
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match *://endchan.org/*
// @match *://endchan.net/*
// @match *://endchan.xyz/*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// /UserScript
GM_addStyle (".innerPost, .innerOP { font-size: 15px; } .divMessage { margin: 35px; margin-top: 25px; margin-bottom: 15px; font-size: 16px; }");

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bot problem Anonymous 06/11/2018 (Mon) 01:31 [Preview] No. 9207 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
There are several bots spamming the shit out of random boards (like /test/) again with dick pictures, among other pics. Should the board owner or main site administration enforce global CAPTCHA for a while? I would not mind as long as it keeps the bots away.
90 posts and 25 images omitted.

Anonymous 06/17/2018 (Sun) 13:48 [Preview] No.9320 del
>why would someone create a problem which justifies the solution they are demanding

Anonymous 06/17/2018 (Sun) 15:11 [Preview] No.9323 del
He uses exclamations because he's an excitable spaz.

Anonymous 06/17/2018 (Sun) 16:05 [Preview] No.9325 del
posting on endchan is literally all he has in life left.........

Anonymous 06/18/2018 (Mon) 01:22 [Preview] No.9331 del
The spammer is a dick and you are blaming someone who is against the bot attacks. But go ahead, keep blaming the victim. Friendly fire is pretty easy as we are all anonymous on here.

Nope! Because thats how I express my anger and grief in real life! I shout at people with a rasp voice these days. Don't like it? Too bad!!!

I'm old and I get bored at times. I still have a lot to live for, and am very happy with my current life. I wish I could say the same for everyone else here but unfortunately for some that may not be true.

Anonymous 06/18/2018 (Mon) 16:53 [Preview] No.9336 del
>Don't like it? Too bad!!!
I'm on your side though. I was saying you're clearly not "the spammer because of exclamations". That's fucking retarded. You're just an excitable spaz. Be glad you're old and excitable. You could be a vegetable.